The Mena Weekly Star from Mena, Arkansas (2024)

SHADY ITEMS. The protracted meeting will commence next Thursday conducted by Rev. S. A. Neighbors.

J. S. Lawrence, deputy sheriff, left here with Arch Wiley as a prisoner to place him in jail at Mena for stealing chickens from Mr. A. Higgins.

Capt. Haslett is getting better, but not able to be up yet. Will Lawrence returned yesterday from Hartley, where be as been for the past two week-. Ellis Barlow returned hone jasst Tuesday from Fancy Hil', where be has been for the la-t month. Frank Lawrence has his home nearly completed and expects to move into next week.

B. P. Harder is here from Texas this week visiting Lewis Nichols and family. School district 73 is expecting to begin their school Monday. W.

E. Tibbs visited the Indian Territory a few weeks ago and purchased a farm there. Bud lArnold accidentally dis- charged a shotgun in Cap Haz- store Monday morning, shooting through the floor. No one was hurt. George Pustol of Texas is visit- ing relatives and friends here this week.

Teddy. HATTON NEWS. i The genial showers of rain are making sustenance tor man and beast. Mr. Ranos, section foreman, together with his wife and baby, have been sick with malarial fever, contracted down in the swamps of Louisiana.

Charlie Etcherson, a young man who works on the track at this place, bad an abcess on his liver which caused great suffer- ing until it burst, and now he is much better. Hatton has a good Sunday school under the management of Rev. Dr. White of iMs place. i The literary school in charge of Prof.

is progressing finely and good advancement is i being made. The number of pupils in attendance is fifty-two. Log hauling is the order of the i day here and they think the law says, all wagons loaded with logs must get out of the way when they meet an empty wagon or buggy. Matt Towry in trying to obey the law in a mud hole ran over a stump and the wagon and loss went over and caught him in the mud hole, but he was not hurt much owing to the deep mud. A neighbor and his daughter rescued him.

CATCHY COVE CLIPPINGS. The ten meeting conducted by Rev. Messrs. Burk. Burt and Crowder, closed Sunday at 3 o'clock and Rev.

Mr. McDonald lectured to a large crowd Sunday night. Miss Tbressa Henderson of Hatfield visited friends in Cove Sunday. TiffA Itau gaM aii! nivrl moved to a soma, I. T.

Miss May Cooper of Hope is visiting her friend, Miss Macy Norris for a short time. Harvey Wright of Garvin, I. stopped off for a few days on his way back iron St. Louis visit home-folk. Mrs.

L). C. Goff has returned from Giliham, where she has been visiting relatives and friends. Miss Laura Ingles of Kansas City is visiting her brother, Jim Ingels. B.

M. Babco*ck of Mena was in town Monday. Henry Allen, who has been very low for some time, left Monday for Colorado tor bis health. Blanche. ACORN STEMS.

Mr. Fair is able to take up his school work again. Burt Pope moved to Ballard, I. T. last week.

Mr. co*ker moved to Mena last week. G. W. Petty and family ot Mena and Hardie Jones and family were guests of J.

M. Owens and family Sunday. Miss Kva Gojdard of Mena spent Sunday with her parents. Green Fair of Granniss is ing his son, Ernest Fair, week. George McClain who has a position as section foreman at Spiro, spent Saturday and Sun dsy with his mother, Mrs.

Pettigrew. Mrs. C. Puttman of Mena is! visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. L. Carmack. Mr. and Benson of Scrumshire Hill, are visiting i with the parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Starbuck. Wesley Inman is on the sick list this week. T. D.

Reed is having a lot of 1 work done on the roads. Busy Bee. i ITEMS FROM OLIVERS CHAPEL Mr. and Mrs. Cleva Andrewf were visiting among friends Saturday and Sunday.

James and hn Joplin visited at Mena Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Abner, Mr. and Mrs.

Guy Lane were the guests of Mr. Tubbslast Sunday, Newt Joplin has moved near 1 Board Camp. Mrs. White visited her sister, Mrs. Joplin, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Imoe spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs.

Riley. Sam Imoe attended Sunday school at Shady Grove last Sun- lay. 1 S. M. Imoe made a business to Mena last Friday.

Mr. Ellis of Mena aticnJed Sunday school at the chapel Sun- lay. There will be singing at the next Sunday. Everyone 1 nvited. Mamma's Daughter.

SOriE DOTS FROn INK. The big rain and wind storm Friday night did considerable lamage to the corn crop. 3 Gus Denton and family of Ymity are here visiting Mrs. brother, Oscar Rolings Mrs. Key left Saturday for a dsit with relatives at her old tome in Mississippi.

a Elder B. H. Webb and two ittle children left Wednesday for heir home in Texas. Levi Brown came in yesterday spend a few days with homeolk. Mr.

and Mrs. I. E. Self were dsiting at the home of G. Iarris Saturday night and Sunlay.

Mrs. Frank and Luther Wood were guests at the home of J. E. i Chambers Sunday. Miss Maude King visited at he home of G.

L. Harris Sunday Betsy. POTTER NOTES. i The nice rains are making the look well. Oscar Keener is home again to spend a few weeks with his pa- rents.

Wood Goodwin of Bethesda jpent a few hours with his daughters Monday night. Amos Goodwin is having a new building put up on the poor farm W. P. McIntosh is having a i shingle mill put up near spring. Bro.

Crowder will hold his juarterly meeting at this place next Saturday and Sunday. G. T. Yandell and family visited Mr. and Mrs.

Bassett, near Rocky Saturday night and Sunday. The young people had a very lice little singing at Mr. Piggs Sunday afternoon. Aunt Polly. SOY CAUSED WRECK.

dpened a Switch While Train Was Para- 1 ing "To See What it Would Hot Springs, August accident to a Rock Island train 1 while leaving Hot Springs one flight last week has teen cleared A lad has been found who idmitted that he turned a switch order tosee what would result. rhe trucks under the forward end )f a Pullman sleeper took one pair of tracks while the trucks under the rear end of the same took the other pair. Thus a was made aud but for the fact that the speed of the train was yet slow considerable! damage would have resulted. As it was two hours was lost in the time between Hot Springs and Little Rock. Just how the switch came tobej in a position that it could be 1 turned by a boy, without the regular key, has not yet been determined.

SENATOR JAMES P. CLARKE 1 ft ill Speak at Mena on Afternoon of Friday, Fraternal Day. Mayor Mark P. Olney received a message from U. S.

Senator lames P. Clarke today announcing that he would be here on Friday, the second day of the fair, and speak during the afternoon. is the best best 1 place to buy shoes in town. dit-wlti' MONDAY. Mr.

and Mrs. Warren Town lend spent Sunday with relatives )Ut at Ink. J. Littlejohn returned home Saturday afternoon from a less trip to Russellville, Mrs. M.

A. Thornton returned ionic Saturday afternoon from a dsit with relatives at Hartshorn, T. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jones of silver Center spent last night and oday in the city, the guests of dr.

and Mrs. Alley Duncan. W. P. Alford returned home esterday from an extended visit vith relatives in Oklahoma.

M. L. Wimberley spent the day in the east part of the county ooking after business matters. II. P.

Graybill arrived this fternoon from a two months 'usiness trip to De.s Moines, Io. and Mrs. Oscar Cooper reurned home yesterday from a isit with relatives in Sevier ounty. James Mitchell and wife of Velutka, passed through lena Saturday afternoon on their ray for a visit with relatives out Ink. Mrs.

Abbie Gammon after a leasant visit with relatives at his place, returned yesterday fternoon to her home at Fort Imith. Mrs. M. F. Chator and Miss McNeely came up from Saturdsy afternoon for visit with their sister, Mrs.

llyde Head. Miss Pearl Mitchell, the at Ink, was in today ccompanied by her father, ng on friends. Miss Mitchell 'ave the Star a pleasant call. T. J.

Clayton and W. H. Tobin rrived on No. 3 from a business rip to Kansas City in the nterests of the railway hospital Mena. James W.

Edwards has built a lice fence around his property Port Arthur avenue and made ither improvements beautifying he premises. M. D. Winton and L. W.

Welch Irove out to Mountain Fork yeserday, where they spent the day vith J. K. Holder, who has been bad health for some lime. Phey report Mr. ion as being little improved.

Sam Ridling drove out to igger yesterday returning home a the afternoon accompanied by lis family who have been visitag relatives at that place for everal davs. Presiding Elder Moore of the district arrived in the ity Saturday afternoon and yoserday at 11 delivered an ble sermon at the M. E. church, ioutb. Tonight he will preside a session of the quarterly conerence at the church.

K. D. Sale drove out to Ranom yesterday where he attended he protracted meeting being conucted at that place by Dr. R. D.

Dodd. He reports great inerest and much good being acomplished, there being more han thirteen conversions during he past week. M. Hays of Black Springs ras in the city on business Mrs. J.

B. Barron of Texas is isitiug her daughter, Mrs. J. M. kdgood.

Mrs. P. A. Skeen ot Texarana is visiting in the city the uest of her sister, Mrs. H.

D. tavenscraft. Miss Verna Williamson of De is visiting at the home of )r R. D. C.

Dodd out at Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. E. M.

Bridewell Hope came in yesterday for a isit with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. rwyman.

S. M. Latimer, a former citien of Mena, but who foi several ears has been living at Tulsa, I. came yesterday with his family and will again make this city his home. Mrs.

G. H. of Hatfield came up yesterday afttrnoon for a few days visit with friends at this place. W. T.

Beavers of Potter, who several weeks ago purchased the G. W. Pultz residence, lias moved to Mena witli his family. L. W.

Hicks, a former resident of Mena, but who now lives at Elk City, came in yesterday for a few clays visit with friends at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Benson F3ates and Mrs. C.

Bates of Big Fork spent last night in the cicy guests of G. F. Crawford and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Oilie Watkins arrived yesterday afternoon from Monroe, for a visit with Mrs. Watkins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alky Duncan. Mr.

and Mrs. Verne Powell and their two children, who have been visiting Mr. brother and sister, George F. and Mrs. Fred McKee, returned last night to their home at Fort Scott, Kas.

J. H. Gann accompanied by his two little boys came in yesterday for a visit Mr. father, M. A.

Gann, who lives a few miles south of town. They will remain until after the celebration. Miss Oma Horner returned yesterday from a visit with relatives at Quinton, I. T. She was ac- I companied home by her cousin, Miss Frances Stockston, who will visit in the city several weeks.

Nearly every merchant in Mena has signed an agreement to close their places of business from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. on Friday, the second day of the fair.

iss Lula Clark has returned home from a visit with relatives and friends at Leavenworth, Fayetteville and Fort Smith. WEDNESDY A. F. Hoooperof Big Fork was in the city on business today. Mrs.

F. W. Tomlinson left yesterday for a visit with relatives at De Moines, Io. A. G.

Harrison of Wiimar this state, is here on a visit with his friend, F. W. Tomlinson. Mrs. J.

P. Davis and children left this afternoon for a visit with relatives at Fort Smith. Wesley Williams of Gillham is here on a visit with friends and to attend the fair and celebration. Miss Ella Thompson returned home yesterday afternoon from a visit with relatives at Clarksville. Miss Stella Thornton returned home yesterday afternoon from a visit with her sister, Mrs.

R. Lane, at Fort Smith. Mrs Minnie Hendricks of Talihina, I. arrived yesterday afternoon fot a visit with the family of her father-in-law, J. H.

Hendricks. R. L. Reed, a prominent young business man of Camden arrived yesterday afternoon for a few day visit with the family of his uncle, J. L.

Lyon. C. Evans left last night for Dardanelle where he has been called on business for a few days. Egbert McMillan and family came in from Black Springs this afternoon to visit friends ami attend the celebration. Mrs.

Josie Carden was in town today showing a nice little Arkansas pearl as found by her daughter recently. Tom Anderson who holds a good position at Atlanta, arrived Monday for a few days visit with his family at this place. Be on hand at store Friday at 4 p. tn. All of our straw hats ranging in price from 50 cents to $2.50 each will go up in the air.

Be on hand and get one of them. d2t-wlt J. H. Anderson was in from his home northeast of town yes-1 terday and reported some good work having been done this year on the new Mena and Acorn road which run9 by his place. Jack Simpson and family of Oden arrived in the city yesterday afternoon to attend the fair and celebration, Mrs.

J. F. Tibbetts of Oak Lodge, I. came in this after-1 noon for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs.

J. T. Donaldson. Henry Alley of Hot Springs came in yesterday afternoon fir a tew days visit with his brothers J. I.

and E. W. Alley. C. H.

Dixon and wife and sister, Miss Minnie Dixon, came in on No. 3 today for a visit with Dr. P. K. Watkins and family.

Mrs. Borson and Mrs. Henderton of Pittsburg, are in the city for A few weeks visit, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.

F. Zim. Misses Babara Davis and Mary Campbell of Fayetteville arrived in No. 3 this afternoon for a visit with Miss Lula Clark. Mrs.

John Milam of Janssen came in this morning from a visit with relatives at Black Springs. She will visit at tVis place several days before returning home. best dry goods at Win store cheap for cash. d2-wl R. S.

Duffield of Mason City, i arrived in the city last night and will make his home here, accepting a position in the office of the Mena Ice and Coal Company. Mr. Duffield with his father own i fruit farm cast of Mena and eventually the entire family will make their home here. A BIG DAY FRIDAY. Parade and Senator Clarke in Forenoon Governor Davis and Vaudeville in the Afternoon.

The chief attractions for Friday, the second or Fraternal Day, viII be the big parade of all fra ernal and labor orders which will -tart promptly at 10a. m. When the parade reaches the grounds, a brief concert will be given ai the speakers stand, and Senator Clarke will deliver an address. In the afternoon at 1:30 Governor Jeff Davis will deliver his ad-j dress. At 4 p.

m. the DePew- Uurdette Stock Company will i givea singing, dancing, and a one act comedy entitled, the River speakers; stand. The comvany will give a free entertainment Thursday after noon at 4 at the same place. GRADING OUTFIT HERE. Fort Smith and Gurdon Contractor Enroute to Pittsburg.

A crew of about fifty men, thirty-five teams and a number of wagons and scrapers belonging to the Dolhoff Construction Company arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from near Black Springs, where they have just completed a job of grading on the Fort Smith Gurdon railload which is building through Montgomery county. Having completed t'-is work on this new road, Mr. jewelling, under whose supervision the work was done, was oidered to take his men and outfit to Pitts burg, where the company has a contract to do some work for the Kansas City Southern in the yards at that place. The outfit was loaded on the cars today and will probably leave for Pittsburg tonight. lift.

Teheran, Persia, Aug. i shah's rescript to the grand vizles as Anally amended August 10, ordtii i the formation of a national consultative assembly composed of representa. tlves of all classes, from the princes downward. The assembly will ad visa the shah on important state and public affairs and will propose reform? conducive to the welfare of the people. Justice will be administered in accordance with the sacred law.

The grand vlzer is to draw up the rules of procedure for the assembly itself. Wind Storm nt I. T. Tulsa, I. Aug.

terrific wlud accompanied by a severe elec- trical storm passed over this city i Friday afternoon. Unconfirmed re-1 porta say a number of towns north- east suffered much damage. M. D. Winton's store your during the fair Plenty of seats for the1 ladies and babies and a barrel! full of that mountain drip watet with plenty of good old ice in it d2t-wlt OKLAHOMA'S RIGHTS.

I New State Mint Walt to Select tteeCrce 1 Until After the Auction. Washington, Aug. of the general land office who have been looking into the question whether Oklahoma, under the statehood ict, had the right to select lands froth the reserve that is to be opened soon, have arrived at the conclusion that the act relating to the Kiowa reservation must be followed strictly iri disposing of those lands. The terri- torial secretary, who is authorized the statehood act to select the new i lands, in their opinion, eftuld not exercise the right of eminent domain, for the reason that the lands of a territory are under federal control, and, though the territory might be able, under existing laws, to take possession of land for bridge or read or railroad purposes, it still could not appropriate lands from the reservation which is to be opened unless some of the lands should remain tiusold, when It might exercise such power. It has beea decided that the reservation lands will be disposed of according to the act of June 5, providing for the opening, and without reference to the statehood act of later date.

AFTER THIRTY-ONE YEARS. Prof. Frye, of Chtrnro, After Prolonyml anil Down at Home. Chicago, Aug. an unexplained absence of 31 years, Prof.

Charles H. Frye, former superintendent of the Chicago Normal school, has returned home. One of his first acts upon arrival at his home was to hand a roll of crisp $100 bills, totaling $5,000, to his wife with the remark: me no Frye was 31 years old when he disappeared. Since that day word had beer, received from him by his wife. He was recognized immediately in spite of his years and altered appearance.

He Is said to have made money in the Philippine Islands, where he resided for several years. His wish that no questions be asked regarding his wanderings has been respected and he lias settled down at home as though nothing had happened- happened- penedMINOR NEWS ITEMS. The International Sunday School executive committee has selected Louisville, as the meeting place for lftot Failures last week numbered 174 in the United States against 222 last year, and 30 in Canada compared with 19 a year ago. Thf republican editors of the Third congressional district will meet in Tulsa next Monday for the purpose of organization. It is expected that Doctor Goto, of Tokio, Japan, will be prevailed upon to accept the presidency of the Manchurian railroad.

Charles Dobbs, a Louisville newspaperman, has been nominated for congress by the socialists of the Fifth Kentucky district. An ethlopian preacher at Durbati, Natal has lieen sentenced to six months Imprisonment and to receive 25 lashes for alleged sedition. A well-dressed girl about 18 years old was killed by the premature explosion of a bomb near the residence of Gen in Odessa, Russia, recently. Under the pressure from St. Petersburg the Finnish authorities have liberated the gendarme who was Implicated in the murder M.

Hertzenstein at Tertoki on July 31. The Claus Spreckels mansion on Van Ness avenue, San Francisco, is i to be restored at an expenditure of According to the of the contract it will be ready for oc- cupaney within a year. Vllcail umil WI tm. congressional committee, has seut out many thousand circulars calling for $1 subscriptions from democrats throughout the country, the money to be used for the campaign this fall. Wtt has been received in Peoria, 111., of Ihe death of Thomas H- Gaunt, president of the Corn Products company, commonly known as the Glucose Trust.

Mr. Grant died on the ocean on his way home from Europe. George Hall, one of the lynchers of the negroes at Salisbury, N. recer Jy, has been convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for 15 years. This Is the first Instance on record of the conviction of a lyncher In North Carolina.

Their Twenty-Fifth Keunton, Baxter Springs, Aug. big reunion at Baxter Springs, will take place this year August 27 to September 1, This will be the 25th annual meeting held In Camp Logan by the Union soldiers of Southeast Kansas, Southwest Missouri and Indian terltory. These meetings are the largest held In Ihe tbo average dally atieuduuce being 30,000 to Mpslcan Strike KihIn. El Paso, Aug. 14.

All strik-! ers on the Mexican Central railroad returned to work Monday. Mexican Consul Mallen says there Is absolutely no danger from an uprising Pj i Mexico as his government is prepare! to protect all foreigners and nativet alike Huy Drowned When Hrlp Was Near. Bosworth. Aug. Hramraer, aged 23, was drowned It: i Grand river Sunday afternoon when aid was within four feet of him.

Hi was setaed with cramps and sank be- i for his companions could reach him (ilrl'h Attempt lit ftulmto NtteecMlul. Spring-field, Aug. Williams, who threw herself lu front of a moving train In Crane, Sat-' urday night lu an attempt to coin' mil suicide, died early Sunday morn tng of her injuries. Sunday night three policemen wert I murdered In St. Petersburg, one Moscow and three in Kazan.

PROGRAM For Polk County Sunday School Association to Be Held at Presbyterian Church, Mena, September 4 and 5,1906. TUESDAY 10 a. m. Devotional exercise. 10:30 The Qualifications of a Teacher, W.

Fred Long and Dr. R. D. C. Dodd.

11 Primary work.Mrs. Irene Simpson, Miss Annie Barlow. General discussion. Afternoon Session. 2 p.

m. Devotional ex -rcis is J. B. Williams. 2:10 Sunday School T.

H. Crowder and Rev. J. A. Henderson.

2:50 The Boy Problem. McNemer and Dr. J. R. Connally.

1:30 Sunday School Music M. Pipkin Mrs. Mason. General discussion. Night Sesion.

3 p. m. Devotional exercise. J. R.

ConnaUy. 3:15 Co-operation of Parents. W. Fred Long and Rev. M.

K. Irwin. WEDNESDAY .1:30 a. m. Devotional exercises.

Rev. T. H. Crowder. 1:40 The Qualifications of a Superintendent.Rev.

McNemer and Rev. J. B. Williams. 10:15 Enlarging the School.

Fred W. Long, J. G. Fair. 11 The Lesson Half Hour.

M. K. Irwin, Rev. Shipley. General discussion.

Afternoon Session. 2 p. m. Devotional exercises. R.

D. C. Dodd. tf.xt_ General Discussion. i The Child We Teach.

W. Fred Long 3:30 How Can We Best Lead Our Pupils to Accept May L. England, Miss Mable Adams. 1 Reports from various Sunday Schools 1:15 Election of officers. Night Session.

8 p. m. Devotional exercises. J. L.

Green. 8:15 Progress of Sunday School Work in Arkansas.Rev. W. Fred Long. R.

D. C. Dodd J. C. McKee H.

H. Griffiths J. H. Naler W. E.

Holt Executive Committee. A BOODLE CASE ON. Senator F. 0. Butt Having His Second Trial af Perryville.

Perryville, August met this morning at 10 A reading of the docket by the clerk, the case of the State vs. F. O. Butt was called. The State announced that Senator John Holland, T.

W. Hardy and J- A. Hinkle, witnesses, were absent, but that they woulI be here on tirday's train. By agreement of the counsel the selection of the jury was began with the understanding that if the witnesses did not come, the announcements as to whether parties were ready would be ide later. The clerk then begun the call of the regular panel of the jury, and of the twenty-four fair were taken.

During the alter noon four more were secured and at night three more selected. making eleven in a)1, when court adjourned. During the eximma'ion of the tiors on the spcc'al venire Senators Holland and Hardin appeared in court and the attachments issued for them were recalled. Senator F. O.

Butt, whose home is in Carroll county, is charged by indictment of tli Pulaski county grand jury of having given Senator K. R. Adams of Grant county as a bribe to influence his vote oil the state capitol bill, pending in the last General Assembly. Pleased With Mena Climate. J.

J. Smith of Olivier, has been here several days erjtying Mena mountain lire tee-, started for his home this afternoon. Mr. Smith is well pleased with our climate and says it is his intention to return. He stated that at his present home they are only twenty feet above sea level.

For Sale. A good farm, containing 45 aces, about four miles east Mena, near Ransom. 23 acres cleared and in cultivation, under good fence, balance in good timber. P. Miller, at office of Pole McPhe'ridge or residence.

104-dawtf Impiovi 1 ir Stock We have a veiy excellent bu'l Four years ld. d- ed, and easy lo handle, (hat will sell at a ha r'g a ill A. W. St. John Sous.

138-1-w-t Wife Wanted. Mr. Figle, aged 28 years, wants a nice woman for wife. Han give good references. Address Fogle, Mem, Ark.

159 w2t.

The Mena Weekly Star from Mena, Arkansas (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.