Symphony of Light Spear of the Maiden - Al1a5, Kikimon - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Thrusting into a new life


To better explain the Warning, there will be no underage sex scenes. This is just a descriptive thing for later on and nothing more as there might be a scene or two but those will be the adults and not the kids; not until said kids are teenagers.

Chapter Text

Stuck in a plain Jane-style neighborhood in Great Britain, one little girl by the name of Harriet Potter could only wonder if there was some sort of deity that was using her existence for its amusem*nt. She looks about four years old, but she is 6; she is in her current state due to the malnutrition caused by the relatives she is forced to stay with. For her entire existence, it seems like she, alone, is the embodiment of everything they hate. This is reinforced by calling her a freak, making her do all the chores in the house, and being used as the scapegoat whenever something goes wrong in the household. What broke her already fragile heart was overhearing that her parents were not only alive but had chosen to abandon her to her current fate.

Working in the garden during a blistering summer sun, with no sunblock on her body, Harriet overheard her aunt and uncle talking.

"Bloody hell, why are we still taking care of the freak bitch?" Vermon grumbled. "Her freaky parents don't want the brat, yet they shove her onto us normal folks."

Hearing this, Harriet silently started to cry; she knew if they heard a peep from her there would be even more punishment for her.

"It's only thanks to the money that whor* and the drunk are giving us that she's still alive." Petunia sneered.

Feeling her heart break even more, the child quickly finished her chores before being told to scram for the rest of the day. Wandering the town, her feet brought her to a church; one of the places that took care of her. Kneeling at one of the alters, she started to pray, though as she did so Harriet never saw a blonde-haired woman frowning in sadness.

"Dear Lord, why did mommy and daddy abandon me?" Harriet quietly cried.

Since the church was quiet, the priests and nuns heard her and felt their hearts go out to the child. They knew she had magic; however, the red tape and the jurisdictions made it so that it was out of their hands. However, that didn’t stop them from helping: tasks that had her outside of the Dursleys' reach were most successful. Sometimes though; such tasks weren’t always an option, especially when Harriet had to leave town with the Dursleys.

Since the discovery of her abandonment, Harriet felt dead to the world, as if the soul is gone and the body is just going through the motions and not caring about the alarming amount of injuries she acquires from her punishments.

Even at school, she's only a ghost that scares the other children, but the adults believed in the rumors the Dursleys spread about her being a no-good troublemaker; thankfully, some don't believe that rubbish.

On the more mystical side of things, it seems that at the core of her magic is struggling to fight against the shard of the soul who attacked her family resulting in her abandonment. Magic that could barely keep the soul shard at bay and next to no chance of actually defeating it permanently without something aiding it. It would only be years later that it would finally be destroyed.

A year later, there would be some unexpected luck for the enslaved child as the Dursleys would be forced to take her to France for some business. This would work well for them as they planned on leaving the child and continuing to steal the money.

Watching the Dursleys driving off into the distance after shoving her out the door as it was still moving. Harriet held her sprained arm to a random town near the beach, and upon reaching the sands there was an explosion, and seeing where it was the weird monster-looking creatures were rampaging. Having caught glimpses of the various newscasts on TV, it wasn’t difficult for Harriet to realize what the creatures were. Noise. Unknown beings were immune to conventional weapons that turned anything they touched into either dust or simply not leaving anything at all behind. She had only one option. Run and pray that the Noise didn’t catch her. Making a misstep and falling into a cave system, Harriet never saw a flash of blue and silver jumping from a helicopter.

Making her way through the dark system of tunnels normal children would cry and wail but for this child in particular she was used to the dark never understanding why people thought it was evil. Soon finding an aspect of light in the distance, Harriet kept walking towards it soon finding a cavern littered with armor, weapons, and bones. Making sure not to crush any of the bones, the child soon found a spear/Lance hybrid-type weapon that seemed to reach out to her.

"Take it." a voice whispered as if she, by the sound of it, was standing right next to her.

Slowly reaching out for the weapon, Harriet felt the earth shake, causing her to drop the weapon. Unfortunately, as it was tumbling about, the spearhead stabbed her in the heart, not deep enough to kill her thankfully. However, the result of this accidental stabbing was an explosion of magic that coated the girl in a bright light.

Underneath the bright light, the spear seemed to extend, twist, and unfold in places where it shouldn’t have been able to. The spear's tip seemed to grow several times larger than before until it reached a size where it was as big as Harriet herself. The tip then appeared to shatter into several pieces of metal that wrapped itself around Harriet in various pieces and transformed into pieces of actual armor. Once the armor pieces were in place, some kind of white goop started to leak out from underneath the metal pieces and connect the pieces before changing from a semi-liquid material to a material that clung onto Harriet’s body tightly while still fully allowing her to move around freely; forming an outfit straight out of an anime. Other noticeable changes are the blonde tints in her hair and the fact that while her left eye stayed emerald, the right eye was now purplish-blue. Groaning awake, Harriet looked at herself. "W-What happened to me?!" She said a bit louder than she was used to. Stumbling a bit in the shoes she had on, the child looked to the right and saw that the earthquake caused it to cave in; which revealed the beach. Stumbling out of the cave entrance, Harriet could see two young women combatting the Noise. In such an intense situation for a child like her, she wanted to curl into a ball however seeing one of the creatures about to attack the blue-haired woman from behind. Something inside her screamed to take action, so with the spear in hand the little girl waved it forward. Gasping in shock when a flag unraveled from near the top curling up like a snake launching forward, blocking the attack.

Not expecting this to appear in front of their eyes, the blue-haired woman activated the blades in her heels while the sword in her colleagues broke apart, turning into a whip. Both ladies then made quick work of the remaining Noise.

Seeing them rush towards her direction, Harriet frantically waved the spear in front of her, “D-Don’t come a-any closer.” she said.

“It’s ok. Little one the Noise is gone.” the pink one said, grabbing the spear so that it wouldn’t get in the way.

"Where's your family, little one?" the other lady asked.

“Who cares!? My parents abandoned me, and not only that! My aunt and uncle just left me here!” Asking about the girl’s family was the wrong thing to ask as the girl in question seemed to put all her year's worth of pent-up emotions into her sentences. "They're worthless pieces of sh*t who paid my aunt and uncle money to turn me into their f*cking slave, making me do all the chores while punishing me if I make one tiny f*cking mistake." she ranted as the armor vanished, replacing it with her civilian clothes. While the two older women were shocked at the profanities that left the child's lips, something that lasted a minute or two, tears started to swell. "The only thing I want to ask them before shoving that spear up their asses is why did they abandon me? Am I not good enough to be called their daughter?" She asked before she finally fainted from exhaustion and pain.

Catching the child before she hit the ground, the pink-haired woman turned to her comrade. "We are taking her and that's final."

Her friend nodded, not needing to say anything before calling a chopper to pick them up. While the pilots did raise a respective eyebrow at the sight of the girl in the pink-haired woman’s arms and the flagged spear in the blue-haired one’s hands, they knew they didn’t have either the authority or courage to question the woman’s decision.

“Tsubasa reporting. Mission accomplished, all Alca-Noise entities have been exterminated.”

“Mission Control copies. Did you or Maria discover where the Aufwachen Waveform came from?”

"Yes, however, we were beaten to it by a child who resonated with it on the level of Hibiki and the Durandal. We are returning to base along with our guest," she reported. Taking a seat next to her friend, though a small part of her wants it to be more.

Rummaging a hand through the child's hair, the pink-haired woman knew what it was like to be an orphan but never did she realized what it was like for her own family to abandon her, "Bonds of blood are pathetic." she said, "If her parents abandoned her then what use is there for the phrase ‘blood is thicker than water’?"

"Hey now, no need to talk like that." Tsubasa gently chides, "Not all families are like that. Hibiki's and Miku's families aren't like that." When S.O.N.G finally got around to informing the parents they were upset but were persuaded not to sue due to their daughters defending them.

Seeing as it would take a total of thirteen hours for a straight flight, the two women went to sleep with the child in their laps.

"So when do you think they'll finally confess?" one of the pilots asked, making small talk. Some of the members of their organization had an open bet on when those two would be a couple. Oh, they knew the backlash it might cause for the two singers to get married, although, some of those laws are slowly being abolished, as the times change.

“Yukine’s bet on a few months after their upcoming anniversary concert in a couple of weeks seems like a pretty safe bet. Not sure why she thinks that one of them will ask the question on live television during the concert in between songs and made an additional bet on that detail, though.”

“If she’s right about that detail, it’d mean that she wins the whole pot.”

“True. Let us then hope that she is wrong.” That prompted the two pilots to chuckle amongst themselves. Their passengers could hear their laughter but said passengers hadn’t heard their conversation. The adult passengers might have been able to pretend they hadn’t heard the pilots talking or simply ignore it, but the same couldn’t be said about the youngest passenger in the helicopter, who had managed to hear the pilots talking due to them not disconnecting the headset on the girl’s head, which caused her to start waking up and as a consequence waking up the other two passengers.

“Hello there, little one. Had a good rest?” Asked the pink-haired woman as the girl who had been sleeping in her lap sat up.

“Actually, yes. Thanks for asking, but where am I and who are you people?” Asked Harriet in return while curiously tilting her head to the side, unexpectedly making her neck release a surprisingly loud pop, causing the blue-haired woman to fully wake up, clearly not expecting to sound.

“My name is Maria. This is my colleague, Tsubasa.” Replied the pink-haired woman, now known as Maria, while placing a hand on the aforementioned colleague, now known as Tsubasa’s shoulder. While she didn’t say anything about it, Tsubasa seemed a little disappointed that Maria just called her a colleague and not something more… significant.

“As for where we are, probably somewhere over Eastern Europe or Western Asia heading towards Japan.” While Tsubasa’s revelation regarding where they were and where the helicopter was heading surprised Harriet, the girl didn’t seem to be particularly concerned.

“Not that I’m complaining, but why Japan?”

“Our headquarters are there and our mission was to retrieve the Relic you awakened.”

Chapter 2: Song of new beginning

Chapter Text

Still in the helicopter, Harriet couldn’t help but voice her thoughts, “So is this some alien conspiracy? Considering the Noise and all of this.” she said, pointing to the unresponsive spear.

Seeing the women looking at one another, Tsubasa answered, "I believe it would be better if we waited before explaining everything." Maria, who resumed running her hand through Harriet's hair, asked, "What do you mean by your parents abandoning you?"

"What's not to understand." Harriet sneered. However, this would have made a potion master proud due to how similar it looked to his. "I wasn't good enough to be their daughter, so they paid my aunt and uncle to teach me how to be a slave only for their brats, my so-called sibling."

Both the women and pilots frowned upon hearing this and although this is from the child’s perspective they couldn’t help but feel sorry for the child.

“But how did you end up in France?” Maria asked gently, being an orphan herself she knew what it was like to be abandoned.

“Business trip.” was the child’s answer, “Normally they would leave me with some weird cat lady who lived down the street but I never really liked her. It was like she was keeping tabs on me.” Harriet explained, getting up from Maria’s lap. “I’m guessing that she’s involved somehow, but how far, I can’t tell.” she finished.

"Well to pass the time, do you want to listen to some of our songs?" Tsubasa, who wanted to change the subject, implored holding up her phone and an iPod.

"So Singers by day and crime fighters by night?" Harriet summoned up taking the item.

Closing her eyes Harriet slowly swayed left to right eventually leaning onto Maria's shoulder and going back to sleep. She was shortly joined by the two young ladies, their hands interlaced and in the child's lap.

Unknown to the three both pilots took a quick photo to send to the company group chat, with the majority of the responses to said photo consisted of people practically gushing over how the adults in the picture made a cute couple. While most of the responses were focused on the adults, a single question about the girl sitting in between Maria and Tsubasa from a member of the group chat going by the username of Sun5h1n3InTh3M1Rr0r , who pretty much everyone knew was one of the two women’s colleagues. More specifically Miku Kohinata.

Being told what they already know caused the chat to explode for a different reason. Prepping the med room for injuries, which was likely from what they could tell, the pilots punched it on the speed. Despite the increase in speed, which none of the passengers noticed, it still took a few hours for the helicopter to reach its destination.

At the same time at S.O.N.G-headquarters, the organization’s designated doctor/relic-scientist as of the Yggdrasil-crysis, Elfnein Malus Dienhelm, was practically working double time in order to not only prepare the necessary medical supplies for her soon-to-arrive patient but also identify just what Relic the patient had awakened by searching through S.O.N.G’s vast database on Relics.

To find out that the spear Joan of Arc used was found was quite a surprise but to find out that the child made a pure synchronization to the relic in such a raw form they knew there was more to the story from what they already know.

Finally reaching the S.O.N.G HQ the child soon found herself in the medical room with the spear on the table next to her.

Having the only two men leave so that the child wouldn't be nervous around them. The ladies were spitting flames seeing her body littered in scars. "That f*cker I call my uncle wouldn't dare stick his dick in my c*nt as he doesn't want to touch the freak in a way that isn't punishing me." If they were outside you could have seen multiple rainbows in the spews of water that escaped the mouths of the women upon hearing such words from a little girl.

When one of them asked about her name once more they were surprised. "My name is Freak, Daughter of a whor*, slu*t in Training but at school I'm called Harriet." she answered. "Yeah I don't know what those pilots told you but to make a long story short parents paid my relatives to train me in being a slave." she explained for a third time.

"Then how do you know those words?" a blonde hair woman asked.

"Which words? Oh, do you mean c*nt, whor*, slu*t, and bitch? My relatives, of course, don't see me as a human and think it's appropriate to call me such names." Harriet said nonchalantly like she was talking about the weather.

“If or when I get my hands on that… scum, they’re going to wish they were dead.” Tsubasa couldn’t resist muttering ominously, her expression of shock quickly vanishing from her face.

“Get in line, Tsubasa. You’re not the only one who feels that way.” The fact that both Maria and Elfnein actually said the exact same thing at the same time made very much clear that both of them agreed with their colleague’s sentiment. Now knowing that looking up her parents is useless, they figured it was time for introductions to begin though this led to further embarrassment for them.

"Hibiki bad girl, no shoving yourself in her face." Miku chastised, flicking Hibiki's forehead.

"So I take it she's the one that does the f*cking in the bedroom then?" Harriet asked, tilting her head, which would be cute if it wasn't for the question. "Does she make you wear a collar in the bedroom when you to get down to f*cking or are you more into handcuffs and-Mmnm." Maria covered Harriet's mouth to prevent her from finishing.

Now even the two men in the room almost fainted from hearing such words.

Seeing that almost everyone in the room was on the verge of fainting, Harriet shrugged. "Internet." she explained, already knowing what was in their heads. "Being called all those words and a child's curiosity is a bad combination with easy access to the internet."

“Yikes, and I thought that time when I accidentally clicked on a link to an… adult website and Shirabe walked in as it finished loading was bad.” Kirika couldn’t help but mutter to herself.

“Kirika. I think it is best for you to stop talking.” Stated Shirabe, who was clearly embarrassed by what Kirika just revealed.

“Got it.”

“Those two’s questionable tastes on the internet aside-” Started Chris, only to get cut off by the two women she was referring to.


“Says the woman in a four person polycule with a trio of otakus.”

“Touché.” At Chris’ admission of defeat, everyone couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the conversation.

"Is every lady in this group, openly perverted?" Harriet asked, starting to see a pattern.

"Basically, some of our coworkers say it's something of an open marriage but we have our preferred partners," Shirabe answered.

“Makes sense to me. So, what happens now?”

“Amongst other things, the assignment of a guardian.” Stated Genjuro in a factual but friendly manner, making him a little less intimidating to Harriet as he was a rather large guy. “Seeing as you have grown rather attached to Maria, she’ll be your primary guardian.” Hearing who would be her new guardian, Harriet and Maria exchanged glances at each other.

“Eh. Could be worse. She’s been nice so far.”

“Thanks, I guess?”

"Anyone is better than the Dursleys."

Turning in for the night, Maria lent the child a nightshirt that turned into a night dress when Harriet wore it. Unsure of what to do at first, a sleepy little girl snuggled into Maria's bosom as the older woman's heart lulled her to sleep.

Once it struck midnight, Maria bolted up when Harriet started shaking about in the bed muttering words she couldn't understand. Acting on instinct, Maria pulled the child into a hug whispering words of comfort which worked as the tears slowly stopped. Thinking about what to do next, Maria mentally slapped herself then taking a deep breath she started to sing:

Come stop your crying

It will be alright

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

Grasping Harriet's hand in her own, Maria gave it a light squeeze and smiled when the child returned the gesture.

I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here

Don't you cry

Wiping away the last remnants of tears, the pop singer brought her new charge close.

For one so small,

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you,

Keep you safe and warm

Allowing Harriet to snuggle closer, Maria kissed her on the forehead.

This bond between us

Can't be broken

I will be here

Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart always

Why can't they understand the way we feel?

They just don't trust what they can't explain

I know we're different but deep inside us

We're not that different at all

And you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

Don't listen to them

'Cause what do they know (what do they know)?

We need each other

To have, to hold.

They'll see in time

I know

When destiny calls you

You must be strong (you gotta be strong)

I may not be with you

But you've got to hold on

They'll see in time

I know

We'll show them together

'Cause you'll be in my heart

Believe me, you'll be in my heart

I'll be there from this day on,

Now and forever more

Oh, you'll be in my heart (you'll be here in my heart)

No matter what they say (I'll be with you)

You'll be here in my heart (I'll be there) always


I'll be with you

I'll be there for you always

Always and always

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

I'll be there, always.

Finishing the song Maria and Harriet slowly went back to sleep with Harriet muttering out one final word.


The following morning, Tsubasa went to wake the pair for breakfast but seeing the smiles on their faces opted to let them sleep in; not before taking a few photos for the start of a family album.

Chapter 3: Relics aren't the only magic in the world

Chapter Text

Being homeschooled for the first month and a half wasn't fun for Harriet as she needed to learn a new language and with Japan having three different alphabets it just gave her migraines. It seemed that the others were giving Maria and Harriet plenty of chances to bond although some of these activities included Tsubasa, the little girl did see some of them smirk but didn't know why. Maria turned out to be a very caring guardian for the child, always being patient and careful not to raise her voice too harshly to not cause Harriet to relapse into her prior state. Taking therapy sessions did help calm some frustration but her hatred for all things involving her parents was one thing that couldn't be calmed. Seeing as she now had a weapon, they took to the sparring room to train her in how to wield it properly, and during training, they found out that it could break apart with chains in between them which worked as Maria's weapon could do the same.

Wanting to make sure that Harriet's life isn't around fighting, Miku and Hibiki introduced her to their other friends.

"So who are the ones that normally dishes it out among you four?" Harriet asked.

Even though they were warned about this, they still blushed as hearing about it and seeing it are two different things. Introducing the child to the world of anime, she took to it better than expected being hooked on the sci-fi and magical girl anime.

It was only during a Silver Sword concert, that everyone discovered that there was more to the world than just the relics.

After finishing their final song for the night, a rendition of the Vocaloid song World is Mine, Tsubasa surprised everyone by kissing Maria straight on the lips. "I love you Maria, I have been for a long time now and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I… I just wanted to finally tell you even if you don't love me back."

Smiling, Maria gave her co-star a gentle kiss on the lips. “I was wondering when you were going to confess I love you too.”

Before they could get the third kiss, an explosion oscillated the amphitheater reminding two of the relic users of that fateful day so many years ago. Being reminded of a similar situation, Tsubasa went into overdrive. In the chaos and confusion, Harriet was all by herself without the spear as they couldn't turn it into a crystal gem for some reason as the panicked crowd pushed and shoved her further and further from the other adults in the group. Seeing some of the Noise slowly making their way towards her, Harriet let out a scream as a burst of energy was expelled from her body, turning the Noise into puffs of red smoke.

Seeing that she wasn’t surrounded anymore, Harriet just ran carrying her legs to where everyone else was. The last two months for the young child is complete heaven for her, Maria is someone she wanted in a mother and she wasn’t going to let these cartoonish f*ckers take that away from her.

“Seilien L'illuminé Zeois Tron.” In an explosion of silvery white light, Harriet is covered in a high-collar white one-piece bodysuit with shorts with a dark blue backless sleeveless vest trench coat. Accents to the trench coat are of a Gold color. Armor only covered the top portion of her chest, shoulders down to the wrists, and knee-length boots in silver. Resting on her forehead is a gold with silver accent circlet.

Within her magic core, this sudden burst of magic was enough for the protections to slowly push back the piece of this soul full of darkness.

Caught completely off guard by the recent transformation, Harriet moved into action doing what she could utilizing the flag to protect and defend then as one of the bigger ones reared its head back gathering energy Harriet, not in control of her own body when she saw this, moved in front of everyone slamming the bottom side of the spear firmly into the ground.

In a language not of her birth country or Japanese, Harriet started to chant in French of all things.

“O mon drapeau, s’il te plait protége mes compagnons… Luminosité Éternelle Renversem*nt!” The result of the chant is a shield of illuminating light taking three beam-based attacks with no problem, much to the surprise of everyone watching. Then instead of dissipating the attack, it held the beams in place changing its color to a sparkling yellow light then fired those lasers and promptly returned the attacks toward their owners. Which caused the Noise responsible for firing the lasers in the first place to shatter in clouds of red smoke.

“That’s new. Did you know you could do that, Harriet?” Tsubasa couldn’t help but ask as she spun around like a rocket-powered human-sized hamster-ball of blades and death, shredding about a dozen Noise entities.


“As interesting as this development is, I think we have more important things to deal with. Namely the horde of Alca-Noise. Well, that and there’s something I need to ask you after this.”

“True enough, Maria. And I have something I need to ask you after this as well. Let’s pick up the pace, shall we?”

“Indeed. Alright you Alchemical freaks, let’s dance!”

Using her flag to protect whenever she could, Harriet couldn’t help but let out a savage grin when out of nowhere curved knives made up of the same shining light formed a circle around her then with a thought all six shot forward killing one Noise at a time.

At the end of it all, it seems that this new power attracted the attention of others.

A week into Tsubasa moving into Maria's place. Harriet got a front-row seat to two grown women acting like little girls and during breakfast, she couldn't help but comment, "If I hear moaning from your room then I'm putting music on full blast." Seeing them spit out their coffee, Harriet made a follow-up comment, "I'm too young to masturbat* to two women f*cking."

With the ring of a phone preventing Harriet from making any more lewd comments, Maria's facial expression changed to a serious one, "We'll be there soon."

At S.O.N.G HQ, the three showed up to see the rest of the cast and two extra people.

"Ah, so this must be her," the silver-haired man said, sipping on some coffee.

"Genjirou, what's going on here?" Maria asked as she and Tsubasa stood in front of Harriet.

“These two wanted to extend an invitation to Harriet to enroll in their school. The Azure Dragon’s Magic Academy.” Replied Genjuro, who didn’t sound particularly skeptical about the magic part. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by his niece.

“Magic Academy? Really? Just what did you put in that coffee of yours? Magic isn’t real.” Deadpanned Tsubasa while simply staring at the silver-haired man as if he had a few screws loose.

“I expected as much. A skeptic. Didn’t expect it to be the wielder of the Ame-no-," he was cut off when Tsubasa was about to charge him.

Genjuro moved faster than one would expect of his age; held the blue-haired sword woman.

"We were surprised too but it seems that Magic, not those involving relics, does exist as they just teleported at the entrance," he explained.

"Well we aren't the British who think that magic makes them superior to everyone else," the blonde-haired woman said snorting.

“Does the name Potter mean anything to you?” Asked Harriet far too calmly, as almost everyone knew that even remotely mentioning Harriet’s former family was a surefire way to make her angry.

“A family of ‘purebloods’ in Britain, why’d you ask-oh. Never mind.” Seeing the single emerald green eyes, the man knew who he was staring at but was confused about why she was in Japan this entire time.

“If it keeps that f*cking jackass and his family out of my life, I’m willing to listen. That said, keep talking.”

“Language, young lady.” Maria halfheartedly chastised, knowing full well that trying to make Harriet stop using foul language was futile.


“Moving on, we're here to invite you to my magic school to learn how to properly use your powers," the man said.

"First names, and second do you have any brochure on you?" Maria asked politely.

Introducing themselves as Ozpin and Glynda, principal and vice principal respectively, it was Glynda who asked the question that was on both of their heads. Discovering that not only the sister of the boy who lived, living the life as a slave but is scared on almost every level.

"That fat f*cking walrus I call my uncle wouldn't dare stick his dick in my freak c*nt," Harriet said.

"Is she-," Glynda began.

"When you live with people at the age of six who call you all sorts of names the child will get curious and will look up said words," Harriet replied.

Finding out that her brother is famous, Harriet's hate for the family grew, "Spoiling one child and damning the other so much for a so-called Light family," she mocked.

"She takes therapy but the only thing she can't let go is her birth family," Hibiki said, answering the unasked questions of Ozpin and Glynda.

Moving back to the subject of schooling, unlike those in the West, Japan's magical world enrolls children younger than 11 to give them better control over their abilities along with teaching them subjects like math and sciences. "In our campus, we have a level of elementary, high school, and college so that it could be more affordable for the parents and give our high school students part-time jobs in teaching those on the elementary level," Glynda explained.

"Is there a homeschool program?" Miku asked.

"Unfortunately no, Magic tends to short out mundane devices and our school's devices are shielded," Ozpin explained. "Although our magical government is willing to provide a fast track course for the relic users as it seems that to use said item you need to also have a magical core."

This caught everyone off guard as they never knew.

Between the rest of the week and the following one, S.O.N.G went under a remodeling not only to protect the rest of their equipment from malfunctioning in Harriet's presence but to also start a joint defense program as it seems that the Japanese Bureau of Magic had found other relics but no real way to make them work. This not only brought the group more protection against sexist idiots who hate the fact that most of these relic awakers are women but expanded the singing idol duo into an idol group renaming it Walküre.

When getting her school supplies, Harriet wanted to do a blood test as a means to get away from the Potter family but that would be the last as that could take the longest. According to Ozpin, finding out what your magic specializes in will not only determine your classes but also what tool can be used to channel your magic into.

Walking into the store for this process, a middle-aged woman approached the front desk. "Headmaster?! How can I help you today?" she asked, though was surprised to see him.

"Ah, Yui, it's good to see you again," Ozpin smiled. "Your services are in need for this child," he explained.

Looking at Harriet, Yui gently smiled but on the inside frowned as the eyes of the one before her were that of an adult who had survived hell. "Well now let's see what we have here," leading Harriet to a corner of the room where there is a device on a desk with pipes leading to different symbols. "We just need a few drops of blood to know what magic you specialize in," Yui illustrated this by cutting her thumb and allowing three drops of blood to flow out.

Tilting her head, Harriet didn't cut her thumb but the palm of her hand not even wincing or letting out tears as the sharp object sliced into her flesh.

Waiting after a few minutes, while getting her injured hand to heal, the results were in but seeing Yui and Ozpin gasp in shock the two ladies and one child knew it could only be shocking. Though seeing that there were several different pipes illuminated they knew that feeling would only spread to them as well.

"I-impossible no one has ever had 5 different specialties before?!" Yui exclaimed, requiring to sit down for a moment.

"Young Harriet, you are going to be one of the most powerful witches in your generation," Ozpin stated slowly getting over his surprise. "Not only do you have two different Rune specialties, that count as one, but also pure magic manipulation, along with perception, light magic, and finally magic through singing. The last one is self-explanatory though seeing as the relics can only activate through singing," Ozpin said as an afterthought to that last one.

Tsubasa snorted, "A nun that swears enough to make grown adults awash with embarrassment now that's shocking."

Swearing Yui to secrecy about this, Ozpin then ushered them to the bookstore. "Um how are we going to pay for it all?" Harriet asked the headmaster.

"Again unlike England where they use a dissimilar money system than from the mundane the normal Japanese Yen is good in both worlds."

It was thankful that there are shrinking charms as there were so many books to cover Harriet's magic.

Reaching the bank, it wasn't even the first step when an alarm rang out.

"W-whats going on?" Harriet asked caught off guard hugging Maria for protection.

Seeing Ozpin talking to the creatures who run the bank, the group was sent to another room. A room filled with a huge variety of various ritualistic items, making obvious that the room was a kind of ritual room, more specifically a ritual room for exorcism and purification, as the kanji on the door indicated… not that Harriet knew due to not being able to properly understand kanji yet.

“The wards picked up that something that shouldn’t exist is currently attached to Harriet’s magic and we’re here to get rid of it as quickly and safely as possible… no guarantees in regards to painlessly though.” Replied one of the creatures running the bank, who couldn’t keep the nasty grin off their face at the mention of the process of removing whatever was attached to Harriet’s magic wouldn’t necessarily be painless.

“…This is going to f*cking suck isn’t it?”

“For you, yes.”

“Please don’t make the super-suit green. Or animated.” Harriet couldn’t resist snarking as she laid down at the center of a purification ritual circle.


“I’ve had that on my bucket list for years, let me have it.”

She gained the respect of the Tengu, the beings who run the bank, with how Harriet handled the pain from the purification ritual. Not soon after it seems that an unforeseen issue came into being, as while the ritual did work, it gave Harriet all the magic the soul shard had, giving a child the same magical level of a 20 year old adult. Too much power for someone her age to be able to control, which resulted in not only a few cracks in the walls and floor, but also a pair of seals to be placed on Harriet’s magic. The first seal was made in order to regulate her power output down to a point she could use her magic without accidentally overpowering whatever she was trying to do while the second seal was there to disable the first seal in the case of an emergency. Everyone present hoped that the second seal would never have to be used.

The seals took the form of two angel wings that took space on her upper shoulders.

Still groggy from the ritual, Harriet still had to do the inheritance test.

Father: James Potter (alive)

Mother: Lily Potter (alive)

Brother: Charles Potter (alive)

Sister: Ivy Potter (alive)

Reincarnation of Joan of Arc

Head of the House of Arc

Illegally disowned from House Potter

Heiress to House Le Fay

Heiress to House Slytherin (through right of conquest)

Seeing all of this, Harriet asked a question she wanted to ask. "What do you mean by illegally disowned?"

“It means that, despite being a full member of the family, your family-”

“They tossed me aside like yesterday’s f*cking garbage, didn’t they?”

“That’s… accurate.”

“Is it possible to sever any and all ties to them?”

Maria and Tsubasa sighed knowing this was something to be expected.

"What would I gain from the Houses of Arc and Le Fay?" Harriet asked.

“The House of Le Fay is rumored to possess a castle somewhere in Europe, high political influence in European circles of the Wizarding World and, allegedly, an absolutely massive laboratory of potions, rituals and other magical stuff that Morgana supposedly created herself over the course of her life somewhere in the world. All of it just waiting for someone to either make use of it or continue her research.”

“Interesting. And the House of Arc?”

“A farmhouse in France.”

“Really? That’s it?”

“The Arcs weren’t exactly nobility.”

“Fair enough.”

Legally changing her name to Fubuki Cadenzavna Arc Le Fay, the now-named Fubuki went to get a pet but ended up with a two-tail cat familiar named Kuroka.

Chapter 4: Fubuki's new lease at Life

Chapter Text

A year into living in Japan, Fubuki rolled around in bed holding onto a slime dog plushie one of her aunts gave her seventh birthday, between her arms.

"Fubuki, wake up! You're going to be late for your field trip," Maria shouted through the open door.

Groggily getting up the blanket falling as she did so to reveal that she was only in her underwear. Thanks to the added magic from the ritual she's slowly growing faster than her peer group though thankfully she isn't as malnourished as she was before. Fully getting out of bed and in front of a full body mirror, Fubuki could see the start of forming muscles from her sparing with various instructions as the Academy never believed in primarily focusing on magic alone so they had students choose a weapon of choice. Fubuki already had her spear but made a second one to combine it with a gun, turning it into a spear/dual pistol/rifle combination; since using her relic could be a no-go depending on the surrounding location.

Already making a name for herself as someone who hates bullying, Fubuki is part of the student disciplinary squad keeping the peace and some are calling her the Lady Saint when the ring for head of House Arc was noticed.

Cupping her breasts through the bra, Fubuki moaned slightly as a result of a potion prank that went sour. She could handle a prank or two but one to purely harm someone is something she wouldn't tolerate. It was during one of these so-called pranks that she took the hit for one of the bullied students during her early days at the academy when such an event happened. She forgot that she had a potion in hand when the prank made contact with the potion saturating Fubuki in its content forever changing her body's sensitivity and making her breasts a cup or two bigger. In addition to this, she had a blindfold similar to 2B and Medusa from the Fate Anime as a fight caused her to become slightly more sensitive to the sunlight. With her hair in a side ponytail her blonde and black hair also nicknamed her Bumblebee.

Getting dressed in her summer uniform, Fubuki slid down the stair railing dodging her familiar who was on the stair landing when she flipped over.

Kissing her mom and Tsu-ma, as Fubuki had started to call Tsubasa after about a week of her and Maria started dating, on the cheek, Fubuki made her way to the academy where she met up with her friends for the school trip to one of a historical sites that also had a beach nearby. Which had prompted the entire class to pack swimsuits with them. Some merely delight in the beach and others with the intent on trying to impress their crushes by showing off. Fubuki and her friends are amongst the former of the two groups.

Reaching the beach once the field trip was over everyone got changed into their swimsuits, some wearing the school issue one and others wearing ones they brought from home.

Relaxing in the shade, Fubuki just finished a game of kick volleyball when one of her classmates told her of an open bar karaoke close by.

Heading towards the bar, Fubuki saw that there was already a crowd of children and adults around it. Seeing her approach some of the students got excited as they knew she was very good at singing but was modest enough not to brag about it.

The adults smiled seeing the change with their own eyes, they were told about her scared upbringing from the headmaster and thankfully positive atmosphere that healed most of her scars.

"Lady Saint, are you here to sing a song or two?" a male student asked.

“I am.” Replied Fubuki as she pressed a button on the karaoke machine, causing the music to start playing.

Finally, you've given me

A reason to be strong

And we'll stand

Hand in hand

'Til the end

Starting to sing, she caught the attention of everyone in the room.

As my body's shaking

The future is out there waiting

For me to grasp the light

That's trembling just like my hand

I gotta keep it safe from fading

That's all that I want

The subtle scent of midnight

(I'll spend all thirty nights)

I glare up at the stars

(Staring into the sky)

The path I see before me

I know only I can change it

That's all that I need

Finally, you've given me

A reason to be strong

And we'll stand

Hand in hand

'Til the end

Despite the past mistakes we can't erase

A future that we can't escape

As long as I can always keep you safe

I've gotta be strong

So to your name

I'll fight through the pain

This world can

Beat me down a hundred times

But into the light I'll always rise

A lotus flower's so pure

Right up to the end

Until it blooms

A bright red

Through out the lyrics, she grew a crowd of people some recognizing her as Maria's daughter.

I can hear the lightning

There's not a song more frightening

And like a storm you can't control some things in this world

Not everything can be protected

I already know that

Good and evil, they will always want to intertwine

Our true nature hiding beneath the surface

Tell me why, tell me why, tell me why, tell me-

I don't need you

Like a wild flower growing tall

There is beauty in the way you live and thrive despite it all

This road is

Overgrown with deadly thorns

Like an endless night of violent storms

But for your sake, through all the twists and turns

I'll try to be brave

With only my love

I'm rising above

As the crowd parted like the red sea, allowing her to step onto the sand a ray of sunlight shone on her from above.

The dreams I

Tried but couldn't bring to life

And the ones I only see at night

They're rooted deep in my heart

That's where they'll remain

I'll let them grow wild

In my veins

A meaningless conclusion calls

So quietly, the curtain falls

A broken scream upon the wind

But none to hear the heartless sin

The shadow of a laughing soul

The sorrow of a heart wishing

Only for love

Only for light

Only for life

Despite the past mistakes we can't erase

A future that we can't escape

As long as I can always keep you safe

I've gotta be strong

So to your name

I'll fight through the pain

This world can

Beat me down a hundred times

But into the light, I'll always rise

A lotus flower's so pure

Right up to the end

Until it blooms

A bright red

Finishing the song, Fubuki's smile sent blushes through the students.

Until it blooms

A bright red

Once the final lyric was spoken, the room shook from how loudly everyone cheered. Some even recorded it on their phones wanting to remember this moment.

Leaving the bar for some fresh air, Fubuki gazed into the distance. Staying silent she watched over to the edge of a cliff that was close by and once reaching that spot.

"Your road to recovery is going well it seems." a voice not her own said, speaking from her lips. Fubuki smiled, she knew this voice very well. She could always hear slight whispers of it in her head as it helped her survive the Dursley prison; the voice comforted her as she went to bed on the day she found out her birth parents abandoned her. Reading that her past life is Joan of Arc was quite the shock considering that in her time the French and British were at war with each other.

"Although I would wish you would lessen the sexual innuendo comments," Jeanne frowned, "That isn't the way of the lord," the Maiden abolished causing Fubuki to giggle, this is a normal argument between the two for about a year or so. Jeanne actually wore to high heavens when she found out that Fubuki was interested in Christianity but the Dersleys beat it out of her.

A month later Fubuki is the flower girl for the wedding between Miki and Hibiki, the pair looking amazing in their respective wedding dresses of orange and purple.

"So I take it that you two won't be joining in the 'group fun' now that you two tied the knot?" Fubuki teased grinning at their expressions as even Jeanne giggled at it.

The other ladies nodded in understanding as well, "At the moment that's a no." Miku answered, getting understanding nods, "But in the future." Hibiki trailed off, giving them a bit of hope.

It was actually thanks to a magic potion that allowed Miku to get pregnant without needing a third party member into the mix.

"I hope someone is ready to be a big sister." Hibiki teased.

"Wait? Me a big sister?" Fubuki gasped in surprise. She wasn't expecting this and they could see it on her face.

"Remember Fubuki," Kirika said, bending down to eye level. "Family is more than just blood. Just like you and Maria, family means a group of people that want to be in your life and yours in theirs. Blood isn't the final factor in what can be called a family. Sure we fight and argue but at the end of the day when one of us is in trouble," Fubuki cuts her off here.

"Anyone that threatens family is going to get an ass whooping and if that trouble is specifically a guy then that person is going to have a painful gender change for threatening this family."

Everyone's eyes rolled as they were used to it by now as even her username in whatever she uses is Saint of Swears, or more precisely Cur51n65A1NT.

Turning to school subjects, Fubuki was working on a project of hers that could give her the edge in a one vs one dual. Basing it off that cartoon Bakugan though more accurately the ability cards. The instructions in the academy wanted students to be more hands on in their work, giving them various tasks to do in order to complete their assignments and this week it was to see what ideas TV shows and other types of media can give her. She wanted to use the ability cards to help with her perception magic by giving them both an illusion of being blinding but she would act like it would backfire on her as well. Another idea is to combine it with her magic manipulation so that inside of a bounded field she could use her magic similar to an earth bender from the Last Air Bender but only in the designated area. She wanted to use her singing as well to give the opponent different status effects. Taking inspiration from an anime one of Chris’s girlfriends introduced Fubuki to, another thing Fubuki did, with questionable results, was attempting to replicate the Bomb-Tags from Naruto, with her best results so far merely causing the paper she used to explosively combust but not actually explode like in the show.

Curious about how the British wizards and witches do things it was only a total of three minutes and she thanked God that the Dursleys abandoned her in France. About 80 percent of this wand waving bullsh*t is pathetic, "Seriously do they need a spell to warm, f*cking warm a cup of tea? Or what about lifting an object towards you? I understand if it's like say in a different room or in a hard to reach place but do you need it when it's only three steps away from you!" Fubuki ranted for the past hour or so to the amusem*nt of her mothers. "And don't even get me started on this light and dark bullsh*t. Oh God give me strength this is like a f*cking cult the so called light is pathetic not giving them means to properly fight back, redemption this, and redemption; worst of all is that dick head Dumbledore! The guy is probably the worst in his hard-on for redemption. How many times are people going to die before you realize that some people aren't worth saving!"

"How long has this been going on?" Tsubasa quietly asked her girlfriend.

Checking her watch, Maria replied, "An hour and thirty minutes in counting."

Chapter 5: Trouble beneath the Ocean surface

Chapter Text

Now eight years old, Fubuki's room had some slight changes there were still anime figures on collection cases and posters on the wall but now there is a section of the room that housed her competition medals for taekwondo and other competitions she'd entered, including but not limited to bōjutsu tournaments. With it now being summer vacation she didn't bother getting out of bed, just removing the blanket.

Sure she still had mundane classes to go to but other than that the magical classes were optional. Wanting to take a dip into the pool they have, Fubuki went to change into her one-piece swimsuit making her way downstairs petting her familiar Kuroka, who was just chilling on the couch. According to Ozpin, when a familiar bond is formed it makes the animal slightly smarter than other animals acting as messengers and even spies depending on the creature in general. Making laps around the pool, the child was thankful there was a tarp providing shade covering the pool itself. Looking at her head of house rings the child knew that she couldn't hold off on it any longer and had to check on the Le Fay castle. On that note she would also need to check that farmhouse in France, and now that she thought about it, wouldn't she need to let the French; both mundane and magical, about her being a reincarnation?

"Mom, Tsu-ma," Fubuki asked, seeing them in the kitchen as she dried her hair from the pool, "Can we make a stopover in Britain sometime soon? I need to check on Le Fay castle."

“Walküre is scheduled as a pre-band for another band in London next month, I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t check on Le Fay castle while we’re already there.” Replied Maria after thinking about it for about a minute.

Heading to the bank to find out where exactly Le Fay castle is located and what to expect, Fubuki was getting trained up in case her past found her while she was in England. There were only two ways for her to return to the Potter family: kicking and screaming or feet first.

At the local gym that was in the know about magic; there was an underground gym that allowed the use of magic in their spars. Fubuki is, by now, a well-known face in the gym not only for her skills but how friendly she is towards those her age and younger, helping them out with their stance and correcting them from time to time. When Kirika went to pick her up as Maria was busy, she whistled, "I think someone is getting ready to be a big sister." she said. Taking her hand in writing lyrics as a small hobby and for her singing magic, Fubuki has tried to incorporate both into her fighting style with moderate success as fighting and singing at the same time was definitely not as easy as the agents of S.O.N.G made it appear. However, it didn't help that trying to make a song from scratch gave her migraines as she needed to design new cards to provide the music.

"Why is writing songs so difficult?" Fubuki moaned in despair, flopping onto her back and almost smacking her cat if Kuroka didn't move out of the way. She was in her room only in her underwear with crumpled balls of paper all over the place. It's been two days since she started trying to write her songs and various instruments were in her room as another hobby she took to; with magic, anything is possible, especially for a bigger room.

"Well first you need to calm down before you start burning out," Tsubasa said from the door frame causing the child to yelp, "Put a shirt on and come downstairs I might be able to help."

Helping the girl she came to care for as her daughter, Tsubasa smiled behind her coffee cup as Fubuki cheered, eventually getting a song done, "Now what were you feeling when you wrote that song?" The relic user asked.

"I was thinking over my life and the hate I had for the Potter Family," Fubuki relented after some thinking. "It was like I was looking into a mirror," she began, "My heart desperately wanted to find them and wanted to feel that… feeling of something only blood family can provide." She then shook her head, "But my mind argued that they abandoned me, paid those f*ckers to raise me as a slave. My heart begged that they must have had a good reason too, however my mind fired back with that magical families abandon or even kill those without magic thinking it is only a stain on their family name."

"What changed your mind?" Tsubasa asked, knowing this was important.

"All of this," she answered pointing to this house, the picture frames, and finally Tsubasa herself, "Over time my heart started to agree that this is what I need and that I'm no longer into a mirror or that I'm chained to what my blood says about me. That family is more than just blood."

"And what is this song called?" Tsubasa asked.

"This life is mine."

Now in London England, Fubuki was with her mother going sightseeing before the concert in a few days. Tsubasa wanted to come but she was needed for other stuff. Asking about the Magical Alley in Britain and getting direction, the two stood in front of a pub called the Leaky Cauldron. When they entered the pub, the eyes of the entire establishment turned towards the pair, not because any of the patrons recognized Maria but simply because they had been the first to enter the pub in the past hour. Which meant that the looks were mainly consisting of indifferent curiosity with the occasional look of lust as neither one of the new arrivals were ugly.

Entering the Magical Alley, Diagon Alley, itself, Fubuki was quick to spot something that made her seethe with barely contained irritation that was quickly threatening to boil over into anger. Standing in front of the window of a store with her siblings stood the f*cking jackass and the whor* who brought the world. James and Lily Potter but with them were their two children both of them smiling and laughing.

Seeing where her daughter was glaring, Maria placed a hand on Fubuki's shoulder. "Enough of that my child," she whispered.

Making their way past the family, the youngest Potter girl said something that caused Fubuki's heart to freeze. "Do you think when big sister Harriet comes back she'll like to play with me?" Ivy asked. She was told that for safety reasons Harriet had to live away from them and that she would come back a month before hers and Charles's Hogwarts letters.

"I'm sure she would love to, but remember Ivy she doesn't know anything about our world to be kind to her, ok." Lily explained.

“‘She doesn’t know anything about our world’, yeah right. Tell that to my- mumph!?” Whatever insult Fubaki was about to make after mockingly mimicking Lily’s voice in the bitchiest voice she could make was cut off by Maria briefly placing her hand over her daughter’s mouth.

This caught the Potters's attention, "Oh I'm sorry are we in your way?" Lily asked jabbing James' ribs when she caught him staring at Maria. It was thankful that Fubuki was wearing her eye covers or else Lily could have recognized who she was.

"No, no nothing of the sort," Maria waved, "My adopted daughter and I are from Japan and wanted to see what the Magical side was like here in England."

"Foreigners?" James asked surprised, "Well it's a good time you came when it was sunny then. So how do you like it so far?" He asked.

"It has its charms," Fubuki answered rather stiffly, something that James caught.

"Sorry about her, it was rather a long ride from here to Japan so she's still tired," Maria apologized.

"Why do you have your eyes covered?" Ivy asked tilting her head.

Despite wanting to hate her for being a Potter Fubuki just couldn't do it. Ruffling Ivy's head, Fubuki smiled at her, "I was caught in a potion accident that caused my eyes to be more sensitive to sunlight so I was taught to use my magic to feel my way around."

"That's cool," her twin said in awe.

"So what are you doing here in England?" Ivy asked with puppy dog eyes.

"My mom is an idol singer whose group is going to do an opening act," Fubuki answered. Maria took a glance at her daughter and then at Ivy before smiling.

"A singer you say?" Her twin commented.

"Yes, I'm part of a mundane, muggle, musical band in Japan," the idol singer explained. "It's a popular music genre back home."

"Oh, can we go mommy?" Ivy asked, turning to Lily.

"I'm not sure if we can," James said, "After all it is sudden and I don't think we can get tickets. We do have electricity in our house thanks to Lily finding a way to have them shielded but those aren't strong enough for something like a TV," he explained.

"Oh Japan had found a way to do that years ago," Fubuki said much to the Potter's surprise. "But unfortunately tickets have already sold out," she told them.

Ivy made a sound of disappointment and not wanting to see her little sister sad, Fubuki threw caution out the f*cking window and clapping her hands together she formed a flower. Holding out a hand to a surprised Ivy, she gently placed it in her hair.

"How is that possible?!" James asked surprised with Charles gasping like a fish.

"In Japan, there is a way to find out what type of specialties your magic holds and one of mine is magic manipulation, being able to change the shape of my magic into anything I can think of."

Ivy was messing around with the flower in her hair while smiling at Fubuki.

Checking on her phone, Maria frowned, "Well it was nice to meet you but my daughter and I have to get going," she said realizing the time. "My colleges are starting to wonder where we are," she explained.

"Oh I'm sorry we took up all your free time." Lily apologized which was reflected on James's face.

Maria smiled, "No need to apologize it was a sudden meeting after all."

"So I bet your excited to go to that Japan magical school," her twin said as a goodbye, while Ivy on the other hand hugged Fubuki.

"I'm already in the Japan magical school," Fubuki answered, taking Maria by the hand and running off ignoring the questioning shouts of her twin and little sister.

Meeting up with the others, Maria told them what happened and who they met before explaining what transpired.

"Oh we're so proud of you Fubuki." Shirabe said, hugging her niece. They all were hoping that she wouldn't place the same hatred she had for the Potter adults onto the children.

"Hating someone who had no involvement in this is useless and stupid." Fubuki voiced her reasons, turning her head to the side, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Tsundere." they smiled, knowing what was in her head.

Watching the concert from the front row, Fubuki cried and cheered for Walküre as they made their presence known. Singing along with the crowd, Fubuki shook her fist and bobbed her head along with others in the crowd. Buying some merchandise as one tends to do even when you're the daughter of an idol singer, Fubuki then stopped cheering as her magical perception pinged something that filled her with a dread that she was far too familiar with. The feeling of something dangerous approaching.

Sensing the danger from above, Fubuki looked up and spotted something above the concert stadium. A massive aerial machine that vaguely resembled an aircraft carrier that was opening some panels and dropping something that glittered in the sky. A second later, the panicked screaming revealed what had been dropped were Alca-Noise-gemstones. Sharing looks of determination with her moms, who did the same with their recent colleagues in Walküre, all of them pulled out their respective Relics/Symphogear pendants and sang their activation chants in unison.

“Imyuteus Ame no Habakiri tron/Seilien coffin Airgetlám tron/Seilien L'illuminé Zeois Tron/Meiyozz Ruyi Jingu Bang Zizzl/Croitzal Coffin Balmung Zizzl/Kurusan Muramasa Zizzl.”

Getting changed into their ‘battle outfits’ everyone sprung into action. Wanting to get a better view of the mayhem, Fubuki went to the top of one of the church towers to see that there was a single Carrier type Noise followed by Flying and Jellyfish types. Seeing them start coming out of the woodwork so to speak, the incarnation of Joan of Arc went to work penetrating through three of them in one go then called out her magic to shoot down two of the jellyfishes hovering near a married pair.

Hearing something akin to glass shattering, Fubuki turned to where she heard it only to gasp in horror seeing Ivy on the ground holding her injured leg as a High-speed type in its standby form lingering towards her. Growling similar to a mother animal at a threat to her cub, Fubuki charged ahead regardless of if she was about to reveal herself, and spinning the spear a gale of wind started to form and with a reverse spin she launched her attack, “Cyclone Sickle.” Fubuki shouted destroying the Noise but then saw two more Alca-Noise heading towards them. “Get the f*cking hell away from my little sister.” Fubuki shouted, not hearing Ivy gasp in surprise.

“Big sister Harriet?” Ivy asked not believing what she just heard.

“Don’t worry Vi-vi.” Fubuki said, patting her little sister’s head, “I’m here.” Turning back to the Noise, Fubuki used her Perception Magic to find where Lily and James were and saw them with two other males. “Now, Ivy, I’m sorry for doing this in advance but I can’t let you tell them where I am.” she said, bending down to reach Ivy’s level.

“B-but what do you mean?” the little girl asked not understanding why her big sister wouldn’t want to come back with her. She’s been wanting to meet her big sister ever since their parents told her and Charles about Harriet. Being told that they couldn't meet her due to adult things made her sad but now Harriet was right in front of her but was confused about why she wouldn’t want to come live with them. Sighing at seeing the tears in Ivy’s eyes, Fubuki knew she wouldn’t understand she couldn’t go stay in England. She downright refuses to return to being Harriet Potter, and life as a live-in slave isn’t in her future… Not anymore. Fubuki knows now that Charles and Ivy are innocent but there’s no denying that her disdain for the Potter parents is still high.

“Even if I had a lifetime to explain it to you little sister I know you still wouldn’t understand it.” Fubuki said pulling a card from her card pouch, “Maybe the next time we meet will be better but for now… Ability Card activate: Dreaming Illusions.” she chanted catching Ivy as she fell asleep. She made this card when she herself had nightmares and wanted to dream of a simpler time.

Returning to the fight at hand, Fubuki made her way through the streets outside of the concert area to see the destruction the Noise left in their wake as her mothers and their colleagues did their thing.

It was only thanks to her perception magic that she dodged just as a figure’s shadow made an impact at where Fubuki was a few moments ago.

“So you have some skill, that’s good and this was about to get boring too.” the female voice cackled.

From her spot, Fubuki blushed as not even the regular outfits exposed this much skin. This is because the other female had a skimpy criss cross bodysuit, a majority of her breasts exposed and a knee-length loincloth skirt. Elbow-length sleeves running down to the ring on the middle finger and knee-length Dominatrix boots. “What got you all blushing?” the other chick asked before realizing why. “Oh you crushing on little old me?” she smirked, striking a pose or two. “Yeah know you’re quite delicious as well,” she purred. “I wonder if your juices taste the same.”

Snapping out of her blush, Fubuki jumped back, “Who are you? How did you get that relic?” the spear in the other chick's hand looked different from what she saw, both during her time in S.O.N.G and in the Japanese Bureau of Magic. The spear is an obsidian black with three strips of metal protruding downward from the spearhead.

“Oh this little beauty?” the teenage girl questioned spinning it around, casually destroying the surrounding area, “This is the corrupted Relic Gáe Buidhe. Pretty cool huh? I just love this thing, especially with what it does to people.”

“sh*t.” Fubuki couldn’t resist swearing as even the slightest of scratches could be lethal from what the legends say about it.

“But you, my lovely little blizzard.” the apparently crazy bitch began. “You can join my superiors and I in a coming new world, one that washes away the old in a flood of water.”

“The Flood from the Book of Genesis.” Fubuki realized. Tsu-ma told her about Finé and the Tower but this is something else.

“Indeed. Oh and before I forget, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Zarola Vercingetorix.” Zarola said but the look on her face was completely different. “But you can call me Mistress.”

Faster than Fubuki could expect she felt a mouth on her own before gasping when a tongue wrapped around hers.

Pushing her off, Fubuki spat out some saliva, “You bitch! That was my first kiss.” she squawked, to have her first kiss taken this way is horrible.

Cackling in joy, Zarola rubbed the spear between her legs, “Even better.”

As spears clashed against each other, Fubuki kept in mind to not let the spearhead to even draw a drop of blood, “Though that isn’t easy with this f*cking bitch."

Psychotically laughing, Zarola blocked a staff strike using the spear as a stripper pole. She responded with a kick to the neck that Fubuki barely had time to block, giving the crazed teenager an opening to strike. Being brought to the ground she struggled as the older girl brought her knee in between Fubuki's legs while dragging her tongue across her neck. "So perfect, so beautiful," Zarola purred stealing another kiss as one hand went to her opponent's chest.

Gasping, Fubuki pushed her off with some effort flipping to get on her feet.

“The only one who gets to touch me like that is my future girlfriend and that’s not you, you psychotic bitch!”

Zarola licked the hand that touched Fubuki's breast, "I think I found my new favorite toy, well tata for now my precious I will be seeing you again shortly. And remember Leviathan will drown the world to create a new one."

Now that the battle was over, the adrenaline that kept Fubuki from having a nervous breakdown started to seep away and the accumulated stress from the day came crashing down. Hard. Hyperventilating, Fubuki demorphed and using her perception magic went straight into Maria's arms shaking and crying.

"Fubuki what's wrong?" Maria asked but her worries increased when she didn't answer. Taking a look at her daughter’s face, Maria quickly realized that Fubuki wasn’t completely there. Placing Fubuki’s ear against her chest, more specifically her heart, Maria carefully picked up her daughter and made her way towards what remained of the backstage area.

Bolting upward, Fubuki screamed, causing Maria to appear by her side as if she teleported.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Maria knew something was wrong and could tell it happened during the battle.

"I w-was…," as if she could say the word, Fubuki just spat it out, "I was f*cking molested and forced upon by some rogue relic user. She tongue f*cked my out, f*cked my c*nt with her knee, and marked my neck like some sort of animal. I was so terrified mom when the fight was over I just ran right towards you!"

As Maria held her baby, the motherly rage swelled inside of her, "That bitch is dead when I get my hands on her," she quietly snarled.

"She said that the organization she was part of, Leviathan, would make a new one by drowning the old," Fubuki said.

"Damn, not another one of those crazy idiots." Tsubasa swore as she and the other members overheard the conversation. "Is there anything else she said, like her name or something of the sorts?"

"She said her name is Zarola Vercingetorix."

“Vercingetorix? Damn. Never thought that wackjob had it in him to find someone willing to sleep with him let alone carry his child.” Maria couldn’t help but frown as she recognized the name.


“Doctor John Wayne Vercingetorix, better known as Doctor Ver. One of the former leading scientists in the field of Relics and one of the few people in the world with the expertise to create LiNKER.”

Chapter 6: Gearing up for the Future

Chapter Text

Traumatized by her experience in London, Fubuki threw herself into training not wanting to go through that experience ever again. Thankfully she didn't let it consume her as she had people to drag her ass out of the sparring room or the gym.

When Maria told the others what Fubuki told her, they weren't happy about this at all. Knowing all the misery that, Doctor Ver had caused them, particularly Shirabe, Kirika, and Miku. The first two because he practically ordered them to act as suicide bombs and Miku because of his involvement in her… unpleasant first time wielding her Relic, the Shénshòujing.

Despite everything on their mind regarding the attack in London, there was something worth celebrating that was estimated to occur around Christmas besides the aforementioned holiday. About a month after their wedding, every test available had shown the same results. Hibiki was pregnant and considering that the only person she slept with was Miku, who had been making liberal use of a… particular potion when she and Hibiki had been dancing the Devil’s tango, without protection, there was no question who the ‘father’ was. Hibiki certainly didn’t complain much, outside of being sore in the morning after.

"So I was right on who was the dom and who the bitch." Fubuki said when Hibiki forgot she had a dog collar around her neck. "Do you think either of you can give me some tips? Because I don't know if I'm a sub or dom," she said tilting her head. While she was still reeling from the event in London that didn't stop her from making sexual innuendo she just toned it down

After the concert, the trio went to Le Fay's castle somewhere in the forested area of England. Discovering that it was in a hidden pocket dimension, the trio found all sorts of things from magical weapons, potions, spells, and other artifacts. Finding notes on Morgana's future projects, Fubuki could see uses for some of these ideas. Activating a secret mechanism by trying to pull a book that looked interesting from a bookshelf, revealing a hidden passageway behind the bookshelf on the opposite side of the room. The room itself would fit Morgan Le Fay's personality.

"It's as if she was only going to be gone for a few hours." Tsubasa said as everything looked perfectly clean without a layer of dirt on anything.

"Try not to touch anything in the room, we have no idea what even half of this stuff does.”

Making the final step on a winding staircase, the three gasped seeing a cryo tube of sorts and suspended inside of the tube what appears to be a mannequin of sorts with no face or physical features to recognize the gender.

“What is this?” Tsubasa gasped.

Despite the group learning about magic themselves, they also took the same test Fubuki went through so it would be understandable that they wouldn’t know.

“A Homunculus.” Fubuki answered, stepping closer. “It’s a type of humanoid created through Alchemy for any number of reasons. The most common one being to be used as a human analog in experiments.” She knew about this because of Voldemort and that he might try to do something to come back from the dead. Something that was very much possible if one knew what they were doing, a pair of prime examples of it being Carol Malus Dienheim, who transferred her memories and consciousness between homunculus bodies to remain alive for centuries, and Elfnein, who started life as a homunculus clone/backup body for Carol before being transferred to the body that the (at the time) amnesiac Carol occupied at the time, sacrificing her existence in order to let her ‘sister’ live.

Touching the barrier with her hand, Fubuki jolted backward feeling a decent drain of magic on first contact.

Suddenly watching the homunculus take shape, the three were amazed as a slime-like substance emerged from the center slowly consuming the entire body. Shrinking in size it looked to be slightly older than Fubuki while snow-white hair protruded from her head and a face similar to a certain saber started to form. Other features include a rune symbol on the back of her neck which now matches the one on the back of Fubuki's right hand. Once the transformation was finalized the tube slowly drained of water allowing the homunculus to fall forward onto Fubuki which had the added effect of their lips touching and the symbols flaring with light.

"Greetings Mistress." the newly developed human said with a tone of voice that sent shivers down Fubuki's spine. "My name is Vivian and I will be your companion from this point onward if there is anything you need help with please don't be afraid to ask."

Now that she has claimed ownership of the Le Fay castle the pocket dimension would move to be closer to Fubuki which meant that it would be moving to Japan. Allowing the Bureau of Magic field agents and their special forces known as the Mystic researchers into the castle. They could use most of the potions, spells, and whatnot for their benefit. The cure to the werewolf curse was also hidden among the paperwork as Morgan did this as a sort of side project but couldn't figure out the rest due to the period she was trapped in.

Before bringing Vivian to the school, they had to teach her a few things which luckily enough wasn't such a big deal as some of the info was downloaded from Fubuki. Other than that it seems that the homunculus couldn't go far from her mistress without a type of social anxiety flaring though most would assume it's just from the newly formed bond.

With the type of spiritual bond they now have, Vivian could tell something was troubling her lady and did what she could to help her heal.

While adults were trying to figure out the puzzle that is the Great Flood, Fubuki was back at the academy keeping herself occupied with Vivian right behind her. This new idea was more of a side project really as she was wondering if she could preload songs onto her card spells however she knew, through trial and error, it would be less effective compared to her singing the words herself. Another thing on her to-do list is learning about how to use a wand, yes there are still wand-using wizards and witches in Japan; however, those were far and few in-between as those went out of style when the Japanese introduced new and better ways to use magic as times changed. The reintroduction of wands came when Anime came about making it so much easier to hide in plain sight. The only reason she had to do this was because when the Tengu’s who run the bank ripped the soul shard out of that lightning bolt mark on her forehead, they discovered that it was a type of Horcrux a means of cheating death.

Unlike the magic users in the West, the East had a bit more knowledge in that it not only splits the soul but also the magic, which would explain why Voldemort had to go through so many rituals to keep his magic levels high. This came at a price as the soul was needed to counter the magic and without it, the mental effects would cause one to go insane. Being told that the faint remnants of her scare turned her into a type of soul detector for the rest of those vile contraptions to find and eliminate. With a secret meeting with some of the heads of the ICM, or International Council of Magic, they would allow a type of foreign exchange program so that those things can be hunted down and destroyed. The only reason the British representative wasn’t present was that the British realm was starting to get on the nerves of the council with the social politics not to mention Ablus Dumbledore with his greater good propaganda and his need to always be in the know and controlling things.

“It seems that his victory over Grindelwald is starting to make his arrogant head swell.” an Indian witch noted.

“Let’s not forget how he and the purebloods in that society dumb down their education making them the laughing stock to the rest of us.” a Norwegian wizard mocked.

“If I have to hear one more mention of his greater good speech I’ll strangle him with his own beard.” an American witch said. He was always trying to get the magical part of society back under their reign thinking that they were just children in his eyes.

On her ninth birthday, Fubuki looked at herself in the full-body mirror once more. Again being taller than those of her age group, her muscles were more prominent yet also feminine, attracting attention from all around her. Hating that she was starting to grow in other places, Fubuki started drinking potions to support her back for those coming days as she grew. Still having signs of her infamous lightning bolt, which was easily hidden thanks to waterproof makeup.

Hearing the sounds of something, or rather someone, groaning inside her room, Fubuki was quick to remember that she hadn’t spent the night as the only occupant in her room. Vivian had been sleeping on an inflatable mattress in her mistress’s room in order to get some distance from the room of Fubuki’s mom due to them making it very difficult for the homunculus to get any sleep when they really got into it beneath the sheets. Prompting both Fubuki and Vivian to wear earplugs that night.

“You do know there are such things as silencing runes right?” Fubuki asked as she and Vivian saw the two mothers in only a dress shirt.

“Oh, we installed those a few days ago.” Tsubasa said from behind her coffee cup. The two girls suddenly spit out their orange juices, both of them blushing in embarrassment. “We just wanted to see what it was like after you made one of your sex comments.” Maria added. “It seems like she can dish it out but she can’t take it.”

“I’m nine years old.” Fubuki reminded both of them.

They both blushed at their forgetfulness.

Heading out into the city to pick up a few things in preparation for the planned beach day and party. In addition to getting cooking supplies, Fubuki needed a new swimsuit due to her having grown too big for her old one while Vivian simply didn’t have one in the first place and therefore had to get one. Curiously, the swimsuit that Vivian ended up choosing was a relatively modest one despite it coming in two pieces as well as having a blue and yellow/gold colored grid pattern and vaguely Arthurian designs. Fubuki’s new swimsuit is a square back one peice in black and a purple design on it.

Reaching the beach, the party of four went over to their reserved slot on the beach only to see the rest of the group already there. Genjuro was at the grill cooking all sorts of food while the rest of the girls got everything else ready.

Once the other guests had arrived, the kids started playing on the beach.

"Should we be worried?" One of the fathers joked seeing that the majority of the guests were girls. Everyone there either is a wizard, a witch, or was married to one. They all know about Fubuki and think of her as a daughter; despite her personality, all of them made plenty of jokes about her getting into a harem.

“For now, no. In a few years, maybe.” Replied Tsubasa in a tone that implied that she was unsure about it herself from behind her sunglasses as the birthday girl and her friends finished setting up the net for a game of beach volleyball with Vivian being the one to perform the first serve, attempting to perform a jumping serve… with moderate success as while she did hit the ball, it didn’t fly towards the other side of the net. Instead, the ball ended up higher up in the air before harmlessly bouncing off the top of Vivian’s head on the way down.

With blindfolds on, each player was to spin around while causing slight dizziness which would make it harder to find and smash the watermelon. Out of the ten children there, only three actually hit the fruit. Fubuki got hers because Vivian mentally directed her thanks to the bond they share and one of the other participants accidentally locked lips with the birthday girl.

Taking a break from the games, Fubuki stared in awe at Hibiki's ever-growing baby bump. "Oh! I felt a kick." the now nine-year-old girl gasped, reeling her hand back. "Do you have any names for the baby?" she asked wanting to know.

"A few but we want to know the genders first before deciding," Hibiki said before realizing what was spoken.

"Genders as in more than one?" Fubuki realized.

"Way to ruin it, Biki-koi." Miku said playfully. "But I talked to the doctor when we went to get tested that having an opposite gender for a same-sex couple is extremely rare so we can assume that we're going to have two baby girls."

"But what if you give birth while at school?" the child asked, tilting her head.

"There's always video chat and you can hold them when you get back." Hibiki answered, laying back down on the reclining chair she was in.

Ending the party on the tradition of gift-giving, Fubuki got her hands on a set of Clown and Sakura Cards from the anime Cardcaptor Sakura pairing that with some of the cosplay she had bought a few months before and the second is a long coat; or a trench coat with a hoodie, from the recent game of Code Vein. Amusingly, Fubuki’s in-game avatar (which resembled herself) wore a similar coat, albeit a palette swap of the one Fubuki got.

Chapter 7: Evolution and a second teammate is found

Chapter Text

Enjoying an easy day in class, Fubuki was by her lonesome as Vivian was sick that day she suddenly had a stroke of inspiration. After watching Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, she’s hoping to sort of evolve her Faust Robe. Asking the closest person to an expert on Faust Robes, Elfnein, Fubuki was more than a little disappointed that Elfnein had no idea whether or not Relic-based Faust Robes could undergo ‘evolutions’.

Trying the various methods seen in anime to cause the L’illumine-Faust Robe to ‘evolve’, from putting as much magic into it as possible and starting to push it beyond the limits to attempting to discover a hidden feature, all failed. Eventually, Fubuki gave up trying to use those methods to trigger an evolution in her Faust Robe and started looking elsewhere for answers. Namely in Morgan Le Fay’s research notes about Relics, inside of which Fubuki found something that could be what she was looking for.

According to the ancient Witch’s research notes, Relics and Philosopher Stones would start to resonate within the presence of the other. Being able to nullify and destroy each other. The same research notes also mentioned that Morgan had been experimenting with Relics and Philosopher Stones to find out if it was possible to use the resonance between the two to power up Relics with the power of Philosopher Stones. Unfortunately, Morgan never got to find out whether or not her experiment would have worked due to getting dragged into what she called the complete mess that was Modred’s temper tantrum that escalated into a full-blown rebellion.

In the lab where she found Vivian her relic and the Philosopher stone, she found among the various objects they were both a good distance from each other and herself in the middle of the two standing in a ritual circle hands stretched out to both objects.

Off to the side was Vivian ready in case anything went wrong.

"You are so grounded if they find out." Vivian said. In the year since they found her, the homunculus grew into her person and not the stiff robotic personality she first had.

Starting to chant, a sort of humming sound could be heard as magical tendrils from both objects started to reveal themselves traveling towards the other. Fubuki speculated that both the relic and the stone were opposites of each other and only needed something to allow them to sync up and unify. From her spot, Vivian could only gasp as a sort of dome surrounded Fubuki, who couldn't tell as she had her eyes closed and was thankful that she was recording this.

Starting to grow tired, Fubuki released both seals to boost her magical power. At some point during her chant, both objects suddenly exploded knocking Vivian to the floor as the shards streamlined towards the dome slowly covering Fubuki in its essence. Finishing the ritual in a flash of light there was a minor explosion at the end of it.

"So I take it the experiment was a success?" Elfnein noted much to Vivian's surprise.

Looking at herself, Fubuki felt different, more energized than noticing something under her shirt and easily taking off her shirt and bra there above her chest shined a crystal of sorts in-between her chest. Trying something out, she channeled a bit of magic to it only to gasp seeing tribal lines appear throughout her body, the color being that of a blue hue. However, before she could find out what the markings meant for her, Vivian spoke up.

“Not to come across as rude or something but can you please put your shirt or at least your bra back on? It’s distracting.” The fact that Vivian was trying not to look was further emphasized by her covering her eyes with her hand. Fubuki had to remind herself despite being nine years old her body is that of a twelve-year-old entering early puberty.

“Oops.” Complying with Vivian’s request, Fubuki put on both her bra and her shirt, looking more than a little embarrassed. “Sorry about that. Now then, let’s see what has changed with my Faust Robe. L'illuminé Granzizel Qǐdòng.” Upon reciting the new activation phrase/chant, the markings exploded outward covering Fubuki in a dome of energy.

As if she was in a separate dimension altogether, the markings that were on her skin started hovering above her skin before they expanded and merged forming a blueprint, or hologram. The first of the holograms was the steel blue sleeveless bodysuit with a bolero top only covering her shoulders then over all of that was a cropped jacket just reaching just underneath her chest in a silvery white and both trim and marks were in a navy blue color. The shoulder pads on the jacket had the Fleur-de-lis emblem on it. Around her hips is a white belt that has an extra belt hanging off Fubuki’s left thigh that has a neon green strip down the middle. Wearing a pair of short shorts wrapped around that is a back skirt that has the Fleur-de-lis emblem on it reaching to her ankles in a dark blue color. Covering her legs are a pair of knee-length greave boots in white and blue laces. Protecting her wrists is a pair of wrist armor in the shape of teardrops. The final touch of the outfit is the rather intricate diadem resting on her forehead with a rather spectacular-looking red gem in the center.

Nodding to herself, Fubuki raised her hand out thinking of her weapon. Seeing the ever-familiar spear, with some minor modifications, a sudden wrist flick turned the weapon into a tonfa spear.

Dispelling the new gear, Fubuki smiled at her best friend and her aunt before turning back her attention to the gem. Ironically the Philosopher's Stone is now in the image of a Treble Clef, a musical note.

Seeing Vivian blushing at a clueless Fubuki, Elfnein made a text to the adult-only group chat.

Nu11M3T4l4lch3m15t: 1511 yen says it's Vivian who confesses to Fubuki.

Elfnein soon cackled at the flood of comments from the others in the chat room. "It's nothing girls, Hibiki is in her mood swings again," she said when they turned to see what she was cackling about.

Soon getting a call about something going on in Egypt, Elfnein took the girls along for a bit of fieldwork.

On the private plane, the ladies went to change into desert-appropriate attire which had a cooling charm on it. Equipping the earpiece translators, they made their way to the three pyramids when they saw plumes of black smoke.

Jumping from the plane's belly hatch, both 9-year-old girls went to work.

"HA, HA, HA!" hearing that cackle, Fubuki snarled, "Zarola!" thrusting her hand out four spheres of magic launched forward. Bashing two and redirecting the others towards the Noise, the bitch charged and Fubuki followed, both weapons meeting in the middle.

"Aw, did you miss me already?" Zarola cooed going in for a tit grope but Fubuki was ready turning her spear into tonfa mode and using her free hand to punch the teenager in the neck discharging a pulse of magic.

"That shut you up c*nt!" Fubuki mocked Zarola, glaring at her.

Vivian, herself, got lost in the horde of Noise trying to protect her partner, Fubuki hated being called Mistress, when she saw Elfnein bleed in her elbow. Not waiting for a single second, Vivian bashed the Noise with a spell when she heard Fubuki scream in pain, turning to the sound, Vivian saw blood as she saw Zarola molesting Fubuki once more. The homunculus screeched out a spell knocking the corrupted relic user off of Fubuki.

Checking on the girl in question, Vivian saw Fubuki hyperventilating and then noticed the kiss marks on her neck.

“Avalon bes skiids Tron.” As the words flowed out of Vivian's mouth her body went through the transformation process. The first pieces of the transformed outfit to form are a set of dark blue colored metal gauntlets and greaves similar to those worn by knights of old that covered Vivian’s forearms and calves, each individual plate and panel sporting a warm gold colored border. While the girl’s thighs and biceps didn’t get covered in metal, they (along with pretty much everything else) were covered by a pale gold-colored bodysuit. Rounding up the transformation was the formation of a piece of armor around Vivian’s torso and a dark blue cape that was sporting the number 12 in writing vaguely reminiscent of texts from medieval Europe.

Racing towards where Zarola landed, Vivian landed a clean blow on the opposing relic user's gut. “Get away from her you bitch!” Vivian shouted as the psychotic teenager was sent flying off of Vivian’s fist. Catching herself by planting her corrupted spear into the sand and halting her momentum with a maneuver that would make a professional pole dancer proud, Zarola didn’t bother to resist licking her lips as she took a stance.

“Oh? What’s this? Want to join the fun? People say it takes two to tango but I think I can make it work with three-”

“As a certain Shaolin monk once said. ‘Quit beating your gong and fight.’”

“As you wish… snowflake.” With a quick thrust of her spear, Zarola attempted to sheath its tip inside Vivian’s gut, only for the wielder of the Avalon-Faust Robe to sidestep the strike and redirect the spear into the sand by stomping on the shaft. A maneuver that Vivian had only seen performed in a stage performance via the internet, with blunted weapons, but she executed it perfectly. The Mikiri Counter. “Uh oh.”

“Go. To. Hell!” Shouted Vivian as she delivered an uppercut to Zarola’s jaw before following up with a push kick to her opponent’s pelvis, burying her metal-encased heel in Zarola’s lady bits. “And for your information, nutcase, only one person gets to call me snowflake or anything similar. And that’s not you!”

"Awe so you like that girl as well huh." Zarola sexily cracked licking the blood off her lips, "I've always wanted to be in a threesome."

"Y-yeah well… keep dreaming… f*cking bitch." Fubuki said, daggers made of magic floating around her. Releasing the hold on her weapon constructs, Zarola couldn't dodge as Vivan had a spell that held her in place.

The two had to jump back when a bat-type Noise retrieved her before anything else could be done.

"So she got away again," Elfein said grimacing, wondering what they wanted in Egypt of all places.

Hugging Vivian for all she's worth, Fubuki just wanted someone to hold after that experience.

Wanting to forget that incident, the pair went to a nearby anime convention that was in town which was a perfect distraction. Fubuki went as a young Medusa from the Fate series and Vivian as Morgan also from the same franchise.

"I'm surprised Uncle Genjuro even allowed an anime adaptation of Mom and the others." Fubuki said seeing scenes of the anime corresponded to the stories Maria and the rest told them. Fortunately, some elements in the anime have been added to disconnect it from the real events. "Why did they have to make Tsu-mama such a bitch?" Fubuki whined seeing how much of a hard-ass her character is.

"Well she was strict but I don't think she was that strict." Vivian agreed.

Walking around the convention, the pair had a good time when they caught the attention of a few other cosplayers. "Oh my god you two look so good together." the one dressed as Mikasa from Attack on Titan gushed. "Yeah, like this date of yours is so cute." another cosplayer, this time Zelda from the Legend of Zelda, complimented.

"D-date?!" Both girls blushed.

Seeing them leave, the pair quickly returned home doing separate things for a change as the date comment left them deep in thought. Fubuki was in the pool taking laps while Vivian was getting homework done in the kitchen.

"Date? Was it a date I mean we're only 9 but look at least 12,” Vivian told herself as she finished the Charms Essay.

Hearing a knock on the door, Vivian went to check the security camera to reveal Lindy Harlaown, one of the Bureau agents to be their handlers of sorts for the magical world. “Hello Vivian, is Fubuki here?” The agent asked as they entered the kitchen for a spot of tea. Taking glances at the Humonculus, Lindy could only shake her head at the idiocy of the West and how easily they would condemn something as dark due to very little understanding and fear of the unknown. Her daughter Fate is of the same breed due to Fate’s original mother went off the deep end in trying to bring back her original daughter but both died in an explosion of the woman’s own creation leaving Fate an orphan until she came along to bring some life back to the poor child. Like the rest of the Bureau agents they were appalled at the lengths the West’s so-called Dark Lord would go to obtain immortality and Lindy was one of the witches who oversaw the soul extraction from Fubuki.
“So is this agent Lindy or Aunty?” Fubuki asked seeing the agent as she entered the kitchen. Lindy smirked from behind her tea cup seeing Vivian blush towards Fubuki’s direction before turning away.

“Agent, I got some news from the top brass of Bureau Chifuyu Orimura that the exchange student bill passed and she’s already assigned the both of you to it,” Lindy explained.

Upon hearing the news Fubuki frowned, she knew why she was chosen. When Voldemort’s soul shard was removed from her head it left her with a sort of link allowing her to know where the other Horcruxes are located but Voldemort himself. When the Tengus made contact with the Goblins of the West they were enraged that an object in their vaults was in deed a Horcrux that was in one of the more known Death Eaters; Voldemort’s legion of followers. When that one was purified, they made it into some kind of soul detector and gave it to her as they knew that the rest of them were only in Great Britain. The Exchange student policy was to allow Fubuki and Vivian easy access to the country and get the rest of the bloody things.

“So we need to get our wands now? Isn’t it a bit early for that,” Vivian asked. She knew that they get wands at 11 years old and right now they were only 9.

“Because of your connections to the Faust Robe we need to make it from scratch,” Lindy said before explaining the process. “First you will need to use your magic to ‘water’ a magical tree that chooses you and then the necessary cores. Normally there is only one core but with the inclusion of the Relic/Faust Robes the Bureau is unsure if any of the current cores we have in stock will be chosen." They were only slightly lucky with Maria and the others but for the two girls, they weren't sure what to expect.

Especially with a literal Philosopher Stone lodged in Fubuki's chest. Oh, the Bureau was pissed off about that one but weren't stupid enough to try and kidnap Fubuki so they went down the route of studying from a distance.

Returning her focus to the wands, Lindy continued on. "Following the cores then we have a gem amplifier, this is something that a majority of wand users don't have because it's something that the Ministries of various countries regulate heavily but Britain outright illegalizes because their so-called pure bloods can't get one for their wands."

"Because of all the inbreeding isn't it?" Vivian asked. "They think that keeping it in the family is what makes them important but in reality, it's killing them and the so-called muggleborn they despise are really the squibs they banish, if not kill themselves."

With the need to get this started, the two girls got started watering their chosen trees with magic to create their wands.

A few days later when the pair had an early out of school, they finally managed to get their feelings sorted out. What had started as merely the bond between master and servant had developed into a bond between equals in almost every aspect of life, including their admittedly limited understanding of romance. Despite their limited understanding of romance, however, they couldn’t help but admit that they could imagine themselves happily spending the rest of their lives together.

Upon opening the front door, however, they stumbled upon something no child their age should see. "Oh… that's it! f*ck me right there Ri-Ri!" Tsubasa moaned out. She was against the wall with her legs wrapped around Maria's thrusting hips as she f*cked her fellow idol with a strap-on. "I-imagine if y-y… f*ck me harder damn it… you ha-had the futa potion!" Tsubasa shrieked when Maria hit her pleasure spot. It seems that Maria really wanted to put a baby in her girlfriend's womb.

Walking in on Fubuki's mother's f*cking the living room both of them froze. Vivian had a full body blush while Fubuki only had a minor nose as she saw this online but seeing it in person was a different matter entirely.

Turning her head Maria froze seeing the girls which caused Tsubasa to do the same.

"Welp I won't be able to see the living room the same way ever again." Fubuki finally said, causing a domino effect of Vivian fainting and both adult women scrambling for clothes but the dild* prevented Maria from putting on a pair of pants.

"I'm going to take Vivi to our room and try to forget this happened." Fubuki said, picking Vivian up bridal style and up the stairs.

“I told you that screwing each other on a school day was a bad idea.”


“Yes, Tsubasa?”

“Shut up. You went along with it and enjoyed every second of it just as much as I did.”

“You’re not wrong.”

Chapter 8: Return to England

Chapter Text

A few days of awkward silence after running in on the two women f*cking made a subtle change in the relationship between Vivian and Fubuki. Before they would sleep in separate beds but now it was a small queen size one that almost looked like a married couple and they even showered together. Fubuki even corrupted Vivian into going braless in bed to boot both girls not minding the wandering hands but both knew where the line to not cross was drawn.

Waking up on a Saturday morning, Fubuki rolled her eyes seeing Vivian snuggle into her chest as this had become a habit of the homunculus but it was something she was happy about all the same.

For everyone else in the family, a few bets were won but the important ones were the three special words that at this point didn't matter as that one went to Maria and Tsubasa, much to their embarrassment.

"You did that one on purpose." Hibiki playfully sneered, handing over her bit of the pot.

The adults in the group cackled in the faces of the Silver Sword duo when Fubuki bluntly said why she was leery of the living room as she didn't know where in the area did they f*ck before the two 9-year-olds barged in.

Around the start of December Hibiki was in the final months of her pregnancy so she was moved to the hospital wing of S.O.N.G. which had Fubuki and Vivian visiting every chance they could so that they wouldn’t miss the birth of a new member of the family. Making sure everything was safe for the coming day the adults were amused by the actions. “Well, we had the sed ed as a lesson at the academy.” Vivian explained when they asked, “We were split into our two gender groups and the Witch Healer Shamal told us that the later months of a woman’s pregnancy are extremely painful especially when magic is involved.”

“I think someone is just practicing when it's their turn.” Kirika teased. Both girls blushed at the accusation but didn’t deny it.

It was only about midway into the month that both Fubuki and Vivian got a call to head to the principal's office. Seeing Maria and Tsubasa with grins both girls knew what it meant, “The babies are here?” Vivian asked excitedly. Heading to the hospital, the group of four made it to Hibiki’s room and since it was a big one everyone was there with space in between them. “There you two are.” Hibiki said with a tired smile holding twin girls, “Why don’t you both say hi to your new little sisters.”

Looking at Miku, she nodded, “Go ahead, I’m sure you’re eager to hold them.”

As Fubiki took one baby Vivian held the other and after being taught how to properly hold them the pair of girls slowly rocked the babies back and forth causing the newly birthed babies to shift around at the movement. Wiggling her pinky at the baby’s hand, Fubiki gasped in awe when the little one grabbed it.

“This is adorable.” Aoi gushed as Chris took a video of everything getting a close-up of Fubuki and the baby.

“What are the names?” Vivian asked in a whispering tone not wanting to disturb the baby in her arms.

Hibiki was the one who answered them as she watched with a smile on her face, “The one in Vivian’s arms is Kagami.” Both she and Miku decided on the name as a reflection of a time as a Relic user, “And the one in Fubuki’s arms is named Kanade.” Tsubasa gasped in shock as her hand covered her mouth, “Miku and I chose this one as a sort of tribute, to the woman whose life was cut short in exchange for protecting mine.” Unable to hold back her tears, Tsubasa threw her hands around Hibiki muttering out thank you in a repeating cycle, “And I want you and Maria to be Kanade’s Godmothers while Kirika and Shirabe are Kagami’s.”

“And we want the two of you to be their older sisters.” Miku said.

“Blood may be thicker than water but that doesn’t decide who should be considered family for a family are people who want to be in your life and you in theirs.” Fubuki said. “Don’t worry we’ll be the best big sisters they will wish for and be so loving and protective that they’ll need to get Kendo Shinai to keep us away.” Vivian said backing Fubuki’s statement.

“I feel sorry for the poor sucker who wants to take those girls out on a date.” Genjurrou laughed, “Not only will they need to get the parent's permission but they’ll have to brave the dragons guarding the princesses.”

Soon into the new year, Fubuki soon started getting her sh*t together and took an effort to try to swear and curse less around the kids and even a nightgown to get into the habit of wearing one so that the girls wouldn’t walk into Fubuki’s bedroom and see her topless. Offering themselves up for babysitting duty, it was easier to keep the girls distracted with magic as the bright lights kept their attention. In the living room at Hibiki and Miku's place, the parents watched the four children play together. “Is this how you expected our lives to be?” Hibiki asked her wife. “Nope, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Miku replied.

At a different concert in London, the group of four took a tour around the surrounding area. “Man these houses are so utilitarian,” Maria said, passing the same design house for the last few blocks, “Where are we again?” she asked Tsubasa. Checking the map, the blue haired girl answered, “Little Whinging, Surrey.”

Fubuki gasped in shock hearing these words, “Please uncle I’ll be good don’t get the belt.” she cried curling her arms to her chest and rocking back and forth, “I’m sorry I ruined breakfast… No, not the fists.”

Seeing this, Tsubasa got the f*ck out of there and into a different area and reached a random park, Maria almost kicked the door open and did the same when she opened the door on Fubuki’s side. “Fubuki it’s alright we’re out of there,” she whispered into the crying child. “They won’t get you and I won’t let them.”

Vivian had a look of concern and confusion, she’d never seen Fubuki like this and it scared her. Fubuki is normally an outspoken girl with times of her being shy but nothing like this. "Fubuki hasn't told you, has she?" Tsubasa asked, seeing the look of confusion.

Vivian shook her head, "Never, she would always say that the past should stay in the past but I didn't think it was going to be this bad." Hearing her… girlfriend(?)’s mom sighing in what seemed to contain multiple emotions, Vivian made sure to pay attention to what Maria said next.

“While it isn’t our place to say, what you need to understand is that Fubuki’s life before coming into Tsubasa and I’s care wasn’t the best by a long shot. Just… be patient with her and she’ll probably tell you the full story.”

“I…understand. If I ever run into this… ‘uncle’ though… I’m gonna kick him in the balls.”

"If you're going hunting, the bastard's name is Vernon Dursley," Fubuki muttered, pulling herself away from Maria's embrace. "I don't know if the bastard and bitch did anything with that so-called room of mine underneath the staircase but if they didn't touch it then there should still be splotches of blood from those beatings."

"Underneath the staircase?" Tsubasa questioned, clutching the steering wheel.

"That was my bedroom before I was tossed out of the moving car at highway speed in France," Fubuki explained, "Then not soon after I ran into MaMaria and Tsu-mama."

Using her magic she was thankful that no one was around as Tsubasa pulled out a sword that eerily looked exactly like the one she used in her Symphogear form. Thankfully however Maria stopped it before her girlfriend went hunting.

"Huh, so outside the proverbial bedroom, Tsu-mama is the one wearing the pants," Fubuki jokes, showing how she is slowly getting back to normal.

On the day of the concert, the two children were in the front seat as usual, both of them lovingly holding hands as they sang in tune to a song by Walküre. During the first break of the concert, Fubuki was rudely grabbed by the arm from behind. "Hey great give me your backstage pass, I want to meet that stupid girl group," a voice only familiar to Fubuki demanded. Turning around, the once-named Harriet saw that Dudley now looked similar to Vernon. "We paid for these passes like everyone else does so why should we give them to you?" Vivian asked, now realizing who was in front of her.

Dudley scoffed, "Why should I when I can beat some other poor fool for theirs," he sneered at the two girls. Seeing as they weren't going to hand him theirs he simply shoved Vivian to the floor not realizing that they were being watched by everyone around them. "I won't ask again, give me your pass or this bitch gets it." he told Fubuki, who in his mind was a freak like his old cousin.

Digging her nails deep enough to draw blood, Fubuki didn't want to throw the first punch as she was taught better. "No, now get off of my friend and leave, now." she told her cousin, not that he knew as she changed so much since that day years ago.

Not used to being told no Dudley reeled his arm back to punch Vivian when Fubuki caught the punch then forcing him to face her the witch kneed him in the dick, causing every man in the area to cover their male parts as there was a sickening crunching sound.

Watching the Dursley family being hauled away for causing a scene Fubuki smirked then in the privacy of their hotel room Vivian seemed to have learned a thing or two of watching Maria and Tsubasa making out that by the end of it, both girls were gasping for air.

While Fubuki and Vivian were making out in their hotel room, never going further than tongue wrestling, and a bit of hand wandering. Fubuki’s twin brother and little sister were excited about seeing their sister as they were told that they couldn’t see their sister Harriet because of an incident that caused her to lose almost all of her magic but with the arrival of their Hogwarts letters on their 10th birthday it proves that Harriet’s magic was fully recovered. For Ivy, despite Fubuki’s best attempts, she remembered when she met her big sister for the first time rescuing her from those monsters. She still kept the flower in her hair as it was the first present her sister had given her but she was conflicted as she wanted her sister back but when Harriet talked about not coming back she could tell something was wrong.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRIET IS MISSING?!” The portrait of Charles Potter, their grandfather, demanded scaring both children. The children were so distracted by their daydreams that they didn’t see James and Lily return home with bad news.

“I-I thought I could tr-rust Petunia,” Lily cried in James’s arm, “I even gave them the extra money to support her.”

In the living room were the Potter Family along with Sirius, Remus, and finally Dumbledore. They were all excited for the Potter child eldest to return home but seeing Lily wailing and James having an expression of fury on his face something was wrong. “When we went to retrieve Harriet we found out the horrible things they did and told her,” James said anger only towards himself, it was his choice to send Harriet away.

“Come on James it can’t be that bad,” Sirius tried to point out.

“They treated her like a damn house elf,” James shouted, “Forcing her to do every chore imaginable and even telling her straight to Harriet’s face that she was a freak among freaks because we sent her to be trained as a slave for her siblings.”

All three of the adults’ faces turned bleach white, “This isn’t good, do you know where she is now?” Dumbledore asked. Despite what people think even he knows that family can take their hatred out on each other, just like the situation between him and his brother, but Harriet is a child with no means of defending herself.

“They abandoned her in France years ago,” Lily cried, “She could be dead for all we know.”

“Check the family tapestry you stupid boy,” the grandfather told them as he comforted his own wife. They knew leaving Harriet alone would be a possible disaster but to see it come into reality is worse than fantasy.

Checking the family tree, the adult’s face turned to horror as that branch was burned away, “H-how can that be?!” James demanded. The only way for that to happen is if she was banished from the family.

“Stupid boy, don’t you understand Harriet still had her magic on that day, but because you couldn’t sense it from how low it was basically at Squibb levels when you abandoned her Magic took it as a sign that you disowned her!” Charles shouted at them. “If you had waited a week or so her magic levels would have returned to normal! You f*cking lot left her to the wolves for nothing!”

Turning to Dumbledore, Charles almost snarled out, “It’s because of your greater good bullsh*t that my granddaughter is out there all alone in this cruel world. Unlike the rest of you, I know how terrible this world can be, I’ve been on the front lines of the Muggle World War 2. The atrocities there would have made Voldemort and his bloody ilk seem like schoolyard bullies and it’s even worse for the female genders as there are some twisted people who wouldn’t care she’s an underage girl.” The adults knew what that meant as Lily cried harder.

“Um, if that’s the case then why can’t my twin bond sense anything?” Charles asked reminding the adults they were still in the room.

Eyes turning soft, the grandfather explained, “If you two had grown up together then the twin magic could have made a connection but because you two were separated as a baby there would be no way for the magic to settle.”

Remembering something, Dumbledore spoke up, “It was only burnt not completely burned away meaning that Harriet is alive but that’s all we know.”

This left some hope but they were worried about how this reunion would go as they weren’t stupid enough to realize that just because they were Light members Harriet would be the same. Ivy wanted to tell them what she found but on the other hand, if Harriet was happy away from them she would let it be and hope they could still be friends. When the adults told the kids to leave for now Charles confronted his sister, “Ok, Ivy, I know you’re hiding something. I don’t know what it is but it must be important enough to not speak it up.”

“I met big sister Harriet when we ran into those foreigners a few years ago,” Ivy confessed playing with the flower in her hair.

Charles was confused at first but seeing the action his eyes widened, “The daughter was Harriet,” he wanted to run out and tell the adults but Ivy held his hand. “Please don't tell them, big brother! You should have seen her face when I called her Harriet, it’s like she was a different person. She even tried to alter my memory of our meeting after she saved me from those monsters.”

Calming down, Charles could only groan in frustration sitting down on his bed, “So what mom and dad said were true then… what do we do?” He asked himself looking at the ceiling.

“Grandpa Dumbledore said that the exchange program thingy passed on the international level meaning that students from other schools would be visiting and learning so there’s a chance that Harriet could come to Hogwarts,” Ivy said showing that she is her mother’s daughter. “Even if we can’t be siblings we can still be friends, can’t we?”

Charles sighed as this was the closest he would get, “Friends are better than nothing but what if we aren’t in the same house?” He wondered out loud.

“Hogwarts has changed from my time fills me with sadness,” Grandfather Charles said surprising both kids, “In my time it didn’t matter if your friends were in different houses but with the mess with Voldemort everything has changed. Only making friends within your own houses and looking to other houses with suspicion.”

“Grandfather, how long have you been there?” Charles asked his namesake.

“Enough to know that Harriet is in a better place, and you little missy are more mature than most adults,” the grandfather told his youngest granddaughter. “The best we can do is pray that whoever she is with if she is with a different family, raised her right and proper.”

Both children sighed as that was the best they could do at the moment, “Ivy can you tell me what Harriet was like?” Charles asked his little sister.

“Well she knew how to fight with a spear-like weapon and could use wandless magic,” Ivy began, “She must have something to touch those creatures without turning to dust as big sister Harriet punched the monster without any negative effects.”

“She did say that the school in Japan accepts students younger than eleven years old,” her bother points out rubbing his chin.

“Then she must know how to fight without magic,” the grandfather theorized, “I’ve never been to Japan myself as they were mostly against the Yanks across the pond but they could do things differently.”

“Grandfather, can you teach me what you can how to fight the muggle way?” Charles asked his grandfather. If the man was surprised he didn’t bother hiding it, “You said it yourself, wizards and witches hate physical fighting, and knowing Harriet from what Ivy said she would be in the thick of it. As her twin it’s my job to watch her back and I can’t do that with all I have is a wooden breakable wand, it might be harder at my age but if she can use wandless magic maybe I can too,”

“You do know this isn’t going to be easy? I won’t be giving you simple training and the like because you’re my grandson,” the War vet told his grandson.

“I don’t want you to take things easy on me,” the grandson fired back, “If I am to stand by Harriet’s side as a friend and partner then I need some major catching up to do.”

The Grandfather smiled seeing the fire in the younger Charles’ eyes, “Then we need to do this in a way that doesn’t seem suspicious about it and it seems that young Ivy wants in as well,” he said.

“Yeah we can make this a secret sibling bonding moment,” Ivy said.

“Then my grandchildren let’s get to work,” the grandfather commented leaving the portrait in the room to the Potter parents to get a plan in motion. Grandfather Charles smirked and thought, “Who said a Gryffindor couldn’t make a plan worthy of the Slytherin name.”

Chapter 9: Hogwarts Here we come


This will be a brief cameo to Al1a5's story Child of the Ouroboros. Consider this a spin-off squeal to that story

Chapter Text

With it being two years after the run-in with her relatives, Fubuki turned to look at herself in the full-body mirror. Despite turning 11 years old this year, her body is that of a 13-year-old teenager. Muscles showing her slender figure, Fubuki had a body most women would bleed for at her age, and let us not forget the wing tattoo runes suppressing three/fourths of her magic power that added to her appeal. The noticeable development was her breasts thanks to herself and Vivian during intense tongue-wrestling matches they grew in size to the mid-D-cup range but were beneficial as they helped cover the Philosopher's stone in her valley. Her black hair with blonde streaks now reached her shoulder and was done in a ponytail while her eyes, normally, covered by the strip of cloth, were revealed as she would hide them due to being more sensitive to the light caused by a prank spell that went wrong. Body sensitivity was also increased, due to her frequent contact with bullies and pranks that Vivian loved to take advantage of when they tongue-wrestled. With her being fully naked, Fubuki glanced at the rune tattoo above her navel that prevented unwanted pregnancy and protected her virginity from unwanted advances.

Hearing footsteps behind her along with the by now very familiar sounds of popping joints, Fubuki knew exactly who was walking up to her. Vivian Ashford. Fubuki’s girlfriend, who has been growing into a beauty in her own right. While Vivian’s chest wasn’t as big as Fubuki’s, being only a mid-C-cup, Vivian had more developed legs and hips than Fubuki, a result of both training and puberty hitting her early. Another result of Vivian’s training was the formation of hardened skin on her feet and hands.

“Hogwarts is coming up soon, ready for this, Fubuki?” Vivian asks while slowly clenching and unclenching her hands, causing her joints to release loud popping noises, which was a common occurrence indicating that she has had a good night's sleep.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” was the reply Fubuki gave before turning back to the mirror.

Since they were the ones involved with the exchange program they needed to be in England to get accustomed to the weather and some of the locations. S.O.N.G wanted to try and set up a base but with how the British Ministry was to something new they withheld the idea until this business with Voldemort was over. Normally they would be sent a minder but they trusted the two preteen girls as classes in Japan also taught home economics to prepare their students for the real world.

Both of them were taught British English the last few months before this day and for the rest of August, the pair would be staying in a rented apartment until September 1. They already had their wands and their Hogwarts letters already delivered so the first thing was to get their things. Luckily they also had their new wands to try out as unlike the British-made wands these had no tracing charms meaning they could do magic outside of school.

"This is going to f*cking suck." Fubuki groaned, flopping onto the bed back first. Magical Great Britain is so f*cking backward and still believes that it's still the nineteen hundreds in the mundane world so no electricity but thank god there's running water.

Vivian nodded, "Thankfully we can use the Le Fay castle to keep our skills sharp. But with only the two of us it is going to be ineffective as within the few months, we would have known each other's tactics."

As they finished packing they put everything inside of their luggage and rolled them downstairs.

"I take it, you're all ready to go then." Kirika said, being the first one to speak. Everyone in the group was there so that they could all go to the airport at the base together. Kanade and Kagami were crying as they didn't want their big sisters to leave them. Genjuro would be the one to help them get settled into their apartment then leave the week later as he was still the head of the S.O.N.G. Organization. Maria and Tsubasa were amazed at how much time had flown since the day they found Fubuki in France. But they couldn't be proud of the young woman as she became a different person from that malnourished child all those years ago.

At the base's runway, everyone made their final farewells and the like as they boarded the plane. Stopping on the first step up the stairs, Fubuki quickly ran back towards the adults.

"Fubuki, did you forget something?" Maria asked worriedly.

Fubuki shook her head, "I love you, Mommy, thanks for taking me in even when you didn't have to." she said before hugging her mother. Turning to Tsubasa, Fubuki repeated the same thing but a little different.

On the private jet, the girls played with their newly made Bureau-issued phones. 5G mobile data, fast speed internet, GPS tracking; and, thankfully, can be used in a magically enriched environment; being solar powered. "Thank Kami, we have magic-powered technology." Fubuki cheered while playing Galaga. "They were even kind enough to install an I.D. system to prevent their and a shock feature." Vivian said checking out a video.

Landing on the airport in Britain the group of three quickly got into the S.O.N.G. issued SUV making their way to where the apartment they were to be housed in until the start of Hogwarts. Despite the weather in Britain, it had warmer winters than in Japan so once they made it to the apartment the girls quickly changed to shorts. "So we already know where it is but we need a professor to show us as if this is our first time," Fubuki said remembering the tavern clearly. Opening her letter, Vivian skipped over the introduction and went to the supply list.

First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for daywear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils’ clothes should carry name tags

COURSE BOOKS All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set of glass or crystal vials
1 telescope set
1 brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad


“Thankfully we already have most of these in our luggage.” Vivian noted seeing the list, “But they still use Pewter in potions for people to drink?” she said shaking her head as stuff made from the old-fashioned pewter still had lead in them which was poisonous.

“Some of the books we don’t have so it won’t be a total loss,” Fubuki said. The only book they knew of was Newt’s Creatures and where to find them as he was renowned throughout the world, so, understandably, it would be translated into multiple languages. “Should we even get an Owl?” she asked, stroking Kuroka’s two tails. “And don’t you want a pet, Vivian?”

“Well, an owl would be useless as we are both in the same location; I don’t think a bird can handle a straight flight from here to Japan and back.” Vivian countered, “And we have these for phone calls and Facetime talks.”

“You can still get a pet.” Genjuro points out adding his opinion, “Give Kuroka a friend while you two are in class.”

A few days after they arrived in Great Britain, their guide to the English Wizarding world knocked on their front door. Allowing the witch to come in, she introduced herself, “Hello, Ms. Ashford and Eve, I am Professor McGonagall. I’m the Transfiguration Professor and head of house Gryffindor, one of the four houses of Hogwarts.” Fubuki went with Eve as her last name because the first one was hard to pronounce.

“So the four houses weren't just part of the emblem?” Vivian probed; wanting to get more information.

“Indeed, there are four houses in Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.” Both girls quickly picked up the disdain McGonagall had for the last one. Having them hold her hand, all three suddenly vanished with a loud popping sound, similar to a firecracker going off. Appearing in an alleyway, the professor led the girls to the pub known as The Leaky Cauldron. Despite the dark atmosphere, they were getting all kinds of looks as Vivian's and Fubuki's appearances drew all sorts of eyes.

Seeing the Alley itself for the first time, Vivian leaned towards Fubuki. "This place is a fire hazard waiting to happen." Walking through the Alley to get their things, Fubuki couldn’t help but overhear the people around her talking. “Hey, did you hear? The Boy Who Lived is getting his school supplies today,” a random shopper notified her friend. “Oh, is it true? Is he going to show up today?” Another bystander gasped, wanting it to be true. Vivian silently held her girlfriend (?)’s hand in support with her thumb on the back of Fubuki’s hand. While better at her emotions about the Potters, she still had her moments.

Having money from Fubuki’s Le Fay account, they moved straight into the shopping. Seeing a few boys their age gathering around a broomstick, Fubuki read the sign, “The New Nimbus Two Thousand. Fastest Broom in the market.” She rolled her eyes while doing her research; she knew there was a few ‘sport’ the wizards and witches had in the West, one of them being called Quidditch; honestly, she couldn’t see the appeal for it. It’s similar to basketball only fifty feet in the air and just hitting stuff back and forth.

Getting their uniforms at Madam Malkin’s, they met a witch who smiled at the three, “Oh, McGonagall, it’s so good to see you again deary,” she said before spotting the girls, “Are these two Hogwarts students? They look a bit different from the usual batch.” She gestured for them to come to one of the clothing stalls she was working in and had them raise their arms. Her assistant shot both girls a look of jealousy as they had chests bigger than hers; Fubuki and Vivian ignored this.

“No, these two are for the Exchange Program.” McGonagall answered looking over some parchment she had on her.

“Oh, from what country?” Malkin asked, raising an eyebrow as she continued to work.

“Japan, mam.” Vivian answered, “My friend and I are from Azure Dragon’s Magic Academy.”

“I take it coming to Britain must have been quite the shock, I take it?” Malkin speculated as she started waving her wand, “And I must say you two are more developed than most people in your age group.”

“We’re aware.” Fubuki couldn’t resist delivering her response to the remark about her and Vivian’s well-developed bodies in a deadpan tone. Something that drew the attention of another customer in the store. A rather petite girl with literally multicolored hair set up in a pair of messy hair buns, who seems to mutter something in what (vaguely) sounded to Fubuki as Chinese. Once measurements were taken Malkin asked if there was anything else they wanted and nodded their heads when both of them shook their heads.

Already having a majority of what was on the list from before they left Japan the only thing they needed was a few books, “I don’t think I’ve seen books like these in our academy’s library,” Vivian whispered to her companion in Japanese so no one could understand them. Fubuki nodded thinking the same thing, “It might be because of how the Brits see things,” Fubuki said, “Most of this is just theory stuff and not a lot of hands-on material. Considering that they won’t allow the regular mundane to use magic outside of Hogwarts they would rather try and control the information so no one does anything stupid.”

“Also consider the fact that they don’t have any underground locations so people can practice their magic during school breaks means there’s no real way of them practicing gives the mundane a disadvantage to their magically born classmates,” Vivian noted.

“Is there anything else you girls need before we get the uniform?” McGonagall said. The professor learned a bit about their Japanese exchange students from this encounter and the occasional small talk. Learning that the Japanese were more hands-on and allowed free thinking during lessons was something they never did at Hogwarts as they taught students according to the laws set down by the Ministry and wished their purebloods were more understanding like those in Japan. She also learned that her mastery of Transfiguration could be called intermediate in Japan and maybe in other parts of the world as they were willing to push the limits and test boundaries, sometimes even nearing something that could be considered dark.

“That’s the thing, Professor McGonagall,” Fubuki began as they looked through the books, “To the rest of the world it’s all about the intentions behind the spell not if it’s light or dark. If I was forced to kill someone in defense of another, does that make me evil? No, it doesn’t. Some people don’t see things as for what they are but what they can potentially be."

Getting a pet for Vivian, they went by the pet store only to see it crowded by a lot of people. "Oh I can't wait to see him, the Boy Who Lived," one of the wizards in the crowd exclaimed, a grin on his face. Being told that the Potters were here left a sour taste in Fubuki's mouth. Seeing the crowd part like the Red Sea, Fubuki got her first look at them since her encounter all those years ago and had to raise an eyebrow. Unlike a few years ago, Charles grew some muscle here and there not looking like others in their age group from what she saw.

“Ah hello there Professor,” Lily Potter said seeing the Transfiguration Professor, “I take it these are our Japanese exchange students,” she looked to the girls when saying this then raised her eyes in surprise. “Oh I remember seeing you a few years ago,” she told Fubuki.

“Yes I remember as well,” Fubuki smiled, though to some it looked strained. This was probably the last thing she needed today.

“I learned a bit about the school in Japan and I wanted to ask are there really underground locations where anyone can practice their magic outside of school?” Lily asked. When she first read about this, she wondered why it hadn’t been implemented here but soon realized that it was this way so that the purebloods could lord their superiority over their muggle counterparts.

Both girls nodded then listed a few places that has such a facility such as the library and a few gyms here and there.

“So what pet are you thinking about getting?” Charles asked and though from an outside perspective it would seem like he was starting to develop a crush on her, Fubuki thought it was something else but couldn’t understand what it was. “I got myself an owl here, useful things they are,” he said pointing to a snow-white owl that in another world would have belonged to someone named Harry Potter.

“I already have a cat from Japan but it’s Vivian who is getting a pet,” Fubuki answered.

Watching the Potters leave and the crowd diminish, Vivian looked around the store finally decided on a cat naming her Artoria, the female version of Arthur because it somehow felt right with the cat’s blonde fur and blue eyes.

Being sent home for the rest of the day, “Remember ladies the train to Hogarts is at the London station 9 3 ⁄ 4 and it would be better if you got there before the crowd forms around 11,” McGonagall said before departing. Making a quick call to her mothers, Fubuki didn’t need to hide anything as Maria and Tsubasa knew her pretty well and confessed to what she speculated about her encounter with Charles. Not sure what to do as they already explored the malls in London, Vivian took that option out of Fubuki’s hands already topless. “When did you become quite the succubus, my dear?” Fubuki grinned, taking off her shirt and bra. Not giving Vivian a chance to respond, the Faust Robe wielder kissed her companion, spending the rest of the day in a rather intense heavy petting that left hickey marks.

The following morning was a scene of the girls getting ready for their first day at Hogwarts, both girls wearing something similar to their Faust Robe outfits just in a mundane style. Hailing for a taxi, both girls were dropped off at the London train station. Seeing as there wasn’t much of a crowd they would have to find the station on their own but with Fubuki’s perception magic, they were able to find it as it was the most concentrated area of magic between the stations nine and ten.

Making it to the other side, the girls were impressed by the scarlet red and black coal power train before bumping into someone. Said someone turned out to be a very buxom woman appearing to be somewhere in between her late twenties or early thirties wearing a black trench coat with a pale purple infinity symbol on the back. Turning towards the girl who bumped into her, the woman was revealed to possess silvery gray eyes, a very high cup size, a high G-cup at least, and an expression that seemed to, by default, be a disinterested deadpan. Curiously, Fubuki noticed that the woman had a pair of pointy ears, unusually claw-like fingernails, and a ring on her ring finger that had the same symbol as the back of her coat.

“Interesting. It appears that I meet a Constant of this world just as her journey is about to truly begin.” The woman appeared to muse about something that didn’t make a lick of sense to Fubuki, who at least assumed that the woman was talking about her. “Take heed, young spear-maiden of light, for some trails on your journey cannot be faced with the Mystic Arts but with an Armament of the Ancient Song in your hand.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, lady. Did you hit your head when I bumped into you?” Fubuki couldn’t resist asking in slight concern.

“I didn’t. So you’ll be one of my daughter’s yearmates? I’m curious to see how well the two of you get along.”

“Honey, please. You’re embarrassing her. Let us finish up saying our goodbyes here and head to the hospital, we’re about to become aunts again, remember and I’m more than sure that our newest nieces or nephews will want to meet their aunts.” Stated another woman who was just as well-endowed as her apparent wife, easily being a mid-G-cup. Sporting tanned skin, a pair of heterochromatic eyes (left eye pale blue and right eye red), and dual-colored hair consisting of the colors platinum blond and pitch black. “I understand that those three love getting busy in the sheets but seriously, they really should start taking precautions in situations like these.”

“You know that they won’t listen and just continue doing what they do, right? We tried for decades before we had our child. Then again, those three are a whole lot more active about it than us.”

“Fair enough.”

All three girls blushed knowing what they were talking about.

"Didn't we see you yesterday in Malkin's robes?" Vivian asked, recognizing the girl.

"Yup." the other girl answered, popping her P. "Huôyán Ouroboros.”

Chapter 10: Train ride and arrival

Chapter Text

On the train, the three girls got a compartment together, and once they settled inside, they let their pets out. Fubuki and Vivian had relatively normal pets, even if Kuroka is a two-tailed cat rather than a normal one like Artoria. Huôyán’s pet is easily considered exotic compared to Artoria and Kuroka. A creature that resembled a rather large owl with mainly blue plumage: a grayish belly, a yellow collar, and a white face with a small beak and red eyes that Huôyán had named Johnny for some reason. Despite being rather intimidating looking, or at least he would have if he was big, Johnny was surprisingly cuddly with his owner, happily pushing and rubbing his head against Huôyán’s cheek in a manner of love from the Chinese girl’s shoulder. Though considering that Huôyán did claim to have taken care of Johnny ever since she got him as an egg from her mom, it made sense that he’d be cuddly with her.

“So Huôyán, what kind of magic do you use?” Fubuki asked, wanting to make small talk as it would take nine hours to get to Hogwarts. Vivian had her head in one of the books for class. Both girls were uncomfortable to pull out their phones, with students still trying to find a compartment to settle in so soon after departing from the station.

“I don’t know if you believe me. I have a Pocket Dimension as a main use; however, I mostly use fireworks.” Huôyán answered, sitting on the opposite side of the couple. “But I want to say sorry about my mom tends to be a bit blunt in certain aspects. She tends to look into future events on a whim and wanted to let you know of the potential dangers coming your way.”

Fubuki nodded, “So that explains the vague comment.”

“Nah, Mama Blake does it because she likes to see people trying to understand it all.” Huôyán corrected.

Not knowing what to make a conversation about next, all three sat in relative silence, happy to be in each other’s company. “What were your thoughts on Diagon Alley yesterday?” Vivian asked, looking up from her book, “I thought it was a fire hazard in the making with how close the shops are situated.”

“A complete f*cking mess.” Huôyán bluntly answered, “My sibs and I don’t make that big of a mess. That place is a whole different kettle of fish.” she knew she was one of the victims of the mess they made at home; her parents still loved her.

“From what you just admitted, you have a lot of siblings?” Fubuki points out.

“Mom and Mama are like the lady who has a bunch of cats in cartoons. But replace the cats with children who are; neglected, abused, or forgotten by others.” Huôyán explained.

“Family is more than just blood.” Fubuki nodded in agreement, “Blood doesn’t determine what family means. It’s the people around you that do.” Huôyán smiled, finally having someone understand as many people thought that family should only be of the same blood.

“So which house do you want to be in?” Vivian asked as she put her book away. “The houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.”

“So headless chickens running in guns blazing, the know-it-all bookworms who think they’re smarter than everyone, a group of leftovers no one wants because of bullsh*t reasons, and finally the will stab you in the back just because.” Huôyán ticked off each house with a brief explanation. Both girls broke down laughing as from what they discovered it was so true. Once the laughing subsided, all three girls saw the sun starting to set.

Glancing out the window into the hallway, Vivian didn’t see anyone coming, she closed the blinds, and both girls pulled out their phones; of course, catching Huôyán’s attention. “You two have phones! We should totally exchange phone numbers.” she cheered, taking her phone out. Moving to the topic of mobile games, each girl contributed their fair share of favorites. Reaching something from her trunk the train did a sudden jolt of movement resulting in Fubuki landing on Huôyán’s lap, but simple skin contact sent shivers down both of their spines. “Don’t think I’ll let you two get away with this.” Vivian jokes, hugging both girls.

Sensing someone coming their way, Fubuki told her companions to quickly put away their phones so they wouldn’t have to deal with anyone demanding it.

Seeing the compartment door slide open, a bushy-haired girl popped her head in already wearing her Hogwarts uniform.

"Pardon the interruption but have any of you seen a toad? Someone lost his pet and I'm trying to help look for it." she asked. Hopefully, the students in the seventh cabin she looked into would be more considerate than the rude comments from before.

The one with the eye cover shook her head. "Sorry we didn't see one here, but maybe try the restroom."

"Excuse me, why do you have your eyes covered?" She questioned her hand already reaching out to take them off. The white-haired girl grabbed her wrist. Tightly. "Who do you think you are? Grabbing something that doesn't belong to you. For your information, she can see perfectly fine with them on, but that's all you're going to get." Vivian is upset that this girl was taking action before even asking.

"Well, it's rude for her to have them on while speaking to someone." the ignorant girl argued.

“Oh, will you shut up, you Bèndàn (half-wit)? I don’t know why she wears that thing, and I don’t give a damn about it.” Huôyán states, much to the surprise and relief of the Chinese girl’s new friends(?). “You shouldn’t assume things about people you don’t know. I think it’s best if you leave.” Unsure why she spoke up; when she’s usually quiet, Huôyán didn't care and just wanted more hugs.

Huffing at how rude they were when she was only telling them something was rude. The girl walked away from the cabin and didn’t apologize for the offensive tone she gave them.

"This is going to be fun, oh joy," Fubuki sarcastically said. From this encounter alone, they could tell she was a rule follower to the highest order.

Told by a different student of their close approach to Hogwarts that they should get dressed in uniform. Since they were all girls, they had no problem stripping down in front of each other. "f*ck are you sure your 11?" Huôyán said, getting a closer view of her friend's bodies. She knew from yesterday that both Fubuki and Vivian were more developed, but this was on a different level.

"I use these puppies as a head pillow," Vivian grinned, groping Fubuki's breasts from behind. "They feel cloudlike themselves from how soft they are," she proudly stated as Fubuki rolled her eyes, "You're quite the deviant, you know that?" Fubuki teased. She yelped when Huôyán groped her tit* as well, "Oh yeah, these things are soft," the Chinese girl moaned, touching them.

Finishing up on getting dressed, Huôyán asked her companions, "What if we end up in different houses? I don't want to lose this as it just feels right being close to the two of you."

"We plan on being in Hufflepuff one way or another," Vivian said as she fixed her hair. "It'll be fine, firecracker," Fubuki said, head patting Huôyán's head, "And even if we do get into different houses. That doesn't mean we stop being friends; we have less time to see each other.”

“Good point. It reminds me a bit about Mom and Mama’s romance before they went and got married. Mom technically never went to Hogwarts but simply chose to stick around with Auntie Rouge and my big sisters while Mama went through her education.”

“One of your moms graduated from Hogwarts?”

“Yup, she was a Ravenclaw.”

“What year did she graduate?”

“I don’t know. Never asked.”

Getting off the train after everyone else did, they saw a giant of a man calling out to them. "Firs years follow me now, and don't forget to watch your step!" He hollered out with a lamp in hand. Unlike most children scared of the surrounding area, the three girls weren't and kept their eye out for any trouble. Huôyán with firecrackers in between her fingers, Vivian had her first clenched, and Fubuki had her magic constructs ready. Unknown to them, however, in the front of the group, Charles was doing the same; using some limited wandless magic.

As the narrow path reached an opening to a lake, the only light besides the full moon was from a castle on a high mountain. Our three heroines refrained from taking a photo in front of their fellow students but knew it would be in their top ten favorite scenes.

On the lake’s coast, the students could see multiple little boats floating on the surface. “Alright now, four to a boat.” Hagrid hollered out. Claiming a boat, the girls are soon joined by a male student. With a single command, the boats glided over the water’s surface until they reached an underground harbor that's underneath the castle. Disembarking onto the stone, everyone continued following the giant up the steps and in front of two oak front doors.

"Professor McGonagall her' are the firs' students," the giant said to an emerald-robed witch after he knocked on the door three times.

She nodded then proceeded to fully open the doors. “I appreciate you bringing them here, Hagrid. Now join everyone else in the Great Hall I will take things from here.” The entrance hall alone looked impressive to the mundane with its ominous passageways and the flame-lit torches lining the walls.

Opening the door, she nodded to the giant, "Thank you Hagrid, I will take it from here." To the muggle-born students, the entrance hall was impressive and ominous with the torch-lit hallways but to Fubuki and Vivian, it was only another Saturday.

Following the professor across the flat stone floor, they were led to a decent size room just big enough that the students weren't all bunched up next to each other. On the door to the right, before they were herded into the room, there were sounds of other voices meaning that the rest of the castle's inhabitants were already inside.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. “Very shortly, the start-of-term banquet will begin, but before taking your seats, each of you will be sorted into one of the four houses that inhabit this school. The Sorting itself is an important ceremony because while you are here, your house will be akin to family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house's common rooms."

Looking at each student, McGonagall continued, "Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. These are the four great houses of this school, each with its history. Generating many outstanding and noticeable wizards and witches. Each triumph will earn your house points; however, any misbehavior or rule-breaking will take those points away. It is a great honor that the house with the most points wins the house cup."

Informing the first-year students that the ceremony would begin in a few minutes, the professor told them to prepare themselves. "Do any of these people know that there are foreign students here?" Huôyán whispered, seeing each student start to get nervous.

Hearing one of the students say that the sorting was going to hurt. The three rolled their eyes. "Yeah, right, like we would be forced to fight for the rest of the school's amusem*nt just to get us sorted." Vivian scoffed. Hearing a few screams each one of them was tense but soon relaxed as it was only the mundane seeing real ghosts for the first time. "Please tell me you learned exorcism and purification rituals in school?" Fubuki asked. Vivian was more of the defense side between the two of them.

"You learned them as well." Vivian whispered back. "You're on a higher level than me."

“Fair enough. But most of the advanced stuff is more aimed towards dealing with straight-up malevolent spirits, not normal ghosts.”

“That’s interesting. Though I’d recommend calling in an expert.” Huôyán couldn’t resist joining in on the conversation.

“Probably smarter than doing it ourselves. Know any?”

“Well, there’s my older sister, Rei. She did purify an old haunted factory filled to the brim with vengeful spirits empowered by both a ley line and a blood moon once upon a time. I’ll probably never understand why she still hasn’t gotten rid of that serial killer of an ancestor of her’s that’s haunting her even when everyone knows she’s fully capable of performing the exorcism though.” Huôyán answered and then commented. Unknown to them, a few ghosts overheard their conversation and opted to stay away from them.

With McGonagall’s return, the ghosts soon left, and the professor led them to the other room. Entering the Great Hall, the first years could feel the stares from the other students as they made their way down the center of the room. “Oh joy, what the next seven years this will be,” Fubuki whispered, noticing Lily sitting at the teacher's table. Looking to the sides, Fubuki saw the tables with banners hanging over each one, starting from the right side of the room. It was Gryffindor followed by Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and finally; Slytherin at the far left.

“Ok, points to Hogwarts for first impressions,” Vivian said, seeing the roof as it matched the outside sky.

Looking to the front of the room, McGonagall placed a raggedy old four-legged stool, and on top of that was a hat full of patches and was extremely dirty. As the three stared at it in confusion, they were stunned when the hat f*cking started to sing.

Once the song was over, the three rapidly blinked three times before deciding no, they weren’t on some sort of drugs. “This is how they’ll sort us,” Vivian deadpanned, “By wearing a hat.”

Standing up, Dumbledore spoke up, interrupting McGonagall, “Before we begin sorting our first-year students. I would like to inform you all of a recent development. As of today, we have three foreign students outside of Great Britain who will be your fellow students for the full seven years!” students at the four tables whispered to each other, everyone wondering who the foreigners were, “I would like for them to get sorted first. If that is alright with them.”

“Ashford, Vivian,” McGonagall announced.

Stepping forward, everyone had to wonder if she was really 11 years old with how she physically looked. The female population scowled as the first year had better body proportions than they did. “Surprise, surprise. I never thought I would be sorting a Humonculus,” the voice in Vivians had spoken up, “I could not have a chance to sort one since in the early eighteen hundreds before the Ministry banned them as dark.”

“If you know what’s good for you, then you’ll keep it secret,” Vivian threatened, leaving images of a particular hat to burn.

“Sheesh. Kids these days,” the hat muttered, “Though to see a creation of Morgan Le Fay is quite the sight when her heiress is also going to get sorted today.” this raised an eyebrow, “Before we start. However, I would like to inform you that Morgan did leave something behind in this castle that only her heiress can find. Now on where to sort you… Slytherin would be found dead the next morning… while smart you wouldn’t fit in with the ravens… ha-ha headless chickens indeed so that only leaves… HUFFLEPUFF!”

It took a few minutes to process what house the first foreigner was sorting into. There were no cheers, just confusion as to why no one expected this. Huôyán snickered quietly before leaning over to Fubuki, “Imagine their shock that all three would be in the same house? Think we can cause someone to have a heart stroke?”

“Eve, Fubuki,” McGonagall spoke up.

The female population took to Fubuki’s chest and down at theirs before scowling while the boys catcalled and whistled. “Certainly kicked up the hornets' nest, didn’t you,” the hat muttered, “And it’s a pleasure to see that the Heiress of Le Fay breathes new life into the house,” he said.

“Of course, just because some people see her as dark doesn’t mean everyone else in the house will be,” Fubuki said. She could barely hide her shock when the hat said, “A good step away from your Potter blood. Don’t worry, I won’t be saying anything as there are all sorts of enchantments to prevent me from spilling what goes on during these sortings,” the hat assured her. Moving on to the sorting, however, “Ravenclaw would be a good fit for trying to see things beyond what others see… again with the headless chicken bit. I do agree true courage is being true to yourself instead of following what others say just because… again the entire Slytherin house would be outright massacred by the early morning… more importantly, you want to be close to your girlfriend… yes girlfriend now, work hard in HUFFLEPUFF!”

At the head table, the professor dressed in robes meant for gardening hollered in joy now that two foreigners were in Hufflepuff.

“Ouroboros, Huôyán.” McGonagall continued. Unlike her fellow foreigners, Huôyán didn’t cause as much of a stir, even if a lot of people were curious about the fact that she had literally multicolored hair, which made her messy hair buns resemble exploding fireworks.

“Well, this is interesting. Today has been full of surprises, but you probably take the metaphorical cake. An adopted child of an interdimensional goddess.” Stated the hat in surprise.

“It’s the interdimensional Dragon Goddess of Infinity.” Huôyán corrected, making the hat do its equivalent to a nervous gulp.

“Right. Moving on. Let’s see here… you are brave but not reckless enough for the house of the headless chickens. You have ambitions, not a bad dream to have, becoming the greatest firework craftswoman in the world, but once again, your ambition isn’t your strongest trait. You are intelligent but you don’t seek knowledge for knowledge's sake. But your strongest trait is your loyalty to those who have earned your trust… better be HUFFLEPUFF!”

Everyone was left stumped as the only foreigners to enter Hogwarts were sorting into the house the rest of the inhabitants thought of as nobodies now became the talk of the castle.

Being next to each other, the three girls had small conversations with their new housemates. “Are you really eleven?” one of the older female students rudely asked, “You seem a bit too old for mere firsties.”

Fubuki rolled her eyes, “Yes, we are eleven. The academy in Japan also emphasizes physical education and promoting a healthy diet. We are taught that being fit also results in having more magic which also means lasting longer in a fight." While the mundane and half-bloods looked interested, the majority of the purebloods frowned at physical activities besides Quidditch and dueling were disliked. "I bet those aren't even real," a different female student mocked. "And what's with covering your eyes? You must be a real freak loser to do something like that."

Vivian rolled her eyes, "Oh please, if we wanted your opinion then we would have asked for it but we don't."

A few of the older students were impressed at how the two handled themselves against their seniors and could tell that they were the ones to watch out for.

"So what's it like in Japan?" Cedric asked as others wanted to know.

"Well, the Academy took some inspiration from their mundane, muggle to you, counterpart in which there is an elementary, junior, and high school level. We get enrolled younger than eleven and it's more hands-on, meaning that we can play around after the main lessons are over." Those around them were shocked that they learned magic earlier than them. Some of the teachers were able to overhear this and were surprised.

"When you mean play around, what do you mean?" Cedric asked further.

"We're allowed to experiment with our magic," Vivian answered. "We're able to freely think on how we can use our magic in different ways. One of our lessons had us get inspiration from television from muggle entertainment."

Fubuki pulled out her cards and put a little magic into them so everyone close by could see etchings on them. "I got the idea from a few cartoon and anime shows for my card magic allowing me to create advantages in duels."

"I'm in the Rune's class in Hogwarts but this is more advanced than anything I've ever seen," a Hufflepuff student said as he inspected the card.

"That's because I made it from scratch," Fubuki answered, shocking him. "It was a pain to recreate the entire thing but at least with mine, no one else can copy it as it'll be unrecognizable to them. I even installed a way to prevent others from using them against me by adding a drop of blood onto each card so that if it gets stolen they can't use it at all."

By now others were overhearing their conversation both impressed and jealous at how they learned magic sooner than they did. "I bet that's not the only thing you learned over there," one of their fellow first-years said.

"Like we've been saying, as long as you're willing to put in the effort you can learn practically anything you want," Vivian explained. Putting on a pair of gloves she grabbed a random knife proceeding to mold it in front of their eyes, "I have alchemy runes inside the gloves allowing me to transmute without the need of drawing the alchemy circle."

Once again shock and jealousy flowed from those around them as they showed off that they were ahead of even the older students.

"I bet you learn dark magic as well," a different older student taunted trying to get some emotion out of them.

"Tell me if someone were to kill someone in defense of another does that mean the first person is dark?" Fubuki asked the older student. Some of them had to think about it, "In our academy, the first thing we were taught is that there isn't a light and dark side. What makes things objectively good or evil is the intentions one has behind their actions so back to my example; does one kill to protect someone else evil? No it does not. I bet some of you wish to be Aurors, do you not? There will be a time when sometimes killing will be the only option you have to keep yourself and others around you safe."

"A soldier doesn't fight out of hatred for those in front of him but because he loves what's behind him," a half-blood wizard notes, noticing something similar. "My muggle dad fought in a war and he said something similar when I asked him. He also said that war doesn't determine who's right, only who is left."

Before being told of the rules of the castle and the warnings of danger on the third floor; something all three girls knew they were going to check out eventually, everyone went to follow their house head boy and girl to their house common rooms.

With theirs being situated near the kitchens the head boy showed them the steps on how to get in without being sprayed with vinegar. Once quick introductions were made their head of house, Professor Sprout, told them it was three to a room. Already knowing that they would be roommates the girls went through the motions of their midnight routine only for both Vivian and Fubuki to realize that Huôyán sleeps naked, despite the cold Scotland air, then crawled into bed with a topless Fubuki and Vivian; not that the girls minded at all.

"Mm, these things are soft," the Chinese girl said.

Fubuki moaned as her sensitivity made it hard to hold it in. Something that the Japanese girls noted rather absentmindedly was the fact that Huôyán was surprisingly warm, something that was often a hint for a magical affinity of Fire, which made Huôyán’s name quite appropriate considering that ‘Huôyán’ was the Chinese word for ‘Flame’.

Chapter 11: Bad Omens

Chapter Text

Waking up the following morning to her friends snuggling into her blossoms, Fubuki slapped them in their asses to get out of bed. Checking her phone as it was on silent the entire time, her eyes popped open when she got the notification on two of Voldemort's soul-shards inside the castle itself. “Damn it, looks like im going hunting.” Fubuki swore before grunting when Vivian hit her with a pillow.

“Hunt on a later date; it’s still early enough for us to get some light sparing in.” Vivian told her girlfriend. It was usual at the Academy to have a morning sparing session before school began to get the blood flowing. “God knows how the wizards and witches in this backward country aren’t fat blobs.”

“I could use some exercise as well.” Huôyán spoke up. “By the way, Mom asked me to give you something. It’s in my trunk.” Retrieving the item in question from Huôyán’s trunk, the item was revealed to be a set of colored lenses. Analyzing the lenses' properties, they were revealed to possess the same properties as Fubuki’s eye cover. Deciding that the lenses were more convenient than her eye cover, Fubuki opted to use the lenses, even if they were significantly trickier to put on than her eye cover.

Getting dressed in their exercise outfits and then wearing their robes over them, the girls moved to the beach area near the lake to get started. They were warming up with a few stretches and half-laps around one side of the lake. All three gave themselves a distance away from each other. “So how are we going to do this? It’s still dark, so we can’t use magic and up the bloody castle.” Huôyán swung her parasol around with a few test swings.

Resizing her spear, Fubuki first attacked Huôyán with a spear thrust and was not expecting the fast reflex from the Chinese girl who blocked the attack by opening her parasol. The adopted daughter of Infinity retaliated by pulling a trigger on the frame of her weapon. Fubuki, in retaliation, used the spearhead to tilt the attack at Vivian, wearing gauntlets, who blocked the attack. “That thing is a f*cking gun?” Fubuki shouted, caught off guard.

“Don’t you know? Anything can be a gun,” Huôyán teased. Going for an overhead swing and releasing the fan portion to reveal that it is connecting to a chain with blades coming out of the frame portion of the fan. “In comparison, with what I can load into this thing, that bullet was boring.”

Vivian soon joined the fight using the sand via a high jump kick, breaking the other two girls apart and, grabbing the spear by the pole frame, throwing Fubuki into a tree before kicking up a dust of sand to block Huôyán’s view. Fubuki recovered from the impact and twirling her spear, breaking it apart into seven pieces, all connected via a chain. Jumping into action once again, Fubuki threw the chain, wrapping it around Vivian’s extending arm before forcing her way from Huôyán and landing a punch to the shoulder. Vivian grunted and brought her knee toward Fubuki’s stomach, making her spit saliva from her mouth; however, this caused the chains to loosen up, freeing the homunculus. Huôyán reminded them of her presence by firing a few shots from her parasol once more and following the move by dashing towards Vivian, now using her parasol as a club. Because of this, however, Huôyán left herself wide open to a reverse back-kick from Fubuki aimed at her left side. The Heiress of Joan of Arc soon followed through with another kick at Vivian, landing on the opposite foot and twirling into a spin. Unfortunately, Vivian had known her girlfriend long enough and knew what to expect. What she didn’t expect, however, was for Fubuki to suddenly stop mid-swing to drop the extended foot and sweep her feet from underneath.

Unknown to them, the headmaster and a few professors were watching from the castle. “It seems, Pomona, that you have very gifted students.” Dumbledore noted. Feeling impressed and worried for their safety, one does not get to this level without any kind of motivation.

The half-goblin in the staff nodded in agreement, “I’ve only been to Japan a few times for dueling tournaments, but this is impressive indeed. To think they haven’t even used magic yet, and oh my, is that wandless magic?” To the surprise of the professors, Fubuki had some sort of rune symbol lighting up from underneath her. Around Fubuki, five different spheres circled her before launching at her sparing partners. They saw Vivian standing still then out of nowhere a barrier of some sort appeared while Huôyán threw firecrackers.

“Well, the entire castle is definitely awake now.” Severus divulged when the explosions were heard and they could see students entering the courtyard to watch the fight. The professors soon joined them, “It seems that our foreign students are going to get their morning exercise in.” Dumbledore said, announcing their presence. From their place, everyone saw the three start to hover towards the sky; much to their disbelief, without the need for brooms. Fubuki and Vivian both hovered while Huôyán had flames coming out of her feet.

"Headmaster, how are they doing this?! I've never read anything like this in books," Hermione asked. She, along with everyone else, looked envious at the magic being thrown around.

"It must be from the schools in Japan and China," Dumbledore began. Above them, flashes of bright lights continue to show. "Ms. Granger, just because something is illegal here doesn't mean it is outlawed elsewhere. This is something that we British magical folk will never be able to do, for they see their entire body as a wand channeling their magic throughout their bodies while we only channel magic through the wands we hold." Flitwick explained before someone said it could be considered dark magic.

"So you're saying that because we rely solely on our wands, we won't be able to reach this level?" A Ravenclaw student asked.

"Indeed, when I traveled through Japan. I discovered that they have a device that allows one to discover what magic they will specialize in," Flitwick began, "I assume that Ms. Eve and Ms. Ashford, being from Japan, must have gone through this process. Unlike Britain and the rest of the Western countries, those in the East enroll students at a much younger age believing that sooner rather than later is the best way for one to study their magic."

Cedric followed suit explaining what the two Japanese girls explained to the Hufflepuff table the night before.

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, Japan has always believed in the intentions behind one's action not seeing the light and dark we in the West do."

Above them, a huge magical symbol appeared in the sky, "Time to end this." Fubuki cried out, " Grand Cross Flare! " feeling the magic in the air itself, a magical laser shot out from the symbol flaring its power as the clouds vanished upon contact.

Watching the three lower towards the ground at the beach it wasn't long before the main characters showed up.

"Ten points each to Hufflepuff for an extraordinary display of magic." Flitwick began, "But I must ask what magic do you and Ms. Ashford specialize in? I've been to Japan so I know that they use a device of some kind to find out."

"For me, my magic is centered around rune magic, perception, magic manipulation, light magic, and finally song magic." Fubuki answered.

Hermione scoffed at the illogical sound of the last one, "How can singing be a form of magic?"

To prove her wrong a red colored phoenix showed up landing on Dumbledore's shoulder and started to sing. This caused the kids to feel warm and protected. Fubuki smirked and played a few tunes herself, this time causing everyone to feel energized. Grinning the bird of fire followed suit making everyone remember their happiest moments. Once more; Fubuki played a high-pitched lyric, this time everyone felt cold like death was behind them. Not long after, there was an even higher pitch from the bird this time getting rid of the feeling of death and bringing hope.

Taking a deep breath, Fubuki paused, holding her hands up in surrender. "Yeah, I can't top that. A higher pitch than that would probably ruin my voice."

The Phoenix in question thrilled in victory sending a smirk towards Fubuki's direction.

"Smug self-roasting chicken." Fubuki grumbled, "Of course, you would boast about that. Only certain animals can reach that high of a pitch."

Seeing the bird of fire actually shrugging at her it made a few screech sounds.

Fubuki saw red after that. "Are you mocking me? Damn you! I bet you would taste so good with spicy barbeque sauce." Before she could stomp over, Vivian held her back. "Vivi let me go! This self-roasting chicken is asking to be feathered and stuffed for lunch."

“Fubuki, calm down. Threatening the phoenix won’t solve anything.” Vivian tried to explain to her girlfriend.

“Plus, he wouldn’t taste good with spicy barbecue sauce. The meat from creatures of fire is naturally spicy, which means that you should use something that dulls the spicy properties.” Added Huôyán unhelpfully.

"Huôyán zip it! You're not helping." Vivian shouted. "And your mother and her friends are always talking about how I'm the one with the leash to your dog collar."

Dumbledore laughed, "My, it's been a long time since I've seen Fawkes get that type of reaction from someone. But I believe you three should freshen up as I would assume classes would be starting a bit later than normal due to this display." In a display of peace, Fawkes landed on Fubuki's shoulder preening through her hair.

Shrugging all three girls nodded in agreement not caring about the attention they were getting, some from disgust and others in jealousy at their state of attire.

Returning to the Great Hall not long after, they were the talk of the entire school. Some like Hermione and those in Ravenclaw were envious that they learn magic that is impossible for them, students like the Weasley twins who wanted to ask the girls for advice regarding unlocking their latent potential. The aforementioned twins were mainly curious about Huôyán’s fireworks after overhearing the Chinese girl mentioning that she had made a few pieces of fireworks that had rather spectacular effects when they went off. Including but not limited to a rocket that became a gigantic firework dragon when it went off. Finding out their habits in pranks, Fubuki took to warning the twins. “If your pranks end up bullying someone then we’ll be having problems.”

Both twins nodded they could tell that she didn’t like bullies and looking back a few pranks could be looked at as bullying and swore to have some limits to their pranks.

Using Sunday as a day to explore the castle and find where all the classrooms were and being handed their class schedules they went off to explore. The person they soon discovered to despise was the school caretaker, Argus Filch. What’s worse is his stupid cat Ms. Norris and Fubuki smirked when that thing and her animal companion Kuroka met one day resulting in Ms. Norris limping away. From that day Ms. Norris went out of her way to ignore the two tail feline; much to her owner's confusion. Speaking of animal companions Fubuki was getting even more attention when Fawkes continued chilling on her head. “Damn feather duster, why can’t you go back to the Headmaster.” Fubuki grumbled, scratching Fawkes’ beak.

A bit before lunch, the three ladies ran into the boy who lived and his sidekick Ron Weasley. All three ladies could already tell Ron was a jealous prat hating anyone more popular than him but hated putting in the work. “So you three put on quite the show this morning.” Charles said evenly. “Yeah. Why is it that you bloody prats seem stronger?” Ron demanded. “It must be some kind of dark magic to be that strong.”

All four kids stared at him like he was an idiot, “Didn’t you hear us this morning? We got this strong by physically training earlier than others. We get enrolled into our country school earlier than Hogwarts and we don’t rely on only wands to defend and attack.” Ron scoffed at that. “Yeah right, it must be dark magic, no one with magic fights and only barbarian muggles fights without magic.”

The three raised an eyebrow when Charles defended them, “They have a point Ron, training does make someone stronger not only magically and physically. Aurors physically train to be able to chase down criminals.”

Ronald rolled his eyes not believing that and walked away.

“Lǎnduò de shǎguā.” Muttered Huôyán to herself in Chinese while shaking her head in disappointment.

“I have no idea what you just said.” Stated Charles.

“Your sidekick is a lazy fool.”

“That’s… fair. And he’s not my sidekick. If anything, he’s a stalker. Our families are close because of the headmaster so he comes over a lot and thinks we’re ‘best mates’.” Charles said. He knew that this wasn’t the best moment to talk about this to his sister with him knowing that the portraits and ghosts report everything to the headmaster. “Charles Potter, nice to meet you three.” he said introducing himself.

“I figured that the boy who lived was a fat slob spoiled because of his fame.” Fubuki said. She knew it was rude but still needed to play up an act.

“Well, I would have if it wasn’t for my mother putting her foot down on my father when he wanted to spoil me.” Charles said. “But it’s nice to meet you again. We first met with your mother a few years ago, my little sister even said you saved her with some magic you learned in Japan so thank you.”

“No problem, she was a cute kid.” Fubuki mentally wondered if Charles knew who she was thanks to Ivy that day.

Sometime after lunch, the girls went to explore the grounds surrounding Hogwarts to get some fresh air. Something that was proven to be somewhat difficult due to the girls getting crowded. Wanting to get away from the crowds, the exchange students made their way to a spot where most of the other students didn’t go. The edge of the Forbidden Forest. While the Forbidden Forest certainly had an atmosphere that could be considered… spooky, none of the girls found it scary. Even with the occasional sound of branches snapping in the distance from within the forest. Something that made the girls briefly raise their eyebrows was the sudden appearance of writing in the air in front of them.

“Look out below?” Vivian read the pale purple magical constructs in the shape of writing, being rather confused by the sudden appearance of the writing and the fact that the two Os in the word ‘look’ was a stylized infinity symbol consisting of a pair of snakes biting each other’s tails.

“Oh ho ho ho. Mom’s making an entrance. This should be good.” Huôyán could barely contain her excitement as the Chinese girl took a few steps back and turned her gaze toward the sky. Copying their Chinese companion’s action in slight confusion, Fubuki and Vivian had a bit of trouble spotting it, but they could barely make out a pale purple light high up in the sky, out of which a figure that Huôyán knew very well emerged before starting to rapidly plummet towards the ground.

As the figure descended rapidly, the Japanese girls began creating various magical constructs in the figure’s path in an attempt to slow them down, only for the figure to maneuver around the constructs. With the figure getting closer and closer to the ground and as a result, easier to recognize as Huôyán’s mom, Blake Ouroboros, Blake shifted her position in the air as she was mere seconds away from impact. The landing appeared to be a very rough one as the impact of Blake’s landing created a crater that was four meters in diameter, at the center of which stood Blake in a perfect ‘superhero landing’, completely fine as if she hadn’t just fallen from an incredible height.

Huôyán held up a ten, Vivian with a seven, and Fubuki with an eight. "It would only be natural for one's child to be biased but for the both of you?" she asked her daughter's future mates.

"The way you dodged our constructs was cool but I felt like you could have destroyed a few of them to show off a little more." Vivian explained.

"A stupid one-liner or two was missing." Fubuki answered.

"As my loving wife would say; everyone's a critic." Blake said, eye-rolling.

"So what do you need if you're showing up directly into Hogwarts?" Huôyán asked.

“A warning of a partially fixed event on the timeline.”

All three narrowed their eyes, "So trouble is coming huh." Vivian translated. She had her suspicions about Blake and who she could be as despite the other worldly power could feel as if she knew the person.

"I am unsure when or how badly the fixed point has been mutated; however, I do know that the Ocean serpent is somehow involved.” Blake revealed, casting a slightly worried glance at her alternate self. She knew that this would change the rest of the timeline entirely as worlds that were supposed to be separate would collide.

"Leviathan." Fubuki grimly stated, with everything going on she completely forgot about them until just now.

"You don't think they could somehow join forces with Voldemort do you?" Vivian asked.

"That, I'm unsure of." Blake told the girls. Suddenly hearing a ringing sound, Blake pulled out her phone. "Yes dear, I'm just talking to our daughter and her friends. No, I'm not doing anything illegal, you should already know that. I am not telling my daughter and her friends what sex positions we use or the toys that are involved either." That last bit had Fubuki and Vivian have war flashbacks of walking into Fubuki's mother's going at it in the living room.

"I wouldn't mind." Fubuki voiced, raising her hand. "I would rather use the futa-potion than a strap-on but everything else I would like to know about."

It seems that Blake's wife heard her. "No. I will not allow you to take her as an apprentice in sex when she gets older!" Blake shouted blushing.

Shutting her phone, Blake dug into her cleavage in search of something. All three ladies looked at her as she did so in amazement. "Think I can do something like that?" Fubuki asked, looking down at her cleavage. Seeing a familiar-looking crystal in Blake's hand both Vivian and Fubuki realized what she had given their new friend.

"This is for you, my child." the infinity goddess said, handing it to her. "With this, you will be able to stand by your friends and not behind them. The activation chant is Valiant Sudarśanacakra tron .”

Wearing it around her neck, Huôyán felt a shiver as the relic bonded with its new partner. "So what is this exactly?" She asked looking from her mom to her friends.

“A Symphogear.” Revealed Fubuki, barely able to believe it. “But how?”

“You’ll be surprised just how far asking nicely and giving someone with the power to literally turn anything they can imagine into reality a rather basic description of something can get you.”

Seeing as there was nothing to do for the rest of the day, the group of three went back to the castle not caring about the attention they were receiving from their fellow students as everyone still kept on talking about it. Their eyes rolled when they heard that it was dark magic despite the Headmaster and the professors saying that it wasn’t. Finishing their dinner since very few people wanted to talk to them the three went to take a quick shower before settling in for the night; of course, all three of them were in one bed with Fubuki happily sandwiched between her girlfriend and soon-to-officially-be second girlfriend.

Chapter 12: Classes Start

Chapter Text

On Monday, classes began, and thankfully, they wouldn’t have that many classes with that chick Hermione. For all her book-reading she is very small-minded about how things work outside of books; as she spent all Sunday hounding them that they had to leave the castle, she didn’t follow as she said it was against the rules to do so, but there were no rules about it. Despite being eleven, she had very little imagination leading to Vivian thinking that the bushy-haired Gryffindor didn’t have a lot of friends and was bullied a lot in school.

Her phone kept going off during DADA, convincing Fubuki that Quirrell was somehow involved with Voldemort despite his stuttering nature. “His stuttering is clearly fake.” Huôyán noted during one of their breaks. “Very few people here in Hogwarts would realize that, but on the other hand, if you think something is up with the guy, he might be hiding something.” Fubuki had her familiar Kuroka follow the professor and when the feline returned all she could understand was stuttering and something about a stone. Herbology with their head of house turned out to be a bit of a mess, Ron messing around with his plant causing it to slap him with a vine; the kid started crying when his upper lip started to bleed saying that he needed a new lip causing the three heroines to roll their eyes as a simple cut had him cry up a river of tears.

On their break period before lunch, the three met with three Slytherins of their year. “So you three think you three so much better because you can learn magic earlier than Hogwarts, do you?” the blonde sneered. “If you grovel at my feet I’m sure my father wouldn’t send you back to whatever backward country you three came from.” he mocked.

Officially pissed, Fubuki walked up to them, “Funny coming from someone who ran away from the French muggles all those years ago.” she sneered. In preparation for their mission, the Bureau told them all targets of interest, and the Malfoys were near the top rumored to be in Voldemort’s inner circle. “How much money did your daddy spend to be called Noble anyway? You know what I don’t care; however, don’t think you can come here and try to brown-beat us because you're from a pureblood family.”

Deciding to show off, Fubuki released her magic in the form of an aura that was visible causing the three Slytherins to stumble as they could feel her magic in the air. “I suggest you leave and take your two f*ck buddies with you. If you ever try this sh*t again you will feel what it's like to keep spitting your teeth out for the next week.”

The blonde pounce couldn’t form a response and was forced to drag his two friends away from three she-devils. The three girls could only shake their heads in disgust at seeing him struggle. “And these people think they’re at the top of the food chain?” Huôyán sneered shaking her head.

The blond pounce heard this. “Wait until my father hears about this all three of you will be my slaves one way or another!”

Now seeing red Fubuki marched up to him, “If your father wants to keep the Malfoy name alive he wouldn’t listen to you if the Head of House d’Arc has anything to say about it. Especially if said head told him that his son isn’t acting like a Slytherin but that of a Gryffindor.” she threatened showing the ring signifying that she is the head of house Arc. seeing as they were in a populated hallway it was lunch when word spread that one of the foreign students was a head of house.

“You never bothered to tell us you were a head of house?” Cedric asked just curious about the reason.

“If I had said anything half of the castle would want to be my friend because of me being the head of house.” Fubuki answered. “I thought of this as a little test of sorts. I wanted to see that once word spread people would suddenly come up as if we were friends or would accuse me of some random lie about why I did what I did.”

Cedric and a few others understood quite quickly after that. “You wanted people to see if they were real friends and not people who only wanted to be friends because of your fame. Something similar to the Charles and the Boy who lived situation.”

“Pretty much; however, that incident with the Gryffindors in green acting as they did blew that wide open.” some people choked at the Gryffindors in green bit. “Oh come on! What real Slytherins hide where people would expect them to stab you in the back?” Fubuki eye-rolled and because of the volume of voice, they had the entire Great Hall listening in. “Tell me if you were expecting an attack from below where would it be most obvious?”

One of the muggle-born answered. “A snake pit. Because all the snakes would be shifting around on the ground.”

“And what is one of the least likely places for one to expect an attack from a snake?” Vivian followed up.

“Tall grasslands where there are other bigger animals like lions.” Cedric, being a half-blood, spoke up.

“Exactly. Someone would expect an attack from a lion from the height of a human, not one that’s on the ground.” Vivian agreed.

“I still find it funny that for all their so-called cunning, Slytherins are anything but as they surround themselves with other people who are suspicious of them and not among the different houses.” Huôyán laughed.

During Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall, the stern-looking witch gave them a dressing down on what to expect in her class and that anyone messing around would be kicked out. “She could give Instructor Goodwitch a run for her money on how serious she looks.” Fubuki whispered to Vivian as the professor gave them their first task of turning a match stick into a needle. Of course, being Fubuki she overshot the spell turning it completely gold. “My word Ms. Eve,” McGonagall spoke up as she saw this happen. “It seems that you added more magic than you should have.”

“Yeah I know I’m overshooting my magic but to be fair this is honestly the first time I’m using a wand.” Fubuki points out. “Because I have so much magic given to me when I became the d’Arc House Head it gave me a boost that it’s hard to keep a constant flow and not release it all in one big burst.” she explains.

Vivian on the other hand was excelling in class turning her match stick to a needle but playing around with it by changing the size of it. This is probably because of how she was found as being a creation of Morgan Le Fay she would be proficient in wand magic. Huôyán on the other hand was able to turn her match into the shape of a needle but it still kept the feeling of wood and not metal. “I am seriously not good at Transfiguration.” she groaned out. “That’s one of my older siblings’ department. If they could see me now they would be laughing at how pathetic I am.” Vivian gave her a hug in comfort and a quick peck on the cheek, making sure no one was around to watch.

Fubuki had to suppress a groan when she walked into Charm class to see Lily Potter at the Teacher’s desk. By this point, Huôyán knew something was amiss but honestly didn’t care as she knew that they would tell her sooner or later. Starting the class with proper wrist movement, Fubuki kept things professional but it was hard when the person who made your life f*cking hell was in the same room as you.

At the end of Charm Class Lily told her that Dumbledore wanted to speak with her.

Entering the headmaster’s office, Fawkes flew off of his perch and onto her shoulder, “Stupid feather duster.” she said but continued to scratch his beak.

“And here I thought phoenixes are worshiped in Japan.” Dumbledore said with a fond smile. Fawkes was fond of very few students here at Hogwarts but never to this extent though this must be something to do with the little singing contest they had yesterday. “Though I wonder if France knew that the most religious of their house is in Japan and not France?” He questioned.

“They know but because of some political red tape they couldn't do anything as I was already situated in Japan when I took that Inheritance test.” Fubuki calmly explained.

“You do know as a head of house that you can have a room to yourself.” Dumbledore informed her. This is an option for even the next in line for the families starting from the founders themselves.

“I think I’ll be fine to be with the other puffs, no need to put any more distance between myself and them.” Fubuki denied the offer as she was fine with sharing a bed with Vivian and Huôyán.

In their shared room in Hufflepuff, Fubuki entered the room to see the two members already working on what homework they had from their three classes. However, it was more like Vivian keeping Huôyán on track as the Chinese girl was easily distracted. “I swear one day she’ll be the one being the dom in this little three-way of ours.” Fubuki said, announcing her presence. “What do you think… Mistress?” she purred wrapping her hands around Vivian as the homunculus’ head was between Fubuki’s breasts. “Would you like Huôyán and I to be your loving servants?”

Huôyán got in on the teasing by sitting in Vivian’s lap. “I certainly wouldn’t mind being your slave. I already have a collar in mind for the future.” she said.

Vivian had a full-body blush at this and being unable to hold back she had a bloody nose and fainted on the spot. Sharing a look with Huôyán, Fubuki couldn’t help but deadpan. “I think we overdid it with the teasing.”

“Looks like it. Think we should just let her wake up on her own?”

“Probably for the best. But… uhm…”


“How serious were you about that collar?”

“Oh please. You’d have to make me submit first, and this flame doesn’t extinguish easily.”

Fubuki nodded, "Agreed, as this maiden doesn't submit so easily."

Huôyán smirked. "Are you sure about that? Don't nuns submit real easily in hentai?" Fubuki blushed in embarrassment as that was true. "B-But that won't happen to me no way!" she stuttered. Huôyán just smirked walking towards the shower, "I might have just f*cked myself over." Fubuki realized. Huôyán still had that smirk on her face even when all three went to bed.

For astronomy class, Fubuki hid her sheepish expression when the professor went on a rant about whoever blew a chunk of the moon off was going to get it. Both she and Professor Snape were spitting nails when they saw it and knew it had to be magical as no muggle device could do something like that. With the damage to the moon, potions that relied on its magical properties were not as effective as they once were. On the bright side, werewolves couldn't transform now that there was a piece of it not there anymore forcing the darker werewolves to find other ways of doing a full transformation.

It was during break that Huôyán casually dropped this to her friends, "Speaking of the moon, Mama Blake blew it up once."

"Excuse me? What do you mean your mom once blew up a moon?" Vivian said as her brain rebooted.

"No need to worry, she fixed it afterward. Besides, it wasn’t this moon." Huôyán explained.

History of Magic was a class where a ghost of things kept droning on and on about Goblin Rebellions forcing people to either do self-study or simply doing just about anything else to kill time. A pair of muggle-borns even played a duel trading card game of some kind, much to the curiosity of the pure- and some half-bloods, managing to actually finish their duel by the time the lesson was over. Huôyán used this time to try and seduce Fubuki, much to her mortification, as it was working pretty well doing this while Vivian was busy with some book. "Don't worry I plan on seducing her too." the Chinese girl whispered.

Sitting in the Hufflepuff Common Room, Cedric handed them a newspaper, seeing as they weren’t subscribed to the Wizarding News in Great Britain. “Break in at Gringotts Bank.” Vivian said reading the title, “What date does it say when it happened?” Fubuki asked. They were in the safety of their bedroom so that no one could overhear their conversation, this also helped Huôyán start her plan of seducing her friends.

“July 31st… Wait, wasn't that when we did our school shopping?” Huôyán realized. “Who brought the both of you to the alley that day?” The Chinese girl asked her friends.

“McGonagall was the one who brought us.” Vivian answered, trying to remember what they did that day. Though all she could remember was shopping for books, their robes, and nothing else. “Yeah, we didn’t get any money from the bank as we got ours from Japan.” Fubuki spoke up.

“Well, I do remember seeing that half-giant entering the bank with my parents.” Huôyán revealed much to the surprise of her companions. “He was also patting something in that wool jacket of his like he was trying to make sure it was still there.” she added.

“So there’s a chance that Hagrid went to get something from the bank before the thief could get in. Does it say if there was anything left behind for clues?” Fubuki asked.

Looking over the texts, Huôyán nodded, “All they’re willing to admit is a serpent of some kind.” Showing it to them, the image was an infinity symbol followed by a double cross on top. Taking a quick picture of it with her phone the three found their answer, “Leviathan.” Vivian grimly said not liking the implications. “So they have a foothold on this side of the magical divide as well?” Fubuki noted, sending a quick text to the family group chat. “Vivi and I already know that they want to bring about the great flood that was in the bible but do they think that the magical world has the answers they’re looking for?” Fubuki told Huôyán, allowing her to catch up with the two of them.

“Just speculating here, but what would even be able to cause the great flood.” the Chinese girl asked, head draped over the side of the bed allowing her friends to see her breasts pointing upward. Despite being a lower cup than both of them, both Vivian and Fubuki found it hard to look away. “Because it might just be anything imaginable. Like a staff or it might be some secret portal to a separate universe of ocean,” she points out. Huôyán did make a point as they were just as clueless as they were in trying to find more about this Great Flood.

During the first Flying class with the Gryffindors, Hermione was getting on their nerves by reciting word-for-word instructions on how to hold a broom. "I wonder how she would act if she got points deducted from an assignment for plagiarizing it word for word." Huôyán snickered. “Happened to Auntie Mai once during her time at Hogwarts.”

They had to do this in two different groups as there weren't enough brooms for both classes. Seeing how ugly-looking the school's brooms were, not even Fubuki wanted to get on those things. "Looks like they're one good hit away from becoming firewood," she said to her friends.

Watching her brother step up to the plate, Fubuki's head suddenly shot upward glancing around before seeing Longbottom suddenly taking off due to how nervous he was. "Vivian get ready to catch him with a wind spell. Huôyán, you're with me and let's fly," Fubuki shouted. Stepping onto one of her symbol runes she used it to glide into the air followed by the Chinese witch; who shot flames from her feet. Circling the scared boy, "Longbottom slow down!" Fubuki shouted but it was no use as the kid kept his eyes glued shut. Seeing him tilt to the left, the broom changed direction heading straight into the castle wall with enough speed that he'd turn into a human pancake. Fubuki raised her hand up resulting in a blue barrier appearing and stopping Longbottom, this was followed by Vivian using a wind spell to catch him and slow his descent to the ground.

Again they could see Hermione fuming at the difference in magical abilities being shown as there were no British spells that allowed one to fly without aid from a broom. As everyone gathered around them, the professor of the flying class gave them ten points each for working together and some decent flying. “Shame you probably wouldn’t join the house Quidditch team in the future,” Cedric said as he heard what happened.

Fubuki shrugged, “Quidditch is nice and all but I would rather fly with my spells than use those brooms. Those things look like they’re better used for a fireplace due to how old they look. Aren’t there rules on how long a broom should last until it needs to be replaced?”

A bit later, Fubuki went by herself to the third floor as this was a good time to check it out and after a quick Alohom*ora, “Seriously? It’s like they’re asking to be broken,” Fubuki whispered to herself, and opening the door she froze seeing a three-headed dog taking up most of the room’s space but before she left, Fubuki noticed a trap door under one of the dog’s feet.

Chapter 13: Two worlds Collide

Chapter Text

“So you’re saying that a Cerberus is guarding whatever it is in this f*cking castle?” The Chinese girl exclaimed the following morning as both Fubuki and Vivian snuggled up against her due to how warm Huôyán was at the moment. “But why put it in a castle full of children?” Vivian asked.

Already a month into Hogwarts, and the three were having fun in between the whispers about them. “It’s been a month, just let it go already.” Fubuki shouted in the safety of their bedroom. “Yeah. Try to relax a little and have a bit of fun while you’re at it. It’s almost Halloween! I haven’t been this excited about Halloween since the first time I went trick-or-treating with my family after Mama Blake took me in!” Huôyán couldn’t help herself from bouncing like a little kid in excitement. Inside the Chinese girl’s mind, a memory of her and her family dressed in various Halloween costumes while saying the phrase Halloween was most known for sprung forth, putting a huge smile on Huôyán’s face. “Trick or treat, put your hands up in the air. We’re coming for your candy, won’t you try us if you dare? Trick or treat, don’t you run away and hide. We’re coming out to get you,” “We’re the children of the night!” At that point, neither Fubuki nor Vivian could resist singing along with Huôyán's cheerful singing.

If the cheerful humming of various songs associated with All Hallows Eve from other people throughout the castle was any indication, Huôyán wasn’t the only one excited about Halloween. The girl in question was all but skipping in excitement while actually singing Halloween songs cheerfully. “‘Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can. Something’s waiting now to pounce and how you’ll scream! This is Halloween, red and black, slimy green. Aren’t you scared? Well, that’s just fine. Say it once, say it twice. Take a chance and roll the dice. Ride with the moon in the dead of night. Everybody scream! Everybody scream! In our town of Hall~o~ween.”

“Wow. She really loves Halloween.” Vivian said, observing that Huôyán was significantly more hyperactive than normal. “Think she’ll be able to keep that energy up all day?”

“Possibly.” Noted Fubuki. “She is normally already rather hyperactive, so it wouldn’t really surprise me if she is able to keep her energy up all day.”

“Fair enough.”

Nearing Halloween, while no one else could feel it, the three girls sensed something was about to go down but couldn’t tell what would happen. “You think this involves whatever warning your mom told us?” Vivian asked. Instead of training outdoors like on the first morning at Hogwarts, somehow one of the castle's elves told them of the come-and-go room; one of the ghosts called it the Room of Requirement, Rowena Ravenclaw’s room. With it, they were able to get light to medium levels of training as anything bigger could destroy the room itself. Of course, they did find one of Voldemort’s Horcrux; this one being Rowena’s Diadem.

Huôyán bobbed her head as they were training to some music Vivian had played for them. It was the weekend so they spent some time in the room after lunch making sure to spend some time with other students before heading to their secret room. Right now they were just working on their skills trying out ways they could do a tag team or a group attack. The Chinese witch is working on some small-time fireworks for her younger siblings. Vivian had her head in a book she had gotten from the Le Fay castle on wind magic. Fubuki is on the floor mat with her spear trying out new ideas as some of them have been in her head and she wanted to try them out.

"Knowing her, it could be." Huôyán shrugged. "Now could either of you tell me what this thing is?" She asked, holding up the relic.

"A weapon used by Sci-fi magical girls who fight battles by singing." Fubuki summed it up. They did explain further about details but other than that just had her try it out.

As the days ticked further towards Halloween, the castle started taking on the feel of the holiday as the decorations were surprisingly mundane. In Charms Class Professor Flitwick finally had the class work on the levitating charm after going through the basics. Being paired with Susan Bones, Fubuki tried so hard to control the flow of her magic but she still overshot her magic output resulting in the feather she was given to shoot towards the ceiling. "Looks like you're having trouble." the redhead giggled at Fubuki's grunting face.

As day turned to night, the students gathered in the Great Hall for dinner.

"Oh great, they're here." Fubuki whispered, seeing James alongside Sirius and Remus. The other girls held Fubuki's hands in support. They told Huôyán about Fubuki's origins not that long ago.

The decorations in the Great Hall impressed even them as clouds of live bats descended from the ceiling and walls, their forms passing through the candle-lit flames causing them to sputter. Just like at the opening feast on their first night at the castle, gold plates lined the four tables each one containing an assortment of food some better than others. Gathering at their respective tables, Dumbledore gave a short speech before allowing everyone to start eating. Digging into the food, all three heroines enjoyed each one set before the students. Not long into it however Fubuki's perception magic picked up something entering the castle but the signature threw her off as it felt like a Noise but at the same time was not. Only about a half hour later Professor Quirrell burst through screaming as his body landed on the head table. Coming through the door stood a troll but it wasn't like anything those of the magical world have seen before taking on the appearance of those weird monsters that turn people to dust upon contact. In the right hand of the troll is the club those of its kind normally wield; however, like the troll the club has changed as well now looking more Japanese than anything else being eight-sided and spikes running down each one.

The adults sprung into action doing what they could to protect the students.

"This one is different from those normal-looking ones!" Sirius shouted to his friends as he tried every offensive spell he knew that was known to work against these things. Very few spells could break through the being's shell but this thing is completely resistant to every spell being thrown at it. Some of the students got away in time by the skin of their teeth as the troll lumbered in. Thinking on her feet, Fubuki had her rune symbols appear underneath the troll then with a flick of the wrist the mutated creature burst through the glass wall and into the main courtyard outside the castle's front doors.

Jumping out the broken window the three landed just as the Troll got back up. Ignoring the cries of the adults, the three girls got ready when the creature got back up. Pulling out a card from the deck that was on her loose belt loop Fubuki sent it towards the castle.

"Ability Card Activate! Aegis Shield!" Surrounding Hogwarts itself is a dome like structure made of light partials. "There. That should protect the castle so that the troll doesn't try to go back." Fubuki said before turning her attention back to the troll. “Magic isn’t working, so I’m all ears to suggestions on how to take this thing out!"

"We need to use them ." Vivian concluded as the other two knew what she was talking about. "This is what Blake was talking about. A fixed point that's been warped."

"This will open a can of sh*t if we do this." Huôyán points out having used up some of her good fireworks to try and damage the thing.

"Well ladies," Fubuki began. "Let's put on a show then, shall we?" The other two girls nodded.

"L'illuminé Granzizel Qǐdòng!" Charging magic into the Philosopher's Stone on her chest, magic lines appear throughout her body. As if she was in a separate dimension altogether, the markings that were on her skin started hovering above her skin before they expanded and merged together forming a blueprint, or hologram. The first of the holograms was the steel blue sleeveless bodysuit with a bolero top only covering her shoulders then over all of that was a cropped jacket just reaching just underneath her chest in a silvery white and both trim and marks were in a navy blue color. The shoulder pads on the jacket had the Fleur-de-lis emblem on it. Around her hips is a white belt that has an extra belt hanging off Fubuki’s left thigh that has a neon green stripe down the middle. Wearing a pair of short shorts wrapped around that is a back skirt that has the Fleur-de-lis emblem on it reaching to her ankles in a dark blue color. Covering her legs are a pair of knee-length greave boots in white and blue laces. Protecting her wrists is a pair of wrist armor in the shape of teardrops. The final touch of the outfit is the rather intricate diadem resting on her forehead with a rather spectacular-looking red gem in the center.

"Avalon bes skiids Tron!" As the words flowed out of Vivian's mouth her body went through the transformation process. The first pieces of the transformed outfit to form are a set of dark blue colored metal gauntlets and greaves similar to those worn by knights of old that covered Vivian’s forearms and calves, each individual plate and panel sporting a warm gold colored border. While the girl’s thighs and biceps didn’t get covered in metal, they (along with pretty much everything else) were covered by a pale gold colored bodysuit. Rounding up the transformation was the formation of a piece of armor around Vivian’s torso and a dark blue cape that was sporting the number 12 in writing vaguely reminiscent of texts from medieval Europe.

"Valiant Sudarśanacakra tron!" Being consumed in a vortex of fire, the flames molded onto Huôyán's form turning into a yellow full bodysuit with a flame design around the wrist and ankles. Little chakrams made of flames appeared before circling around the Chinese Witch then impacting various parts of her body armor started to form from the halter top with straps of clothes from the sides to the high thigh armor followed by the wrist gauntlets, shoulder pads, and finally the helmet. Finishing the armor is a ring from shoulder to shoulder and seven little chakrams in it. Striking a few poses with Chakrams in her hands, Huôyán is now combat ready.

Seeing three transformations back to back everyone watching couldn't believe their eyes. This is something not even those raised in the magical world could fathom. Soon after the transformations were over all three readied their weapons. Taking a deep breath Fubuki started to sing much to the surprise of the Hogwarts residence.

It's like humanity

You gonna gaze into the abyss

They're seven deadly sins

You feel alive when you step inside

I'm stepping into unknown area

Idealism, it's sure to break up

The sin innate in all human beings

You know that always haunts you, right?

After the first two verses, all three went to work rushing in. Vivian's and Huôyán's elements worked together creating a whirlwind of flames clouding the troll for Fubuki to move in her spear covered in a swirl of light. Thrusting into the knee cap, the creature roared in pain bending at the injured knee. Jabbing the weapon into the monster, Fubuki used it to propel herself upward, summoning another spear in a flurry of light and not saying the name of the attack chained appeared holding it down.

The deadly sins

You commit it

Gaze into the atonement

Just go forward, go ahead

I gotta make it make it again

The growing cost

Even if the destination is hell

I have no regrets anymore

Fallin' fallin' down into the darkness

But, Never going back, stand up and go

Smokе up high now dive

To desires, say good byе

Without getting down, fight together

I'll live to die another day

Singing the next three verses, Vivian summoned more wind spells strong enough to lift the chained monster into the air. This left it open for Huôyán's fire spells to explode, turning it into a makeshift firework.

I won't run away from my sin no more

I've gotta resist with my last breath, go on

Now going beyond it without fear, bring it on

(I'm not afraid, bring it on)

Even if I'm drown in the dark

Turn it into my power and wipe out

Now I will scrap the system

I never follow them

(I never ever follow them)

Now I stand up again and I'll defeat myself

I gotta go

Sins to haunt flow backward

I gotta go

Cut off sins haunting with the blow

Time won't wait for me

Like burning ashes

Shimmering like seraph

I can't stop yet fix the core

With Huôyán's turn to sing, the three took a breather as the transformed troll crashed with a resounding thud. To the surprise of everyone the monster slowly went back up looking as if all the damage it took was only halved.

"This is f*cking Bullsh*t!" Fubuki swore. Those who heard it were appalled at the language but knew it was appropriate.

"At least we know we're injuring the thing!" Vivian shouted, pulling up a shield of wind blocking the club's overthrow swing.

Nobody knows what future will flow

Live fast for the moment

I bring it up, bring it up

New wave

OK, absolutely uncertain, do or die

I'll keep fighting until I collapse

Where I gotta go, I already know

Fallin' fallin' down into the darkness

But, never going back, stand up and go

With the strongest will that inspires me

Keep trying to get up and go

Picking up on the singing, Fubuki broke off to make first contact for round two. Running between the legs, every male winced when Fubuki shot it in the balls leaving it open for Vivian to punch it with her gauntlets and Huôyán to stab her chakrams into the shoulder blades.

"Fubuki was always the one to take to heart that sometimes fighting dirty means fighting to stay alive," Vivian said remembering one of the retired soldiers that came for a presentation.

I freakin' don't care even if I get cursed

The destiny lying ahead, break and go on

Now I'm going beyond it without fear, bring it on

(I'm not afraid, bring it on)

The void is gonna break into fragments

Breaking the immutable chain and wipe out

Now I will scrap the system

I never follow them

(I never ever follow them)

I'll never look back I'll defeat myself

Just wanna be straight up with my feelings

In the face of death, I was keenly aware

“I'm not dead yet”

I still feel alive, oh yeah

Time is an eternal illusion

Now that it was Vivian's turn to sing, Fubuki used her magic manipulation magic to create something that only the mundane knew of.

"Are those cannons from a battleship?!" One of the Gryffindors shouted.

Vivian used her magic to launch the troll into the air Knowing this was going to be big.

" Grand Flare Breaker !" Shouting to the heavens above. Firing from six sixteen inch cannons into the night sky the troll ceased to exist.

I won't run away from my sin no more

I freakin' don't care even if I get cursed

Fight out against fate

I won't run away from my sin no more

I've gotta resist with my last breath, go on

Now going beyond it without fear, bring it on

(I'm not afraid, bring it on)

Even if I'm drown in the dark

Turn it into my power and wipe out

Now I will scrap the system

I never follow them

(I never ever follow them)

Now I stand up again and I'll defeat myself

It's like humanity

You gonna gaze into the abyss

They're seven deadly sins

You feel alive when you step inside

As all three finished the song in unison their clothes reverted to their Hogwarts uniform. Pulsing out her magic, the barrier Fubuki formed broke apart, returning into card form.

Entering the Great Hall once more it was complete silence as they were still processing what just happened.

"What? Never seen magical girls kick ass while busting out a song?" Fubuki teased, her left arm under her breast pushing them upward.

James and Sirius approached them wanting some answers when Vivian told them something that caused them to freeze. "Any demands for our equipment will be seen as an offensive and will be brought up to the ICM, the International Council of Magic," Huôyán backed them up by pulling out firecrackers. "Not like you bozos could do anything anyways. Especially after the sh*t we pulled to take care of that mutated troll," she snickered.

"Fifty points to Hufflepuff each for a fantastic display of magic," Flitwick began speaking up, "If you're ever interested in dueling charms please come to me. I would love to see a mix of east and west in regards to magic."

Spending the rest of the dinner in their house common rooms while there was a noticeable gap between the three girls and the rest of the house as the foreign showed just how wide their experience was against them.

In their room the girls went topless like usual, "Well ladies it seems that it's us against Hogwarts." Fubuki said as they snuggled in one bed, pulling Huôyán closer to herself as the Chinese girl had been more or less responsible in keeping herself and her girlfriends warm, not that Huôyán minded as she had played the role of a bed warmer before, which was one of multiple reasons why the Chinese girl slept in the nude.

"Am I the only one who thinks we're going a bit too fast?" Vivian asked out loud wondering how easy it was for the Chinese witch to slide into hers and Fubuki's relationship. "It might feel strange but at the same time," Fubuki began, "It feels oh so right," Huôyán finished kissing Vivian on the lips. This simple lip-locking wiped away the rest of Vivian's worries as all three never felt something inside of their very souls locked into place. This was confirmed when Huôyán bit on the base of both Fubuki and Vivian marking them as hers.

In a separate universe, Blake and her wife just finished a round of sex after they put their children to sleep when they both felt it happen. "It seems that one of our daughters has found her mates.” Noted Blake as her wife crawled up to give the Dragon Goddess of Infinity another kiss. “Good for her, honey. Now, how about another round? This time around with the fertile version of the spell. I want to try and get pregnant this time."

Returning to the newly bonded trio, Huôyán came clean on what she was not wanting to hide.

"So you're a Chinese witch just from another dimension? And here I thought the craziest thing was me being a homunculus," Vivian said now that both she and Fubuki were sleeping naked just like their girlfriend. This was almost on a subconscious level of the bond that made this seem pretty natural for the trio now that the soul bond fully formed.

“Technically, I was born in this universe, but I grew up in the one my moms were born in.” Huôyán clarified.

“What’s the difference?”

“According to Mama Blake, a dimension is still a part of a universe, just a different layer in the stack so to speak, whereas a universe is a different stack entirely.”

Chapter 14: Secret behind the Third Floor

Chapter Text

The next morning, Fubuki was the first to notice the new marks and once Huôyán explained the meaning of the marks both Vivian and Fubuki said, "We don't give a sh*t. What we want is a real wedding and pray that you make it grandiose or we'll be the ones f*cking each other and making you watch without the ability to cum from either your dick or c*nt."

“Fair enough. I don’t think that’ll happen though. Since every time someone in my family found their significant other and finally got married, it was as grandiose as they wanted it.” Replied Huôyán without much worry. “Hell, Mama Blake and Mama Lulu’s wedding was made on what amounted to live international TV and the most recent one of my older siblings who got married was Kazumi. Happily so with her wife, Carmilla, and their wedding was more than grandiose enough to satisfy Carmilla’s… conservative family.”

“I’m probably going to regret asking, but why would satisfying Carmilla’s family be necessary?”

“It’s not every day a human woman marries into Vampire royalty after genuinely falling in mutual love with the princess of said Vampire royalty.”

Acting like a newly wedded couple the three started sharing each other's things to the point that they accidentally wore each other's underwear. Outside of their little house, the three hid their new loving attitude toward each other knowing that some people would take offense against them being in a three-way relationship. Although with this happening Huôyán considered it open season for the two of them as her flickers expanded especially in the shower as they made it a rule to share with one person.

As October gave way to November the surrounding mountains took on an icy gray shine while the lake turned a dull steel color. While the three never really cared for it the Quidditch Season started and there were already rumors that Charles was already on the Gryffindor team despite being a first-year. Fubuki at least wanted to show some sisterly support to show that she was willing to be there for her brother. Something that had Charles smiling when he flew around for a practice lap and saw the three.

Since the incident with that mutated troll, the three young ladies had a reputation of being untouchable. Even bullying seemed to have been put on the down low now that there was someone actually doing something about it besides taking points.

Being reminded of Cerberus as rumors started to spread about a three-headed dog on the third floor. The three realized that the troll was a distraction especially when they saw Snape limping around a few days after Halloween night. "You think Snape is trying to get whatever it is that the dog is guarding?" Huôyán asked as the three were in their bedroom.

"It's too soon to tell, I just want to know why this stupid thing is still going off around Quirrell." Fubuki said, pointing to her phone. With the Diadem purified the only thing left is the DADA Professor.

On the day of the Quidditch match, the three huddled together on the cold November day. Watching the teams being introduced one by one, Fubuki cheered when Charles flew around on the pitch. When the game began and the players flew around Fubuki could see why people could enjoy such a sport. However, it wasn't long before Charles' broom started acting like a wild horse buckling around with its rider hanging on for his life.

“I’ve heard that some people like wild rides but he doesn’t look like he’s having a good time.” Fubuki couldn’t help but say worriedly, earning more than a few blushes from the people nearby who understood a possible interpretation of what she said.

Looking around towards the stands, Vivian saw Quirrell, Snape, and Lily staring at Charles not blinking but their mouths were moving. With her perception magic, Fubuki saw that Quirrell looked to be cursing the broom as Snape and Lily were trying to counter the curse. One of the brief lessons at the academy was lip reading as even silent casting had the person to whisper out the spell.



“How precisely can you set something on fire from a distance?”

“In theory, if I can see it, I can light it. That’s how I usually light the fuses of my fireworks. Why?”

"Quirell is cursing the broom and both Snape and Potter are trying to apply the counter curse." Fubuki told the Chinese witch.

Looking at the target in question, Huôyán shook her head. "While it's plausible, I can't do it. They'd immediately know it was one of us, as we’re the only ones capable of doing something like that.” For this Kuroka took it upon herself to help out moving underneath the stands to distract Quirrell long enough for the professor to stop chanting.

After the game, it was easy for them to follow Charles to Hagrid's hut. He was with Ron and Hermione, much to their confusion. "Hagrid, do you know why Snape was trying to curse my broom?" Charles asked right off the bat. Fubuki slapped her forehead. "Idiot! Only a Gryffindor would be blunt." she whispered. "Rubbish! Professor Snape might be rude but there's no way he would jinx your broom." Hagrid defended the Potion professor.

"Yeah, he did! And Professor Potter was using the counter jinx on it." Ron said, explaining what he and Hermione saw. Huôyán rolled her eyes, "For a so-called bright witch she didn't see anyone else staring at the broom not blinking."

"So yeh, know about Fluffy but you three know yer not supposed to go to the third floor." Hagrid scolded them.

"He named the guard of Hell, Fluffy?" Vivian whispered, not expecting that.

"Look yeh three forget about the trap door, forget about Fluffy, and quit your meddlin'. That business is between the headmaster an' Nicolas Flamel!" Hagrid shouted, revealing more than he was supposed to.

Back in their bedroom, the three were talking about today's events. "Why does Nicolas Flamel sound so familiar?" Huôyán groaned, hitting herself on the head as she leaned forward onto the table. "He's the creator of the Philosopher's Stone." Fubuki grimly said as she and Vivian knew this. "Ok but why do you look like you've seen horror stories?" The Chinese witch asked. "According to Morgan Le Fay the only way to create a Philosopher's Stone is by sacrificing millions of lives to create even one." Fubuki answered, glancing at the stone lodged in between her breasts. It was a horrifying experience to learn that the stone of immortality was created by killing millions of people. "So the question is how could Nicolas have made his Stone?" Vivian said.

After learning the terrifying thought about the stone, the girls tried to put it in the back of their minds as November rolled into December. The girls made continuous use of Huôyán's warmer-than-normal body heat for the freezing weather. "So are either of you staying or leaving for the Holiday break?" Huôyán asked after their Charms Class. Professor Sprout told them at the beginning of the month to think if they would be staying or going for the winter holiday. "We want to go but at the same time," Vivian began. "We really don't want to leave you behind. After all, you said that you would be staying for the holidays." Fubuki finished.

Suddenly Fubuki's phone went off causing everyone to freeze, "Huôyán, sweetie, if you don't go with your mates to Japan, I will chain you down and torture you with scenes of the most horrendous ugly-looking fireworks made in human in history. We told you that you couldn't come home so that you could join them in Japan." Blake's wife told her daughter. After this, the phone call ended leaving the three to look at it in shock, "I know your mothers are literal Goddesses but how does she have my number?" Fubuki said surprised.

On the train ride back to London, all three snuggled together already changed into mundane clothes.

At the train station the three met up with their chaperones; Kirika and Shirabe, seeing them acting lovey-dovey, had some of the older ladies frown at the same-gender couple. Seeing their charges the couple made their way over to the three. "So this is the third member of your group." Kirika said once hugs were done with. "Huôyán Ouroboros, firework extraordinary and the third member of this threesome." the Chinese witch curtsied. On the ride to the airport, Huôyán felt nervous seeing as both women were taking glances at her from the rearview mirror.

"So Huôyán, what sort of person are you?" Kirika asked as Shirabe took to driving.

"Aunty wait until we're back in Japan." Fubuki said. "Mamaria and Tsubama should be the ones to do the mother sword-threatening interrogation."

Landing in Japan with little fanfare, it was on their arrival at S.O.N.G. headquarters that Fubuki and Vivian were quickly tackled by two little girls. "Fubu-Ane! Vivi-nee!" Kagami and Kanade shouted happily to see their big sisters returning home. Huôyán stood off to the side watching with the adults, a fond smile spreading across the Chinese witch’s face as she recalled the interactions between herself and her own siblings. "So you’re the girl my daughter kept on talking about." Maria said walking up to her, the sword already in her hand despite her not going full Symphogear.

"Yes mam, my name is Huôyán Ouroboros. Despite my petite looks, I'm a wild type of girl who takes those I consider as a family very seriously." Huôyán said a bit nervously.

"You owe me my money's worth." Maria said, confusing the Chinese Witch. "There was a bet of if my daughter and girlfriend would rope a third girl into a relationship and I betted it would be during the third year not first in which Miku won that pot. This better be a serious relationship, or you and I will be speaking about this.”

“No need to worry about that, but…”

“But what?”

“Mama Blake is a whole lot scarier than you when she’s in Mama Dragon-mode, so you don’t really scare me.”

Once the party was over, Maria and Tsubasa took the girls home as the guests of honor fell asleep near the tail end of the party. Gathering all three of them and putting them in Fubuki's bedroom.

The following day, Fubuki and Vivian showed Huôyán around the Le Fay castle. The weather in the pocket dimension stayed a crisp summer sun all the time with a cool breeze that the girls couldn't explain where it came from. Seeing as there is a freshwater lake, the girls went for a swim to warm up from the Japanese winter, despite seeing each other already naked Maria and Tsubasa told them that they would be wearing their swimsuits.

Chapter 15: More than meets the eye

Chapter Text

Before Christmas came, everyone was in S.O.N.G. headquarters so that the girls could catch up on what they found. "We already know that this organization Leviathan wants to use the Great Flood from the Bible to rewrite the world." Elfnein explained showing a presentation in the meeting room. For security purposes, Kagami and Kanade were in the room as well, occupied with Fubuki's phone.

"Unfortunately; during a Walküre concert, a convoy transporting a relic was attacked and stolen," Genjuro said, showing scenes of a truck being attacked, by Zerola and a few drone-like beings. “While we’re still unsure what these Noise-like beings that Leviathan uses are, something that we do know about them is that they’re resilient against small arms fire and that heavier weapons are effective against them.”

"Just standard Noise stuff, what else is new?" Fubuki asked.

"These are resistant to most magical spells." Lindy explained along with a blonde-haired girl. "Hi Lady Saint," she said, making Fubuki roll her eyes. "Normally most elemental spells can take down a few small fry and annoy the bigger Noises at best. Now the small fry of these things almost completely ignored all the spells that were thrown at them.” Lindy explained with a grim look on her face.

"In light of this, both ICM and NATO find it paramount to increase the members of the relic users further than just Japan itself. Pulling members from both magical and squib ladies in the U.N. will give us more protection against this new threat." This was understandable as before it was only Japan that had the Relic users but now most nations would have their own group of users.

"This is a bonus but how would we be sure there aren't any spies or the like roaming around?" Huôyán brought up a good point. It would be easy for people to slip in between the cracks.

"We're still working out the kinks but if this works then we can implement it into the other NATO nations." Lindy explained.

"Every nation except Great Britain." Fubuki grumbled. Her hate for her birth country turned to only disdain as the main problem was the Potters and Dumbledore.

"Unfortunately she is correct," Lindy began, "With the political climate in England having users there will be almost impossible."

"If it wasn't for the protection of the ICM they would definitely have taken our relic and Faust Robes against us," Vivian agreed. "We did send a report after the fight so we think the Leviathan has some sort of foothold in the magical world."

"How are we going to be training these new members? I mean logistics, which relic goes to which user, and the works." Shinji points out as that was his and Aoi's area of expertise.

With how busy the next couple of months would be, everyone took the time they had to be together. On Christmas Eve everyone piled into Miku's and Hibiki's house as they had a bigger space than everyone else. Watching everyone from the second floor, Fubuki smiled watching everything going on from the kids watching a Christmas movie to Miku and Shirabe working in the kitchen preparing food that would be in the top-of-the-line restaurants. Outside she could hear Vivian and Huôyán trying to convince the children to come out for fun in the snow and not far from the little girls Genjuro kept an eye on the little ones. Shinji and Aio were sitting in the living room going over some of the data they were given. "Hey, you two, no need for work today of all days." Hibiki scolded as she and Tsubasa set up the table. Chris was the only one not there as she made plans to be with her girlfriends.

Approaching her from the stairs is her mother in all but blood, Maria. "Is this how you expected our family would turn out?" The idol asked her daughter. Pulling her into a hug it wasn't long for her to reply. "No," was Fubuki's reply, "This is better. It may be cliche already but family bonds are stronger than family by blood." Maria smiled at that knowing how much Fubuki had changed from the little girl she and Tsubasa found in France all those years ago.

"Hey, you two come on down!" Hibiki shouted, "Dinner is ready!"

Waking up on Christmas morning, the three rushed down for presents to see the mother and girlfriend already enjoying their first cup of coffee. "Merry Christmas girls," Tsubasa said.

"I take it you two already had your Christmas smash?" Fubuki teased seeing a light sheen of sweat on their faces. The adult women just rolled their eyes, "The moment the tables are reversed we'll be the ones teasing you," Maria said.

For presents, Fubuki got the entire series of the Macross Delta anime plus a CD soundtrack. Vivian received the anime Fate Stay Night along with the figure of Saber Artoria. Huôyán had a clock that would imitate fireworks going off, which would work as she was really lazy in the morning. Heading once again to Miku's and Hibiki's place to drop off the presents to Kagami and Kanade, something the girls loved, the group of ladies and girls just spent the morning together.

Taking the plane back to London a few days before the train back to Hogwarts. Inside the apartment they rented in the meantime Vivian was the first to wake up and after putting on a robe to cover her semi-naked body went downstairs and nearly screamed while sitting on their couch a petite-looking girl wearing a dress that left her chest exposed. "Huôyán, I think a relative of yours came for a visit." she called out.

"Grandma Ophis!" The Chinese witch cheered and hugged the loli woman.

"Wait Ophis as in the Ouroboros Dragon?" Fubuki said with a wide eye.

"Yes, bonded mate of my granddaughter," Ophis answered, smiling a little as she kept one ear open to Huôyán's rapid talking. "My daughter told me that she found her two bonded mates and I wanted to check up on her.”

“Don’t you usually use a more adult form?”

“That is true, but I choose to wear my, chronologically speaking, older form. Mostly because my daughter’s mischievous wife thought it’d be funny. Sometimes I wonder why I keep listening to her when she gets tipsy. Centuries-old at this point and still a lightweight on top of still acting like a kid on occasion… not that I have much room to talk about acting like one’s age given how long I spent having what ultimately amounted to a puberty-induced temper tantrum for millennia.”

"So is there anything you want to eat for breakfast?" Vivian asked as she was already headed to the kitchen.

"Pancakes please," Ophis answered as Huôyán crawled on her back like a koala. "And I see that one of you is being mindful of her state of dress," she said, seeing as Vivian was the only one wearing a morning kimono robe while Fubuki wore a lace camisole and Huôyán just in her underwear. Having a normal English breakfast, Ophis had a relaxed smile on her face allowing Fubuki and Vivian to relax as well, "So am I going to be expecting great-grandchildren from you three in the near future? I mean my daughter's wife and she adopted Karna when they were just 14 years old." Ophis asked right as the girls were drinking their respective morning drinks.

"GRANDMA!?" Huôyán shouted, blushing from top to bottom. Vivian stuttered not knowing what to think while Fubuki had a terrified look on her face.

"Children?! No, I can't… I don't want to be like them and assault the kid whenever I get angry. I refuse to be like those f*cking bastards." she muttered curling into a ball.

“Fubuki! Calm down. You’re nothing like those… animals.”

“I accidentally said something stupid again, didn’t I?” Ophis asked, definitely sounding like she regretted it. Seeing the expression on one of her granddaughter’s mates known as Vivian’s face, all the Dragon God of Infinity could do was shift in place unconsciously. “Damn it. Not again. I really should remember to ask about what subjects to not talk about before accidentally stepping on the proverbial landmine by now, given how many of Blake’s adopted children come from… troubled homes if they even had homes before Blake took them in.” Before leaving for her original universe, Ophis left something as a sort of wedding gift and left something for Fubuki as an apology for opening old wounds.

Opening the wedding gift first, all three blushed seeing as it was dog collars for all three and some bdsm stuff as well. "Wow, I think Ophis called your mothers for ideas." Vivian said as Fubuki had mixed feelings about the dog collars as they could be a symbol of her past. Though in the present company, she knew they would never do what they did. Though deep inside she could feel some excitement at seeing the collars. The other item is a golden sphere that Huôyán knew. "Oh. That's called a Sacred Gear, something the dead God of my parent's universe made before he died, sealing away two very strong dragons. It's meant to give humans a chance against the Supernatural."

"Wait, did you say God in that world is dead?!" Fubuki shouted. Holding out her hand, the sphere entered Fubuki's chest. This had the effect of having her tribal marks appear and take on a different shape and adding tattoo wings to her Philosopher stone. "If the information that's being downloaded is correct it’s called Blade Blacksmith, a more Holy counterpart to the Demonic, Sword Birth. I can create various sword-type weapons with special properties but nothing demonic."

"Huôyán I'm putting my full trust in you not to abuse this." Fubuki said, picking up one of the collars and handing it to the Chinese witch. She moved her hair to the side. "Vivian could never be dominant no matter how much she tries and to be honest some part of me wants to be enslaved, probably due to my so-called upbringing, that left me wanting to be ordered around. Just don't make me think I made a mistake in doing this."

"If I abuse you in any way you have my permission to kill me, so mote it be." Huôyán swore, creating a magical vow. The collar itself is simple in design and is decorated in the form of a music sheet. The lock to the collar is a spear wrapped in chains and instead of a simple key, it uses Huôyán's magic. Seeing Fubuki's body relax in a way they never realized. "How can I be of service, Mistress?" Fubuki asked.

"First off, never call me mistress unless I tell you to," Huôyán gently told her, "We are all equals in this relationship." Kissing Fubuki on the lips she did the same with Vivian to show that no one was above the other. Fubuki hid the collar with magic as she didn't want anyone else but Huôyán and Vivian to know about it.

On the train ride, the three took their normal compartment near the back when Charles swung by. "Hey, little sister." he said with a wave. In his other hand is a wrapped box. "Hold on a minute! We may be twins but I'm five minutes older," Fubuki mocked. Standing there for a few minutes, Fubuki smiled slightly. "Come over here you bucking bronco."

Hugging his sister for the first time, a sense of relief poured out of Charles. He knew this was the only time he could talk to her as Hermione was in their compartment in the middle and Ron was still in the castle.

"Ivy told you, didn't she?" Fubuki said once they pulled apart.

"Yeah, she told me after Mom and Dad came home from the Dursleys. Ivy told me after we left the adults." He explained. "She also said how you reacted when she called you Harriet as well… Look, I know I won't be able to understand what you went through with them and you wouldn't want to call yourself a Potter but know that I am here for you."

Fubuki smiled, "Thanks, little brother. Oh and as a heads up it's not Snape but Quirell who's after the stone. We overheard you and your little gang talk to Hagrid. Huôyán was the one who realized that Quirell's stuttering was fake and we also realized that the stone is the Philosopher's Stone as well."

Charles nodded, "Thanks, knowing Hermione she'll deny anything you say just to spite you. This is from Ivy if you need something given to her let me know and I'll send it."

Opening the gift, Fubuki let out a gasp for in the box was a clay mold of both her and Ivy. "Dear big sister, just know that no matter what you'll always be my sister."

Once classes started, the girls abused the fact that they had access to a castle that had a cool summer breeze all year round they don't really live in the Hufflepuff dorm anymore and left security runes that warned them in case someone was looking for them.

On the day of the Quidditch match, Fubuki was showing support for both her house and the Gryffindors. "Snape better play fair," Fubuki said. She knew that in Potion Class she was near the top and had a semi-good relationship with the man but if he couldn't keep his bias in check then there were going to be some problems. During the game, Fubuki kept an eye on Quirell in case the f*cker tries anything and thankfully there were no incidents this time. After the game, Fubuki went to the Gryffindor side of the pitch when she saw Snape entering the forest. "Oh card of Illusions release your true form," using the illusion card from the Card Captor anime, Fubuki hid her sound, scent, and sight from all around her.

Following Snape, she saw him in a clearing talking to Quirell then sensing Charles above her the siblings overheard the conversation. "Whatever you plan on doing with the stone Quirrell I suggest you forget about it. You can fool the other professors and even Dumbledore but I can see right through you." Snape warned the stuttering professor.

"I-I have n-no clue what y-you are t-talking about, S-Severus."

"I suggest you remember where your loyalties lie, Quirrell, as you don't want me as your enemy. There's a reason Dumbledore prevented telling the others about what the defenses around the stone are to make it harder for anyone spying to know how to get around them." Snape said before walking away.

Both siblings stayed as something told them there would be more to reveal.

"That fool Severus seemed to have forgotten who his real master is." a voice, not Quirrell's rasped scaring the professor. "Lord Voldemort please just give me more…. Ahhhh," Quirrell dropped to his knees in pain. "Silence Fool you never know who could be watching! You have no right to call me by my name. Just consider yourself lucky that we met in Albania when I was at my weakest." The voice screeched. "Now return to the castle, I need more Unicorn Blood to sustenance myself until you can figure out the barriers around the stone."

Once Quirrell left, "So I take it you heard all of that brother." Fubuki said out loud as she removed the illusion. "Damn this is way over our heads, but this proves your right. Quirrell is after the stone to revive Voldemort." Charles said. Seeing Fubuki take a glance at him, "Grandpa Charles told me and Ivy that fearing the name only gives the person more power over them." he explained.

Filing that for later, Fubuki told him, "For now we need to keep an eye on him without getting Quirrell to be suspicious of either of us. But knowing you brother, you'll try and confront him like the headless chicken you griffs are known for." she teased, making him poke his tongue at her. "Here in case you get yourself in over your head just charge your magic into it and I'll come running." Fubuki said, handing him a card.

That night in her dreams, Fubuki saw that Jeanne was still there but fading. "Is there nothing that can be done to stop this?" Jeanne lightly smiled, "I fear not, I am not a fragment of the past doomed to fade, but know that I'm proud of how much you've grown from the little girl to the young woman." Walking towards Fubuki, Jeanne placed a fading hand on her cheek, something that reincarnation could feel despite there not being physical evidence. “I don’t have much time left, my child, and soon enough, I’ll have to say goodbye. It’s been a great journey and soon, you’ll have to continue yours without me.”

“I refuse! You’ve been my silent support for years and to hear your leaving is devastating.” Fubuki cried.

“So this is the famous Jeanne D’Arc.” a familiar voice said much to Fubuki’s surprise, “Don’t worry Jeanne she’ll be in good hands.” another voice said.

“Wait Vivian, Huôyán! What are you two doing here and how?” Fubuki asked, surprised.

“Mate marks allow us to enter each other’s minds.” Huôyán said then took a glance at Jeanne. “If this is what you look like in the future then Mama likes.” she purred. Both Jeanne and Fubuki blushed,“Fubuki has bigger breasts than the Maiden though.” Vivian of all people notes, causing those blushes to increase.

“I see you’ll be in good hands but…” Jeanne trailed off not feeling pure being near the two. “I’m just worried about what happens to me when we actually get down to doing the tango.” Fubuki said.

“Probably gleefully sandwiching Vivian between yourself and I with either a dick or a strap-on each buried deep inside her.” Replied Huôyán without hesitation. “That's how it usually went when one of my siblings married more than one person at the same time.”

“How do you even know that?”

“Some of my siblings are far too willing to share tales of their escapades, be it in the bedroom or other situations. Some don't really care where they do it as we can use magic to hide in plain sight.” Huôyán waved. Vivian and Fubuki looked at each other, “Let’s not give her any alcohol. Like none at all.” Vivian whispered to Fubuki.


Chapter 16: Fight against Voldemort

Chapter Text

Being told about what Fubuki overheard with her brother, Vivian, and Huôyán started training harder, though with how much work the professors were piling onto the three, there wasn’t much time to really train. “Ugh, what I wouldn’t do for a Dragon Ball Z Time Chamber.” Huôyán moaned, falling onto the pillow behind her as they were in the living room area of the castle. Finding out about the maiden, Fubuki seemed to be a bit dull in her mood, and it was only due to Huôyán’s orders that she kept focus on school and training. Charles wanted to know what was wrong with his sister, but Vivian told him to talk about it later.

During class, Fubuki was writing her notes when she overheard her brother and his group talking about Hagrid and Dragons. Knowing how the gentle half-giant was about creatures that could easily kill regular humans with ease, she knew this was going to end badly. Having Kuroka follow them for the rest of the day Fubuki facepalmed herself as the yokai reported that the three tried to smuggle a dragon out of Hogwarts but were caught by Filch when they forgot the Invisibility Cloak inside one of the towers. "Damn stupid Gryffindor," she muttered. Then, reading further, her eyes popped open, “Huôyán do you know anyone named Rouge?” she asked.

“Aunty Rouge? What’s she doing here? Last I heard from her, she’s supposed to be in a sex marathon with Aunt Mione and Uncle Charlie. Again.” Huôyán perked up, not actually expecting to receive an answer to her questions. But she did in the form of a rather large video camera falling on top of her book out of a magic circle she recognized as Rouge’s. A red serpentine dragon biting its own tail to form a stylized zero is the most predominant feature of the magic circle. Sharing a glance with her mates, Huôyán started replaying the recording on it.


“This is the worst, mom is so going to kill me,” Charles moaned in despair as he, Hermione, and Ron got caught because of Malfoy who told on them because of Hagrid’s baby dragon they tried to smuggle out. He smirked as Malfoy had to go with them because he was also caught out of bounds in the hallway. Following the castle’s caretaker to the courtyard, there was some comfort as they had their detention with Hagrid but the bad news as they had to go into the forest at night, “This is the stupidest thing ever yeah send kids with very little experience with magic to go find something that’s been killing unicorns,” he whispered with Hagrid and Hermione. He did feel bad for Ron as he had to go with Draco and Fang in a different direction. Though that didn’t last long as after meeting a Centaur, Draco scared Ron into sending red sparks. Now, being paired with Draco and Fang, they followed the splotches of blood that were splattered against various trees, the spots growing bigger and bigger until they found the unicorn dead. Charles closed his eyes in sadness at seeing such a pure creature being killed in such a brutal way.

Not long after, a ghostly figure broke through the trees from the other side of the clearing they were in. Following the ghostly figure were the creatures that turned anything it touched into dust. Draco and Fang bolted away from the sight screaming bloody murder resulting in them chasing after Charles; who was frozen in fear as this was real combat and not the training his grandfather put him through. What pulled him out of his frozen state was a sound that he was absolutely not expecting to hear in a place filled with magic. The sound of a shotgun going off.


“Get the f*ck away from my niece’s soon-to-be brother-in-law, you Noisy bastards!” Shouted the voice of a woman Charles didn’t recognize before another shotgun blast rang through the air.


Hesitantly turning towards the source of the gunshots, Charles was greeted with the sight of a very buxom woman with literally scarlet hair in a very long ponytail that was situated between a pair of golden horns on the upper back of her head. While they weren’t quickly noticed by the eleven-year-old boy, the woman’s eyes were literally golden with slit pupils. Gripped tightly in hands with golden claw-like fingernails was a pump-action shotgun.

“Do I know you?” Asked Charles hesitantly.

“No. But you know one of my niece’s mates. The name’s Rouge, brat.” Replied the woman, now known as Rouge, co*cking her shotgun for punctuation and ejecting a shell. Stepping into the moonlight, Charles had a full face blush as she was garbed in a scarf wrapped around her easily high G-cupped chest into a sports bra-like top, short shorts, exposing the scales on her skin, and no shoes. “See something you like, brat?” Rouge smirked leaning forward; shaking her shoulders causing her breasts to wiggle. “But enough of that for now. If you want to stand with your sister then take this,” grabbing something from the cleavage of her breasts, Rouge tossed him a flip phone-like device. “To activate it press down the numbers 123 in that order and call out Magical Source, Mystic Force.”

Nodding, Charles did as told. “Magical Source, Mystic Force!” standing in a magical symbol in the shape of a flower sparkling light was the result of the seal lifting off the ground. Garbed in a white full-body suit with black and gold stripes his books and elbow-length gloves were black having gold stripes. On the hips held a black belt with an M symbol as the belt buckle which is where his weapon was located. “Mystic Ranger!” he shouted, striking a pose.

“Alright, now let’s see what you got. These are only small fry anyways, so go wild.” Rouge said, spinning her rocket launcher and turning it into a mallet. Looking at his belt, Charles pulled out his weapon, which was a short saber-like sword. “Thank God Grandfather taught me how to wield a weapon.”


“Where did you get that thing!?”

“Magic. Duh.”

During the fight things were starting to get a bit too crowded, Charles used his Seeker eyes to good use when he found out his sword could turn into a crossbow with a rapid-fire system. “Nice shootin’ tex! Now let’s finish this.” Rouge shouted gleefully. Turning back to his phone morpher, Charles pressed the number 125, “Galwit Mysto Prifior!” normally in the show this would turn him into a magical machine but in this case, it just gave him a pauldron which he quickly slammed down on giving him a special weapon; which turned out to be a giant crescent moon boomerang. “Cyclone Impact!” he shouted going for a reverse swing sending the weapon flying.

Not saying anything, Rouge released a barrage of rockets into the air for added effect destroying the Noise.

“You know I wonder how no one came running out when the explosions went off?" Charles questioned demorphing.

"Pocket dimension." Rouge answered, rolling her shoulders. "I sent us and the Noise here when I showed up. When you get sent back everything will be normal but in case someone tries to look into your mind." here she kissed him on the lips to use her powers to paint a different situation.


As the recording ended, the girls looked at each other. "Well we can now say that things are going to get interesting." Fubuki noted.

“Indeed. And it looks like Rouge hasn’t lost her love of being flashy and is still just as much of a geek as she was as a teenager.” Huôyán agreed while also noting her aunt’s behavior.

Before the week of exams the girls swam in the lake, soon finding an underwater grotto. Swimming further they ended up in a different lab. "This must be connected to the castle." Vivian guessed. This lab was different from the ones already explored as it took the space of a one-story facility as the main area and four different routes. In the center of the room is a marble statue of Morgan herself and in her hand is a staff. Couches in the room looked clean and brand new as if they were just moved into their current position only minutes ago. Of course there were bookshelves in the room but general topics from her personal diary to ideas that she had brainstormed about.

Connecting to the main room there were four paths leading to a different room. One to the far right led to a time chamber for both training and potion-making. The middle right was a ritual room which had books on all the rituals Morgan created during her time alive. The middle left room turned out to be a sort of chamber meant for a different type of experiment, "This is where I was crested before being kept in the separate lab Fubuki found me in," Vivian noted. The far left room was locked with no way on how to get in.

Trying to find a way out and not through the lake entrance it was at the statue in the main room that had a type of magical teleportation pad that led to the living room area in the main castle. Taking a look at how the entire castle had changed, Fubuki had electricity running throughout the castle using solar panels to take advantage of the sun's light. Still keeping the historical aspect of the room the TV that was installed kept to the aspect by making the frame of the electronic looked historic. Since they couldn't get cable as they were in a different dimension it was mostly to play video games. Not that the girls minded as they had different gaming consoles from Nintendo down to the current Gen Playstation. There was even running water for the washer, dryer, and dishwasher meaning that they didn't need to have the house elves do the work as they didn't feel comfortable having others go through their clothes.

During the exams themselves, the girls were at the top; or near the top, of their classes though Huôyán did end up in the middle of the pack for History class. "I figured why would we need to know half of this sh*t." the Chinese witch said as they were in the Le Fay castle playing Smash Brothers. “Those that ignore history are only dooming themselves to repeating it.” Vivian stated as her character, Byleth (female), sent Huôyán’s character, Captain Falcon, flying off the stage and screen. "But that's only for world history like World War Two not for who invented the self-stirring cauldron," Fubuki said on the couch playing the Switch version of Azure Lane. "I wish this place had wifi. I need to check on my mobile game of AL," she sighed.

Out of nowhere, an owl dived through the open window. "Wait, how can I get owl mail?! This is in a pocket dimension," Fubuki asked perplexed as the owl landed on the coffee table with a letter. "Dumbledore is out of the castle, and the professors are unable to assist due to no proof. Heads up I might need your help," she read out loud. "At least he's thinking ahead on this instead of charging ahead," Vivian said.

Staying in their Hufflepuff dorm room for the night the three woke up to the entire castle shaking. Then being magically teleported into the common rooms there was panic when an image screen showed up showing Charles and what looks like Quirrell. “Professor Quirrell? We thought it was Professor Snape that was trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone!” Hermione’s voice cried out. “Yeah like why else would he threaten you into what was on the third floor,” Ron's voice added.

“Yes I can see why you would think it would be Severus,” Quirrell said without stuttering, “But then again who would expect the st-stuttering p-poor Qu-Quirrell,” he mocked. “The only reason I disabled Severus’ potion is that I want witnesses to the return of my great Master,” taking something from his pocket three gasped seeing the red stone. “Oh great Master use my life to bring yourself back… Lord Voldemort,” Quirrell chanted swallowing the stone.

The entire gasped as Quirrell mutated into some sort of humanoid abomination. To the Muggle-born it looked like a slender man but with slit eyes resembling a snake while tentacle appendages sprouted from its back. “Ah it’s~ good to be alive onc~e more,” Voldemort said disturbingly cracking his neck. “And if it isn’t the fake child who lived,” he grinned to the shock of the castle.

“What do you mean fake? Of course he beat you that night,” Ron shouted.

“Oh you poor fool, it wasn’t him but his~ sister,” Voldemort revealed, “It was~ on that wretched night that I remember very clearly. Stepping into the baby room after knocking out that stupid mudblood Lily Potter, I took in the sight of two babies.” As he was saying this a movie scene of that night played for the three, and the entire castle, to watch. “While you cried at my former appearance it was your twin who simply stared at me,” watching as the truth of that night appeared baby Fubuki glared at the man, “It was then I knew that she was the one to give me trouble.” Voldemort said as the thing in the memory pointed his wand at the baby girl.

“However, as I used the killing curse something happened that had it rebound back at me,” just like Voldemort stated a flash of gold light protected the twins as the spell returned to the origin. What it didn’t show was the piece of Voldemort floating towards the girl. “Imagine my surprise years later I would come to find out that very same girl was abandoned by the light,” Voldemort laughed much to the shock of everyone but those in the know. “Reading Lily Potter’s mind I found it therapeutic that the fate of the girl is lost as those relatives of yours abandoned her in a different country. Though I did smile when those magic hatting muggles treated your sister like a house elf even at a young age,” here images from Lily Potter’s mind took place as she was forced to watch her blood torture and beat her daughter.

Everyone was horrified as the scenes got more bloodier then the last, “I wonder what has become of the child now? Will her blood win out and she still stays in the light or will her experience thrust her into the dark?” Voldemort questioned. Charles gripped his hand into a fist so tight that he started drawing blood. Hermione had her hand covering her mouth watching this take place; just as some of the people watching did the same. Others had to throw up their dinner watching this horror film take place.

“But enough of that for now.” Waving his wand, all three were suddenly tied up in rope, “Goodbye children I’ll try to make an effort to remember who was there at my return to power.”

Seeing the bright green glow from the wand, Charles froze and saw his life flash in front of him then watching him and Fubuki, his sister, hugging each other for the first time he shouted, “Fubuki! I need your help!” The card she gave him shining brightly in his pocket.

For this small part play the song of my people for all those who have watched the Azur Lane anime, play Azur Lane The Animation OST, The Grey Ghost, Great E

“So you have wished it so it shall be,” her voice rang out as a card of all things appeared in front of the three turning into some sort of conscious being who blocked the attack but still stayed. “Keep your f*cking fingers off of my brother asshole!” Fubuki shouted, appearing from behind Charles two pistols in hand unleashing a hail of bullets. “Attacking defenseless children is pathetic of you.” Huôyán mocked from behind Hermione tossing firecrackers as Voldemort was off guard from the bullets. “At least pick on someone who has the means of fighting back.” Vivian commented, weaving around bullets and firecrackers punching Voldemort in the face.

“The foreign exchange!? What business do you have in this?” Voldemort demanded as his wounds slowly healed.

“You were just talking about me weren’t you?” Fubuki mocked pulling up her bangs and wiping off the makeup to reveal the faded mark and taking off the contact lenses causing the illusions to dispelled revealing the dual color eyes. “Fubuki Cadenzavna Eve D’Arc formerly Harriet Potter,” she introduced herself.

“So you were hiding as an exchange student,” Voldemort hissed narrowing his eyes. He wasn’t expecting this turn of events at all. In his mind he would relish at the face Charles would have made when he found out that he wasn’t the child who lived. Never in his dreams would he expect to see his true nemesis in the flesh and to make things worse she’s way more powerful than he is even with the rituals he put himself through.

“Pretty much asshole,” Fubuki cursed pointing her pistols at him, “Honestly I should thank those f*ckers I call my relatives for leaving me in a different country. Better to be raised with free-thinking than be brainwashed and indoctrinated into the Church of Dumbledore or the cult of Voldemort.”

Voldemort said nothing for a few minutes then raised his hand in her direction, "Why don't you join me, child? I'm sure deep down you despise the muggles for what they did to you. Join me in ruling this world." While Ron and Hermione looked at her in fear Charles didn't, "Copying my sister here so while I don't know a single thing about my sister neither do you f*cker!"

"Take your offer… make it nice and shiny… and then shove it down your f*cking throat." Fubuki taunted with a smirk. People watching were having an aneurysm as they saw someone stand up to the dark lord.

Voldemort frowned, "Pity… Then die!" He said sending his tentacles at the group. Some of these attachments had open mouths lined with razor-sharp teeth.

Shooting the tentacles, the girls had a hard time trying to protect the others while taking on the appendages. "We're taking this fight outside!" Fubuki shouted, doing a wide-range teleport leaving Charles and his friends in the room, the rope that held them vanishing.

Appearing in the courtyard in the front of the castle the three jumped back away from Voldemort. "Interesting magic," he said just standing there and when a wandering spider appeared from the forest Voldemort captured it with a tentacle absorbing it. Everyone watched with horror as the mandibles and claws of the spider's face appeared on Voldemort. "This isn't good," Huôyán noted seeing this happen.

Transforming into their combat attire so to speak, Voldemort tried to absorb them with the tentacles only for them to be burned away after making contact with the barrier that surrounded the three girls. “No! Touching! Privileged limbs only!” Shouted Fubuki. Once in their suits, the girls went into action, “All children in the audience, cover your eyes. This one is gonna be flashy.” Advised Huôyán just loud enough that everyone except Voldemort would hear her as she summoned a white firework rocket decorated with black dots. “Fire in the sky.” Sending it skyward, the resulting explosion could be seen for miles around and blinding everyone foolish enough to not cover their eyes, namely Voldemort. Using this time to attack Fubuki and Vivian moved in. The former Potter gave covering fire for Vivian knocking back the tentacles so that the homunculus could move in with an onslaught of punches and kicks.

Sonic Frontiers - Break through it all, we don't own.

Don't look down!

Show yourself!

Starting to sing, Huôyán spun her chakrams until they lit on fire. Sending both weapons flying they created a tornado of fire. Not bothered by the flames, Fubuki dived in, wielding two short swords as they appeared in her hands, spinning one to use as a makeshift shield and the other to attack.

I've been here waiting for the longest time

I can't believe it's real

You lose the battles that you never fight

Can't hide from what you feel

Come on!

No more compromise

This is do or die

And now you've crossed the line

You'll wake the beast inside

Vivian took over singing as Huôyán rolled up to Voldemort using her weapons to balance herself as she kicked the dark lord in the jaw, sending him skyward.

No more compromise

This is do or die

I'll warn you one last time

You'll wake the beast inside!

You'll wake the beast inside!

You'll wake the beast inside!

Don't look down!

Show yourself!

As Fubuki started to sing, Voldemort stopped it, "Enough!" sending a wave of dark energy that sent all three flying away. "No more of that horrible singing for any of you. Crucio!" unleashing another wave of energy all three fell to their knees screaming in pain. "Now then who to absorb first?" Voldemort gleefully wondered as his tentacles moved towards Fubuki. The others couldn't do anything as they were held under the torture spell. Slowly being consumed, Fubuki thrashed about as the tentacle consumed her feet first as it moved upward.

Inside the castle, Hermione and Ron held Charles to prevent him from going out there as tears ran down his face.

Inside Fubuki's mentality, a dark sludge-like substance slowly flooded her mind. "Get off me asshole! When I get out of here I'm so kicking your f*cking ass!" Thrashing about the sludge just touched her feet when a light from behind Fubuki repelled them. "You know what to do." The Maiden of Orleans told her a sad smile on her face. Fubuki shook her head, "No! There has to be another way! I won't lose you!" Jeanne wiped the tears as they slid down Fubiki's cheek. "You won't lose me dear child, I'll always be with you here." Pointing to Fubuki's heart, the former Potter child now had a sad smile on her face finally giving in to what she's been denying all this time. "Thank you for everything," Fubuki said causing Jeanne to smile as well and kissing the child on the forehead a golden light exploded vaporizing the sludge.

For everyone else they saw the tentacles reach Fubuki's neck when the light appeared destroying the tentacle. "WHAT IS THIS MAGIC!?" Voldemort demanded feeling weak from the light. For Vivian and Huôyán the torture curse was suddenly cut off by that shining light as it both healed them and returned their relic and Faust-Robe outfit. “The kind of magic asshole f*ckers like you are f*cking deathly allergic to!” Fubuki answered, her Faust Robe turning white as a golden aura of light radiates from her and the golden seraphim wings hovering behind her shoulders. “ L'illuminé Éternelle: Holy Maiden Mode. Disappear and stay dead this time!" Knowing what would happen next Vivian sent a surprised Voldemort into the air to prevent further area damage.

Morningstar Nova !” Creating a tennis ball size sphere of energy in the front of her hand it only took seconds for it to launch a railgun-like beam of energy. The explosion was, like the sun itself, being seen for miles around.

Seeing the body fall with a thud sound, everyone watched the body decompose itself and something rising from the muck. "You may have one this time, girl, but I will return! Your power will be mine one way or another!" The ghostly form of Voldemort swore drifting away.

Dropping dead tired, Fubuki dispelled the transformation showing that both eyes are now a mix of the emerald green and amethyst Jeanne had. Even more prominent is the blonde hair taking up a majority of her hair. Before, the ratio between the black and the blonde in her hair had been about 80/20 in favor of the black. But now, the ratio was 70/30 in the favor of the blonde. Other notable changes is her hair as before it was straight ending slightly below the shoulders but now it ended at the middle of the back in a waterfall of gold, though it is styled in a hair bun at the moment. Something else to be discovered when the girls stripped for shower then bed was a pair of smaller wings underneath the original pair. When Vivian and Huôyán made a note of it, the tribal marks seem to now intersect at the smaller wings but no other effects are noticeable at the moment. Something that had the pervert in Huôyán gleefully cheer for is the fact that Fubuki’s bust grew.

Chapter 17: Leaving the past behind

Chapter Text

Fubuki’s patience was running low as students stared at them like animals in a zoo. The girls wished they stayed in bed as upon entering the Great Hall students crowded them demanding answers about what they had seen the previous night. The professors at the Head Table only looked on and were not trying to get the students to calm down. On the other hand, Dumbledore had this look in his eyes staring at Fubuki as if he was waiting for something.

“Will you all just… SHUT THE f*ck UP!” Fubuki shouted, unleashing a good portion of her magic causing some people to choke. “What happened last night is none of your business. We will not be answering any other questions." she told them. All three looked as if they were daring their classmates to try and demand answers. Fortunately, most were smart and backed off knowing the gap between the three and them was the length of the Grand Canyon, those three are both physically stronger than them as wizards and witches thought that close-quarters combat is beneath them and magically superior; able to use magic without a wand. Plus they could do things those in Great Britain couldn't even fathom.

Cedric wanted to ask something involving that pressure before, "Oh that? It's something of a scare tactic as a means of intimidation." Vivian answered as she was sitting next to them. She used a bit of magic so that everyone could hear her. "Discharging a bit of your magic core at your opponent allows you to gauge their reaction. It's something Fubuki and I were taught by a few people brought in as guest teachers."

Being left alone for now, Sprout came to them saying that Fubuki had to go to the Headmaster's office… alone. Fubuki swore to herself as she made her way to the headmaster's office, "f*ck… well there goes my mood for the day." Since she was alone, Fubuki used this time to organize her thoughts as she knew that Dumbledore was a master in mind magic and she wanted her mental defenses to be at their best.

To describe her mental layout it is the image of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier from the Avengers series only having the name Akagi painted on the side of the ship. Since it is always airborne anyone trying to get in will have to do it from the outside causing anyone to try and sneak in unprepared and would just fall to their mental deaths but those who were quick enough to summon a broom would then have to get around the ship's defenses. The most prominent of which were the Phalanx CIWS guns throughout the ship with the occasional man-controlled Oerlikon quad mount guns. Placed on certain intervals of the ship were the bigger rifles from the ships of the Iowa class and ships like the Musashi and Yamato alongside the secondary guns.

Reaching Dumbledore's office, Fubuki glared at the gargoyle guarding the door. Summoning her spear, Fubuki spoke with venom in her voice, "I'm in a terrible mood right now… So move or be destroyed." Both gargoyles moved immediately not wanting to die.

"Ah, Harriet, it's so good to meet you again after all these years." Dumbledore said when she entered the office. Not only was Lily there but James, Sirius, and Remus were inside as well. "Please come in and have a seat." Dumbledore waved but Fubuki still stood in place refusing to answer to the name Harriet. "Harriet, please listen to the headmaster," James told her but she still stood in place. To their frustration, she didn't move one bit and just stood there. Patience wasn't Sirius' thing so he marched up to her, "When the headmaster tells you something you do i-ah!?" He fell to his knees when Fubuki grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. The others got their wands out but they froze when swords of various designs pointed right at them.

"Don't touch me, do you understand?" Fubuki hissed, getting a shaky nod from the man.

Everyone calmed down when Fawkes cried out a calming tune. "Let me get one thing clear and you better have your f*cking ears cleaned. Harriet is dead. The moment you abandoned her to relatives is when she died. I hope you're proud of your so-called noble blood of the fact that the girl you turned your back on was forced to live life as a slave all the while you raised your son as if he were an only child! All for the fact that you thought I had no magic after that very night!" She shouted, narrowing her eyes. After years of bottling it up, everything finally flooded outward.

"Did you even remember me when Ivy was born? What about birthdays? Was I so insignificant that you never checked up on me?" Fubuki demanded slamming her hand down on the table. "You thought that just because you shared blood Petunia would care for me when she hated you because of the very magic you hold but she doesn't? You both poured thousands but never bothered to even visit. For f*cks sake I could have been in a whor* house spreading my legs for some twisted f*cker who got off to sticking his dick in a little girl and you wouldn't know as you would believe that bitch and her bastard because you shared blood!" She said this staring straight at Lily. The woman in question fell to her knees crying as it was true, she would have believed everything Petunia had said purely because they shared blood. The men had a shade of ghostly white hearing this from Fubuki.

James swallowed the saliva in his mouth, "Well we're here now and would like to bring you back home." Both Sirius and Remus nodded, though the werewolf inside the man was nervous about the girl in front of him.

The hollowed laugh from Fubuki scared them. "Bring me home? BRING ME HOME!" Fubuki roared barring the full weight of her magic causing books to burn, objects to break, and other such damages. "YOU ASSHOLES THINK THAT I WOULD BE JUMPING FOR JOY NOW THAT YOU WANT ME BACK! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING WANKERS TO ME BLOOD IS BULLsh*t! IT'S THE LAST THING ONE SHOULD THINK OF WHEN THINKING OF FAMILY!" Fubuki calmed down, reining her magic in allowing the adults to breathe.

"To me, family is more than just based on blood itself, something you all seem to value more than anything else. Family, in my mind, are people who want to be in your life and you in theirs. I already have my family and none of you are in it. I'm not some dog you can train all the rules of your society would be lost on me thinking that I would just easily slide into your so-called perfect world but no it would be the complete opposite. Now then if you don't mind I got things to do before the End of Year feast." Saying her piece, Fubuki activated a teleportation card and left before any of the adults could say a single word.

Returning to the Le Fay castle she walked into the living room to see Vivian and Huôyán in the living room lounging about. Taking off her clothes and leaving her underwear on, Fubuki landed in Huôyán's lap snuggling up to the smaller female. The sound of the dog collar coming into contact was the only sound made as both girls were quiet when she entered the room. Thanks to the magic bond they knew it was going to be a stressful few minutes.

“How did the meeting with Dumbledore go?” Huôyán carefully asked Fubuki, knowing that she was walking down a metaphorical minefield. Only receiving a grumble from Fubuki, it didn’t take the Chinese girl long to figure out how the meeting went as the girl in her lap all but dropped her head on Huôyán’s shoulder. “That bad?”

“The adult Potters were there along with James' friends.”

“Oh. And I thought the rare arguments Mom and Mama got into on the rare occasion they met one of my siblings' birth parents had a history of going bad. Sometimes ending in a complete curb-stomp.”

Since they were on the left-arm chaise lounge couch there was room for Vivian to get behind Fubuki. "You can let it out, we're here for you," she said, rubbing her back. Huôyán nodded in agreement. Spending an hour in their comforting hold, Fubuki went to the training room to just blow sh*t up.

The following week before the End of Year feast had other students hounding them for answers and those from Gryffindor wanting Fubuki as in their minds she is a Potter and all Potters should be in Gryffindor. "If you people bother me one last time, heads are going to roll." Saying her piece, Fubuki stared at a group of Gryffindor students, all of them who grew up in the magical world. Now that the secret was out Fubuki could hang out with Charles in the open. "Ok sis, just watch me." he said, teaching her how to ride a broom on a warmer winter day when Fubuki made note that she's never rode on a broom before. "I don't think this is the type of broom I was talking about when I said I never ridden one." Fubuki noted making Charles stumble a little bit as the mental image came rushing into his head.

Fubuki smirked seeing her brother's facial expression at her tease, "You are so easy to mess with little brother." Taking off into the air, Fubuki didn't feel right with the broom quickly abandoning it in favor of flying with her magic. "What's wrong?" Charles asked, pulling up next to his sister. "It felt clumsy riding on it like watching someone else in control and you were only watching." Explaining it the best she could, Fubuki could see Charles sort of getting it. Thinking it over, Fubuki sent a quick text to her girlfriends about being presentable as Charles would be visiting. Fubuki then grabbed Charles' hand, "Come on little brother, I want to show you something." Willing her rune symbols into existence, the pair were teleported away.

At the castle, Charles stared at it in awe as it beat Hogwarts by miles. Fubuki curtsied, telling him, "Welcome to Castle Le Fay. New name is still up for debate."

"Le Fay?!" Charles nearly shouted. He knew that name from his dad, Morgan Le Fay was one of the darkest witches in history.

"Yup, it's one of my magical inheritance next to D'Arc." Fubuki explained. Leading Charles into the castle, she went on to think of how she ended up as Le Fay's heiress when James and Lily abandoned her to the Dursleys the sentient form of Magic chose what magic she would get from the Potter Parents to keep and it selected D'Arc and Le Fay. Telling him of some of the rooms she discovered which lead to the few training rooms that have been discovered. Opening the doors wide open, Charles already saw Vivian and Huôyán in the room wearing sparing clothes, “If you want to fight along side us girls you’ll need to learn how to fight without that wand,” Vivian said removing the wand from the boy’s possession, “Which means you’ll be fighting with that Mystic Morpher,” Huôyán followed up. “Just wear your pants and shirt for this one little brother. I want to see how far you can go.” Fubuki said exiting the changing room.

Transforming into his ranger outfit, Huôyán nodded, “Yup that’s Aunty Rouge’s work right there. Now let’s see what you're made of.”

Spending the next few hours training with his sister and friends, Charles felt sore all over his body and only Vivian’s healing could fix him right up. “Not bad for a rookie, but you’ll need more training if you want to face the coming tide,” Huôyán said, helping him up. “I would offer the shower but you don’t have any change of clothes and I’m sure you don’t want to hear the sounds your sister makes when she’s busy kissing her girlfriends.” Fubuki said, smirking at his blushing face. “You’re dating two girls?” He asked wanting to be clear and seeing her nod he shrugged, "Fine by me. At this point I can't say anything but mom and dad on the other hand may throw a fit."

Sending Charles off to a nearby empty classroom close to Gryffindor, Huôyán dragged the girls for some fun in the showers.

On the night of the Final Feast, the entire hall is covered in yellow and black representing Hufflepuff winning the House Cup. Huôyán personally thought it was stupid that the point system even existed as it was a way to keep students in line. It was to the point that the three weren't paying attention as Huôyán was teasing them from under the table but nothing sexual, just a bit of finger tracing on their legs. The following night the girls just left their trunks in the castle and Fubuki gave Huôyán a way to access the castle on the occasion they weren't together. Having Hagrid lead them by boat to the train station to the train back to London they quickly changed to their mundane clothes as they had to be in Hogwarts uniform for the boat ride.

Purring like a kitten, Huôyán had a hand running through Kuroka’s fur as Fubuki was on her phone and Vivian had her head in a book. Since they were occupied the Chinese witch smirked teasing her more submissive lover and soon Vivian joined in as Fubuki had the cutest reactions.

Something that surprised Fubuki as King’s Cross Station entered the range of her magical perception were the unusual magical signatures that definitely stood out amongst the crowd of the ‘average’ magical signatures of Wizards and Witches. Not only were the abnormal signatures significantly more powerful than the ones surrounding them but also a whole lot more varied in nature for want of a better way to put it. Three of the five detected signatures could easily be considered as either inhuman or straight-up evil. “Huôyán, dear, did you say that someone on your side of the family was going to pick you up?”

Said Chinese witch tilted her head before her eyes popped open, “I recognize them alright. Girls… It seems the darker aspect of my family wants to see you two.” Both girls gulped not because of the darker aspect but because these people might not be so understanding as Blake and Ophis. As the train rolled into the station before making a full stop the girls just slid out the window as they were in the back of the train. Not far from them were three women who were waiting by the entrance/exit of the barrier, once more reminding Fubuki and Vivian that everyone on Huôyán’s side of the family was beautiful on a supernatural level.

“Sister Karna, Aunty Asmodeus, sister Kasumi!?” Huôyán gasped seeing the three wondering why no one was screaming in terror only to remember that they had magic to hide the evil signatures.

Kasumi was the one who hugged her first, “Hello little sister. I see these are your mates?” She guessed taking glances at Fubuki and Vivian. “Not bad of a catch sis and I see Grandma’s work with the collar and Sacred Gear. Girl if you need help embracing your sub side give me a call.” she told Fubuki. “Kasumi-nee enough.” Huôyán said standing between her and Fubuki, “Fubuki doesn't need your dominatrix after the life she lived growing up. She needs a gentle hand so she doesn't have war flashbacks.” Like everyone in the family, Kasumi stood tall; taller with the high-heeled flats she had on, with rainbow-colored hair that went down to her mid-back wearing a white dress with lace frills.

(Think Dorothy from Nikke)

Karna understood, “So she was abused as well. What is with this family and having found abused and neglected people and turning them into children or lovers.” Unlike her sister, Karna is more of a rebel mixing her Hindu dress with that of chap jeans the cut-outs being on the outside and not inside like normal. Walking next to her is Asmodeus, upon seeing Fubuki and Vivian suppress the need to flinch she apologized to the two of them, “Apologies if my demonic aura scares the both of you. The ability to properly perceive my presence and visage is rare amongst humans of the world I come from, so I usually don’t need to consciously keep my aura in check. Nor do my fellow Demon Lords back home.” She looked sharp in the business suit she had on contrasting her wife’s appearance.

“No we should be sorry, we know not to judge people by their appearance or aura but we were caught off guard that's all,” Vivian explained feeling Avalon flare up.

“You have good mates little firecracker.” Asmodeus nodded to her niece.

“If you don't mind me asking about whoever teaches an eleven-year-old how to properly seduce someone please give me their number. It's almost painfully clear that this shouldn't be a one-way street.” Fubuki said, annoyed at how easily the Chinese witch could make her blush scarlet.

“That would be me. Asmodeus. Mortal Sin and Demon Lord of Lust at your… service.”

Fubuki blinked then glanced at the Demon Lord, “Were you in a business meeting or were you and your wife doing some office roleplay? And if you could teach me what would you like in return?” She asked this as she didn't want to to challenge Huôyán in making her blush.

“We will talk about the proper sacrifice on a later date, but for now we must return home. Mother Luna and Mother Blake wishes to see their youngest.”

Chapter 18

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Not long into their summer vacation, both Fubuki and Vivian are called in to support NATO operations when it is discovered that most of the rebels are infected with a new type of Noise that turns its hosts into some kind of abomination. Like with the troll these things were fused with Noise meaning that when you dispatched the Noise you killed the human vessel. They didn't know about this at first as Elfnein created countermeasures to remove some pressure from the relic users during a fight but having humans possessed by the Noise made them immune to some of the weapons. By the end of the day, both Fubuki and Vivian stared at their shaking hands covered in blood. Having tasted their first breath of war both girls had nightmares for days.

“This has gone on long enough!” Maria shouted from the Japanese HQ slamming her hand down on the table, “My daughter and Vivian shouldn’t have even gone to that mission in the first place! Why not send us?” She demanded. Chris, who was leaning against the wall, pushed herself off, “I would have been a better choice considering my background when I was working with Fine.”

“That may be true but you, Chris, were in South Africa dealing with a Noise Attack while the Walküre during this time was in Russia,” Lindy said regretfully. She is a mother herself so she would understand Maria’s plight. “It’s almost like Leviathan is making us do the work of finding clues to the Great Flood for them.” Getting a call on her phone, Lindy’s eyes popped open, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST THEM?!” She shouted forgetting who was in the room with her, “So they got separated from a detachment due to an ambush… we’re still receiving their signal so that means that they’re still alive but unable to visually locate them.”

Maria pulled out her phone to call Fubuki but even that wasn’t working. “Not good those phones are equipped with government satellite receivers so if they can’t be connected by phone means that they are in an area rich with magic,” Lindy swore. Even the magical phones had a limit in how much magic it can hold before frying.

“In other words, we’re blind.” Chris all but cemented as the women turned their attention towards the monitor, which highlighted the girls’ last known location. Their last known location was near present-day H illah , Babil province. “What ruins are in that location?” Hibiki asked Miku, as she was running support. “According to the internet it’s supposed to be the location of where the fabled Hanging Gardens of Babylon are supposed to be located.”

Back to the girl’s situation, they are currently clashing with Zarola when the bitch jumps them out in the open. “I SEE YOU GOT STRONGER!” She shouted gleefully spinning her spear slamming the bottom of the staff into the ground getting a shock wave. The girls fought the best they could but they were exhausted from the fight earlier. Unknown to the combatants, their constant attacks destabilized the surrounding area to the point that one solid high jump kick that Vivian dodged caused the ground to collapse. All three three fell through the dirt and rock.

Somehow Fubuki and Vivian were separated leaving the former Potter child with the crazy bitch. Sparks flew as spears clashed, “Die Bitch!” Fubuki shouted, making swords circle around her. “Face my blades!” Thrusting her hand forward, Zarola had to dodge and block this new ability from her opponent. Despite being underground there was a lot of room for the crazed teenager to jump around. Even if she was getting cut by Fubuki's swords Zarola still had her psychotic grin, “I don't know how your able to do this but I f*cking love it. So many possibilities for bedroom play!” She shouted.

Seeing Zarola charge forward ready to impale her, Fubuki used a trick she learned from the monks blocking each thrust then used the staff as a platform to grab the extended weapon, ripping it out of Zarola's surprise grip only to gasp when she got stabbed in the foot by her own weapon. Disturbingly, Zarola’s gasp wasn’t purely one of pain. “Oh my… I haven’t felt pain like this since-” Zarola moaned out, only to be cut off by Fubuki controlling the flag attached to her own spear to literally smack the insane teenager in the face and send Zarola flying into a nearby boulder, shattering it with the impact.

“Shut up. Nobody cares what you like, you f*cking masoch*st!”

“Excuse me!? I’m a sadomasoch*st! Not a-”

“Do you ever shut up, you psychotic whor*!?”

Seeing a ritual seal appearing underneath Zarola, the head of the D'Arc family jumped back. “Tata for now love until we meet again,” Zarola winked teleporting away. Not long after Fubuki got a call that the target item vanished making her realize that Zarola had the item all along but still stayed to mess with her. Unsure as to where she is at this moment, Fubuki tried to find Vivian but what was odd was that she's been in one location the entire time. Worried flooded her soul as something was blocking the link she had with the Homunculus.

Taking off into a sprint, Fubuki just ran to check on her girlfriend. Arriving at the room, Fubuki gasped seeing Vivian in a medial tube similar to how she first found her. Now a little taller than before Vivian’s black hair is more of a grayish silver in addition to the elf ears the homunculus had a body upgrade with her ass being thicker and her breasts going up by a cup. Her Faust Robe is not far from where she is and Fubuki figured it was thrown there when she was taken. Watching the water drain Fubuki caught her girlfriend before she could hit the ground.

Before Fubuji could say something Vivian pulled her in for a kiss, dominating it from the start. Surprised at first Fubuki moaned, now realizing that both of her girlfriends were dominant now and she was the sub in the relationship. Pulling back from the kiss, Vivian told her what happened when they got separated, and upon finding out this was a way to find the Hanging Gardens of Babylon they went to work on how to find out how to get there. Vivian felt as if she was being guided and now upon entering a throne room of some kind the wall on the other side lit up revealing a portal. Having no other choice the couple ran into the other side to reveal a different throne room. The weird thing was that everything was flipped so that the floor was the ceiling.

“What. The. f*ck?” Surprisingly, it wasn’t Fubuki who said it, despite being known to be the one with the foul mouth. It was Vivian. Finding the courtyard, Fubuki’s cell phone finally rang. It wasn't long after that a S.O.N.G helicopter showed up containing the Japanese team along with some other personnel. Now not only do they have a base in the Le Fay castle they now have one of the Seven Wonders of the World as a base as well. Thankfully they found a way to get to the gardens without needing Vivian using the same teleport system they have in the Le Fay castle.

For Fubuki being the sub between the three scared her at first as she never had a good time remembering her life as a slave but with her girlfriends, she was surprisingly fine with it. Both Vivian and Huôyán knew where the lines were clearly drawn and would never push her into doing anything she didn't like. The mothers didn't say anything as long as they kept to their own little guidelines and rules.

Being called into the bureau one morning after an all nighter working on their Japanese work had them both confused. “Sorry Fubuki but they were adamant in seeing you.” Lindy apologized. Already knowing who it could be, the couple went into one of the meeting rooms to find the Potter adults along with Dumbledore, Sirius, and Remus. Of course Sirius tried to flirt with Maria, but Tsubasa couldn't come as she had to train some of the recruits. “Oi Mutt face, keep flirting with my mother or you'll be getting a painful sex change.” Fubuki warned pulling out her pistol, going so far as to turn on the laser sight.

Maria, who at this point had a tick mark on her forehead, pulled out her sword and with a flick of the wrist turned it into a whip, “Let this be a warning Black. I am in a happy relationship with my girlfriend and will never go out with a man-child like you.” Lily would have argued about two girls being in a relationship but already knew of some of the potions and rituals the magical world had for same-sex marriage.

“So what is it that you bozos want?” Fubuki asked, already feeling tired. “I had to stay up all night for my Mundane work along with my lessons at the Magical school here in Japan.”

“My girl, why would you need to study muggle subjects?” Dumbledore asked, confused, “You have everything needed in the magical world.”

Fubuki looked at him like he was stupid, “Look, unlike the rest of England who are fine with living inside their little bubble of seclusion I'm not. I would rather not look like an idiot in the mundane world looking like a complete f*cking idiot when asked about modern items and the current news. Also, why would I want to stay in the magical world when I can live in both? I still don't understand how you British haven't found out that the rest of the world has found ways for technology to work around magic and some people have found out ways for magic to run technology.” The British were surprised about that, not thinking of that themselves.

“What do you want anyways Albus?” Lindy asked not wanting to deal with the man.

“Well we were hoping that Harriet would like to come live with us for the rest of the summer break so that way you could come with us when the time comes for the school supplies.” Again these people must have nothing stuck in their brain as they kept calling her Harriet. “Yeah, Charles said that you had a hard time riding a broom but we can teach you.” Sirius added to what James said regarding Lindy’s question.

In response to Sirius’ comment, the Japanese people started hovering off the ground to show that they could fly without a broom. “Guess you didn't hear the news that we could do this without needing to stick a wooden rod in between your legs.” Fubuki taunted smirking at the dumb faces of Sirius and Remus. James already knew of this from his wife and son but seeing it is something else. Though the thought of visiting had entered her mind on occasion, Fubuki didn't want to, and no offense to her siblings she didn't want to think of a life she could have lived if the adults weren't being so stupid. Fubuki shook her head, “Sorry, I can't go and spend the rest of the summer break with you. There's a lot of work I need to catch up on and I have other responsibilities as well.”

Vivian looked at her weirdly but didn't say a word. “Oh come on Harriet, whatever those so-called responsibilities are I'm sure they wouldn't mind being ignored and forgotten.” Sirius said, waving his hand before a look appeared on his face. “Look, why not introduce your godfather to your other lady friends? I'm sure one of them would surely agree to spend the night with me?”

Fubuki responded by shooting him in the foot, “Look here asshole! Think women are mere trinkets you can collect and forget? If you go near my aunts like that again, I'll permanently cut off your dick and make you my bitch.”

Seeing the look on his fellow British wizards to shut up, Sirius whined like the pathetic dog he is. Seeing them leave, Maria turned to her daughter and daughter-in-law and wasn't that a surprise that in some other universe her daughter was married before she could ask Tsubasa to marry her. “Ask your wife Huôyán if she knows anyone that can make engagement rings, could you sweetie? I think it's time to pop the question soon.” Maria asked.

Hearing Fubuki’s phone ring, it wasn't Huôyán but someone else, “If you want an engagement ring do you want any extra benefits from it? There are some engagement rings that either mimic or can cause your souls to bond similar to what Fubuki, Vivian, and Huôyán have. The soul bond of the dragon god level makes it so that things like cheating and love potions will never even be possible and you can mentally communicate with each other. Some engagement rings can also be used during the really kinky bedro-.” here she was cut off by a different voice continued. This time it was Blake who answered the phone, “Sorry about my wife Ms. Eve. If you would like I can come by for a visit if you want to look at engagement rings and what effects they can cause in the future. Fubuki, Vivian, my daughter will already be in London in that apartment you rent out a week or two before Hogwarts starts.” with that the phone call ends.

Spending time with Kasumi and Kanade so that Hibiki and Miku could have time to themselves. The young girls watched the little girls play around chasing the magic ball Fubuki had floating around. Vivian teased Fubuki by saying, “You know this will be us right? Us alongside Huôyán in our little house, Le Fay, or even the Gardens of Babylon.”

Fubuki snorted gently, shoving the homunculus, “Don’t you mean you and Huôyán running around like headless chickens trying to feed my food cravings as I sit on the couch with a pregnant stomach?” Vivian blushed thinking of that before turning white in horror at the thought of Fubuki going through mood swings.

Chapter 19

Chapter Text

Meeting up with Huôyán at their apartment, “Oh wow I see you two had some fun without me.” The Chinese witch said when she saw Vivian's new look but her eyes turned soft when she was told about the blood on their hands. Just holding them close the girls let out their tears, unable to hold it back any longer. Still having a week or two until the Hogwarts letters arrive the girls went sightseeing when they discovered something weird. Sitting at a Cafe table is an elderly-looking man with blood-red eyes with the air of a prankster around him. Looking up from his newspaper, he smiled as the three approached him “Ah if it isn't the three I'm looking for. Not too worse for wear after what happened to the two of you.”

Before Fubuki or Vivian could ask how he knew Huôyán got in front of them. “Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, what are you doing here? I would have thought Mom told you to leave this universe out of your trolling ways?”

“While true I wanted to give these to the two of you. But first I need to see that item belonging to the homunculus.” Taking the item, Zelretch absorbed it into a book then gave the other item to Huôyán. “Have fun with these and keep on giving me something to laugh at.” Zelretch said then shooed them off. Looking at these items, Vivian's book had the title Tome of the Azure Sky which upon opening up revealed a fairy sized female in a white and blue dress, “Hi I'm the Tome of the Azure Sky hope we can be good friends!” Looking at the case Huôyán opened it up to reveal a bunch of medallions but they had different animals on them.

“Great, that bloody troll gave us something.” Huôyán said. “Vivian that right there is a copy from the Nanoha anime Tome of the Night Sky while mine are the talismans from the Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon show.”

“Nanoha and her friends exist in an anime?” Vivian asked in slight disbelief as Nanoha and her friends existed in this world and were very real people in it.

“Multiverse, remember?”


Once they got their Hogwarts letters, the three went to the Alley to get those out of the way. Looking at the list all three groaned knowing this could be a horrible year as all these so-called DADA books are made by a fraud who only cares for himself and fame.making a quick buck. None of the girls, not even the fairy of The Tome of Azure Skies, who (after some thinking) decided that she liked the sound of the name Helena (something that was probably influenced by the fact she strongly resembled the light cruiser/character of the same name from Azur Lane after being shown a picture of the character in question), sitting on Vivian’s shoulder were impressed by their first proper impression of Lockhart, who was making a very fake smile to photographer while Charles, who had the misfortune of being noticed by the man who was probably bald (considering that his hair seemed to be on the verge of falling off his head), was cringing at the camera.

“H-hi Fubuki.” hearing her name being called she turned to see Ivy standing next to Lily. “How are you doing?” Ivy looked unsure of herself when talking to Fubuki as she remembered the animosity the former Potter had with the parents.

“I’m doing well, Ivy. Thanks for asking.” Fully turning towards her little sister, Fubuki couldn’t help but smile seeing Ivy’s eyes light up. Ivy’s eyes lit up when Fubuki bent down with open arms. Fubuki whispered words that caused Ivy to cry, “No matter what I will always think of you as my little sister.”

From her place Lily smiled happily as she saw Fubuki and Ivy hugging. Pulling back Fubuki looked at Ivy and said, “Now I think I need to get you a late birthday present don't I?” Hearing this, Ivy bobbed her head causing Vivian and Huôyán to giggle at her. “Big sister, who are they?” Ivy asked, seeing them for the first time and she was surprised at how beautiful they looked. Fubuki looked at her mates, “Care to introduce yourselves, ladies?”

“Happy to. Hi there, kiddo. Name’s Huôyán. Huôyán Ouroboros. Fireworks extraordinaire. Nice to meet ya.” As Huôyán finished her introduction, the Chinese witch called a small firecracker to her hand that she quickly tossed into the air where it quickly went off with a rapid fire series of crackles. Ivy gasped in awe seeing the small explosions go off.

“Vivian Ashford. Pleasure making your acquaintance, Ivy.” While Vivian didn’t add any extra flair to her introduction, like Huôyán did, there was something else that caught Ivy’s attention. Namely the little figure sitting on the monochrome-haired girl’s shoulder.

“Why do you have a pixie on your shoulder?”

“Excuse me!? I am not a pixie! I’m Helena!”

Fubuki kissed both girls on the lips, not caring of the looks they were getting from some of the mundane wizards and witches, “They're very special ladies in my life.” Ivy then looked at the two with such intensity that both girls shivered, “Break my sister’s heart and they won't even find a body understood?”

They both nodded causing Fubuki to giggle “Thanks for the approval sis but how about that present?” As she led Ivy down to the animal shop, Fubuki silently grasped the collar that was around her neck feeling a sense of calmness she gained from it. The three kept this part a secret not wanting anyone else to know about it. They could already see the backlash of this spreading of a heiress being submissive.

Passing by Malfoy Senior, Fubuki’s phone went off confusing Ivy and Lily, who was traveling behind just far enough to give the girls bonding time but not too far in case something goes wrong. Waving it off, Fubuki bought Ivy a cactus owl, she then pulled out a phone, “And this is for you seeing as I don't want to tire out the little fella flying from Britain to Japan.” Ivy gently took a phone nodding along as Fubuki taught her how to use it, giving Ivy a wallpaper image of all four smiling at the camera. “If you want to give us a call when your big sister is busy then go ahead.” Vivian and Huôyán gave Ivy their numbers as well.

Once shopping was said and done, the three went back to their apartment to enjoy quality time together. Realizing they never asked about Huôyán’s birthday, the two made up for it by giving the Chinese witch small presents. Vivian’s present is a firework Freddy plushie while Fubuki’s present was something meant for the dog collar. Returning to the Alley for some extra potion supplies, one of the last things the girls expected to see when they first entered the store was the short shorts clad ass belonging to one of Huôyán’s parents. More specifically the one most of their children called Mama Lulu, who appeared to be looking for some potion ingredients of her own. She was looking through some of the ingredients talking to herself but the three couldn't hear her.

Huôyán walked forward tapping on her mother’s elbow, “Mama Lulu? What are you doing here?”

“Oh my, I didn't think I would be running into my youngest and her mates.” turning around, Mama Lulu hugged her daughter not realizing Huôyán was turning blue. Vivian stepped forward to correct that though, “Um, Miss, you’re suffocating your daughter.”

Blushing in embarrassment, the group of four went to the ice cream parlor. Licking her ice cream in a way that had male adults looking at her, Mama Lulu greeted Vivian and Fubuki. “It's nice to finally meet you two in the flesh! You have no idea how Huôyán runs her mouth when talking about the two of you!” Mama Lulu said cheerfully much to Huôyán’s chagrin. Lulu giggled at her daughter’s reaction to her parents poking fun at her in front of her lovers. “But to answer your question, I need you three to do me a favor. You see, my alternate self in this world will need to be cured from the explosion that killed her mother… no Huôyán the Luna in this world isn't a demi-goddess… but back to the main topic. When you find her please give her this as it will help her in making sense of the things she sees with her seer ability.”

Huôyán took the pills Mama Lulu handed her, Mama Lulu then added, “Just let her know that she needs to take one in the morning and one before bed. Oh and tell her that no one can steal it as it will always appear back in her pocket.” Waving goodbye to the three, Mama Lulu walked off not caring for the fact that she was attracting all types of attention; both good and bad. “Think your mom was doing some bedroom cosplay before coming here?” Fubuki asked absentmindedly.

Making sure they had everything before taking an Uber to the London train station, the three saw a little firstie with bleach blond hair and blue eyes that looked in the distance. Fubuki nudged her lovers and said, “I think we found our girl.” Both girls looked in her direction and agreed with her. Walking up to the little girl, Vivian was about to say something when the girl spoke up, “I see that the Nargles leave you alone but it seems that a special type of Nargles hovers around you, mostly you,” She said pointing to Fubuki. “I take it, you have something for me?” She asked, putting her hand out. Handing over the pills and telling her about them the three found their preferred compartment, something you could tell by the infinite ouroboros symbol etched into the wood Huôyán did back in their first year; the very first day the three met to be exact.

Keeping the blinds down so that the three could use their phones in peace, Fubuki saw that there was a text from Ivy. She read it out loud so her lovers could hear the text she was sent, “Huh, so the Barrier to the station was blocked and some of the students were left behind. Good thing Professor Potter was there.” Looking looking out the window, Fubuki deadpanned, “f*cking Weasley is going to expose us all.” Outside the window is Ron Weasley driving a blue car, a terrified look on his face before the car flew off into the distance. Both girls also looked deadpanned seeing this and not wanting to deal with the stupidity of it all Huôyán slapped Fubuki's ass.

“Right, before anything else stupid happens, you strip and in my lap.” Fubuki spent the rest of the trip switching between Vivian’s and Huôyán’s lap, making out with each girl. Huôyán even surprised them when she sat in Vivian's lap not wanting to leave her out of it.

Getting dressed into their Hogwarts uniform, both girls had a glaring blush pointed at the Chinese witch as she cheated using her natural fire to tease them both. Instead of the boats, they took the carriages to the castle. “Um, what's pulling the carriages?” Fubuki asked to see a skeleton horse. Huôyán blinked not seeing anything but could feel it upon touching where Fubuki was, “Oh you must mean thestrals. They hold some bad luck as only those who witness death can see them.” Both girls then realized why they could see such beings.

Entering the Great Hall for the Welcoming Feast they looked to the Head Table to see the professors furious about something but Snape was missing. Huôyán snickered, “Well someone is in big trouble.” Watching the new batch of First Years walking in the three kept an eye on Luna Lovegood but her eyes seemed clearer than they were before and once the last of the first years were sorted everyone went to eat dinner. Thankfully there was no warning of death and danger this time around. As she was having dinner, Fubuki felt something entering the air space of her mental world not realizing it was Dumbledore who was curious about what was in Fubuki’s mind only to gasp out loud when he appeared and then started to fall.

Instead of spending the night in the Le Fay Castle, they went to the floating Hanging Gardens of Babylon enjoying the star-covered sky. Having the girls snuggle up to her, Huôyán asked them, “So any guesses on what exciting adventure we’ll have this time.”

Vivian slapped her gently, “Huôyán please don't say anything and just go to bed. I mean Fubuki is asleep.” Fubuki was indeed asleep using Huôyán as a body pillow.

As a tradition, the weekend after the Welcoming feast was for the first years to get a layout of the castle leaving the three to do some more training in the morning though not to repeat their first year they trained at the courtyards the Hanging Garden has. The difference this time is that they took some of the responsibilities the Prefects have and helped out the first years that were sorted into Hufflepuff, something the Prefects thanked them for as they had a decent haul of students that were too much for two people. After spending some time in the castle so that no one worried about them being missing, the three returned to the castle. They did see an interesting sight of Charles talking to Luna in one of the halls of the castle.

“Well look at what we have here. My dear younger brother talking to a girl that isn't Granger? Is there perhaps love in the air?” Hearing his sister, Charles turned red. “Knock it off sis, I was just helping her that's all.”

Giggling at his red face, the girls went to the Library when they found something shocking, reading a book on muggle legends Vivian shared this, “While the Muggles think this surge of Flood came down from this so-called God in actuality this is the work of a dark ritual that summoned an ocean monster.”

“Let me guess, THE Leviathan?” Fubuki asks in a tone bordering on sarcasm.

Vivian shook her head, “It doesn't say just a sea monster of some kind. All I know is that this ritual takes weeks of preparation and a crescent moon.”

At the start of the school term, they had History of Magic first and while some of the students had used this for some extra sleep Huôyán used this time to tease her submissive lover, something Vivian started to do as well. “Tell me my dear do you want to wait one more year or more until I spread your legs and f*ck you to kingdom come?” Fubuki moaned as she was assaulted by both sides. In this world there are two kinds of futa potion, one is purely sexual with absolutely no fear of getting pregnant and the other one has an increased chance of getting pregnant. It was only thanks to sitting in the back and numerous silencing spells that had the three hidden from their Ravenclaw classmates.

Next up is DADA, something they dreaded as they hated the fool. Huôyán moaned in despair, “I swear this is going to suck. I mean we’re the only ones that aren't brainwashed into being fangirl whor*s for the bastard.” In the classroom, they sat in the back to get as far away as possible. The Lockhart books were barely sold outside of England due to how stupid it was and some could even tell that it was full of lies because, in some parts of different books, it says that he was in two differences at the same time. “It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if there’s some truth in what you just said, Fubuki.” Huôyán couldn’t help but deadpan in a tone so flat and unamused that Blake would be impressed by it, and the Dragon Goddess pretty much always spoke in a deadpan manner.

Not caring what he said, the girls answered his egotistical quiz question with random bullsh*t to get back to the important things, like edging Fubuki and then backing off when she was about to cum.

Seeing a container of Pixies, Huôyán groaned Cornish pixies were annoying to deal with and a hassle to get rid of. Seeing Lockhart open the cage door the three sat back to watch the absolute chaos that erupted in the room being protected by a rune shield from Fubuki. Vivian snorted, seeing Lockhart running away when one of the pixies took his wand, “So much for the gallant Lockhart.” Waiting a few more minutes, Fubuki shot the window lock allowing the little devils to run.

In Charms class, they were working on the freeze charm with the Slytherin and they paid attention as they respected Flitwick to play around in his class.

Like last year, Fawkes took to hanging out around Fubuki much to her annoyance as the damn bird kept to her shoulder but otherwise had warmed up to the firebird of legend. It did make for an amusing sight. A second year arguing with a bird. In the Great Hall, Fubuki fed the bird some spicy food that was being served, “Stupid Feather duster is asking for it… one of these days.” Vivian and Huôyán eye rolled at that while others were still looking a little wide-eyed at the interaction.

Chapter 20: Opening of the Chamber

Chapter by Kikimon

Chapter Text

The following day had Helena hiding in Vivian’s hair as she was not only curious about the classes her mistress takes, but also because she had mentioned being very bored inside her mistress’s and her girlfriends’ room all day with very little to do besides either messing around with the human girls’ belongings, namely their phones or sleeping in The Tome of Azure Skies. Even though she was being secretive about it, both girls knew Huôyán was up to something, making various calls, but for the life of them, they couldn't figure out why. Huôyán would also vanish over the weekends but would never say why, and it’s only thanks to their bond that they know she’s safe.

As October rolled around Hogwarts, the girls took abuse to the fact that the Le Fay castle is in warmer weather year-round. What was disturbing was that Helena was hearing something in the walls that no one else could hear. Helena tried to explain it as best as she could, “It's almost in a raspy tone, similar to someone who hasn't had anything to drink, something that isn't used to human speech or both.”

Hearing worried them as they couldn't find out what creature it could be as the magical world is filled with different creatures. But ignoring that classes were getting harder for some of the first years, and so the three decided to do a sort of study session with Lily overlooking it. She was one of the few females who could resist Lockhart, and when he tried flirting with her, she cursed his eyebrows to vanish for a week, and it was hilarious for the three heroines. He tried to get them after class, but they just vanished into thin air, Fubuki with the illusion card, Huôyán with the talisman for Invisibility, and Vivian with a spell from the Book.

Coming back from the dinner feast everyone was returning to their respective towers to settle in for the night when they all stopped and saw Charles, Hermione, and Luna alone in a corridor and above them in blood red words read:


What was stranger than that is the cat, Ms. Norris was hanging still on the torch bracket wide-eyed and unmoving. There was also a big puddle of water in front of the girls' rest room.

“You're all next Mudbloods!” Draco gleefully sang as he stared at the cat after pushing his way through the crowd. Most people stared at the three in fear as the professors and Flinch finally arrived. Seeing red, Flinch launched himself at Charles, thinking he was the one who was responsible. He screamed, “YOU'LL PAY FOR KILLING MY CAT!” Before he could even get to him; however, Fubuki erected a shield to protect her brother. She then summed some chains to hold him in place.

Fubuki turned to Vivian, “Vivian use the forensic spell we learned in the academy. See if we can't get anything from this.” The homunculus nodded her hand, lighting up with a rune seal spreading through the entire corridor. Seeing her nodding to herself, Vivian voiced her findings, “From the looks of it, the cat is simply turned into a statue. Now, if the findings I have are accurate, then it looked at something from the reflection of the water that caused this to happen.”

Lockhart interjected, “I taught her that spell, you know.”

Everyone ignored them this time when Dumbledore turned to the three asking, “Why weren't you at the feast with everyone else?”

One of the ghosts, Nearly Headless Nick then appeared to save the three telling them about being invited to a death's party on a different floor and told the students to return to their dorms and that they would have the house elves bring food to them. Lily also backed this up when she said that Charles told her ahead of time so that she wouldn't worry over the location of her son. Grumbling under his breath, Flinch calmed down, accepting that the boy wasn't the one to turn his cat to stone.

“I bet it was one of the foreign students who did this!” One of the arrogant older students said. She did bring up a good point, but the three were in the Great Hall, so they couldn't have done it. As one, they shouted, “We swear on our souls and magic itself we did not turn the cat to stone! So mote it be!” Swearing on their magic had those that grew up in the magical world to gasp then waiting a few minutes the girls were still alive meaning that they didn't do it.

As the professors sent everyone back to their rooms, the students were all whispering about who it could be. The Chamber of Secret was of the founder's time and any of Slytherin's students would have claimed to be the heir or heiress if it wasn't for the one thing that prevented them from claiming the title. Almost everyone was talking about the Chamber Of Secrets in between classes down the hallways as it was rumored when the founder of Slytherin, Salazar, left the school he left a monster inside to kill all those not worthy of his blood. What the three did notice is that Ginny’s face became paler as each day passed.

Despite being proven innocent, some students still believed it was his fault that the cat turned into a statue. This also extended to the three heroines to a lesser extent, seeing as they swore on their magic. From the looks of it, everyone was still talking about it and some, mostly the Gryffindors, wanted to find the entrance to the chambers. One of the more noticeable occurrences was that the spiders were leaving the castle in the millions as if there was something they knew but everyone else didn't.

Over the next few months, there were no attacks, but everyone was still jumping at the sight of their own shadows or when someone came up from behind. It wasn't helping that none of the books had anything about the fable chambers. Not even the map that James, Sirius, and Remus had could find the location of the chambers much to their surprise as they had made the map to take a full detailed terrain of the castle for their pranks.

“While this is a genius invention,” Dumbledore began, “You were able to link this map to the central core of the castle. However, I would think that there would be rooms that the founder's wouldn't want found so easily.”

In one of the castle's rooms set up for a study session, Charles was one of the few Gryffindors there as there were a couple other people there seeing as the rest of the castle either thought that any of them could have been Slytherin's heir/heiress or just hated the three girls for their advance in magic. Vivian groaned when Charles, after the last of the students left the classroom, told them what Hermione and Ron were talking about in the living room, “For crying out loud! Sure, they have some idea, but blaming it solely on the Slytherins is stupid! I mean, look at Fubuki. She's British, but she’s the heiress to the D'Arc family through her mother. So it means that Slytherin's heir/heiress could be anyone! f*ck it could also mean that even a muggleborn descendant of the guy could be roaming around.” Charles would have asked for clarification on that last part but the girls already told the theory made by an American Pureblood witch that Muggle-born wizards and witches could be descendants of those cast out by Pureblood families years ago due to the inbreeding and the fresh blood correcting the genetic strands of DNA.

Dealing with Lockhart on the other hand is much-needed relief but what was funnier was that he kept forcing Charles to aid him in reenacting his books. Discreetly recording everything on her phone Fubuki sent them to Ivy who apparently told her brother about it causing him to complain about losing so many Big Brother points. Speaking of the Potters, Lily wore Fubuki down to the point they could have a normal conversation without the child snapping at her. It was almost a mother-and-daughter bonding moment that even had Lily finding out about the phone and being able to talk to Maria and Tsubasa.

During one of their nights at the gardens, Vivian had to go through all of Lockhart's books. “Wow Britain must be blinder than normal not to see the inconsistencies in his books.” she said because there were moments in those books that had him being in separate places in just one of his books. Helena was helping her but each page had her gagging, “Vivian, when we're done here, I demand to delete this… trash from my pages the SECOND we’re done with it.”

Huôyán giggled at the fairy's expression as she continued to run her hand through Fubuki's hair. Unlike the castle they were able to have an internet and wifi connection to allow electronics to work on the floating fortress. Working on these so-called books, Vivian had Fubuki's legs in her lap making random shapes on her thighs and both girls enjoying the whimpers and light moans coming from the girl. “So you're making up for lost time with Lily?” Huôyán questioned looking down at the girl in question.

Fubuki nodded looking away from her phone, “Yeah she wore me down enough to not snap in her general direction that I might accept her offer on spending Christmas with the Potters.” Another reason is that there was a horcrux somewhere in London that she wanted to get rid of.

On the day of the quidditch match, Fubuki had a furious look on her face seeing one Bludgers trying to kill her brother. Remembering her brother telling her that something was trying to injure him in one way or another. She looked around using her perception magic getting a lock on a lone house elf controlling the Bludger into trying to make a fatal injury on her brother. Taking a glance at her cat, Fubuki told her familiar, “Kuroka get rid of the elf.” Watching her cat vanish underneath the seat, Fubuki looked back to the match as the bludger returned to normal while the elf was forced to retreat but Kuroka was fine with no damages. Charles still had to go to the medical wing due to that f*cker Lockhart removing all the bones in his injured arm. Something that pissed off Fubuki and Lily to the point that Fubuki had to get detention as she straight up punched the so-called Professor, “Next time leave it to the professionals!” Fubuki didn't care if every one of the female students were glaring daggers at her, “Oh f*ck off all of you!” She swore, taking Charles with her to the medical wing.

On one of the beds, Charles had a look of pain on his face while his right arm laid flat as the bones in it vanished. Fubuki was at his bedside, “Damn that fool for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.” watching the Quidditch team along with Ron and Hermione rushing in, Fubuki smiled as they gathered on one side of the bed. Charles waved them off saying, “Yeah I'm fine, I have my sister to thank for bringing me here.” Realizing that Fubuki was here the entire time they turned red in embarrassment but Fubuki waved them off, “Nah it's fine just take care of yourself little brother and if you need anything just let me know.” After saying her piece, she walked out smirking when Charles threatened the male members and Ron to look away or else face the fury of the true heir to the Marauders.

Returning to the subject at hand, the three continued on researching Lockhart out of boredom and decided to look stuff online and hoping for the best. Surprisingly there were a few mentions of people having their memories wiped and it lined up to the release of Lockhart's books. Three of those memory wipes landed people in the hospital while two sent the elderly couples to the grave. At the castle there's been another petrification in Colin Creevy the night after the Quidditch match. “Damn f*cker is pissing me off.” Fubuki scowled in the safety of their bedroom in the Hufflepuff tower. She's been trying to get a lock on the Horcrux item that is inside the castle but the most she figured out is that it's around the Gryffindor house and it's slowly been oozing out of the female Weasley.

When Sprout came around to ask about who is staying or leaving for the Christmas Holiday the girls decided on staying as they could always visit later on but when her brother says that Draco was staying Ron and Hermione was determined to force the confession out of him, despite Charles argument of them potentially being wrong reminding them of Quirrell the previous year. Hearing about a dueling club being started, “Maybe it's Flitwick? He was a dueling champion and it would be great to learn from him.” Huôyán said as the three entered the room where the club was located.

All three, including Helena, groaned in despair seeing the f*cker Lockhart on stage next to professor Snape and professor Potter. Vivian had to massage her forehead for the potential headache she felt was swelling in her head, “We aren't going to be learning anything from this guy.” Coming up next to them was Charles, who was only here because of Hermione, asking out loud in a mutter, “This is going to be a bust isn't it?”

Watching Lockhart introducing himself followed by Snape and finally Lily, the latter of whom Lockhart seemed to try and flirt with without any success. Tossing his unnecessarily flamboyant cape towards the crowd, Lockhart seemed to have planned on someone catching it before starting his ‘lecture’ about dueling. He smirked when a few girls tried fighting over it, only for his smirk to change into a frown as the cape suddenly burst into very hot flames, causing everyone nearby to take a few steps away as the cape was reduced to a small pile of ash. Having a feeling on who was responsible, Fubuki and Vivian turned their gazes towards their girlfriend who was glaring at the ashes. “What? Capes are dumb. They get caught by and on a lot of things far too easily.”

Getting everyone's attention back to the main topic, Lockhart and Snape dueled using the Disarming Charm. Unlike every other student, the three saw that Snape was faster sending the other professor across the dueling platform. “And that ladies and gentlemen is how the Expelliarmus Charm works… Ah thank you, Miss Brown,” Lockhart said, taking his wand back from Lavender. Turning to Lily, Lockhart was about to say something when she cut him off, “Now children like how you saw the wand movement for the charm is similar to the number six but is a swirl in the end of it.”

Having students pair up Charles was the only brave one to face his sister as no one else wanted to pair up with the foreign students due to the vast experience they had compared to the rest of Hogwarts. Both Lily and the girls scowled when Lockhart “helped” the female students but left the males alone.

“How about a wager, little brother?” Fubuki offered.

“I’m listening.”

“If I win, you’ll have to take a photo in a costume of my choosing.”

Charles smirked, “Oh it’s on. If I win, you or one of your friends is gonna have to teach me how to fly without a broom.”

Starting the duel, the siblings caught the eyes of everyone else in the room doing all sorts of moves, showing that, while not on the level of the foreign students, Charles isn't bad in a duel. Fubuki smirked but was as surprised as everyone else and from the looks of it even Lily was surprised by the moves. “Not bad… not bad, little brother. Now let's see if you can deal with this.”

Sending three Expelliarmus charms in quick succession Charles responded by making a mistake in pulling up a shield but not expecting Fubuki’s spell to break it causing him to lose his wand. Seeing Fubiki’s smile, Charles gulped then begged, “Please go easy on me sister of mine.”

“Maybe I will, maybe I won't but I ain't telling you.”

Chapter 21: Facing the Magical Serpent

Chapter by Kikimon

Chapter Text

After the so-called dueling class, there was another attack and this time to another muggle born and a ghost. It was unusual a ghost would be affected since they were already dead, but it still left them frustrated. By this point, almost everyone would be leaving the castle, leaving only a scarce few to stay behind. Using this time, Fubuki had Charles get dressed in a simple Japanese female kimono, making him sigh in relief as it wasn't too over the top. They also used this time to get him up to stuff and try to use some wandless magic.

Since they had the Hufflepuff tower to themselves, the three had runes to heat their room so that they could wear their various nightgowns without freezing themselves over. Exchanging presents after breakfast Huôyán gave her girlfriends fur coats based on creatures from the videogame Monster Hunter but knowing her family they wouldn't be surprised if she really did go to that universe to get the fur herself. Fubuki snorted, “I'm surprised you didn't get me anything sexual.”

Huôyán smirked, then kissed Fubuki on the lips, “Wait until Valentine's Day, my dear.”

Fubiki gave them self-updating magical photo frames that connect to their phones so that they update images and it only does safe photos for future worries. Vivian had for them a new firework kit for Huôyán and a new game for Fubuki. Meeting Charles at the Great Hall, Fubuki gave her brother a guide to some wandless magic that would only open to him and Ivy. After dinner, Charles texted his sister that they would be getting ready to drink the potion but having some problems with Hermione.

“Think she grabbed the wrong hair strand?” Vivian asked as that was the problem with that potion as the wrong DNA strand could f*ck you up and not in a good way. Finding out that Hermione turned into a literal cat girl had Huôyán tilting her head, “Think we can learn the Animagus potion?”

Once school started rumors spread about Hermione and her disappearance but none of the professors were answering leaving them to think that she was attacked. Reaching the location where the cat was attacked the heroines saw the water from the girl’s restroom flooding half the corridor the Horcrux location went off but there was no hint of anything, “God damn it! We missed it!” Fubuki swore.

When February rolled in both girls noticed that Huôyán looked more nervous than usual but wouldn't answer their questions as to why that was the case. There was a lull in the attacks but Charles seemed to be edgy around his sister but gave no explanation as to why which was weird but that wasn't on Fubuki’s mind. There were rumors as to Lockhart’s moral booster on Valentine's Day but seeing the Great Hall look like it was decorated by Barbie herself made them want to puke and just eat in the dorms. Lockhart is at the head table dressed in some dreadful pink robes smiling at the incoming students and right as he is about to open his mouth fireworks went off some on the floor and some in the rafters in the ceiling. While everyone was in awe at the fireworks display, some of the fireworks soon started forming images of Huôyán and Fubuki.

In the middle of the Great Hall, the Chinese Witch pulled out a ring presenting it to Fubuki. Taking a deep breath, Huôyán began her oath, “I-I know it's too early for this but on the other hand something inside is telling me to take this chance now. Fubuki, in the time we got to know each other I slowly fell for you. Your personality alone caught my interest and reeled me deeper and deeper into this explosion of love. I ask you now if I could take your hand in marriage one day?”

Fubuki had tears in her eyes, she nodding once the ring was on the two girls kissed and in doing so caused a huge flash of golden magic to surge through the room knocking everyone to the floor. Pulling back, Fubuki manipulated the aura to form wings and a halo, “In the light of my pledge! May the darkness vanish from my Ashikabi's sights.” Both of her fiance's eyes rolled seeing as they knew where she got that line from but didn't care in the slightest.

“Wait a minute! That can't be allowed?!” Hermione objected. Being a muggle-born, she knew of laws that prohibited same-sex marriage. “Not only that, we're only twelve so that should also be illegal!” Some of the other muggle-born nodded along to this as well.

Huôyán responded by kissing Fubuki on the lips, flipping off Hermione.

“*crack* Granger…” Turning towards the person who menacingly said her name, Hermione was greeted by the sight of Vivian cracking her knuckles menacingly. “To paraphrase what Fubuki would probably have said in this situation if she wasn’t busy kissing her new fiancé, take your narrow-minded views and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine.” Vivian already figured out that she would be getting her ring in private, seeing as there would be an even bigger outcry if she proposed to the both of them, the homunculus would do her best to act as the supporting friend in public.

Charles rolled his eyes, “Hermione, calm down. Same-sex marriage is normal in the magical world as there are potions and rituals to allow one member of the pair to be the one to give the magic for it to work properly.”

While not what was anyone expected, people had something new to talk about distracting them from the attacks at Hogwarts. The two didn't care that some of the Muggleborn looked at them in disgust or that some of the more repulsive older students wouldn't stop catcalling and whistling when they were spotted. All three didn't care. As expected Vivian got her ring but had to hide hers under an illusion. Both girls used this time to utterly spoil Fubuki already knowing what she likes, being the sub in this three-way engagement. When James found out that his eldest daughter is now engaged at twelve he passed out in the living room of his manor allowing Ivy to draw random objects on his face.

A few months after the proposal Sprout went around handing out lists for the second year's to choose their electives for their third year. They already crossed out Muggle Studies for two reasons; the first one is that they already live in the mundane world and the second is that they didn't think that the class updated to keep up with the modern era. When asking some of the older students about it they all agreed it was lacking as the professor thought that cars were something that is brand new and had no idea what a plane was. Divination is also a joke as not everyone had the sight and seers were even rarer. Knowing that they could only pick two electives at best, all three went with Care of Magical Creatures while the girls would take a different second class but Huôyán was disappointed that the Alchemy class is open to the sixth and seventh-year students if there were enough people interested. So both fiances would take Arithmancy and Vivian would take Ancient Runes.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN RIDDLE’S DIARY IS GONE?!” Fubuki shouted after a training session in the Le Fay castle. She overheard her brother whispering and demanded to know what he was talking about. To find out that Charles was in possession of a talking diary who responded to whoever wrote in it for the past few months and didn't tell her pissed her off. She smacked him in the forehead which hurt because it was the hand where her ring was on, “Idiot! Why didn't you tell me about the f*cking thing?”

Charles's response turned Fubuki’s expression a little softer, “I didn't want to rely on you for everything and I wanted to figure it out on my own.”

The Chinese witch calmed down her fiance by kissing her on the neck, “What's done is done right now we need to worry about the attacks starting back up again.”

Those words came true as before the Quidditch match could even start it was canceled due to a new attack. McGonagall took not only Charles and Ron but also Fubuki and Vivian confusing the four until they reached the Hospital wing seeing not only Hermione and a Ravenclaw student but also Huôyán frozen stiff. Not even a second later a horrifying dread enveloped Hogwarts and the surrounding forest that caused everyone to collapse as the feeling of suffocation filled their souls. They both knew that Huôyán was heading to the Library to look up some alchemy stuff but nothing felt wrong through the soul bond.

Vivian was also worried as Fubuki’s hair turned a silver-white color while her eyes turned yellow with a dragon slit appearing in them. Not only that, her clothes turned dark black and obsidian purple. “Whoever did this is dead! There won't be a place for this f*cker to hide when I get my hands on them!” What was worrying on top of everything was the outrage that was oozing from Fubuki’s figure and words. Internally she is freaking out and crying. Sprout took them aside and presented them a private bedroom so that people wouldn’t be bothering them about what happened.

Both girls sat in bed already missing Huôyán and could barely get any sleep. It was only thanks to the bond that let them know she was still alive and somewhat breathing. With the recent attack, three-fourths of the school traveled in packs while being suspicious of Slytherin; seeing as they were the only ones to not get affected by the attacks.

With the numerous attacks, Dumbledore was sacked from the headmaster position at Hogwarts while Hagrid was sent to Azkaban; no one knows why the latter happened but it seemed connected to the attacks. Life in the castle turned cold even as summer rolled in. The corridors were lifeless as students had faces of fear and terror. Now they couldn't even visit the hospital wing in fear that the one responsible would return to finish the job. Charles did tell them what he and Ron found out from Hagrid about the spiders, but the thing was that there were no more spiders in the castle at all since the attacks happened.

Having DADA with Gryffindor, all four students were getting pissed off at Lockhart’s cheerfulness at Hagrid’s arrest and his self-centered attitude towards the current situation. During another retelling of one of his adventures, the unexpected but ultimately appreciated arrival of six unbelievably powerful magical presences halted all movement. Out of the six arrivals, Fubuki and Vivian were able to recognize three of them. Blake Ouroboros, her wife ‘Lulu’ and Ophis had arrived. “Well sh*t is about to hit the fan,” Fubuki said but on the inside freaking out. “Indeed. The best thing we can hope for is that they aren’t mad at us.” Replied Vivian, who had started to pack up her things, seeing that there was practically no way classes would continue for the day. “Come on, let’s go meet my mothers-in-law and hopefully persuade Blake into not blowing the castle to kingdom come!”

“She can actually do such a thing?” Asked Charles, opting to follow his sister.

Already at the castle entrance, Charles froze seeing someone looking exactly like him only a decade older. “Nice to see you again, Rouge. Who’s this guy?” Asked Charles, eying the man who looked a lot like his father, minus glasses, with suspicion. “Hello to you too, little ranger.” Greeted Rouge while shamelessly giving the man a hug from behind. “Handsome here is Mione and I’s husband. Charles Potter, meet Charlie.”

“Rouge, please. You’re embarrassing me.” Seeming to try and not look like he was enjoying himself, Charlie failed miserably at it as another woman, who looked suspiciously a lot like an adult Hermione gave Rouge a firm slap on the crimson-haired woman’s ass, much to Rouge’s surprise and enjoyment. “Behave yourself, you damn switch of a reptile.”

“Time and place, you three. No banging in public, there are children present.” Deadpanned Blake.

“So alternate younger me, what year is it?” Charlie asked his younger double.

“Second year.”

The Hermione look-alike turned to the young male potter, “Before or after Hermione is caught in the attack?”

Fubuki answered for her brother, “Hermione, a Ravenclaw Perfect, and Huôyán; our fiance, are frozen stiff.” Then she and Vivian presented the engagement rings causing the adults to freeze. Ophis tilted her head, “So that's why she wanted some of my scales.”

The older-looking Charles turned to the three students, “The thing you're looking for is a Basilisk and the entrance is the girl's restroom where Moaning Myrtle died. The object in question is the diary that is a Horcrux of Voldemort.”

Running to the second floor, everyone saw the chamber open wide and no one in sight.

Transforming into their battle outfit, Vivian had a new transformation since she received the Tome of the Azure Sky. While similar to her old outfit this one looked more futuristic with the gauntlets having a more streamlined appearance compared to their former bulkier look and the boots were in the same impression as the gauntlets.

Creating floating stairs with her magic, everyone reached the corridor leading to the chamber. Charlie looked around, “Yup isn't this Deja Vu? Never thought I would be returning here, especially with my younger self.”

Charles heard him, “So this is a multi-universal thing?” It still surprised him to know there are other dimensions out in the universe.

Walking past the shed skin of the Basilisk, both Blake and Ophis looked at the door, they hissed in unison, “~Open~.” Rouge moaned hearing it, “Mama will be needing some alone time after that. I always get needy after hearing that Salamander speaks serpent.”

Enter the chamber itself it was twice the length of the Great Hall with stone serpents on both sides, twelve in total, leading to what could be the head of Salazar Slytherin.

“So someone had found my chambers,” a distorted voice spoke up, it sounded weird as if both a male and female spoke in unison. “But it does not matter. Soon my pet will destroy all those who desecrate the halls of this school.”

Charles stood in front of the children, “Come on out Tommy! We know it's you possessing Ginny Weasley.”

Hearing a demented laugh a third or four year male student stepped into the light wearing Slytherin robes. Not too far from him is the lifeless body of Ginny Weasley. “I have no clue who you are but you are too late. Soon the girl will die and I will make my great and glorious come back!”

Charles pulled out a gun and shot the student in the arm, “Not now not ever! Tom Riddle the person who takes up the name Voldemort you will be stopped. We know of how you cheated death and have taken means to stop you once and for all.”

Young Voldemort glared at them then hissed out, “~Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four~!”

Hearing stones start grinding together, everyone turned to see the lower jaw of the head lower down to reveal the dark abyss before the basilisk slithered out. Voldemort then laughed surging the magic from the pathetic first year Gryffindor to the snake forcing it into some kind of evolution. “YES… YES! Use the magic from the stupid girl and evolve. Salazar Slytherin left on your body a rune that uses the magic from my enemy to force you to evolve based off of the strange creatures from history.”

Seeing the king of snakes gain a more colorful coat they all knew this could be considered the first Magi-Noise.

Ophis turned to the students, “This is your fight but we will be here in case things turn most dire.”

Using her Sacred Gear, Fubuki launched a salvo of swords manipulating some to form a ritual circle. Vivian followed suit by slamming her gauntlets into the ground causing golem to emerge from the stone floor. Charles provided cover fire as his sister moved in with Vivian behind her. Seeing the snake thrashing about, sludge oozed from its skin creating mini snakes and forcing the girls to jump back, “Fubuki don't do anything stupid! We destroy the ceiling and the entire lake comes down on our heads!” Vivian warned her fiance. Swearing under her breath, Fubuki knew she couldn't use the ritual with all the minions in the area.

“Hurricane Sickle!” Charles cried out, taking out a majority of the grunts. Using her perception magic, Fubuki knew they had to cancel the connection before Ginny died. Pumping her magic into two swords she launched them at both Ginny and the basilisk both cutting the connection and causing young Voldemort to drop down in pain. Vivian tapped into the power of the book allowing a wide range of symbols to light up underneath them, “Symphony of the Earth!” affecting even the ritual circle there was no damage as the remaining grunts returned to their original state.

Seeing the basilisk launching itself at Charles, Fubuki moved to intercept receiving a fang to the shoulder. However, the Philosopher's stone is healing her body, purifying it of the poison.

Now that the basilisk is out of the ritual circle Vivian moves to thrust Voldemort in it. One step in causing a light to be emitted from it resulting in Voldemort dropping in pain. When he first screamed the snake hissed in agony as well making the connection backfire so while Voldemort is slowly vanishing the snake falls dead.

Not long after the fight Dumbledore is back in the headmaster’s chair in the Great Hall where Lockhart went on about being the one to vanquish the beast. When a bunch of aurors entered the room, “Gigory Lockhart! You are under arrest for fraud and murder.”

The fangirls screeched to the blatant falsehood of the acquisition when Lockhart, in a panic, tried to run away. Firing the leg-locking curse, Lockhart fell to the ground, “Please I did nothing wrong! All I did was wipe memories from other people’s adventures, that's all.”

Hearing this everyone gasped making him pale as in his panic he forgot where he was. “Well two of those couples couldn't handle the memory wipe and died in the hospital and two more ended up in the mental ward.” Hearing that Lockhart killed people for their adventures caused the fangirls to cease their crushes on him.

“Aurors, I would suggest seeing if he did the same to any of the older female students.” Fubuki said this as she and Vivian stood up.

“How dare you do this to me!” Lockhart shouted, “I should have f*cked that slu*t in the hospital wing like I did to half the girls in this school! I'm sure she would love to have my dick up her c*nt! You three should have been my masterpiece but no you had to be smarter then every other worthless half-blood and mudblood in this worthless school.” He said this while foaming at the teeth, eyes staring at their bodies in lust. Now that his true colors were revealed, some of the girls suddenly threw up realizing what happened.

Hearing Lockhart screaming about harming their fiance both Fubuki and Vivian moved before anyone could stop them. The homunculus trapped Lockhart preventing him from moving allowing Fubuki to rip out his magical core, “Killing you would do nothing but allow you to escape punishment. So I'm going to take your magic using this old Japanese spell used on it's most dangerous prisoners that the bureau used as they believed that leaving them to live with the shame and result of their crimes is a fitting punishment.”

Everyone paled as Lockhart would have to be forced to be reminded of his crimes but no longer have access to his magic. Watching the aurors drag him away Dumbledore excused everyone of their final exams while the girls who were brought to Lockhart’s office alone were sent to the hospital wing for memory wipes and maybe pregnancy abortion.

The twins soon found themselves in the headmaster's office using the story Charlie told them and enforced their mental barriers, mostly for Charles. The headmaster sighed as if he suddenly had the weight on his shoulders, “I taught Tom Riddle fifty years ago when he was a student but upon his disappearance and return he went through so many rituals that he became unrecognizable to the former human appearance.”

Inside the room were the Weasley parents along with the Potters and Jame’s friends, “Fret no Molly, people younger than Ginny are easily swayed by his words but to know his thirst in dark magic went this far,” Dumbledore told the Weasley mother. Sirius spoke up, “This sounds familiar but I need to go back to the Black mansion to be sure.”

Sighing, Fubuki decided it would be a good time to confess some of the cards, “What your looking for is called a Horcrux. It's a type of magic that allows one to, in a way, cheat death by sealing a piece of one's soul and magic in an object.” Everyone stared at her in shock, Dumbledore snapped out of his shock, “Miss Potter how do you know about that dark magic?”

“It's because Voldemort made me one on that faithful night,” Fubuki confessed. “I guessing he was going to kill either myself or Charles when my past life Jeanne d’arc saved us from the killing curse but couldn't prevent a soul piece latching on to me and consuming my magic,” she explained. Dumbledore and the Potters turned white knowing what happened next, “We then sent you away without even checking to see if anything was wrong,” the headmaster uttered in horror.

“Your all f*cking lucky the Tengus, who run Japanese banks, found it before Voldemort could take over my body,” Fubuki glared at them.

Being dismissed, Fubuki ran into the Malfoy Senior, who quickly entered the office to escape her glare. She turned her attention to the Potters, “Harriet I-,” James began but was cut off. “For f*cks sake?! Really do I have to pound it into your stupid ass skull that Harriet is gone!” Fubuki swore glaring at her former parents, “What do I need to do to force you to see the truth? If it wasn't for my current and past bodies forming I would have asked mother Maria and mother Tsubasa to blood adopt me… Maybe I should just ask for a blood adoption if it's the only way to get through to your skulls that I am not a Potter.” James and Lily pales at the threat, backing off and not wanting that to happen.

Reaching the hospital wing, Fubuki gasped seeing Huôyán awake and smiling when the Chinese witch saw who came to visit her. “I take it you missed me?” she teased only to yelp when Fubuki shoved her tongue down Huôyán’s throat. The witch could feel the relief oozing out of Fubuki’s body and knew from the bond at how stressful she was along with fear, “You have nothing to fear my love, it isn't your fault I got frozen,” Huôyán whispered. Hearing Hermione screech at the scene in front of her, the nurse charged in shooing Fubuki to let her patients rest.

The three lovers were in their usual compartment on the train back to the London Station doing their own things. Huôyán catching up on some classwork that her fiance's saved for her, Vivian had her phone out thinking of possible birthday presents, and Fubuki was on her phone with her collar on for everyone to see. “Where are you going to be spending Summer Break, mi amor?” Vivian asked their Chinese fiance. Huôyán answered by smirking and saying, “where else would I be for my summer break? Mama Blake and mama Lulu are allowing me to spend time with the two of you as long as you two meet the rest of the family.”

Fubuki spit out the water she was drinking as Vivian made a weird gurgling noise. Both knew this was going to be a difficult break.

Chapter 22: Brewing Trouble

Chapter by Kikimon


Happy New Year everyone! This is the first chapter of 2024. First off I would like to thank everyone who supported this story up to this point and hope you all enjoy it. If you have any suggestions please don't be afraid to comment.

Chapter Text

Despite their initial fears of meeting their lover's side of the family, Vivian and Fubuki were surprised at how welcoming most of them were. Sure, there were a few bumps in the road, such as some of the older siblings wanting to fight them. However, they blushed when some of the siblings offered tips and whatnot for the bedroom department and even taught them a few spells despite their arguments about not straight up downloading the information into their brains. Fubuki surprised both her lovers by asking to be tied in rope. Huôyán smirked, “I didn't know you were into shibari? What teenage internet wandering led to some interesting results?”

Both Vivian and Fubuki blushed as the homunculus and the Chinese Witch were the ones who found Fubuki looking the stuff up. Huôyán then turned serious as she knew not to push things considering Fubuki's mental state. She proceeded to hug Fubuki, asking, “Are you sure about this? We can always back off if it's getting too uncomfortable for you?” She knew from her siblings that something like this had to be honest for all parties involved as some of the said siblings told her how it could backfire if things go wrong and have seen a fair few relationships ending in disaster.

Fubuki blushed, knowing how despite all the teasing she does, Huôyán always respects their limits and boundaries. She nodded, “Yes, as long as only the two of you know what's underneath, I'm fine.” Much to their embarrassment, one of the siblings gave them a kit as an engagement gift and left it at that.

Teleporting to Japan, there were some concerns as the ladies knew something was troubling, but when they realized what each one of them blushed. “She isn't pushing you is she?” Maria asked, concerned for her daughter's mentality, with Tsubasa next to her. Fubuki blushed as Vivian sighed, “Well so much for no one else knowing. Ms. Eve, it was Fubuki herself who suggested it but don't worry, we made sure it was safe for her to use so there won't be any rope burns as well.”

Huôyán nodded, “Yes Ms. Eve, we were surprised as well but wanted to make sure before we did anything. We even came up with a safe word so that Fubuki could tell us in case we start pushing at her comfort zone.”

Kirika then asked, “What's this safe word?” Seeing the looks of her teammates, the blonde reaper raised her hands in defense. She explained why this is important, “Hey don't look at me that way?! We all have one whether it be in our group fun or just as a couple. I just want to make sure we know it if we need to change it to not cause any confusion in public.”

The Chinese witch was the one who answered, “Mockingbird. We thought of Songstress but we figured one of you already chose it.”

Getting to show Huôyán the academy her lovers went to, the fireworks expert lent her expertise on the subject by showing some of her failures and asking the younger students how to improve them. Some of them surprised her before the class devolved into miniature explosions as controlled tests. When some of the teachers found out that they were engaged everyone was surprised by that and some even argued against it until their jaws dropped seeing a soul bond, a high-level one at that, forming when Huôyán kissed both Fubuki and Vivian on the lips. They took their Chinese mate on a date after leaving school, enjoying one of the times they could be normal teenagers, just without magic.

A week into their vacation, they were brought to the bureau as something came up. Seeing Lindy arguing with someone, she kicked them out before allowing the girls to enter her office.

She took her spot before sighing, “Sorry you had to see that, girls. But that was someone from the British Ministry telling us that someone had escaped Azkaban and their Minister was dispatching a group of dementors to Hogwarts.”

“Please tell me you’re joking,” Fubuki asks, hoping what she heard isn’t true.

“I’m not.”

“f*ck/Damn.” Fubuki and Vivian cursed respectively. “We only know the low to mid-level exorcist spells and it ain't going to be enough.” Vivian stated while Fubuki added her input, “My light magic could work but not when they're all gonna gangb*ng me, and not in a good way.” Huôyán on the other hand.

“Where’s a Paladin-Class Exorcist when you need one? If one of those freaks tries anything funny, and I don’t mean that in a good way, I’m calling Rei.”

Lindy added her voice to the conversation, “I will be teaching you the Patronus Charm as well. It's possibly the only thing that can repel the soul suckers.”

Spending some time in the hanging gardens, all three females were trying to project the charm to various results. Fubuki could only get the mist to form while the other two only summoned a smoke trail from their wands. Vivian sighed as they took a break for the third time, “Lindy said that we needed to use our happiest memories but I can't seem to think of any.” Huôyán nodded in agreement frustrated why her being adopted wasn't enough. Fubuki was using her adoption and it was a good start but it wasn't cutting it.

Seeing a gleam from her engagement ring, Fubuki wanted to slap herself then walking over to her lovers she kissed them both on the lips. Seeing their deer in a headlight expression Fubuki raised her hand that held the ring, “Use the memories of our time together. Our soul bond is the key to invoking our patronus.”

Backs against each other, each one held out their hand, and using the ring as a conduit they shouted as one, “EXPECTO PATRONUM!” Visualizing their love for each other there was an explosion of magic and standing in front of each of them were three animals the size of a one-story building.

In front of Vivian is a lion with its golden fur reflecting the sun. Its blue eyes sparkled as it looked around for potential enemies.

For Huôyán, it was a being that she was quite familiar with. A serpentine dragon that not only resembled Grandma Ophis’ Dragon Form but also the Elder Dragon from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. The Serpent King Dragon, Dalamadur.

Flapping its wings the creature before Fubuki is avian in the appearance of a raven and a white-tailed eagle. The body is a little longer than the normal species but that was due to it also housing the wings of the raven and it having two sets of claws; the front being that of the eagle and the back the claws of a raven.

Huôyán snorted getting the attention of her lovers, “I would say that this is the power of love but that would be lame even for me.”

Dispelling their spiritual animals, the three went back to Fubuki’s place only to be surprised when the three saw Ivy and Charles sitting in the living room. “Big sister!” Ivy shouted in acceptable Japanese catching the attention of the other occupants in the room. “Hey sis, guess who was able to get a week's vacation in Japan?” Charles grinned.

Vivian turned to Maria, “Yup, Lily and James came to us and asked if we could take their kids for a week to spend time with their sister. We of course agreed and knew while you three were at the bureau I picked them up in a different section of the building.”

Now having to show Ivy and Charles around, the girls had more options as Ivy seemed more interested in idols and became a fan of Walküre. Ivy giggled as they went to an amusem*nt park that catered to those in the know about magic. Charles, on the other hand, made his likes known with VR loving its virtual combat environment. Just like with Fubuki, Charles got his magic specialty tested and he was surprised to see what type of magic he was best at. His strongest type of magic was a very rare one, Spacial Magic with a specialization towards ‘instantaneous displacement of matter’, Teleportation Magic in other words. Other specialties, while not as prominent or as rare as Special Magic, Charles was revealed to have included Retrocognition, Physical Enhancement Magic (also occasionally known as Reinforcement Magic), Hydromancy, and Ecstamancy, the last one causing not only Charles but also everyone else nearby to blush. Huôyán had a teasing look on her face, “Looks like someone is going to be a harem king.” Charles looked confused while the other ladies blushed.

In a different universe, a brown-haired male sensed that someone was going to take his crown as the harem king and vowed to beat this person.

At the beginning of the second month of their break Charles and Ivy were at one of the base's training rooms while everyone else was in the command room. They were going over what they had on Leviathan from the main organization to its sub-companies only to find out that some of their members were part of Gellert Grindelwald's forces but there was nothing they could find anything else about this Great Flood.

When they realized that Ivy would be a first year at Hogwarts they had her tested for her specialized magic only to find out that she is a type of Summoner with Fairy magic. Unlike Fubuki who could use runes to make something come to life, Ivy's magic allowed her to summon creatures from a different universe and while she could only summon smaller creatures as it came from her magic reserves they were all helping her make them grow.

Even Ophis sensed this as she was somehow summoned in front of all of them. She had this look of confusion that looked adorable on her face as an eleven-year-old girl hugged her. Thankfully she was in a different outfit and not her usual one. While the Dragon God of Infinity was mostly amused by this, she did warn Ivy (and the others by extension) that she had been incredibly lucky to have summoned her and not a different version of the Dragon God who hadn’t gone through the same personal growth as Huôyán’s (adoptive) grandma had and that the young Summoner had to very careful with her summoning as it could easily backfire.

After that fiasco, the girls continued their training as they trained using everything but their relics/Faust Robes. They reasoned that they had been neglecting their other skills and wanted those to be up to par in case they couldn't be able to transform. It was here that the other Potter siblings discovered that their sister had a philosopher's stone fused to her chest. They took it better than expected and the girls even showed the two Castle Le Fay and the Hanging Gardens, giving the Potter siblings a way to access the latter due to the castle being in a separate dimension only Fubuki could access. According to Lindy, they were able to purge another Horcrux, this one being Slytherin's Locket thanks to Sirius Black.

A week before their return trip to England, Fubuki noticed her lovers discussing something in the living room as Charles and Ivy were in the academy doing a fast-track course. She knew it was about her seeing them glance in her direction but she knew it wasn't anything malicious as she could sense their bond. When she asked both her mothers about it, they had knowing smiles but wouldn't say anything to spoil the fun. There was smooth sailing when Charles and Ivy met Kagami and Kanade when the girls had to babysit for their parents due to an emergency meeting.

Charles did tell them about the dementors being sent to Hogwarts due to Wormtail, a former friend of their father, escaping and the Minister’s response to it. Fubuki nodded, then told him, “Lindy already told us the day you and Ivy were being picked up. We already have the patronus charm mastered and could try and help you as the memories for it differ from person to person.” She proved this by invoking her spirit animal and then went to help Charles with his patronus charm, the result of it being minimal at best only manifesting a mist.

Charles did wake up the entire house when he and Ivy walked in on the three still in bed with Huôyán in front of Fubuki, kissing each other on the lips and pulling each other closer, and Vivian behind her, the homunculus’ face buried in the crevice between Fubuki’s neck and shoulder and her arms wrapped around both of her mates’ waists, pulling both towards her and pressing her chest against Fubuki’s back. Underneath the blanket though was different. Vivian's hands were underneath Fubuki's shirt groping her breasts, twisting her nipples, and leaving hickey marks on her shoulders. Huôyán had one hand down Fubuki's underwear playing with her vagin* and the other messing with Vivian's breast.

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

A few days before heading back to England for the new semester at Hogwarts, Ivy wanted to talk to Fubuki while Vivian and Huôyán took Charles to the range to work on his magic. Fubuki had a feeling as to the reason as she saw Ivy take glances at her wholesome girl love Manga that was in her room when Charles barged in without even knocking.

“So what is it that you wanted to talk about little sister?” Fubuki asked as they were in her room. They were in front of a mirror Fubuki combing through Ivy's hair as they wanted a sister bonding moment. She already had a few hair pins between her lips to help style Ivy's hair. Ivy hesitated at first but finally asked what was on her mind, “I… I wanted to know what it's like dating another girl? Seeing the three of you so happy together and how… hands on you are together.”

Fubuki smiled, putting the brush down and started putting the hair pins in certain places. She then told her little sister, “It might be due to the soul magic but all three of us clicked within a month of meeting each other and not only that we all seemed at ease even without it. Love is one of the most difficult emotions to deal with even on the lightest levels of the word. Sure most people think that romantic love is meant for a man and a woman even making laws to forbid same sex marriage but love is meant to be free within limits.”

Ivy tilted her head, “If love is to be free then how can it have limits?”

Fubuki had to think about it, “Well one limit is something of an age limit after all you don't want someone who has nothing in common with you. Another could be qualibility, will this person understand your limits and know when to back off. Like I said before people make same sex marriage illegal because they don't think such things could be sane.”

Ivy had a thoughtful look on her face, “But what if people close to you don't like the fact that you are dating someone who is the same gender as you?”

Fubuki sighed, turning the chair so that Ivy stares at her older sister, “If that happens then that means they aren't really your friends. Friends are like an extended family. They are understanding and willing to listen and if they push you away for something like loving someone of the same gender then they aren't really friends.”

Now a week before the train to Hogwarts, the girls split from Charles and Ivy when they reached the airport making way to the apartment they rented. In private, Fubuki told her lovers what she and Ivy were talking about during their alone time. Vivian sighed, “I hope she finds her soulmate like we did. Even then I don't know how brave she will be if her bonded is the same gender.”

Huôyán shrugged her shoulders, “This is Fubuki's sister. I'm sure she can handle it. I just found out that Mama Blake and Mama Lulu are sending one of my younger siblings to Hogwarts and who knows maybe her and Ivy are soulmates.”

They left the topic for a later date for a much more pleasurable discussion such as heavy pelting, this time Vivian is in front while Huôyán is behind. Fubuki's dominant lovers had this good cop bad cop roll with Huôyán being rougher than Vivian some evidence in this being that the Chinese witch pulled the rope that bound Fubuki's body whispering heated words that left her moaning.

With their Hogwart letters in hand, the three headed to the Alley to get their school supplies. Discovering that it would be Hagrid that is teaching Care Of Magical Creatures they could just feel the headache knowing that the creatures that would be brought in are dangerous towards humans. Getting the rest of their books there was an odd sight of Granger holding books for all the electives. “This can’t end well.” Huôyán all but stated as the Chinese Witch watched Granger walk up to Charles and talked with him, spotting something shiny in the bookworm’s pocket. Seeing Granger narrow her eyes Charles probably told the chick where he was before huffing and walking away. “She needs a reality check big time. It better be soon or else she's going to have a hard time.” Vivian said as the three walked over to the teen male.

Charles sighed knowing that now, “Yeah but it's going to be a hard time getting it to stick. By the way what did you talk to Ivy about Fubuki? She's been acting a bit weird since… oh.” He now realized why their little sister was acting off and then glanced at her direction then joked, “Seems like I won't be getting to use my big brother threat on my sister's boyfriends.”

Huôyán snorted, “You do know that there are the futa potions correct? The moment we turn 18 we are going to be using that thing religiously. I for one can't wait until the day comes where I'll be f*cking your sister until kingdom cum.” Charles blushed but also turned a bit green at hearing his sister's private life.

Throwing him a bone, Vivian changed the subject, “Do your parents have anything planned for the train? If not the three of us have some idea on what to do in case one of those soul suckers tries anything.”

Charles nodded, “Yeah, Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus are going to be patrolling the hallways of the train with an auror or two as backup. They would even smell if Wormtail is abroad as well since they know his scent.” What he didn't tell them was that after coming back from Japan he's been working on some of his water magic using the Naruto anime for ideas and loved the water sword technique. Seeing Luna coming their way, he blushed at how pretty she looked but couldn't form any words for when she was getting closer. “By the way, is it just me or is it getting colder around here?”

“It’s not just you. The temperature is dropping, which means that a Wizard or Witch with a particularly powerful affinity for either Ice or at least Cold Magic is nearby.” Answered Huôyán, who had started to look around Diagon Alley in search of something, or rather someone. Upon seeing a mist rolling in Huôyán realized who just showed up, “Everyone, allow me to introduce you to one of my little sisters. Ladies and gentleman, say hello to Yukiko.” Standing with Blake and Lulu was a very pale girl with messy light purple hair with white highlights and azure eyes wearing a jacket clearly meant for the colder autumn to warmer winter weather. She also had a lollipop in her mouth as her eyes looked uninterested but did light up when she saw Huôyán with her lovers.

When Lily and Ivy left the store they were in when the mist rolled in the girl's eyes shot up a little higher.

When Lily saw Fubuki she went over to them, “Oh hello there Harriet.” Taking notice of Blake and Lulu she couldn't help but feel more insecure when she compared figures. While that was going on Ivy made her way to the girl her age, “Hi I'm Ivy Potter, what's your name?”

“Yukiko Ouroboros.” Replied the other eleven year old, now known as Yukiko, somewhat shyly as she pulled her lollipop out of her mouth with a quiet pop before putting it back in. “Nice to meet you.”

“Same. Any relation to Huôyán Ouroboros?”

“She’s one of my big sisters.”

“You don’t look related.”

“We are related in the ways that matter.”

“Got it. Isn’t it kind of hot in that?” Ivy asked, referring to Yukiko’s jacket.

“Nope. Thanks to Magic, it’s, to quote Goldilocks, ‘just right’.”

As this was going on the three main characters smirked seeing the by play between the two while Charles talked to Luna. The adults on the other hand were talking about something else. Despite being part of the magical world Lily still had her mundane roots and was weary of her daughter, no matter how distant she is at the moment, being engaged to someone of the same gender. “What were your reactions to your daughter asking for engagement rings at 13? Didn't you ask if she was sure about it?”

“No.” Blake didn’t even bother to stop herself from deadpanning.

“What? Why?”

“Mrs. Potter, my wife and I have a lot of children, asking for engagement rings happens on occasion, admittedly it’s usually when they’re older but still, it happens a lot more often than you’d think.”


“Let me put it in a way that you understand. While your concerns are understandable, from a certain point of view, they’re your concerns. Not mine. Not my wife’s. Not the children’s. Yours. Listen closely, because I hate having to repeat myself. Let your children live their own lives and enjoy the time you’re allowed to spend as a part of those lives. All children will eventually leave their nest and your concerns won’t matter to them, understand?” Gulping in fear, all Lily could do was nod. “Good. Now then, I believe that both of us have some school shopping to take care of. Might see you at King’s Cross for the departure.”

“I apologize for my wife’s behavior.” Lulu apologizes, looking quite apologetic about it. “She’s been under a lot of stress lately, having to deal with some particularly… infuriating people all week and you just happened to give her an opportunity to vent some of that frustration in a relatively productive manner, so don’t take it personally.”

“So I just happened to be a convenient target?”

“More or less. If it’s any consolation, Fubuki and Huôyán share a soul bond…”

“What? That explains a lot but why didn’t Harriet just say so.”

“Would you have really listened?”


Shifting attention back to the students, Yukiko gave Ivy one of her lollipops as a sign of friendship as Lulu and Luna smiled seeing a spark begin to form. As the younger started a conversation with her older counterpart Charles felt that he should be very afraid of something but couldn't tell what as they were whispering to each other.

Gathering the rest of their books, Lily smiled seeing her daughter taking arithmancy seeing as a majority of her spells are equations. Vivian turned to her brother-in-law and asked, “So Charles what's up with Granger? I mean she has more books than necessary.” They were at the pub while the adults needed a few more things before they could depart.

Charles sighed already feeling a headache coming up, “It turns out that in order to be the so called brightest witch you need to enroll in all the elective classes.” The girls just groaned in annoyance as this is just the height of stupidity.

Huôyán lifted her head off the table, a red mark on her forehead where the contact was made, “Does she really think that being the smartest witch means reading every book in existence.”

At the table across from them Yukiko and Ivy were playing some exploding snap that the ice girl bought when she entered the alley.

“I did notice something that was hanging from her pocket but did you see what it was?” Hearing this from Vivian, Charles shook his head, “I didn't even realize there was something there until you told me. She seemed mad that I was able to go to Japan and was able to get tested. Turns out that she tried to send an owl but got turned down when she found out that it's only for those being enrolled and was furious that it was only my connection to you I was able to get tested this late.”

Fubuki rolled her eyes, “Of course, it makes you wonder why she isn't in Slytherin besides the whole only pureblood thing. Ravenclaw would have been a good pick for her too.”

Vivian followed up on this train of thought by saying, “She's too bossy and in your face to be Hufflepuff so most likely she's only in Gryffindor because of people like Dumbledore and the Potters.”

“Should I be in Gryffindor too?” Ivy spoke up hearing their conversation. “I don't think Gryffindor is the right house for me but everyone is saying that I'm a shoe in for the lions. Bravery isn't my main trait but I don't want to disappoint mom and dad by not being in that house.” Yukiko held Ivy's hand as a show of support, “Even if houses are different we will still be friends.”

All four smiled as Ivy hugged Yukiko, not bothered at how cold she felt. Ivy smiled at her new friend, “Thanks Yukiko. But I still don't know if I want to be in Gryffindor.”

Huôyán went to head pat Ivy in a show of comfort, “If you think that bravery isn't your main trait then don't go for it. What's important is being true to yourself and not doing what other people tell you to be. In this world staying true to yourself is a rarity as people expect you to follow what they say but in the end it should be you alone who decides on what house you think is best for you. Traditions are important yes but don't let them chain you into becoming someone you are not.” Ivy took comfort in these words hugging the Chinese witch.

Chapter 24: New Year new surprises

Chapter by Kikimon

Chapter Text

At the train station in London, there were some Aurors stationed there in case the escaped prisoner made an attempt there as well as a few other locations. Once more Blake and Lulu attracted most of the attention with how they dressed as they said goodbye to their daughters and daughter in laws. On the train itself however the atmosphere is more subdued with the spread of the fact that the Dementors would be floating about. With the inclusion that there would be magical police walking up and down the halls the girls couldn’t do their normal fun. Opting to simply cuddle up against Huôyán for warmth as, even from a distance, the mere presence and sheer number of Dementors along the train tracks made it really cold. Not to the point where it was freezing but certainly a whole lot more chilly than the previous years.

Throughout the train ride and the train itself, many people were shivering and trying to preserve any semblance of warmth they could. Inside the compartment where Charles Potter, Ivy Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and Yukiko Ouroboros could be found, the only one who wasn’t really bothered if not outright relieved by the cold was Yukiko. Mainly because she didn’t have to actively use her magic to lower the temperature to keep herself from overheating and was happy to share her large, warm and fluffy plushie that resembled a Wampa with Ivy. Earning a knowing look from Luna, one of slight indifference from Charles and one of disapproval from Hermione as the eleven year olds dozed off about halfway through the train ride.

During the last few kilometers from Hogwarts, the train was pulled to a complete stop. While a lot of the passengers were confused about why the train stopped, the further drop of the temperature quickly answered their questions. The Dementors weren’t just outside the train but inside of it. Not wanting their respective younger siblings to experience/re-experience any trauma, Fubuki and Huôyán sent their respective Patronuses up and down the train respectively, each Patronus repelling/mowing down any dementors that came in the bird-hybrid-/serpentine dragon-shaped Patronuses’ way. Fubuki also used light magic to scare them off.

Before Hermione could demand what spell that was, there was a stag and a dog that came rushing in but stopped when there were no signs of the soul suckers. Quickly following after them were James and Sirius who looked confused as to where they went.

Hermione pointed to the two girls shouting, “Fubuki and Huôyán scared them off with that same spell you're using and Fubuki’s light magic.”

Both adults were surprised as that is a high-level spell. Genuinely impressed and curious about it (along with wanting to have something resembling a familial relationship with his daughter), James decided to voice his surprise and slight concern about the girls’ Patronuses. “While I’m certainly impressed that you can successfully cast corporeal Patronuses, what made you see the need to cast them now?”

“I didn’t want my little sister to experience any trauma/I want my little sister to re-experience the trauma of her past.” Answered Fubuki and Huôyán respectively at the same time.

“What memory did you use as a patronus that can be formed from someone’s happiest memories?” James asked again.

Seeing more dementors trying to force their way into the train, Fubuki and Huôyán kissed each other on the lips. Ignoring the looks of surprise and disgust, sparkles of light surrounded the pair before they formed wings of light. Pulling back from the kiss, Fubuki turned to face the cloaked beings, “In the Light of my Pledge! May the darkness vanish from my Ashikabi's sights! Lights of Orion!” Forming a bow, Fubuki shot an arrow-shaped sword vaporizing the beings. Everyone had to blink as they couldn't believe that a single spell could do something no wizard or witch thought possible, Sirius and Remus could only stutter as James felt some amount of pride.

Being handed chocolate to calm their nerves from the recent event everyone settled back into their compartments as the castle came closer into view.

Seeing that the first year's had to go by boat everyone waved Ivy and Yukiko behind. Taking the carriages to the gates two more Dementors were guarding either side of the iron gates. Getting off and heading to the Great Hall it seems that rumors about what happened on the train already spread as Malfoy glared at her causing Fubuki to raise an eyebrow resulting in him flinching and looking away.

Taking their place at the Hufflepuff table it didn't take long for the first year's to make their way in. Feeling some nostalgia about the sorting, Huôyán giggled seeing Yukiko’s unamused expression when the sorting hat was presented. As the sorting began Hufflepuff had about four or five new first years when it was Ivy's turn to be sorted. She looked nervous at first as she walked forward but soon had a determined look on her face as she sat on the stool.

“So it's your turn to be sorted then huh.” Not expecting a voice in her head, Ivy jumped a little, “No need to fear it is just me, the Sorting Hat. Now where to put you… Oh you don't think you're brave enough for Gryffindor? Yes I can see that before your sister every Potter went to the house of the brave even if I could see that some didn't feel cut out for the lions but only because someone else told them to.” Ivy was shocked at this as she didn't know that, “Yes but times are different now then back then. Anyways, let's get back to the sorting half the castle is ready to eat the wooden tables at this point… Slytherin is a no go at all even if you did have the right requirements… Hufflepuff could be a good fit but knowledge is your bread and butter. Not to hoard it but to share it just as the founder wanted it to. The choice however is yours to make.”

Thinking about it, Ivy took a glance at her parents then at Fubuki, who upon seeing her smiled and nodded as if she knew what Ivy was thinking. “Stay true to who I am and not be someone I'm not. Traditions are important but not important enough to lose what makes you unique. Sorting Hat my soul has decided for me you should know that well enough.” If it could, the hat would be smirking, “Ah I see playing the game Persona has helped well then… Nothing worth having should be easy, study well in… RAVENCLAW!”

Hearing this various teachers did spit takes as McGonagall was so shocked that she stumbled in place. James fainted from his spot soon followed by Sirius and Snape would have laughed if he wasn't taken by surprise as well. Lily quickly got over her shock then glanced at Harriet, who was whistling loudly as Ivy made her way to the table for Ravenclaw. Flitwick looked as if Christmas had come early.

Charles had also clapped loudly for his sister but taking a glance at Fubuki both couldn't help but feel worried as there was no one to look out for her however this one her choice and they would do the best to be supportive.

Dumbledore had to snap McGonagall out of her shock in order to continue, “Yukiko Ouroboros.”

Stepping up to the stool, Yukiko earned herself quite a few curious looks, not only because of how pale she was but also because of her last name and the fact that there was next to no resemblance between her and her apparent older sister outside of the fact that both of them were clearly of Asian descent. “Well, this is interesting.” Stated the Sorting Hat inside Yukiko’s head. “Another adopted child of a pair of Goddesses and a halfbreed between a human Wizard and a Yuki-Onna at that.”

“Call me a halfbreed again and I’ll turn you into a popsicle before dropping you from a great height.” Yukiko’s irritation at being called a halfbreed made itself very clear as the temperature around the Snow-Girl started to drop, causing the breaths of not only the teachers table but also everyone else who was close enough to become visible. “Get back to the sorting, you overpriced piece of cheap patchwork.”

“That was uncalled for but I’ll let it slide as I was accidentally insensitive. I apologize for that. Anyway, getting back to the sorting, let’s see where you fit in… oh? This is interesting. You’re very loyal to those who have earned your trust, much like your big sister. It takes a lot of courage to take the leap of faith and trust someone who was a complete stranger to you, not that it applies anymore. While you may be curious about a lot of things, but you don’t thirst for knowledge. You also don’t have any great ambitions in life. Taking all that into consideration, it better be… HUFFLEPUFF!”

Once everyone was sorted Dumbledore had a few words to say before the feast could begin telling them about the dementors and to not get in their way. As they all ate dinner the twins kept a glancing eye at their little sister’s direction wanting to stay safer than sorry. At the head table James pulled out his shock and was about to blow a gasket when he realized only one of his three children is in Gryffindor. Before his ever famous temper could raise ever higher Lily sent him a look that forced him to calm down. In the privacy of their room however he would be ranting at how a tradition has been ruined and would have demanded a resorting for Ivy if it wasn't for the fact that once someone is sorted there can never be resorted unless someone asks for it.

Ivy was getting to know her new housemates but stuck close to Luna as she was more familiar to the young girl. With the medicine she is taking the Seerer is able to use her powers better and her sight is clearer. Unlike most other dimensions where she is bullied Luna is able to protect herself from her would be bullies and a glare from her told them that if they even think of doing something to the female Potter not only would she do something about it but she would be telling Fubuki who frankly no one wanted to mess with in any way. Ever since that so-called morning sparing back in their first year no one could deny that those three are above anyone in Great Britain so they were smart and backed off.

“So Ivy, I heard from Charles that the two of you spent some time in Japan? How was it?”

Ivy perked up at the question, “It was lovely. Japan is warmer than here for the most part and there were so many interesting things to see that I want to go back again one day to see more. The way they use magic is so cool and most don't use wands is amazing. I tried a few spells without one and it was tricky to do as my pathways aren't big enough but I was able to get several spells down due to some magical exercise that helped open my magical pathways a bit more in order for that to happen.”

The Seer smiled, patting Ivy on the head, “Did you get tested for what type of magic you specialize in?” Some people perked up as did most professors, especially the Potter parents as they asked but were never given a clear answer. Ivy licked her lips before trying to do it then as a symbol lit up from underneath her there was an explosion before a roar could be heard and out of the smoke was a two story tall bear like creature covered in crystals. Appearing in Ivy's hand, a circular tube-like device as it suddenly lit up showing what looks like a life bar and two symbols.

Ivy looked at the creature as a wave of information seemed to be downloaded into her brain, “Lock… Your name is Lock? That's a silly name, how about Haku?” Renaming the creature to Haku, the gentle beast licked Ivy's cheek with affection. Everyone else either looked surprised or jealous at the mighty beast she could bring to life.

Huôyán whispered to her lovers, “We should keep watch on what and/or who she summons. After all, not all of them will be nice.” They both nodded as they remembered Ophis’ warnings.

“I've had ENOUGH!” Getting up Hermione got up from the Gryffindor table and marched her way to Ivy, grabbing her by her robes. “I demand to know why you're able to get tested while I can't! How can I be the brightest witch if I can't learn everything in front of me? All knowledge should be given to me and me alone!”

Wincing at the volume of the shout, Fubuki started marching towards the reckless witch harassing her sister while Vivian gave Huôyán a questioning look. “Was your aunt this bad when she went to school?” “No. While she certainly was thirsty for knowledge and quite reckless in her pursuit of it, Aunt Mione was a whole lot more laid back than ‘this’ Hermione, even before she, Rouge and Uncle Charlie started dating.”

Before Hermione could continue her rant she felt herself being pulled away from the scared Ivy then felt the impact of her body against something stone-like, finally falling to the floor. Slowly getting back up, Hermione yelped when a sword made of water landed in between her eyes. Seeing that it was Charles who was the one holding this weapon had her gasping, “Hermione! Get the idea of thinking you're in charge out of your head! Even I'm sick of you thinking you're entitled to know everything. Thinking that knowing everything will make you popular its only doing the opposite.”

Fubuki followed her brother’s lead, “There is a saying I'm not sure you heard of. It's this ‘Those who think they know everything truly know nothing’. Someone doesn't learn by reading books they learn from the failure they make. Reading is only half the learning experience so never think that reading every book will be enough. So what if some people learn something different from yourself that doesn't mean annoying them until they tell you what you demanded to know. I bet you would demand something to be changed if you thought it was dark and barbaric if it didn't conform to your views. Newsflash Granger, nothing will go your way no matter how much you scream or yell.”

Both siblings walked away forgetting that they were in the Great Hall but ignored it in favor of checking up on Ivy. Said girl was in Haku’s gentle grip shielding her from the annoying human girl. After that everyone heads to their respective towers with Ivy now summoning a dragon half her height.

In their dorm room the three girls weren't in the mood for one of their games with the Dementors nearby allowing sleep to claim them. Sadly, not everyone was able to sleep peacefully due to the Dementors’ presence, leading to more than a few people experiencing nightmares and waking up as a result. Inside the Hufflepuff dormitory, a few minutes after midnight, the girls heard a knock on their door. Opening it, they were greeted by a shivering Yukiko in her ice blue yukata, not from the cold but from discomfort. Being familiar with her little sister’s behavior, Huôyán let Yukiko in and let the Snow-Girl join the Chinese Witch and her lovers in bed where all four contently fell asleep. It was similar for Ivy who went to Luna as she was the only person she knew.

Chapter 25

Chapter Text

Unlike the previous two years there was no exploring outside the castle due to the dementors roaming around. So the only thing done over the weekend were students getting to know the layout of the castle for their classes. Pepper up potions were made in bulk to fight off the growing cold that was coming from the students but the three girls in Hufflepuff didn't catch it.

On the first day of class, they were preparing for class having COMC with Hagrid with the Ravenclaw. They were surprised to hear that the gentle half-giant is now a professor which made more sense on who sent those books. Having Care right after breakfast the three went to the edge of the forbidden forest to where a group of padlocks were presented but no one could see any of the animals. Looking around everyone had their books bound by leather as the things kept trying to bite them. Only Fubuki, Vivian, and Huôyán were the only ones not to tie the books up thanks to the Chinese Witch telling her lovers how to open them.

Hagrid did panic when some of the students whispered among themselves so he moved on leaving real quick to bring in Griffin-like creatures. Possessing bodies, hind legs, and tails of a horse with the wings, front legs, and head of an eagle. With beaks taking on a metallic sheen and orange eyes starting I to the crowd their foot-long claws dug into the earth. Behind them, Hagrid held the chain leading the animals to the group of children who took a giant step back.

“Beau’iful creatures aren't they? Hippogriffs are prideful creatures an’ easy to offend.” Clapping his hands together, Hagrid turned to the class, “Now which one of yer want to come up first?”

At first, no one wanted to come forward but Huôyán, Fubuki, and Vivian took a step towards the class.

“You might not be at the top of the food chain, but you’re definitely a whole lot further up than most of the people here.” Huôyán couldn’t help but, in a kind of convoluted way, compliment the silvery gray colored Hippogriff approaching the Chinese Witch.

Following Hagrid’s instructions, Huôyán bowed first then waiting for Buckbeak to bow Hagrid got nervous when the animal got closer only for everyone to gasp in awe when the hippogriff gently rubbed her head as if acting as a mother to the student before bowing in return. Pulling up from her bow, the Chinese witch gently scratched his beak trailing downward to the neck.

“I reckon he migh’ let yeh ride him!” Hagrid shouted. Huôyán raised an eyebrow looking at the animal, who nodded and then taking flight she had this grin on her face that had Fubuki shivering.

Once Huôyán and Buckbeak landed it encouraged the rest of their classmates to step forward to do the same. All in all Hagrid’s first class is a success which the girls congratulated him on.

Not having anything until lunch, the girls found Ivy and Yukiko in the library somewhere in the back of the room. What was concerning was the fact Yukiko had patches of ice on her school robes and cheeks and was shivering. “What happened?” Huôyán gently asked, pulling her sister into her arms. “Something Gryffindors thought it’d be ‘funny’ to shoot water on Yukiko, which, as you can see, clung onto her and froze solid.” Ivy answered, who had been trying to summon something that could help melt the ice on Yukiko’s robes. It was thanks to being part Yuki-Onna-yokai that she wasn't sneezing. What answered Ivy’s summoning and as a result appeared on the floor in front of Yukiko resembled a small bipedal red crocodile with a white face and belly.

Sending a quick text to Charles, it didn't take long for the teen to show up and swear loudly upon seeing Yukiko. The only reason they weren't busted by the librarian was the fact that Fubuki secured their area with a silencing seal so no one could hear them. He quickly explained what happened, “I warned the bastards not to do it but it seems that they don't listen. But it seemed that these guys had other plans. I've heard rumors that they were planning something about one of them being told to do it by one of the older Hufflepuff students due to being a jealous bitch.”

All three Hufflepuffs frowned, it was Vivian who commented, “I guess not all Hufflepuffs are naturally friendly.” They knew once they found who did this there would be revenge. Huôyán snorted, “This is human jealousy at its finest. What about you, Ivy, any problems with the ravens?”

The first year shook her head, “The Ravenclaws have this mentoring system where a student above second year can take a first year student as a mentor. Luna was lucky enough to stake a claim on me before anyone else with… less than pure intention could do so.” The implications didn't settle nicely with the older students as Ivy could tell there were a few people upset when Luna put herself as Ivy’s mentor and from what the first year could see some of them were girls but the majority of them were males. Not that the fourth and above year students could argue until they turned pale white when Luna reminded them of the fact that if they tried anything James Potter alone would ruin their family names while the Potter siblings with Vivian and Huôyán would wish they were dead by the time the four third year students were done with them.

Having Arithmancy after lunch, the engaged couple separated from their secret fiance as the homunculus left for ancient runes; though not without swaying her hips knowing her lovers would be watching. At the start of the class, there was some disappointment as the equations the professor was showing them were about the level of a middle school equation. Fubuki had very little hope she could learn something new but held hope she could get some ideas for projects.

In their first class of DADA, Lupin was in the front of the room with James and Sirius at his left and right. Fubuki silently groaned when she saw the three, “Oh great this is going to be fun.” Charles was next to his sister as a show of support.

“You won't be needing your books today, just your wands. Today will be a practical lesson.” Most of the students were relieved but curious as this is their first practical class if you don't count Lockhart and his pixies. Gesturing for them to follow, and a quick threat to Peeves from Huôyán who knows someone to send ghosts like him to hell, they gathered in one of the staff rooms. Filled with ruggedly old chairs there is a wardrobe in the center of the room that left them feeling dread as it shifted about, a snarling noise could be heard from inside.

“Nothing to fear, it's only a Boggart.” Hearing this from Lupin didn't sit well with those raised in the magical world. Huôyán didn’t even bother to be subtle about what she (and probably a lot of other people) thought about it.

“Just a Boggart? Just a Boggart!? Are you insane!?” More than a few people took an instinctive step away from the Chinese Witch, not only because of the shout but also because Huôyán’s magic was starting to seep out and since Huôyán had a high affinity for Fire magic, the temperature was beginning to rise. “Facing one’s fears like this is NOT a good idea! Not only is it a major breach of privacy, said fear can cause even more damage than never facing the fear at all! I have a very good mind to call in an Exorcist and-” Huôyán never got the chance to finish her rant as Fubuki walked up and gave her fiancé a big damn kiss on the lips.

“I’ll handle this.” Fubuki stated firmly as she stepped up in front of the wardrobe. “Open it.”

“Now listen here-” Remus began but was cut off.

“I wasn’t asking. Open. It.”

Using her magic, Fubuki raised a barrier so that no one could get hurt.

Not even a second after the professor opened the door it slammed open sending Remus flying.

“GIRL!! Where the bloody f*ck is my food!” stepping out of the wardrobe is Vernon Dursley, who is twice the height of the real one. Before she could move, Vernon grabbed Fubuki by the neck and then slammed her into the ground. “How do you like that daughter of a whor* not so tough when that slu*t and the bastard sold you as a slave! If it wasn't for your freaky magic I would have you sucking on my dick when you were five!” Not letting go of Fubuki, the image of Vernon pulling out a metal bat and slamming it downward, “Your bitch of a mother was secretly happy to get rid of a freak like you. I bet they had a party after they handed you over and even gave us money as well.”

Not letting up even as Fubuki curled into a ball to try and protect herself, Vernon kicked her into the barrier.

Outside everyone could only gasp in horror seeing this happen. The adults tried to get past the barrier but nothing could break it. Charles looked horrified at how different his sister looked. No one could say anything as they watched Fubuki’s early life turn out to be.

“Maybe I should have just tossed you into the river so that we could keep collecting the money and lie to those freaks that you are being well taken care of!” Vernon mocked, “No one would care if you died anyways your stupid kind should have all burned during the witch hunt! Hey, that might not be a bad idea.” Pulling a propane spray can and a lighter everyone looked horrified and some even had tears running down their faces. Those closest to her kept slamming the barrier but nothing could take it down.

There's a light that shines

Thinking she was going to die anyway, Fubuki felt like she was the weak Harriet again.

And this power is mine

She saw something sparkle in the flames slowly heading her way. Fubuki saw her engagement ring.

Though our body’s weak and breakable

Suddenly as if she was watching a movie, Fubuki saw her entire life being played in front of her. From the night Voldemort attacked to being adopted by Maria and Tsubasa followed by everything else down the line to the day she met Huôyán and felt complete with her and Vivian.

The spirit is indomitable

As the flames reached Fubuki there was an explosion much to everyone’s horror and the glee of the Vernon copy but soon a ripple in the ground appeared from the center of the explosion. Out of the flames stood Fubuki but her current outfit was more streamed-lined than her normal outfit.

“I'll be honest, no matter how much I change there will always be the fact that I'm still the same scared little girl you bullied, beaten, and tortured… However, I refuse to cry about what happened! The past is only memories and to truly move on I need to face my fears.”

The image of Vernon snarled equipping himself with the baseball bat and for a fat f*cker was surprisingly fast. Summing a sword, Fubuki deflected the first two swings allowing the metal bat to slide across the sword, giving Fubuki the opening she needed to, “Cross Crusade!” Appearing underneath Vernon a golden cross lit up before blasting upward impacting the barrier so that it wouldn't destroy the castle.

As she did this, Fubuki could see Harriet curling in pain as well, Vernon staggered backward, “YOU’RE JUST A PATHETIC FREAK THAT NO ONE LOVES AND SHOULD JUST HAVE DIED!”

Fubuki narrowed her eyes as the ring on her right hand shined, “Maybe to you but I'm not Harriet Potter. My name is Fubuki Cadenzavna Eve Kazanari. I am the incarnation of the Maiden of Orleans… and this life is mine .”

Then covering the floor within the barrier is a white light as the tattoo symbols on her body lit up. “Luminous Nova!” It was lucky the barrier held up but it still shook the castle. When the barrier finally fell and the smoke dissipated, everyone could see Fubuki and a young Harriet staring at each other. “You can now live without the chains of the past holding you down. You've made peace with your darkness.” Behind them is a knocked out Boggart Vernon who's dusted body was slowly vanishing.

Saying her part, Harriet Vanished as Fubuki fainted but not before Huôyán caught her as she fell backwards. “I'm so proud of you Fubuki. I love you so much.” Huôyán got up carrying her fiancé princess style, “Are you happy now!? The Boggart has been dealt with. Now, if you’ll excuse me, not that I particularly care if you do, I’ll be taking my fiancé to the hospital wing. Vivian?”


“I trust that you’ll be taking notes for both you and Fubuki?”

“Of course.”

Seeing as the original lesson plan was gone, Remus had to return everyone to the classroom. James had a haunted look on his face as he was forced to watch what his daughter had to go through so much so that he threw up in one of the old trash bins that was in the room. Seeing him in the middle of puking his guts out, Lily went to comfort her husband, “Y-You and the headmaster need to see this.”

In the headmaster’s office, both Lily and Albus watched James’ memories of what should have been a lesson plan. Copying her husband’s actions once she pulled out of the pensive, Lily now knew why her daughter hated her. Dumbledore felt as if even more weight fell onto his shoulders, a haunted look on his face. “Where is she now?” The headmaster asked, turning to the auror.

“Hospital wing. Her fiancé took her there right after she fainted.”

After that there were rumors of what happened during the DADA Class that had the crueler students take advantage of trying to scare Fubuki into crying to make themselves feel better than at least one of the trio. That backfired on them spectacularly when Fubuki used her card magic and forced them to live her life as well as feel it from every fist punch to having to drink all the chemicals her so-called loving aunt forced down her throat. So far almost all of Slytherin, a majority of Ravenclaw, some of Gryffindor, and a few Hufflepuffs ended up in the hospital wing of the castle due to the forced dreams shoved upon them. Huôyán sent a glare towards Remus during meal times as a sort of ‘I told you asshole’. When one of the professors asked if that was a bit too far Fubuki snorted, sneering out, “If those assholes are going to try and mock my so-called loving childhood then let's see how well they would last in my shoes and see how long that lasts.” Some of the professors thought it was a bit too much but backed off when Fubuki raised an eyebrow and asked, “Do you want to give it a shot? I'm curious to see what kind of reactions a professor would show?”

It took half a month for the students to wake up from the coma and it gave a few of them a reality check. Now there was an amount of respect in the eyes of a few of them in how she went through so much yet could still be smiling.

In other news there were no signs of Wormtail as Huôyán loudly shouted in the middle of the Great Hall about why would someone try and sneak into a school when he could be anywhere else.

Something that perplexed the girls was the fact they ran into Hermione multiple times in one day, Vivian asked the one question all three had in their minds, “I know Charles said she was taking every elective class but how is that even possible? At least half of those classes start at the same time.” They were in the living room area of the Le Fay as they wanted to escape the winter winds of the castle. With them was Ivy, Yukiko, and Charles as it was the weekend and wanted to go somewhere warmer. Luna couldn't join as she had a group project.

Ivy spoke up from her spot next to Yukiko, “I ran into her once and saw her spinning some sort of necklace then next thing I know is that there was another Granger before she put the necklace away.”

While Charles was confused the girls looked at each other.

Vivian spoke up what was on their minds, “There's no way she's that stupid is she? There is only one way to do something like that but it takes a huge amount of magic to do so.” After the event in the DADA Class, Vivian saw that Huôyán and Fubuki got closer and figured out what had happened and was happy for the pair. She smirked alongside Huôyán when the homunculus made note of hoping for a threesome for their first time.

Huôyán frowned, “Of course she's that stupid. She said she wanted to learn everything she could and a time turner is the only way to do so.” Her frown turned into a smirk as she had a hand underneath Fubuki's skirt pulling on the rope that dug into her vagin*. This has been going on for a while as Charles is placed at the table behind the couch using the sound from the switch game the girls were playing to cover the moans Fubuki was making. The Chinese witch wasn't alone as Vivian had Fubuki in her lap giving focus to her sensitive breasts.

“I guess this time turner is dangerous?” Charles spoke up. He had his head in a book so he didn't see his sister being assaulted right in front of him.

Huôyán hummed as an answer, “Time turners work by rewinding time for as many spins as one can make; however, the risk is that it uses up the magic of the user that using it for too long could be deadly.” She did smirk when Vivian kissed Fubuki to cancel out her rather loud moan as she came.

Fubuki gasped for air as she spoke up, “I… I can… Have Kuroka f… Follow her around.”

“I’m not sure whether or not that would work since there would be multiple instances of ‘Hermione Granger’ running around in the castle.” Charles commented skeptically. “How long do you think she’ll be able to keep going before burning out?”

“I’d say about another week. I am definitely calling one of my aunts over to ask her to give ‘this’ Hermione a reality check.”

Chapter 26

Chapter Text

Despite the rather rough start for DADA, Huôyán still glared at Lupin for even; it became one of the best classes for the students. Some of the Slytherins; mainly Draco, mocked the man but Lupin held on. On the other hand, Hermione was slowly looking worse as the days moved forward. She kept snapping at other people when they only glanced in her direction. Charles wanted to stop her but Huôyán intruded saying that this should be a learning experience for the know it all brat.

It seemed there was a mishap in the CARE class as they were now studying lamer creatures. Vivian asked why this was to Charles, “Of course Malfoy would do something stupid.” The girls could easily see that Malfoy provoked the animal into attacking so that he could complain to his father and have it cut down.

In the Hufflepuff common room the third year students were buzzing about, hushed conversations all about. It was the day they were all excited for… Hogsmeade weekend. Being able to visit the nearby town to relax and stock up on supplies of course it was slightly ruined by the dementors all around but there was still excitement. Asking Ivy and Yukiko if they needed anything the four went to the carriage when Dumbledore stopped them turning his attention to the twins, “With the escape of Peter it would be best if you two stayed in the safety of the castle.” Both twins felt their eyes twitch not wanting to deal with it, “Headmaster get the f*ck out of our way. We both have our permission slips signed to allow us to visit.”

“Harriet that woman isn't your real mother an-Gah,” Dumbledore suddenly felt something impact his stomach causing him to fall to the ground. The one who punched him in the gut was Vivian, “Make one more move on family and the next time I won't be so nice.”

During their time in the village, there were some interesting places but nothing that stood out. Trouble did stir when some of the Slytherin mocked a few mundane wizards though Fubuki did perk up when she picked something up with her Perception magic. Out of nowhere, explosions rocked the village as the dementors went swooping in ignoring the ones attacking heading straight for the civilians. Luckily there weren't that many in the area but it wouldn’t be long until more showed up. If that didn’t make it any worse there were other problems as soon after the explosions there were some sort of dust particles that fell from the sky forming into the creatures the wizards and witches feared… Noise. However unlike before these were the anti-magic Noise that made them immune to the spells although for some odd reason, the Dementors that tried consuming the civilians ran away from them and it wasn’t hard to see why when one of these Noise touched the Dementors caused it to wail in agony resulting in it to turn to stone.

Huoyan swore in Chinese, “Even the Dementors can’t touch these things.” Pulling out some fireworks, she flung them towards the Noise doing little damage but not enough for them to destroy them. Vivian tried using her alchemy to turn the surrounding rubble into a long-range weapon but that did the same as the firework. Fubuki used her light magic; however, that is the same effect as her more dominant lovers.

Having no choice but to transform all four went separate ways to save more lives. Unknown to them three people were waiting in the shadows each one following one of the girls but one of them licked her lips watching Fubuki running on the rooftops, “You will be mine.”

Garbed in his ranger outfit, Charles started fighting what he could keeping his distance as he wasn’t sure if his suit could prevent him from being dusted. Ducking under a lunge he shifted his weapon into gun mode firing a few shots, “CHARLES POTTER WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” Hermione shouted ignoring the fact that they were in a firefight getting the attention of every Noise around her. Charles only groaned before jumping into action using his reinforcement magic in his fists punching a few Noise, “Hermione so not the time! Get to the castle now!”

Unfortunately, there was too much when a sudden bolt of energy flew past his head and turning his head thinking it was Hermione, Charles gasped upon who it was with a staff in hand.

Vivian reached the Hogsmeade Station taking out what Noise she could as her body structure screamed in pain as the anti-magic Noise affected her homunculus body in a negative light. It was only thanks to the Book that she didn’t drop to the ground. On pure instinct she jumped back preventing herself from being cut in two from an axe from her new opponent.

“Sup Bitch! Hope you’re as good as Zarola said you are!” This apparent Symphogear user is around their age with pink eyes filled with a crazed passion and wild burgundy rocker chick hair. Unlike their outfit, the one this girl is wearing is more skin revealing as she has what looks like a black leotard backless romper with ice blue armor greaves and thigh length leggings underneath. While she had a sleeve that went to the upper section of her arm all she had for armor was a pair of vambraces in the same color as the greaves. Over the leotard is a cuirass but parts were cut out providing an imitation of protection. At her hips is a split-thigh skirt that is in the same icy blue color. In her two hands was a big axe that seemed Norse in design that oozed ice and water energy.

Hearing Zarola’s name, Vivian knew this was Leviathan, “So I take it you’re her partner then?” She went into a boxer stance deploying the wrist blades that came with the upgrades.

“The names Brigitte and this baby right is the Leviathan’s Axe!” Brigitte smirked seeing Vivian’s wide eyes upon hearing the name. “That's right this baby will be able to bring about a flood to drown the old world.”

While Vivian was busy dealing with Brigitte, Huôyán was also occupied with a new opponent. A pale girl who appeared to be the same age as Zarola with pale blue hair that reached all the way down to her hips and a pair of eyes that had heterochromia, the left eye being a very dark blue color while the right eye seemed to be a practical kaleidoscope of colors that also appeared to be artificial, evidenced by the fact that the right eye was surrounded by stitches. Held in the girl’s hands in a reverse grip were a pair of daggers, one dagger being a kris while the other was a ritual dagger with lightning bolt-shaped blade. However, her outfit left much to be desired considering it to be only a fancy sports bra and bikini bottom combination with little armor covering her thighs and lower arms including the cape that covered her body.

“Muse will fight you now to stop you from getting in the way of Muse's mistress and her prize.”

Huôyán swore under her breath as she had a good idea who this mistress was, “Is this Mistress, Zarola?”

“Mistress will have Fubuki as her prize.”

For Fubuki, she was already facing Zarola who seemed to have a bit of an upgrade herself now duel wielding a spear. “I want you to scream for me, my dear!”

Fubuki scowled, “Shut the f*ck up already and die!”

Sparks flew as weapons clashed and Fubuki found herself at a disadvantage as she had to both defend against Zarola and protect the civilians in her immediate area. It was obvious that she would take a few hits but thankfully it wasn't from the cursed spear or the other one. Grunting she fell to the ground when Zarola slammed the staff into her stomach. “Come on, ignore those weaklings! They'll die anyways so just focus on me!”

Fubuki glared at the crazy bitch spitting out some blood. Zarola scowled in return ready to thrust her two weapons.

Then bullets started whizzing around causing the bitch to jump back before a helicopter flew in but there were two of them. Somehow their weapons could affect these new types of Noise but ignoring that Maria jumped down from one of the choppers.


Getting some distance from the pissed-off mother Zarola knew when to pull back seeing as the Anti-Magic Noise was dwindling. Zarola waved at Fubuki, “Tata Buki-chan! I hope to see you again!”

Meeting up at the station, the girls compiled their findings.

Tsubasa crossed her arms, “We came to England as we got a lead on one of Leviathan’s sub-company holdings they use as a front to gather money when we got a call of an attack from the S.O.N.G. satellites.”

With S.O.N.G. now being more international they have access to the equipment of the world’s military to their advantage now that they have both mundane and magical people in their organization. They were tipped off that there was a place in England that was being used to gather money but there was an explosion that destroyed the two buildings letting them know that Leviathan knows more than they thought.

Seeing Charles run up to them their fellow Hogwart students saw Luna in her own ranger outfit having a staff on her back. Her blue suit seemed to fit her figure well if Charles’ blush is any indication similar in design to his but her weapon as mentioned is a staff that allows her to use her magic in different ways. Huôyán tilted her head, “When did you get a morpher Luna?”

“Someone named Rouge stopped by my house over the recent break and gave it to me saying I would need did. The adult version of me also left a couple of things for me as well that seemed interesting to read.” For some reason this didn't sit well with the Gryffindor but didn't ask any further questions.

Demorphing, Maria and Tsubasa rejoind the group as a few soldiers dressed in ICM uniforms dismounted from the helicopters to fan out for any rougue elements still in the area. Maria quickly went to check on her daughter and lovers, she sighed thankful there wasn't any lasting damage.

It was then a few professors entered the scene stopping only when the helicopters were in clear view.

“What were all of you thinking facing off against those creatures!?” James shouted as he and Sirius matched forward. They only stopped when red dots appeared on their bodies did they see the mundane weapons.

“Padfoot we got muggles in the area!”

Before either could pull out their wands a few of the soldiers pulled their wands out in response. “We are soldiers of the ICM. Using any type of force against us will have side consequences.”

Even Dumbledore froze at those words as he didn't know they were deployed.

“Then what about those muggle women you have with you?” Dumbledore asked because as far as he knew Maria and Tsubasa are muggles.

In response, both Maria and Tsubasa used their magic without a wand.

Flitwick was the first to get over his shock, “They are Japanese it would be obvious that they could use wandless magic.”

Taking the meeting to the headmaster’s office, Fawkes flew to Fubuki’s shoulder, preening through her hair. Both Maria and Tsubasa were shocked at the sight even more so when Fubuki rolled her eyes. “Stupid Feather Duster… you must like me or you just like to annoy me.”

Vivian and Huôyán giggled seeing the shocked looks from the even taking a quick snap shot.

ir faces even taking a quick picture of it.

“Can either of you explain what this recent event is all about?” Dumbledore asked crossing his hands. He continued not giving the women time to answer, “We heard the explosion from here before the Dementors took flight sensing the fear in the resitends in Hogsmeade when those creatures showed up followed by those three young ladies.”

Lily took this opportunity to voice her thoughts, “You five are in so much trouble! What were you all thinking facing off against those creatures and where did you get those weapons anyways those are dangerous in your hands. Please hand them over so that they can be given to the adults.”

Maria stood in front of the children and before Lily could say anything she raised her hand, “First off Mrs. Potter these young ladies are not part of your community but Japan and therefore will not be handing them over. Secondly don’t you dare talk to them like your their mother for Charles sure but these ladies aren’t your children.”

James cut in, “Don’t you dare pull that card on us lady! Harriet is our daughter by blood and that is enough for my wife to scold her.”

“Really?” Tsubasa replaied raising an eyebrow, “You want to use the word blood in front of us?”

“Blood is bullsh*t and shouldn’t be the final say in what makes someone family!” Fubuki said.

“Yeah! I should know. Most of my family is adopted by Mama Blake and Mama Lulu!” Huôyán agreed, rather childishly sticking her tongue out in the British adults’ direction.

Before anymore arguments could take place Fawkes cried out causing a calming aura around everyone in the room. Fubiki responded in kind using her Song Magic to further relax everyone. Seeing Fawkes about to start singing again Fubuki stopped him, “Not right now Feather Duster.”

“Can we please get back on topic?” Remus asked now that James took deep breaths, “If it is allowed can you tell us what is permitted about these… Noise you called them.”

Maria and Tsubasa looked at each other as if silently conversing, Fubuki saw this and giggled “Mamaria and Tsubama are eye f*cking each other again.” Vivian rolled her eyes, “They do this everytime they want a silent conversation Fubuki they are not eye f*cking each other. Not like the one time you and I found them f*cking in the living room on a school day.”

While Lily looked outraged, James looked conflicted, and a few professors looked appalled, Tsubasa was the one who answered, “Very well, we’ll tell you what you need to know.”

Taking a deep breath, Tsubasa started to explain the origins of the Noise, Relics, and the Faust Robes. She explained some of the secrets behind both the relics and the Faust robes being advance tech from ancient civilization, the relics being pieces while the Faust Robes being the complete objects. Fubuki cut in saying that her weapon was the original intact weapons her past life Joan of Arc used, finding it after the Dursleys tried turning her into roadkill by pushing her out the moving car. Maria took over to explain what the Noise were and that the Magic-Noise were a new variant. They were terrified that those creatures could easily be summoned even after the original item was destroyed, some calling it dark magic.

When it was revealed it was Tsubasa along with Hibiki and Chris were the ones semi responsible for the damage done to the moon the astronomy professor went off on a rant seemingly not caring that the chunk of the moon could have wiped out almost all of humanity.

Once the main topic was discussed and the professors dismissed the only people remaining were the Potter family, Sirius, Remus, and the three lovers. James and Lily wanted to talk to Maria and Tsubasa, “Excuse me but do you think we can talk about Harriet in private?” Lily asked speaking up.

The two women raised an eyebrow before Maria turned to the children. “You kids can leave as this is going to be adults only,” they nodded and giving them one final hug the group left but right as Charles closed the door Maria began the conversation.

Chapter 27

Chapter Text

In the aftermath of the attack, rumors were circulating about Fubuki, Vivian, Huôyán, Charles, and Luna. Charles had to get away from his housemates as they kept on hounding him; however, Hermione was the worst of the bunch; practically, trying to take it by force and threatened to tell the professors, but Charles fired back that they already knew and that they couldn't do anything about it.

She did ask, demand, about who those witches were on the helicopter when Maria and Tsubasa stayed the night. Finding out that they were Fubuki's mothers and were part of an idol group had her scoffing, “To be honest, I don’t know why anyone, especially women, would want to go on stage and sing. I bet they are all bimbos with little to no intelligence and just love having their bodies lusted after.”

Before Hermione could go any further, there was a sudden roar as Fubuki jumped her as they were in the clearance area of the castle. “Don’t you dare call my parents bimbos!” She snarled when Hermione got a lucky shot and pushed the opposing girl off of her. “Of course, they’re bimbos. It explains so much as to why you love the same gender. You’re a freak who can’t get a proper man, so you turn to loving girls.”

Fubuki froze upon hearing that word, “What did you call me?” she questioned. Hearing Hermione of all people calling her that pissed her off and now wanted to kill the bitch.

“A freak of nature who can’t get a real man!” Hermione shouted then froze hearing her words.

Not even a second later, a weighty sensation erupted from Fubuki. It was so strong that the very earth started to shake, and people started choking as if the air was slowly being dragged out of their lungs. The various creatures in the nearby forest ran away from the terrible presence. In the Headmaster’s office, which was the furthest from the entrance, Dumbledore could feel it as Fawkes started jerking around in his perch before flaming away. “Oh this won’t bloody end well,” he said but couldn’t move. Ivy could tell this was from her sister and was scared about what could get her to emit such rage when Yukiko held her close in an almost loving embrace.

Back in the courtyard, Hermione was on the floor as Fubuki loomed over her, the spear in hand ready to strike when the earth around her erupted, locking her feet in place. “Fubuki Cadenzavna Eve D’Arc!” Huôyán hollered out as she and Vivian entered the area with Fawkes flaming in soon afterwards landing on the spear and started to sing calming the girl down.

When the pair was close enough the ground holding Fubuki’s feet broke down allowing both young women to take her and lead her away. However, not before Huôyán tossed a firework over her shoulder causing a small explosion that punished Hermione via prank.

In the Le Fay castle bedroom, all three girls were on the bed covered in sweat but in Fubuki's case, it was sweat and cum along with other marks. Leading Fubuki to their room in the Hufflepuff house the three went to the Le Fay castle to calm her down via threesome leading to the girls trying some of the spells Huôyán's older siblings gave them. In her rage, Fubuki told them to go as rough as possible, but the girls didn't go as far as they were able to restrain themselves.

Unknown to all in the castle not far from Hogwarts itself, there was a lab in which the three psychotic ladies were located.

Zarola narrowed her eyes at a wall, wanting nothing more than to go out and get her object of affection, but after that last battle and the arrival of the two older Symphogear users, they had to pull back. She was a half-blood born from a muggle father and a magical mother from the States. She was left in an orphanage when her mother’s family learned she was born out of wedlock. It was only a few years ago that Zarola was discovered by a few associates of her father in the States. Enrolling in Ilvermorny, she sorted into the Wampus house. Zarola enjoyed her time in the school making friends and learning magic; however, that all came to an end when Zarola confessed to the girl she was crushing on only to be pushed to the ground and spat at and told she was a lesbian freak. She ran away from the school when the bullying was too much and soon found herself holding the Relic Gáe Buidhe.

Training with the weapon her caretakers soon told her the reason as they wanted her to be one of the symphogear users. Zarola was already informed of the ones in Japan and scoffed, “If they have so much power, then why not try to conquer Japan?” It was then she was told of the Great Flood and that it was going to be used to wash away the impurities of this world and the organization had members from Grindelwald’s forces as well as some of the descendants from the Nazis.

Making their debut at the Walküre concert, Zarola found herself facing someone a bit younger than herself; however, Zarola didn’t care about that but how beautiful the young lady looked. Fubuki, when she found out the name, looked like her former crush but she still cared about that girl and wanted Fubuki as a replacement and soon lusted after the girl. Not long after her first engagement, Zarola had two other teammates in the form of Bridgette and Musse. With the Leviathan Axe being one of the key components in summoning the Great Flood the user in question came from a mundane family who abandoned her to the streets while Musse was a test tube baby for the sole purpose of being a weapon. Zarola took a liking to the latter, turning the blank-slate girl into her work of art. Even now Zarola is on the couch in her private room, which is set up to be a BDSM dungeon, and Musse is handcuffed to the bed with whip marks coating her body and a puddle in between her legs.

Looking out the window, Zarola looked in the direction of Hogwarts knowing her target was there, “Soon you’ll be mine.”

The following days in Hogwarts were just as cold as the first day of the semester. With the attack in the village so close to the castle members of the ICM were brought in to help with the security. The purebloods wanted nothing to do with the international organization but there was nothing they could do as they were overruled. At Hogwarts with the removal of half the Dementors, some of the cheerful atmosphere returned to the castle. In regards to Hermione, the witch mostly kept to herself but still had her know it all attitude even after the beatdown she received from Fubuki, staying clear of the group. Whatever she was doing to herself wasn't good as she had dark circles underneath her eyes and her temperament was shot as she now snapped at the slightest movement. Not only that but her magic is starting to destabilize causing her to mess up on her spells and causing her to lose house points.

Regarding the Peter situation, there were still no signs of the wanted criminal. James and Sirius couldn’t find their former friend leading people to think he wasn’t coming to Hogwarts as the professors along with the adults could easily overpower and beat him, that is unless he dug into dark rituals. They tried updating the Marauders Map but that was impossible without the location of the core of Hogwarts itself.

On the day of the Quidditch match, the howling winds made it hard to hear anything while the raining drops of water felt like slaps that could be felt even through the layers of clothes. Ivy and Luna joined Fubuki and her group in the Hufflepuff stands watching the Gryiffs and Puffs enter the field, “This is going to be a breeze for Charles as he has water magic on his side,” Vivian said on Huôyán’s left. While the game was going on Fubuki overheard Huôyán talk to Yukiko, “So what’s the progress between the two of you?” The Chinese girl asked gesturing to her and Ivy. Both girls blushed a little but that could be from the cold; however, oddly enough Ivy never got cold from being so close to Yukiko which is something that had the child smiling. On the other hand, Luna had this knowing look on her face as she used one ability of the Seers to see into the souls of individuals and saw the slowly connecting souls then taking a look at Fubuki’s and her intended… Luna had to look away as it was like looking into the galaxy itself due to Huôyán’s magically adopted mothers. The older girls did their best to keep track but the rain was making things rough.

“Guess this is one way to get me soaked before the main event,” Fubuki jokes.

There was some trouble as Malfoy and his two buttbuddies dressed as dementors s to try and scare Charles only to backfire when he used water magic in his panic sending the three hurtling into the Slytherin stands causing them and a handful of other students to end up in the hospital wing. People could only shake their heads at their stupidity while Snape and the Slytherin house were embarrassed at how three of their members were so stupid.

With the Gryffindors winning the Quidditch match everything returned to normal some people were still wary of Fubuki's group of friends leaving them in this sort of outcast state. One thing that had both Vivian and Huôyán a bit worried was how needy Fubuki was, which was fine but had to have roots somewhere. “Fubuki, are you ok?” Vivian asked.

They finished yet another round of sex with Fubuki now having a leash connected to her collar. The young lady was quiet not wanting to answer, then forcing herself to go into another round. Through the bond they share, Huôyán pushed her back, “Mockingbird,” she said, causing everything to freeze, “We aren't doing jacksh*t until you answer what's wrong.”

At first, the whisper was so quiet that neither girl could hear it but soon Fubuki admitted it out loud. “I don't want to be rejected if I say no. What I never told either of you was that when I first fought Zarola she sexually assaulted me and left some scars. When I realized how sexual this relationship was going to take physically I was fine but mentally and emotionally I panicked but thought if I kept pushing you two away the both of you would turn to each other and ignore me.”

Both girls were stunned, not knowing the cause of it all, and hugged her. Huôyán hushed her as Fubuki was sobbing, whispering sorry in a repeated cycle. “Hey, it's ok. Thank you for telling us that. I'm sorry it seems that we were pushing you,” the Chinese witch whispered. On the other side, Vivian just held her close for a few minutes longer before speaking. “Never be afraid to speak your mind. We love you for who you are from the sexual humor to the fears that dwell in you. And never think we'll reject and ignore you for not being in the mood,” she said, kissing Fubuki on the forehead.

Tilting her head, Huôyán realized something, “How did Vivian and I not feel it through the soul bond? The high level we have should have allowed the both of us to sense something was wrong.”

Fubuki kept her head down, “I was able to hide it through willpower.”

Once that hurdle was overcome the season of Christmas settled in on the castle as each professor went to decorate their classrooms with decorations related to their subjects. In-between classes the group took to using the Le Fay castle to stay warm and using the training room. Involving Ivy and Yukiko there were dummies that Morgan had Modred train against that the girls used. Explaining the importance of weapon safety to the younger girls, Fubuki and her lovers had them and Luna try out a few weapons Morgan had. For some reason Charles shivered when Luna showed proficiently with a whip, “Older me told me that I could use it really well as she uses a whip too.” Yukiko just used her ice to form cat claws around her hand and feet that almost seemed indestructible while Ivy was leaning towards wires or a scarf thing, “The idea came from reading one of big sis’ Manga called Black Cat. One of the characters had a wired glove and the other had this scarf that could be a shield and whip.” Seeing as she could only use one weapon though Ivy went with the scarf to fit with Yukiko being more defensive.

Training with their weapons the first few days were the three using mock ups to practice Spacial awareness in the event they had to fight in a populated area.

On the next Hogsmede trip the ICM guards were present in case another attack occurred. While the mundane and a few half bloods weaponed them the other half of the half-bloods and the pure bloods wanted them gone calling them mudbloods and mocking them. While at the pub getting something warm to eat the girls plus Charles were discussing their holiday plans, “I want to visit the Potter mansion,” hearing Fubuki's plan Charles did a spit take in the direction away from the girls, “I mean it's only fair. Charles and Ivy went to my house it's only right I return the favor and go to their place.”

“I take it you want to go alone?” Huôyán gently asked.

“It might be for the best. Mom is still leery about same-sex relationships considering her mundane upbringing and Dad is still upset about the fact that I'm the only Gryffindor among the three children,” Charles points out.

“Understood, I still don't want to know their reactions to me being a Homunculus,” Vivian said, casting a downward look.

Huôyán shut that thought process down right away by kissing her on the lips, “None of that you have an amazing person inside and out if they can't see that and only focus on the dark magic then f*ck them.”

Exploring a bit more of the town, they ended the day after buying more school supplies not realizing that they were being followed at a distance focusing more on Charles then anything else.

Chapter 28

Chapter Text

As promised, Fubuki joined Ivy and Charles on the train ride back to London so she could spend Christmas break with the two in the Potter Mansion. When Lily found out back at the castle, she was sobbing as tears ran down her face, giving Fubuki a quick hug as she ran to her office to call James about the news. At Hogshead, Vivian and Huôyán kissed their lover as a form of good luck while not far from them. Yukiko gave Ivy a peck on her cheek. On the train itself, the three children started talking about Christmas plans, “Oh think we can convince Mom to let us visit London with Tonks as a chaperone?” Ivy asked her brother.

Fubuki raised her eyebrow but said nothing, not wanting to interrupt. Continuing the train ride to London, the Potter children played a few magical games as music from Walküre as various classmates came and went but Hermione did raise a commotion about the music player as the train finally rolled into the London station. Before that, however, the three changed into their mundane clothes with Charles and Ivy wearing the clothes they got from Japan. Getting off the train, Fubuki blinked, seeing her parents next to the Potters.

“Mamaria, Tsubama? I thought the two of you were in the Philippines?” Fubuki questioned. Distracted by the hug, she didn't see Lily and James wince.

“We wanted to see you off?” Maria then had a hurtful expression while hugging her girlfriend. “Oh Tsubasa, our precious daughter no longer wants us in her life! She's no longer a child but a rebellious teenager,” she cried. Both Tsubasa and Fubuki rolled their eyes before the blue-haired sword woman answered, “We wanted to check up on you. I know the therapy sessions are helping, but you can't be too sure.”

“Therapy?” Ivy asked, tilting her head.

“I wasn't in a good state in my younger years when they took me in,” Fubuki answered then turned to Tsubasa, “I'm fine… I had a lot of time thinking about it and I've made peace with it.”

With one last goodbye, the two women left as Fubuki turned to the Potters. Taking a deep breath, Lily gathered herself, “Alright everyone let's go. It's going to take a while until we reach the mansion.” Reaching the mundane side of the station, Fubuki was surprised to see a van with the Potter emblem on it, “Lily convinced me to try doing things the Mundane way and it's a nice way for us to get around,” James shrugged seeing the look on his wayward daughter's face. With the back row used for the luggage, the second row had Fubuki and Charles at the sides with Ivy in the middle. Being told that it would take an hour or two until they reached the Potter Mansion, all three kids got comfortable for a car nap.

Looking from the rearview mirror both parents couldn't help but smile seeing the sight as both Fubuki and Charles listened to some music from the former's cell phone with the twins leaning on the door frame while Ivy was leaning on Fubuki's shoulder for a comfortable nap. She pulled out the phone she bought for the family from Japan and took a picture. “Despite everything, I'm glad Harriet grew into a fine young lady,” Lily said, sighing.

An hour and a half later the child and two teenagers woke up when they felt the car stop, giving Fubuki her first look at the Potter mansion. The gardens surrounding the mansion were vast as the driveway was lined with foliage statues. The house itself is two stories high and was about the size of a soccer field. There were two other buildings off to the left one housing the cars and the other a few horses. In the center of the roundabout driveway is a water fountain with the emblem in the center. Not far from the driveway is a basketball court which caused Fubuki to turn towards the parents in disbelief.

“It's not Quidditch but the Yanks have a few decent sports,” James answered.

Inside the house is something Fubuki expected from a pureblood family like the Potters… although the TV in the room next to the entrance threw everything off.

“So this is our wayward granddaughter, it's good to finally meet you.”

Hearing a voice Fubuki jumped, summoning a few spheres of magic and launching them at the origin of the one who spoke. It was fortunate that there was a barrier before the magic could make contact. Realizing what she did Fubuki quickly apologized, “I'm so sorry sir, I was just surprised and it was a quick reaction.”

The man laughed it off while the woman, wife, if Fubuki was seeing it clearly, giggled. The man in the portrait is in full appearance wearing what could be described as World War 2 military attire while the wife had a dress fit for the period. Looking at the nameplates underneath the portraits Fubuki read Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, “I take it you're both my blood-related grandparents?” Fubuki guessed.

Fleamont nodded, “Yes and I must say this is quite the surprise. We had no idea that Lily was related to the fabled Maiden of Orleans until Charles told us but the appearance is remarkably similar.” Euphemia nodded, “We gave James, Lily, and young Albus the riot act when it was discovered that they left you to Lily's mundane relatives. We're just glad that there wasn't any lasting damage,” she said this as she didn't want to say anything around Ivy.

Raising an eyebrow at the hidden words, Fubuki turned to Ivy, “Hey little sis, why don't you take a shower and let the big kids talk ok? I'm sure you want to make sure your room is clean for me to see it, don't you?” Realizing that Fubuki was right, Ivy rushed up the stairs.

“Now that the child is away I can openly say that the only reason I wasn't raped was that Vermon didn't want to stick his dick inside of my freaky c*nt despite the fact I could see him licking his lips and rubbing his dick through his pants,” Fubuki said much to the shock and out rage of the adults and her twin brother. Turning to Fleamont, Fubuki asked a question that's been bugging her, “Excuse me but did you serve in World War 2? I never expected to see a pureblood fighting in the mundane side of the war.”

The man nodded, “Yes I did serve in the war. Unlike some of the other pureblood families the Potters have served the royal family for centuries some rumors state that we served King Arthur since the early days of Camelot. Despite our family practically inventing Quidditch I was more of a water boy joining the Navy I was stationed on the Might Hood that fateful day.”

“Holy sh*t! You were there the day it sank?! But I thought there were only three survivors and I didn't see anyone with the name Potter?” Fubuki gushed.

“The statute of secrecy was a bit loose in those days as there were always a handful of wizards in case Grindelwald’s forces tried to attack,” Fleamont answered. “Now why don't you rest up, I'm sure you had a long trip. If you need anything, call for one of the house elves and Charles can show you the training room. I'm sure you're interested in it but after you rest,” he said.

Nodding, Fubuki followed Charles to one of the guest rooms allowing her to drop her stuff off and get what she needed for a bath. Turning to the bathroom closest to her, Fubuki decided to relax in the bathtub so that her feet could rest. Once that was done and Fubuki got into more comfortable clothing she went to explore the house. A few days before the end of the school year Ophis stopped by to give Fubuki a spell to completely hide the rope on her body so that there would be no impressions that could be seen through the clothes as well as something to hide the collar. On her left hand, the engagement ring sparkled in the light making Fubuki smile, feeling the warm sensation from the bond.

The mansion itself was two floors from what she could see, the second floor had the bedrooms and bathrooms plus a potion lab or two. The first floor held the grand ballroom, kitchen, dining room, and a few other things. The walls were adorned with the magical photos Fubuki had come to expect but couldn't help but think the mundane was better as she wanted to see the images but that was impossible due to the figures always moving from frame to frame.

“Onēchan!” Ivy cried out seeing her big sister walking in the hallway, “Come check out my room!” taking Fubuki by the hand, Ivy directed them to the girl’s bedroom. Inside was something of a normal 12-year-old girl’s room just adding magic into the mix from the sparkling light to the miniature fairies. On the walls were various magical toys for girls with the anime figurines she got from Japan. Fubuki whistled, “Not bad little sister but you know the color would need to change right?” She said pointing to the blue and bronze trunk. Not that she was one to complain seeing as her bedroom in Japan has almost no Hufflepuff colors.

Meeting up with Charles on the grand staircase, which to her knowledge looked similar to the one on the Titanic, the children sat down for lunch as they were joined by Remus, Sirius, his wife Amelia, and her niece Susan. At the dining table, James frowned seeing Ivy’s blue and bronze and Fubuki’s yellow and black but he knew that there wasn't anything to be done about them unless they asked for a resorting which is something they would never do willingly. Susan started a conversation with the Hogwarts students, “So Harriet, is there a way for me to see what my magic specializes in? I mean we are family now seeing as my aunt married your godfather.”

Fubuki had to blink, “First off it's Fubuki not Harriet as I haven't answered my birth name for years even after the blood tests. Second, it doesn't work like that as there is an age limit as to discovering one’s magical specialties and unfortunately, that is at the age of 13.” Pulling out the proper paperwork to show that she wasn't lying about it the adults and Susan saw that in the highlighted text that when a wizard or witch reaches the age of 13 some of the magical potential is lost forcing the person to just work harder in the field they want to pursue or if they are lucky to discover it unconsciously. “This is for those who are just tuned, if you want to call it, to certain subjects,” Fubuki explained.

“If you don't mind me asking then what are your specialties?” Remus asked.

Charles shrugged, “Mine is a rare form of teleportation magic, Reinforcement Magic, Hydromancy, and Ecstamancy.”

Susan tilted her head, “Ecstamancy?”

“A form of sex magic,” Sirius answered then seeing the looks on their faces he shrugged, “The Blacks had many ways to increase their magic and some of the female Black members from back in the days would use sex magic to slowly drain the magic of their husband's overtime before finally killing them off with a Succubus spell draining the man’s life force and giving it to the wife.”

“What's sex?” Ivy asked, tilting her head, making Sirius remember where he was at.

“Something you shouldn't be worried about at your age, little sister,” Fubuki said, flicking Ivy’s forehead. “Now why don't you show off your magic,” smiling at that, Ivy had a summoning circle behind her light up then out of it a spider half of Ivy’s height appeared. “Ivy where am I?” the spider asked in a squeaky female voice. While everyone else blinked at what they were seeing, Ivy hugged the insect, “You're in my universe Sparkles and this is my family.”

Turning to everyone else, Ivy waved her hand allowing the sleeve to fall to reveal a device on her wrist. “Everyone this is Sparkles, she's from a different world where spiders are like those of the Forbidden Forest but live together with humans and other sentient beings. But to show you all I have to do is shout Arachna Power!” Out of nowhere, Ivy is covered in a sphere before it suddenly breaks showing her in some type of armor.

“Um, Ivy, how do you know of all of this?” Fubuki asked. Everyone else was too surprised to speak which included the portraits.

“I was practicing my summoning magic when out of nowhere I was sent to another dimension where this pretty lady gave me this device and I met these cool people.”

Charles was the next to speak, “How long were you there and how did you get back to our dimension?”

Ivy tilted her head turning to Sparkles, “I think I was there for about a year or so and for how I got back there was this elderly man appeared in the middle of the throne room from what looks like a kaleidoscope and looked quite surprised I was able to travel to other dimensions the way I did and was able to send me back at the exact time I left but gave me a way to see everyone again.”

Hearing the word kaleidoscope, Fubuki groaned, “Did the bloodsucker give you anything?”

Ivy nodded, “The funny man gave me this symbol saying that it could help me with my fairy magic.” Saying this she showed them the Fairytail emblem.

Seeing as she was last, Fubuki gave them her list of magical abilities, shocking the family portraits as she showed proof of them.

Once lunch was served and everyone sat down to eat, the food took a while for Fubuki to get used to but it was fine. “So Harr-Fubuki,” Sirius began quickly changing names when Fubuki glared at him, “How's the dating scene? Any boys I need to threaten?”

“None. Seeing as I’m happily engaged with my beloved fiancé, Huôyán. Baka.” Fubuki answered. While most of the table didn’t necessarily understand the last word she said, they could pick up on it’s intended meaning as an insult. She even showed the engagement ring on her left hand, “If you need any further proof then here it is. The ring has many protection spells on it like preventing me from being mind controlled and other enchantments.” The only ones that didn't know about the ring was everyone but James, Lily, and Susan.

“You're already engaged?!” Remus gasped as the food he had in his mouth went down the wrong pipe.

James and Lily looked at each other, “Speaking of engagements we wanted to see potential engagements for Charles and Ivy.” He would have said Harriet as well but he had no control over her due to the disownment.

“What do you mean Engagements? Do you mean arrange marriages?” Charles demanded.

“Yes, Lily and I were thinking about the future and we figured an arranged marriage would be best for your futures. On the suggestion of Dumbledore, Charles we have Ginny Weasley, Cho Chang, and Hermione Granger. For Ivy we have Ron Weasley, Roger Smith, Colin Creevy,” James revealed.

Charles slammed his hands on the table, “What the bloody hell are you thinking doing something like this without our asking! If this is about the future of your children then you should ask before doing something like this!”

Narrowing her eyes, Fubuki was glaring holes at James and Lily. Remus and Sirius spoke up for their friend, “Now, now, let's all calm down. Just relax and think about it but Charles, why are you offended? You know Ginny and the other two girls are quite beautiful.”

Sirius nodded, “Yeah I mean sure they lack certain attributes but I bet they'll be lookers in the future.”

“It's not about how beautiful they are! Ginny creeps me out on a whole different level. Do you not know how many times she's tried to follow me like some sort of stalker. Hermione can get on like anyone's sanity and I don't know a single thing about Chang!” Charles shouted.

Ivy had tears in her eyes as she hugged her spider companion, “I don't even like any of those boys!”

Lily had to stay strong in front of the glaring Fubuki, “Well you'll have time to get to know all three as the wedding would be after you graduate Hogwarts.”

Fubuki realized the reason for this, “This is because of me isn't it? You don't want my situation to play out again as despite being disowned I'm still a Potter by blood so the same sex engagement has the both of you sweating and not wanting a repeat you went ahead to basically sell your other two children.”

Both James and Lily started to sweat as that's the exact reason why they did this. Even if she isn't part of the family Fubuki's actions still reflect back to them and that Lily’ mundane belief of same sex marriage being wrong. “So you think it's ok to practically sell your children just because you don't like how something turned out?!” Charles sneered getting James and Lily to flinch. Lily went to hug Ivy to assure her it would be fine and that she could learn to love her three fiancé but Sparkles got in her way as Ivy hugged Fubuki.

Amelia and Susan stayed quiet not wanting to voice their thoughts but Amelia was rethinking on doing the same for Susan.

“If you think it's right to give away the futures of your children without their own input then I don't think I can be around either of you for this holiday,” Charles said getting up. James bashed his fist onto the table, “Oh no you don't, this is for the good of the family and you will stay your intended will be here for the Christmas party and I won't have any of you embarrassing this family. Ivy’s already done so by not being a Gryffindor and Fubuki being stubborn and refusing to come back so she could be married to Ron Weasley!”

Eyes widening in surprise, Fubuki took a deep breath, “So this was a ploy to try and bring me back, huh. If that's the case then I don't think I can stay any longer.” Getting up she was joined by Charles and Ivy, “None of you won't be going anywhere,” James threatened, pulling out his wand and pointing it at the three. Seeing the wand being drawn, Amelia shielded Susun from the incoming fight. Lily looked to her husband and the children before deciding to draw her wand on the children. Sirius and Remus took to drawing their own wands not on either groups but to protect themselves.

Seeing the two wands, Fubuki and Charles shielded Ivy but it was too late as seeing her own parents threatening them her emotions went into overdrive. The summoning circle broke through the two floors of the mansion to reveal a dragon creature that none of them had seen before and with it an anger that nearly destroyed the house if it wasn't for Fubuki's and Charles’ quick thinking by forcing the dragon back into the magical seal.

Seeing the shocked looks on their faces Fubuki sent a flashback over head using the blinding light to get away. Teleporting to the Le Fay Castle, Vivian and Huôyán heard the noise then went down stairs but not before getting dressed to be more presentable.

“What happened?” Huôyán asked, seeing the tears. Ignoring the big spider Vivian went to the kitchen to get something to drink as Fubuki went to explain what happened.

“THEY WERE GOING TO DO WHAT!?” Huôyán shouted only to stop when Ivy flinched. Vivian was also upset, “Even now the Potters think they can control you?”

“We left our things at the mansion but I don't want to go back,” Charles realized as Ivy did the same thing.

“We can easily buy clothes and I would think the Potters would cut you off from the Potter account,” Vivian points out as everything thought the same. Then there was a place to stay and while Ivy could stay with any of the female members Charles was a bit of a blank state.

“What about Genjuro?” Huôyán points out, “I'm sure he would be glad to take him as I don't think any of the girls would remember to wear something over their underwear if they took him in.” That was true as Charles would be scared to leave the bedroom not to mention the sleepless nights of the girls going at it.

Entering Japan, they went straight to the Bureau to explain the situation and Lindy was pissed and understood. And meeting up at the base for S.O.N.G. the ladies and their male companions had a look of outrage on their faces when Huôyán brought up Genjuro taking Charles in so that he wouldn't get scared from the result of staying with the girls. Genjuro laughed while everyone else blushed, “Of course I would gladly take him in. I could even teach him how to use his reinforcement magic.”

Chapter 29

Chapter Text

Despite the rough first day of the two week break, things were a bit more relaxed in the next coming days. Genjuro did train Charles hand to hand taking what the girls taught him and expanded on it. Despite what was the obvious choice Ivy chose to stay with Hibiki and Miku as she wanted to stay near the twins. Thanks to all the members being in the know about magic the Bureau installed teleportation pads to use at their own leisure which was something the siblings used to go to the local gym Fubuki knew had an underground area for the magic users. When Yukiko found out that her parents tried selling her it was lucky that Ophis was around to stop the blizzard that was quickly forming in the other dimension. This was the key that brought the pair together giving them a soul bond that was a step under the three lady lovers had.

In the next few days Charles let his hair grow out allowing it to reach his shoulders tying it in a rat's tail while Ivy copied Hibiki's but adding blonde highlights. Dressed in comfortable workout clothes Fubuki and Charles were sparring in the boxing ring while Ivy was standing in front of a punching bag doing her own training. With her ponytail whipping around one could see the tattoo on the base of Fubuki's neck which depicted a flying wagtail above a taijitu symbol with two magatama on each side of the taijitu this is the Sekirei Crest as Huôyán joked about if she had winged Fubuki then where was the crest.

Turning back to the engagement contract, when talking to the Tengus about it they discovered that the ones for Ivy burned away upon the soul bond with the Yuki Onna. For Charles his contracts were still in place and there wasn't much they could do to break it even with the loopholes. It wasn't long that it was reported that Ivy was banished from the Potter family for ‘daring’ to defy him spurred by Lily’ mundane views on same sex marriage. Thanks to them being related, Fubuki took Ivy into the D'Arc family after they received word of Ivy's banishment due to the Maiden's blood flowing through Ivy's systems. Realizing that she was banished from the Potter family had Ivy crying in her room but when Fubuki offered her a place in the D'Arc house the child accepted but when doing so had her name changed from Ivy to Yoshika.

Maria and Tsubasa took in the newly named Yoshika into their household and it didn't take long for Yoshika to call them the same thing Fubuki does. While taking a break, Charles went to get some water while the three lovers saw Yoshika and Yukiko having their own conversation.

Doing their usual routine of teasing Fubuki, Vivian was the one that had a hand on her ass. “I wonder if Yoshikaa is a submissive child like her sister or is she the opposite taking charge,” the homunculus whispered while Huôyán dug a hand underneath Fubuki's shirt to tug on the invisible rope.

Spending the next few hours at the gym it was around noon that the little group left the building in fresh clothes when they decided to go to a karaoke bar for lunch to unwind after spending most of the day in the gym. Playing a few songs here and there they moved to a bigger room when the group of ladies and the male companions joined in. Genjuro did surprise a few people when he sang a few songs. Scrolling through the list of songs Fubuki had one for the siblings.

(Song: Bones, Artist: Sail North. Neither of us don't own)

Listening to the instrumentals of the song they could all see that it was a pirate song. Starting them off Yoshika to sing:

Yoshika: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum

I smell the... the bones of an English Man

(Adorable Giggle)

All three children: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum

Crossbones, swords, and a bottle of rum

Heave, High, Ho, Hum

No rest for the lily-livered pirate scum

From the dawning of the day

To the drowning of the sun

No rest for the lily-livered pirate scum

Fubuki: Salt on my tongue

From the spray of the sea

Drunk on the sun

Beating down on me

Bound for a treasure

That's never been seen

Where dead men lay their bones

Blood on my hands

From the pull of the rope

No wind in our sails

So we have to row

And it's heave, ho

Or to the locker, you'll go

Where dead men lay their bones

Where dead men lay their bones

All three children: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum

Crossbones, swords, and a bottle of rum

Heave, High, Ho, Hum

No rest for the lily-livered pirate scum

From the dawning of the day

To the drowning of the sun

No rest for the lily-livered pirate scum

Charles: Shapes in the shadows

Wanna swallow us whole

The roar of the Kraken

Tries to pull us below

So it's heave, ho

Or to the locker, we'll go

Where dead men lay their bones

Captain Jack throws another one back

He finishes a bottle

While we're breakin' our backs

So it's "Aye Cap!"

Until we give him the sack

Where dead men lay their bones

Fubuki and Charles: What do we do with a drunken sailor

Don't have a longboat or a rusty razor

Toss him in the drink

And watch him sink

Where dead men lay their bones

All three children: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum

Crossbones, swords, and a bottle of rum

Heave, High, Ho, hum

No rest for the lily-livered pirate scum

From the dawning of the day

To the drowning of the sun

No rest for the lily-livered pirate scum


Weigh, hey, and up he rises (Weigh, hey, and up he rises)

Weigh, hey, and up he rises (Weigh, hey, and up he rises)

Weigh, hey, and up he rises (Weigh, hey, and up he rises)

Weigh, hey, and up he'll stay

Where dead men hang their bones

Yoshika and Fubuki: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum

Crossbones, swords, and a bottle of rum

Heave, High, Ho, Hum

No rest for the lily-livered pirate scum

From the dawning of the day

To the drowning of the sun

No rest for the lily-livered pirate scum


All three laughed as Fubuki messed with Yoshika’s hair while fist bumping with Charles. “When did you two get singing lessons?” Fubuki asked in a restaurant for dinner when everyone realized how late it was. Since the adults were impressed with the three’s singing they let them pick but since Fubuki was the only one familiar with the area she went with a Teppanyaki style restaurant. Charles and Yoshika were in awe of the food being cooked in front of them with Yoshika gasping when the chef made an onion ring volcano using the salt for the burning effect in the fire. “Not really lessons per say just listening to some music and trying to sing it,” Charles answered as they dug in to eat.

“Yeah, we started around the time the Potter adults found out what happened to you,” Yoshika said, not calling James and Lily her parents.

On the day of Christmas, this time everyone was gathering at Maria’s and Tsubasa’s place getting everything set for the holiday when a portal opened up to reveal Blake, Lulu, Ophis, and Yukiko. When the rest of the cast arrived at the house everyone exchanged presents and had laughs, the loudest being Kagami and Kanade as Ophis used her powers to make them fly. While some of the presents were wonderful there were some that had the ladies blushing in embarrassment as a third of those presents were sexual in nature that left them all speechless and a bit hot under the collar.

Luna giggled, “We figured you all would like those presents.”

When everyone gathered, Blake nudged Maria who looked at her when the Goddess handed her a small box.

“Excuse me, I have an announcement to make,” Maria announced approaching Tsubasa. Then to the shock of everyone, Maria got on her knees showing everyone the small little box, “Tsubasa Kazanari, I love you and if you would honor me the opportunity to fully live the rest of our days together then I ask for your hand in marriage.” The ring looked beautiful as it is a stainless steel ring with the jewels depicting two swords forming a heart. Speechless, Tsubasa jumped on Maria trying to suck her soul out through the kiss. “Yes, a million times yes!” She screamed tears of joy running down their faces and when they got back up Tsubasa also had news to announce, “I was going to tell you all that I'm pregnant as well.”

People who were drinking spit it out as it went down the wrong pipe after hearing that.

“You mean I'm going to be a big sister?!” Fubuki shouted in surprise. Both newlyweds noded in excitement causing the three to hug. “I'm so happy for the both of you. What is the gender… wait what am I saying of course it's going to be a girl. Are you having twins or is it a single child?”

Everyone laughed, “Of course it's going to be a girl as for the baby itself, well it's twins.”

Charles and Yoshika were excited for their big sister. “There are other news we would also like to announce,” Maria spoke up.

Chris laughed, “Come on now Maria what other news are you going to tell us.”

Approaching Yoshika it was Tsubasa who asked the question, “Yoshika in the short time you came into our lives was wonderful and would like to ask if you would like to join our growing family?” Again everyone did a spit take as not even Fubuki was aware of this. Showing the girl the adoption papers seeing as once James banished Ivy from the family it also meant disowning her as well, Yoshika didn't hesitate for a second screaming, “Mommy, Mama!”

Soon after that there was even more of a reason to celebrate as news of the ever growing family excited them to no end. By the time dinner came around the corner everyone went back to their respective homes while Yoshika and Yukiko stayed at Fubuki's place in the guest room. “We're going to need a bigger place,” Maria said to her now fiancé as their daughters and their lover's were in the living room sleeping in their separate piles. Promising themselves that they would go house shopping after the new years, the newlyweds went to their own room for a bit of Christmas fun, this time fully remembering to turn on the silencing seals before closing and locking the door.

Chapter 30

Chapter Text

With another few days left for the three siblings, Charles and Yosika went to get the same protection seals Fubuki got with Yoshika getting the anti-rape seal. Getting some more training hours in the morning hours where there weren't many people there. The adult ladies of the group used their free time to plan the wedding between the two sword welders going for a blue and pink color and going for the sword theme. They were also planning the baby shower for when the day finally came and both brides tried coming up with names but nothing stood out for either of them.

“Well, I can’t use Kanade since Hibiki already has it. I'll just have to figure something else,” Tsubasa shrugged as Hibiki blushed in embarrassment.

As usual, the group of six took the plane back to London, this time they were joined by Maria and Tsubasa as they would need to head toward Gringotts as the Tengus could only do half the transaction for Yoshika to get her to leave the Potter Family officially while Fubuki could do the same thing. When they got into the car, Yoshika looked out the window as they made their way towards the pub that acted as a front to the alley. The two weeks with her new mothers felt fun and gave her a fresh of new air to breathe but a whisper told her that it was a bad idea to leave the Potter family and that it would be better to separate herself from Fubuki and the others who had corrupted her but Yoshika squashed it as she refused to be a pawn to those who refuse to accept change. She looked up these same-sex marriage laws with both of her new mothers and found out that most of the world approve gay marriages and some places like Japan it was accepted but kept on the down low. To her curiosity, Great Britain was also accepting but not widely approved with most of the anti-gay relationship laws mostly abolished.

At the bank, they made their way towards one of the goblins in charge of family affairs and in a short hour or two Ivy Potter is officially vanished from the record books and in her place is Yoshika Cadenzavna Eve D’Arc.

Restocking on school supplies, the adults scouted some locations for an up-and-coming concert to publicize their engagement. The teenagers and two children made their way to the apartment they owned but Charles had to take the couch as Yoshika took the other bedroom as the three girls just slept in the same room. As they were about to enjoy dinner the doorbell rang to reveal Yukiko and Ophis, “Hello there I hope you don't mind us interrupting, but Yukiko wanted to stay the night as she doesn't want to be far from her mate,” the dragon goddess said with a smile pushing her slightly; however, it was enough to have her tumbling inside and into Yoshika's arms a pair of icy wings forming as the pair kissed. “On the frozen winds of my pledge,” Yukiko's whisper was heard loudly by everyone present, “May the falling snow bring you ever lasting happiness.”

As Ophis put away her phone as she recorded the scene the mini goddess left with a wave. Luckily they had a variety of food enough for six people they all went to bed for the next day.

At the London station there were already a good amount of students as the group found their usual compartment. While there was nothing major to talk about Hermione barged in glaring at Charles, “There you are Charles! What are you doing hanging out with these… things?” She trailed off narrowing her eyes before casting a disappointing look towards Yoshika. “My soul goes out to you Ivy for losing your way and falling away from the light. And you Fubuki, how could you corrupt a young soul in your evil ways,” she said, shaking her head.

In her arrogance, Hermione didn't see the glares pointed her way. “Never mind that but Charles since we are destined to get married we need to spend as much time as we can together and that means no more spending time with these people and that device you have give it to the adults as they are more responsible and will know how to use it better than us teenagers,” Hermione said taking him by the arm dragging him out of the room.

“I hope he's going to be ok,” Yoshika said worried, “I wouldn't put it past them to try and do subtle mind control.”

Fubuki patted her head, “What they don't know is that there are seals to prevent low level hypnosis and Charles took acting lessons during his visit to the academy.”

Reaching Hogwarts and reaching their two houses, Luna joined Yoshika; who had her heiress ring in full view to prevent unwanted advances as the news of her disownment from the Potter family was known by this point. At the entrance of the Hogwart gates there are still some ICM wizards and witches still guarding the area and the town.

“Unfortunately as you can see, we are still playing host to these wonderful men and women in apprehending the escaped criminal Peter Pettigrew,” Dumbledore began gesturing to the adults guarding the room. Being told to dig in for dinner, everyone started eating while some of the more arrogant pure bloods tried to mock Yoshika about being disowned the little lady sneered at them in a way that caused Snape to raise an eyebrow.

“Do you really think a few words of disgrace would get me to start crying?” Yoshika asked, raising an eyebrow, “Well I guess you must not have any brain cells to realize how stupid and pathetic you really are. At least I have people who still love me for who I am and not what I am so let me ask you this if you ever got disowned will the people around you still want you or will they leave you when you no longer have mommy and daddy’s money to fall back on?” Some people could only glare as for some it was true that they only relied on their family name to get things done and could never go without it. “And due remember even if I’m in a house different from my brother and sister,” here Yoshika grinned as soon above her a magical seal formed in the air then as a strange symbol appeared before a blue furred serpent with two sets of wings floated lazily in the air, “I’m not as defenseless as you think,” Yoshika said narrowing her eyes at the paling faces of her would be bullies. Everyone could feel the magic radiating from it and seeing that Yoshika wasn’t even winded from summoning such a beast had everyone scared; however, there are those who had lust in their eyes wanting that power for themselves.

Yukiko had other such ideas so disregarding the reactions from around her the yuki-onna walked up to the girl and kissed her right dab on the lips resulting in an explosion of magic, not as strong as Fubuki’s and Huôyán’s, letting everyone know a soul bonding as taken place. “On the frozen winds of my pledge,” Yukiko's whisper was heard loudly by everyone present, “May the falling snow bring you ever lasting happiness.”

As Fubuki glanced at the head table, she saw Lily frowning but couldn’t say anything due to Yoshika glaring at her.

Reaching their house bedroom, the girls got ready for the next day, “I really hope Charles is ok,” Vivian said as she brushed her hair, “He looked uncomfortable with Granger by his side.” Indeed he had this look on his face that would have been funny if it wasn’t for the bushy haired girl practically trying to shove his arm down her shirt. “Bah, what he needs is a real woman not some two bit bitch like her,” Huôyán said from her place on the bed, “Hey maybe I can bring one of my other siblings and see if she’s willing to bond with the lad. Try to have a three for three as Mama Blake and Mama Lulu already have you and Yoshika why not see and try to snag Charles as well.” This had both Vivian and Fubuki laughing a bit as they thought it was funny.

For Charles it wasn’t going any well as he was in the headmaster’s office with Hermione trying to get closer next to him with the adults trying to use the device Rouge gave him. The only reason they were able to take it is because James used the family magic to make him hand over the device. However he was having fun watching them trying to get it to work as once it left his hand the device lost all color and could never work. “We can't seem to get it to work once it leaves Charles’ hand,” Dumbledore said, not happy. Since Fubuki's return nothing as gone his way and though he doesn't like it some of his past actions had made him into some dark lord manipulating people from the shadows but to realize that in his old age he blundered and chose not only the wrong child but the real child had so much more knowledge and power at her current age made him jealous.

“And trying to reengineer it will be impossible as we don't have the equipment to do so nor do we know what will happen if we do,” Lily said.

“Man it would be nice to transform, maybe I can finally get those women into my bed,” Sirius whined like a dog.

Charles snorted, “Yeah good luck with that, every one of those ladies is in a gold level soul bond with someone else in the group and has a seal that can resist even the mind control curse.” He smirked at their shocked looks, “Oh and by the way they use the futa potion that allows a woman to grow a dick so your so-called advances would have failed.”

Hermione scowled because she knew of that cursed potion and hated that it allowed women to have a baby without a man.

“Why not give the device to Hermione? If it won't work with the adults then why not give it to her,” Remus said, voicing his thoughts. The werewolf inside him was weary though as each lady of Fubuki's group were much stronger then it.

When the device entered Hermione's hand the thing shocked her big time before the morpher reappeared in Charles’ hand. “Huh aunty Rouge never told me about that,” he said. Just then the phone rang, “Hey brat you ok? I've been getting some weird readings from the morpher, did you get kidnapped or something?”

“By a certain definition of the word, as in being kept somewhere against your will, yes.”

“I see. Here’s a piece of advice for future reference. Tap out the sequence of 4-8-3-6, and you’ll be out of your sticky situation. A little something I added to the morpher at the salamander’s request. P.s. don’t let it get too far away from you, or it will explode.”

While the adults and Hermione was confused about what the f*ck was going on Charles pressed the sequence of numbers, “Teleportation activate,” in a flash he was gone and Hermione fell onto the stone floor.

With the Marauders Map in hand, the adults checked the entire castle via the map in an attempt to pinpoint Charles’ location… realizing too late that he was no longer on school grounds. Little did they know that he hadn’t just left the castle, but the very universe that the boy grew up in and ended up in a different one. However, he ended up landing in someone's bed and was being used as a snuggle pillow which no one would know until the next morning when Blake went to wake up her little munchkins.

The particular ‘munchkin’ whose bed Charles ended up in was the unwanted offspring of a Pureblood Devil of the Amon-Clan and a Fallen Angel by the name of Beatrice, whom Blake adopted while Beatrice was still just a baby. Inheriting the power of Aamon-bloodline, the Voice of the Speaker, Beatrice didn’t typically speak due to the Voice of the Speaker infusing her words with magic that caused whoever and whatever heard them to be compelled to enact whatever Beatrice said. This forced the poor lady to write her words until Ophis gave her the ability to use telepathy as she was afraid to speak.

When Charles landed in her bed that fateful night she was in bed then feeling something collide with the bed she rolled overlooking the poor boy into her rather large (when compared to a thirteen year old human girl, but relatively average for a female of supernatural heritage) chest (a low E-cup) though it was a good thing that he was knocked out once out of the portal due to a magical drain. The strange thing was that unlike Fubuki and Huôyán this one was instant as the bond here was even higher than theirs. The magic in the soul bond even fixed Beatrice’s voice, letting her keep the Voice of the Speaker from accidentally activating with some concentration and allowing her to speak more often. The drawback however is that she could only speak to Charles for the most part.

The following morning, Blake had her normal deadpan expression watching her daughter grinding herself on the poor boy, “Well it seems that I need to talk to that Gecko about following instructions.” Saying this, Mama Lulu walked in to see Beatrice kissing him on the lips. “On this oath I pledge, may my voice bring you to sinful delight.”

“*sigh* Beatrice.”


“Get off the boy and put some clothes on. It’s time for breakfast.”

“Understood, mom.”

With no small amount of reluctance, Beatrice got out of bed and dressed for breakfast, not caring whether or not the boy still unconscious on her bed woke up and saw her in an indecent state of dress, her Devilishly hormone-addled mind wandering more than once to a… particular fantasy of hers. Namely partaking in a two-girls-one-guy-threesome, with her lying on top of the other girl while kissing and fondling with her as Charles kept switching between the two… doggystyle.

Soon Charles woke up when he felt something on his lips, “Good Morning sleeping beauty,” a seductive voice said, waking him up.

The first thing he saw was a beautiful teenage lady. Though the total of four black wings (the ones on the right being kind of bat-like while the ones on the left were bird-like) sprouting out of her back threw him off, he wasn't scared of it at all. The fact that she was wearing a pair of tights and an equally tight shirt that left her stomach exposed and featured a cleavage window made it difficult for Charles to keep his eyes off the girl. “Can I ask how you ended up in my bed?” The lady asked, “Not that I minded the snuggle pillow.”

“Aunt Rouge,” Charles began calling the dragon woman aunt as Fubuki is married to the niece, “Gave me a way to get out of a sticky situation where I ended up here?”

The lady nodded, dragging Charles out of the bed and wrapping his arm around her arm leading him down stairs.

Arriving at the living room, the only people Charles recognized were Blake, Luna, Rouge, and Ophis. While most of the other people were kids of varying age, ethnicity and next to no resemblance, indicating that most of them were likely to be amongst Blake and Luna’s many adoptive children, there was one exception. Namely the relatively recently born baby in Rouge’s arms, whose chest looked quite a bit bigger than the last time Charles met the Dragon Goddess of Dreams. “Sorry about the mess we weren't really expecting guests,” Charlie told his young double.

“I never thought pressing the number combination Aunty Rouge told would end up in the bed of the lady next to me,” Charles explained gesturing to the lady next to him.

“I didn't mind.” she replied, snuggling into his side. “He made the perfect snuggle pillow.”

Everyone but Charles gasped. “Beatrice you spoke without telepathy?!”

She realized that and as she started to cry, Charles misunderstood the situation and came to her defense. “Hey just so you know she has a beautiful voice but there's no need to make her cry over it!” While he knew that they were much stronger than him he wasn't going to let them make her cry over something so minor. A few tilted their heads before a look of realization dawned on them. But the shine from the mark had a few smiling.

“Sorry about that little me.” Charlie began. “You see Beatrice has this power where when she adds magic to her voice she can make you do anything she tells you. This resulted in her being afraid to speak so Lady Ophis gave her the ability for telepathy.”

He grunted when the Dragon God tossed a spoon at his head. “If you don't call me mom I will be disappointed.” she said as though Charlie wasn't hers in the way Blake was, he is her son through adoption.

“I’ll try to do that more often.”

“You’ve been saying that for years now and you still haven’t gotten any better at it.”

“Can we please focus on breakfast before sending the lovebirds on their way to the guest’s Hogwarts?” Rouge (of all people) asked as she quickly dodged a couple of fried eggs flying past her head and over the table before landing on the plate of one of the younger children, though who among them was responsible for the flying eggs is a mystery for another time.

“Children, please. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Do not play with your food.” Despite saying it in a tone close to exasperation, it was quite easy to pick up on the fondness in Blake’s voice as she halfheartedly scolded her children.

“Is it always this chaotic at breakfast here?” Charles couldn’t help but ask from his seat as Beatrice sat down next to him. Which prompted the Nephalem to pause for a moment before answering.

“Nah. Only about once or twice every two weeks.”

“I see. So, what time would Beatrice and I arrive at Hogwarts?”

“Based on various factors that I won’t go into, not to fry your brains. It's only a two hour difference between this universe and yours so it should still be Saturday in your world.” Answered Blake, who took a sip from her mug of coco. She might be an adult, but if there was something that she never really grew out of, it was the fact that she was still a bit of a sweet tooth.

Chapter 31

Chapter Text

Spending most of the day in Beatrice’ world, Charles for some reason couldn't keep his hands off of her even when she teased him with her ‘voice commands’ as some of her siblings like to call it. He was like a puppy even without it. Charlie snorted, watching an alternate version of himself acting like a love sick puppy, “Never thought I would be a sub in a different timeline.” Charles blushed when Beatrice rubbed the bottom of his chin, a look in her eyes bringing something out of him.

“This is just the beginning stages of the soul bond,” Hermione said as she went through the same thing, “They can wait a few days for it to level out… Or it could be that Fubuki isn't the only sub in the Potter children.”

“So should we make a bet now if Yoshika is a sub?” One of the other children voiced their thoughts. Charles had this look that made him want to throw up.

Getting to know his new soul mate, while he was initially surprised when Beatrice rather casually dropped the bombshell that she wasn’t human in the slightest but a Nephalem, he couldn’t bring himself to care about that fact outside of noting that her Devilish/Fallen Angelic heritage certainly explained why she was so easy on the eyes and much more… developed than other girls his age that he had met that he wasn’t related to or dating someone he was related to. Having Beatrice explain more of her abilities, she teased Charles by having him grope the best part of her when he went for the neck, leaving bite marks. When talking to Hermione about her attitude and personality, he had to explain the difference between this one and the one in his universe.

Hermione shook her head, “Not even I was that bossy when I was that age. Though it might not be friends since first year. Did you say the Troll during the first year was different?”

Charles nodded, “Yeah, it was a mutated Noise type that had Fubuki, Vivian, and Huôyán reveal their Symphogears.”

“That's it,” Charlie realized, “The thing in Charms Class might have happened but with no troll you and Ron never went to save her leading to her not being less rigid when it came to rules and other such things.”

“Indeed. Plus, I think that was when I started to have a crush on you, Charlie.”

“Kind of embarrassing in hindsight considering that it took Rouge flirting with both of us for us to realize that we actually liked each other as more than friends.”

“She flirted with everyone. Though she was only serious with the two of us.”

“Early signs of our soul bond, no doubt.”

Making a pass on Kuoh Town (a Japanese town that didn’t exist in Charles’ world) as Blake told him that it was full of imps and didn't want him near the cesspool. Speaking of Blake, she got a call from Huôyán about Charles being missing, then told her about how Blake and Luna have all three Potter children as in-laws. When the Chinese Witch told her soul bonded about it, Vivian spit out her drink while Fubuki rolled her eyes.

Seeing as it was about time to bring the pair back to Charles’ universe, Rouge offered to be the one to bring them as she's been needing to modify the Le Fay castle for a while if it wasn't for other priorities. Thankfully for Charles, when they teleported into the living room of the castle, the three weren't doing anything sexual for a change but were doing some other stuff.

“Aunty Rouge? What are you doing here?” Huôyán asked as she got off the couch. They had to escape the castle as the Headmaster and the Potter adults were asking them about Charles’ location, seeing as he wasn't in the castle. They used the Room of Requirement as a base to teleport to the castle to get some peace and quiet as Hermione was getting on their nerves. “I'm here with a late soul bond present,” she said rubbing the back of her neck, “I've been wanting to add wifi to the place but I had… other priorities to deal with.”

Fubuki cheered, “Thank you! Living here would be so much better with a wifi connection.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll just set things up for the seven of you, assuming that the younger girls are also here somewhere, leave the newly bonded lovebirds here, and then be on my way home. Little Garnet is probably either hungry or in need of a diaper change… not that the last one necessarily requires my presence.”

Returning to Hogwarts for their lessons, as usual, the classes weren't that hard for the main three cast members as they continued to help their fellow students, giving them tips to make things easier for them.

Unknown to them, along with Yoshika and Charles, the Potter adults were informed of their son's recent soul bonding experience. While they were somewhat pleased to hear that their son had bonded with a girl, one Beatrice Akira Ouroboros, they were displeased that their plans had been dumped and flushed down the proverbial drain. Hermione, when she found out, made a complete scene in the Great Hall demanding that the soulbond be broken, something that had even the Purebloods a reason to attack her personally that had Dumbledore had to send her home to prevent a full on riot against her. He, himself, had tried to find out more about the Ouroboros family, but there is nothing in any of the books of magical families. Only Lily knew anything about it as she is a muggleborn who had some idea as it is a title of a dragon from the ancient past. There was however no proper evidence on whether or not the dragon of legend had ever actually existed. The fact that the Ouroboros family’s apparent family crest found on the members of the family’s casual clothing and accessories, a pair of serpents biting each other’s tails to form a stylized infinity symbol, wasn’t the same symbol as the dragon of legends was represented by, a single winged serpent biting its own tail, made the muggleborn witch suspect that the Ouroboros family was a relatively minor one from outside the United Kingdom. Though seeing two of their students having these crests had Lily think that they were either a minor clan in either Japan or China.

When Yoshika met Beatrice it was a normal meeting as the younger girl teased her brother about his soul mate going so far as to ask if he was like Fubuki making both older siblings blush in embarrassment. When they were told that Charles had some sub tendencies she giggled in their faces. Being informed of the wifi connections in the Le Fay castle there are ground rules Fubuki implemented so that no one stays in the castle for days on end as they have other things to do. Beatrice would be joining Hogwarts during their fourth year but not as a first year student but as the same year as the rest of the group so in the meantime she spent her days in either the Le Fay castle or the Garden of Babylon as she checked out the town that was close to the castle when she stumbled upon her aunt Hermione and Uncle Charlie setting up shop in the town as a form of back up but wouldn't open until the next year.

Regarding the Peter situation there is still no word making people think that he wouldn't even try to come to Hogwarts due to the ICM soldiers in the area but the council kept the soldiers in England for some reason that left the students spreading rumors of why. They've even seen the threesome plus their extras spar with the soldiers leaving people, the Potter parents included, that Yukiko and Yoshika could hold their own even if the soldiers were holding back.

Seeing a post in the common room bulletin board about a dueling club they had an interest in going just to check it out. “Hopefully this will be better than Lockhart's,” Vivian said but she didn't have much confidence in it. As the three plus Charles waited in the Great Hall there were students from the other houses about 20 to 30 students in all. It was soon that the Potter adults, Remus, Sirius, and another person came into the room. “Alright everyone thank you for coming but for now let's get into groups of four before we start the lessons,” Remus ordered.

The four were already together and so the lesson continued, the main lesson being what to do if one were to be outnumbered, something that could be useful in the future. In regards to the main cast it was the girls against Charles, who actually managed to hold his own against them for a while until he made a mistake that led to him falling flat on his ass. The aurors had to compliment the three as some of the others glared at them as in their minds they were showing off. The four were so into their fight that the others had to move out of the way so as to not get knocked over. Huôyán would start off by tossing some low end fireworks to distract Charles so that Vivian and Fubuki could jump in dancing around each other similar to Kirika and Shirabe pushing Charles to think outside the box reinforcing his hand with magic to grab the firework just as it was about to explode using water magic to launch blasts of cold water to push them away and even using that sex magic of his to get them hot and bothered which worked better on Fubuki then the other two due to her sexual preference. “It's not much,” Vivian shrugged, “Our academy in Japan has emphasis on teamwork outside of sports.”

In the next few months there were some attacks in London involving Noise, which as a result also involved S.O.N.G sending in the Symphogear-wielders to exterminate the Noise. During a weekend, Charles felt something or rather someone attaching to his and Beatrice soulbond. Following the sixth sense brought on by the bond, he found himself standing outside of a normally abandoned classroom. Inside of which he could faintly hear the sound of two people kissing passionately. Overcome by somewhat morbid curiosity, one of the last things he expected to see was the VERY arousing sight of Beatrice making out with and thoroughly dominating Luna Lovegood… both of them having discarded their shirts at some point and were fondling with each other’s boobs and asses. Hearing the door opening, both girls turned to see Charles standing there mouth open resulting in both girls giggling. “Um, can I ask how this happened?” He asked, trying very hard to not look at the two partially undressed girls in front him… and keep his erection under control.

“I found our third and final soulmate and proceeded to get… acquainted with her.” Answered Beatrice, who gave Luna’s left boob another squeeze through her bra with her left hand, causing the younger girl to moan erotically. “ Now. Be honest with us, bad boy… do you want to join us? ” Feeling the magic in Beatrice’s command compelling him to answer, but not trusting his voice, Charles simply nodded as his Devilish/Fallen Angelic soulmate gave the apparent third member of their soulbond’s right buttcheek a firm squeeze. “ Then do so. ” With a dazed look in his eyes he joined the girls, joining Luna in granting Beatrice everything she desires. When he met the Gryffindor Quidditch team for their match against Ravenclaw his hair was a mess with a dazed but focused look in his eyes and hints of something on his neck that he wouldn't explain in front of his teammates. And when Luna sat next to the girls the older ladies recognized the far out look in Luna’s eyes and had different reactions. “So what base did you reach?” Houyan asked, a grin on her face.

“Second.” Answered Luna bluntly. “Your sister certainly knows what she’s doing while still having enough restraint to not go too far.”

“You didn’t hear this from me, but considering that she is a result of an… encounter that went too far and she wants to be a much better person than her biological father, she takes consent and such very seriously. Just… don’t say anything about her biological parents or she’ll be pissed until something brightens her mood. A few episodes of slapstick cartoons usually does the trick.”

“Well I can say that snake tongue can do more than just talk to serpents. . . For both genders,” taking the hint, Fubuki blushed not knowing how to react to that.

Chapter 32

Chapter Text

As the students of Hogwarts took their exams, some tried to fry their brains with how much they were trying to shove the info into their skulls, as even the main heroines were taking their time in learning what would be on the exam. Luckily, Vivian had the brains to ask some of the older years about what would be on the exam only to drop that idea when some of them tried to ask for something in return, not even hiding that they were leering at her body, both guys and girls. Beatrice would even try to help lighten the load but it wasn’t much considering that the professors were doing their best to fill their plates with study guides. The dueling club was also picking up as James and Sirius introduced war games that left the girls out of the action as they were way ahead of the rest of the class.

“We need to do something about Granger,” Huôyán said as they were getting ready to take five on their study packets. The poor teenage girl was looking worse for wear by the day and there were already rumors of clones spreading throughout the castle. People would even say that it felt like she was going to collapse any moment but she wouldn’t even try to shut her eyes and even when she nearly fainted the stubborn girl refused to rest. They would even hear her whispering about proving she was the best. “This is getting way out of hand and why aren’t the Professors doing anything about it?!” Vivian wondered out loud.

They had to use the Le Fay castle to study as things were getting hectic in Hogwarts and all the tables in the library were being used and a number of the unused classrooms were being taken as well so the Le Fay castle it is. Thanks to Rogue installing a wifi connection things were a bit more comfortable but Fubuki had to get Yukiko and Yoshika off the videogames as they had to study as well though not as much as the girls and Charles kept their old tests and left notes on what the magic portion of the tests would be so she just had them train in the fields surrounding the castle to keep their skills up and to maybe get some new combos. Yoshika was now able to get some stronger summons but didn’t want to push her luck after somehow summoning Godzilla and Gamora causing the pair to almost destroy the dimensional portal if it wasn’t for Ophis who sensed the danger and stormed in between the pair showing her Dragon form for the first time and proving why she, her ‘little sister’ Lilith and Great Red were three of the strongest beings in existence, effortlessly wrestling the two titans into submission under the front legs of her serpentine Dragon form.

“I may not like the bitch but if she doesn’t loosen up she just may end up being a grumpy old cat lady for the rest of her life,” Fubuki said.

“Remember she's basically from another time period,” Vivian reminded them, “To her this is a new world and the rules are different from the ones she knows.” Her lovers had to concede to that and if it wasn't for Lily she would have done something more drastic. Helena was a godsend for the Homunculus as it was easy for the little fairy to highlight the parts that could be on the written test before having them review for the spell portion.

Speaking of the Potter Parents, they've been trying to find out more of the soulmates attached to their son; James didn't consider the girls his daughters as they didn't follow his plans. While it wasn’t necessarily much, the amount of information on Luna Lovegood was still significantly more substantial than the nearly complete lack of information about the other girl, Beatrice Ouroboros. Much like the other children of the Ouroboros family, Beatrice was adopted into the family by the apparent matriarchs of the family, Blake Ouroboros, and her wife, Luna Ouroboros. During their search for information about Beatrice, the adult Potters also found out that Beatrice’s ‘sister’, Huôyán Ouroboros, had a more substantial paper trail than the Ouroboros attached to their son via a soul bond. More specifically Blake Ouroboros had been paying for Huôyán’s medical treatment at a hospital in China over the course of a month when Huôyán was six before both Blake and Huôyán all but vanished from the face of the earth until Huôyán appeared five years later on the list of students in the exchange program that would be sent to Hogwarts. While there wasn’t much information about just what Huôyán was being treated for, the few details about it (namely bruising, malnutrition, and broken bones) seemed to hint that Huôyán had run away from an abusive home before running into Blake, who took the Chinese girl into her care.

Whoever the Ouroboros family were, a conclusion that both Lily and James Potter reached was that the Ouroboros had not only money, loads of it, but also very kind hearts as, if the three children present at Hogwarts was any indication, the majority of the household consisted of adopted children of varying ages taken in by the matriarchs, many of which having variably bad lives before their adoption. While this put some of their worries at ease there was still the idea of not knowing the intentions the Ouroboros parents have towards their only son. When Hermione found out that she wasn’t going to be marrying Charles anymore due to what she called useless and stupid magic she freaked out adding even more headaches.

On the week of exams, the girls plus Charles went through their classes with some difficulty. Huôyán had some trouble with Transfiguration messing up on the magic portion and grumbling under her breath about who would know th difference between a turtle and a tortoise. Vivian had overpowered the Cheering charm a bit causing her partner to make the Joker proud at how hard he was laughing. Fubuki inadvertently created a new spell in arithmancy for her finals as she invented magical electricity. On the other hand, Charles somehow ended up with a new pet the hippogriff during his finals. While the other classes were decent with some trouble, besides the stiff and sweltering classrooms every student in the castle couldn't wait for it to all end. Lupin’s DADA class was a makeshift obstacle course outside involving the creatures they learned and while everyone did fine, it was the Boggart that got most of the class. Vivian almost froze when her Boggart turned out to be this witch covered in black crackling at how she would be the perfect replacement for this red knight and while the people who heard this were confused the other two plus Charles knew who it was, Morgan Le Fay. Huôyán’s fears were that of something involving fireworks that had Vivian and Fubuki eye-roll while lovingly patting her back. When it was Fubuki’s turn she outright froze when she saw dead bodies all around her with various amounts of blood around them but before Remus could step in Fubuki snapped out of it banishing it entirely.

Taking a lunch break before their final test before the sweet release of freedom, the soul mates went to take a session to release some pent-up stress leaving them feeling a bit more relaxed for the final test which turned out to be Care of Magical Creatures and it was a nice easy way to end the final exams. Meeting with Charles, the girls saw that he had this look in his eyes, “Just left Divination and the professor might have some seer blood,” he said grimly.

“What did she say?” Fubuki asked.

“The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight, the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant’s aid, greater and more terrible than ever before. Tonight … before midnight … the servant … will set out to rejoined … his master.”

“Damn it, that could mean any number of people!” Fubuki swore, not liking this at all.

“We already have a good guess on who though,” Vivian points out, “Those who didn’t escape imprisonment or those on the run. I don’t think the rich purebloods would be running to their master anytime soon.”

“But could it be Peter or someone else,” Huôyán said.

During the train ride to the London station, Fubuki got a text from Mamaria that Tsubasa’s pregnancy was going well and that she would probably give birth around the time the kids would be back from break.

Upon reaching the London station, students loaded off the scarlet train to meet with family or use the fireplace to go home. “Oh there’s daddy,” one Luna Lovegood said seeing her father waving rather energetic when he finally caught sight of his daughter. Leaving one last kiss towards her bonded, much to the man’s surprise, Luna skipped away her collar necklace jingling away with each movement. Charles sighed seeing his mom standing with Sirius, who was trying to flirt with some random witch, and giving Beatrice a kiss he too left though he didn’t want to leave. This time it was Genjirou who picked them up ruffling Fubuki’s hair much to her charge in and his amusem*nt indicated by his joyful laugh. Though his eyes told a different story of some fatherly pride watching the girl who was so withdrawn and prone to suspicion laughing with her friends and wives. “Is something wrong, Gen-Oji?” Fubuki asked, tilting her head.

The man shook his head, “Alright girls, we’re going to take the plane back to Japan for the Summer break and I hope you’re ready for the incoming new members of the family.”

At this reminder the girls cheered, “Did Mamaria and Tsubama decide on the names for the twins?” Fubuki asked as they all piled into the car. Beatrice sat in the front with Genjirou as she was the oldest while in the back Yukiko and Yoshika were listening to music together leaving the three lovers in the middle. “Well for the first born it would be Serena after Maria’s younger sister Serena while Tsubasa wanted Taihou,” the man answered while keeping an eye on the road. While excited for the new arrivals Fubuki had some fears and worries but quickly squashed them as she didn’t want the negative to affect the positive in her life.

The girls made a beeline for the hospital Tsubasa is located in the second they left the airport and to their surprise the blue haired sword woman had two baby girls in her arms. “How did she alreadly give birth already?” Fubuki quietly demanded holding Serena in her arms.

“Premature birth,” Maria answered turning her head when the girls quietly gasped turning to the babies in worry, “For now it’s only asthma; however, we won't be able to use potion to heal it so we need to be extra careful but not too much so the children aren't sheltered.”

“What age did the doctor say the girls need to be to use the potion?” Yoshika asked.

“Five years old,” Tsubasa finally answered.

“Right now we're waiting for you girls to arrive so we can move into our new house,” Maria said to their surprise. “Two story house, five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a decent size pool in the backyard and plenty of room for the girls to explore and play in. We're already having professional wizards and witches installing clean air rune seals to kill any bacteria so they can't get sick and having it installed in the house as just in case.”

Tsubasa also added, “Yes we also remembered to install the anti-noise seals in your rooms and what not and having a door directly into the baby's room for quick access.” The teenagers blushed in embarrassment while the adults either chuckled or giggled.

“Oh before I forget,” Maria began, “Be very careful about what you say around Chris and her girlfriends. The recent Noise attack caught everyone by surprise and killed many including their parents so we try not to talk about it.”

Taking only a week or so to move into the new place, Fubuki and the others also used this time to check out the Garden of Babylon as they used the thing as a sort of mobile base as Vivian sort of leased it to S.O.N.G. thanks to being the owner she had access to the castle so the staff couldn't leave many of the rooms open for exploration. Even with the main cannons, there were mechanized weapons in place all meant for air to air attacks.

Returning to the small family, Serena and Taihou were well looked after and thankfully there weren't any real problems outside the normal baby stuff. In between Tsubasa and Maria being too tired to take care of the babies, Fubuki and the other three stepped in to raise them. Hibiki giggled, “You are going to confuse the babies when they grow older not knowing who their real parents are.”

Making sure to spend time training they went to their normal gym this time being joined by the rest of the adults minus Tsubasa in keeping their skills only using the Relics and Faust Robes in the S.O.N.G headquarters. When checking in on Charles, the teen male told them of the upcoming Quidditch cup in England sometime before the coming school year and he did try to keep training but he could only go so far going solo but with the Potters keeping an eye on him he couldn't sneak away to the castle. Another thing was that Ozpin was being approached by Dumbledore about a tournament with both the other schools of Bulgaria and France to foster friendlier relationships. When this was announced, Glynda already had a list of students who would be chosen to represent them in Hogwarts; Fubuki and Vivian included. This led them to training to show the western schools what the east could do.

“I would be careful when the French arrive,” Ozpin told Fubuki in his office. “The French representative wasn't happy that the symbol of its people, the house of D’Arc, and her banner left its shores setting roots in Japan. I wouldn't put it past them to use this as a way to reclaim their treasure.”

“Not this bullsh*t again.” Fubuki couldn’t resist complaining about the fact that this was the second time she had to deal with the possessiveness of some people. This wasn't really the first time the French tried this as well. The first was some time after the meeting between the Japanese and the French delegates where the French tried some bullsh*t excuse but backed out not wanting to deal with Fubuki’s ‘shining’ personality. It didn't really surprise her that, even years later, they would want her on French soil.

A couple hours later, Fubuki, Yoshika, and Vivian found themselves in a three-on-one sparring match against Beatrice, who claimed that she wanted to get to know her future sisters-in-law through a trial of combat. What none of the universally-local girls expected was Beatrice’s weapon of choice for close-quarters combat, a three-sectioned staff that amplified the power of its impacts with each consecutive strike, named the Unrelenting Hounds. A weapon that Fubuki suspected was something that Rouge had created for the Nephalem. Despite being close to the same age as her opponents, being only slightly older by the virtue of being born in the early months of the year, it was very evident that Beatrice had been trained how to fight for most of her life as she was able to hold off three opponents at once and keep up her assault without stopping over an extended period. A period of time that seemed to be getting shorter and shorter each time she ran out of breath, during which the Unrelenting Hounds’ ability seemed to reset. “N-Not… Bad,” she said between breaths of air, the trio opted not to use their Relics/Faust Robes for this spar as Fubuki’s had a holy attribute attached to it, making it unsuitable for sparring with Beatrice. “You three seem like decent people. Decent fighters too. You three have my blessing, but I’m warning you. Make sure to make my sisters happy, or I’ll tear them out and feed you your own hearts.”

“Warning received.” Replied Fubuki as she spun her sparring spear.

“Good. Now then. Show me what you got, it’s time for round two!”

Chapter 33

Chapter Text

Only a month into the summer break, the Japanese Ministry received an invitation for the Quidditch World Cup on August 18 which is only a few weeks away. “That’s pretty late for something this big,” Kirika noted as summer school was cut short so the professors could discuss who would be going. It had already been a month and it was showing for the girls that went to Hogwarts, each girl changing their hairstyle and adding some accessories to it as a signature look. Fubuki’s was a small crown similar to Mythra’s from the Xenoblade 2 game, with Vivian’s being a small hair clip in the shape of the sword in the stone, Houyan’s was a hair trinket in the shape of fireworks, Yukiko’s is a hair clip that had diamonds acting as stars, and finally, Yoshika’s is a pair of Japanese hair sticks that could be used as weapons; basing them after a certain anime character.

Genjirou nodded, “According to Chifuyu, the only reason we got one was because of both the upcoming tournament and the fact that two of our students go to Hogwarts.”

“Who’s playing again?” Shirabe asked as she wasn’t a huge fan of the sport.

“It’s Ireland vs Bulgaria,” Chris answered being a total fan, “Word on the street is that the Bulgarian Seeker Victor Kum is one of the best in the sport. How many tickets were they giving us, I want a seat.” Off to the side, her three girlfriends' eyes rolled as they were recovering from the deaths of their parents but the pain was dulled by the fact that they were taken in rather quickly by a bigger family; one who believed bonds were stronger than blood. “Only fifteen in total,” Aoi answered as he was going over some computer stuff, “The Japanese Ministry will be using only nine leaving six for us.”

“Well, Chris wants a ticket so that’ll be five left,” Genjirou noted an amused smile as Chris cheered, “What about you girls?” He asked the group of four teenagers and two young girls.

Looking at each other, they shrugged, “Charles did say that the Potters were going so I want to see him again,” Beatrice said as Luna had mentioned over the phone that she would be going but warned them all about a returning evil, which revealed that Beatrice used different ringtones for different people in her contacts, using the song ‘Fly Me To The Moon’ for the Luna that the Nephalem shared a soulbond with with. Yukiko and Yoshika shook their heads, declining the offer saying that it's not a sport they like anyway. The three main heroines opted to go as they were interested in the cup leaving Kirika and Genjirou to act as chaperones.

Having only two weeks or so to prepare the chosen participants got ready for the trip while getting what they needed for the coming tournament; which meant getting dresses or suits as there was no way they would wear dress robes. Maria and Tsubasa used this time to get their wedding dresses measured and ready, doing it in two different groups: Tsubasa, Chris, and Hibiki as Group A then Maria, Kirika, and Shirabe as Group B. Huôyán, Beatrice and Yukiko would return to Blake and Luna for their dresses while Fubuki, Vivian, Yoshika, and Luna would get their dresses in Japan.

At the academy auditorium for a school assembly, Glynda announced the news of the coming tournament, and who would be coming. Those chosen would have a slightly harsher course as they are representing their school. It was then one of the students asked if it was appropriate to put on a performance which Glynda smirked, “I would be insulted if you didn't put on a show. Let them know who they're dealing with.”

Turning to Fubuki and Vivian, the two told them of the lake in front of the castle which gave them ideas on what to do. There was plenty of brainstorming on ideas and a lot of trial and error into this grand performance.

Traveling to England by plane the group then used a port key to teleport to the location of the Quidditch cup championship. “Ah the delegates from Japan,” the Minister said before doing a terrible Japanese adding hand gestures making it even worse. They were at the entrance as it was only two days before the big game so that the students could explore the camp grounds. “We can speak English just fine, Minister,” Glynda said, not wanting to see this any further.

Already there was a big crowd of people that made this look like something you would see in a sports stadium in the mundane world only adding in the magic. The Japanese delegates had three tents near the stadium itself and once settling down the students were let go to explore the campgrounds but to always have their phone location on so that the teachers knew where they were. Breaking off from the pack, the girls went off to find Charles but three of them noticed something they would have never expected.

“What's Granger doing here?” Huôyán asked but for some reason she looked different. Instead of the proper girl they knew it was like a complete 90 degree spin as her clothes became more revealing, exposing skin and a lethal amount of cleavage from her now bigger chest and from the skin was different tattoos as if she was nothing but a walking art piece. She even has a heavy amount of makeup and had a collar around her neck but the look in her eyes was that of a prostitute from the red light district. The girl didn't notice them as she moved about flirting with both guys and girls.

“Looks like someone discovered that she swings in both directions and was unconsciously denying it.” Beatrice couldn’t help but comment in a somewhat impartial yet worried tone, mainly because she didn’t really know the local Hermione. Unknown to them, she met someone during her break before being invited to the championship cup and someone is Zarola.

The insane young woman was minding her own business when she spotted the Gryffindor emblem on her jacket and then licked her lips with naughty thoughts already in her head. Putting on her kindest smile she got close to the bushy-haired girl taking her to a bar and slipping drugs into Hermione's drink using the fact that the lone girl was friendless to her advantage enticing and slowly seducing the younger girl, giving Zarola an opening to Hermione's parents. Drugging them heavily when Hermione wasn't home soon, turning the entire family into her so-called loving embrace.

Ignoring Hermione for now, but having Kuroka spy on the girl underneath an invisibility spell, they ran into Charles. “When did you get here?” The Potter son asked hugging them while kissing Beatrice on the lips. The teenage male looked slightly different in height and appearance due to the training he put himself in. Didn’t make him taller than Beatrice though, only being a few centimeters shorter than her.

“We just arrived,” Fubuki replied, “When did you get here?”

“Only a day ago. Did you see Hermione? She showed up a few days before I did and I didn't even recognize her,” Charles couldn't help but be worried for the girl, not only her but the parents also looked different, all of them wearing collars. Spotting the said parents, Fubuki couldn’t help but think that something was wrong.

“Something around here smells funny. Probably a ‘rat’.” Huôyán couldn’t help herself from commenting. “And that ‘rat’ has probably something to do with Hermione’s makeover.”

“I don’t think a ‘rat’ could have made such a dramatic change.” Replied Vivian. “A ‘snake’ on the other hand, particularly a venomous one, could.”

“Got any suspects, Vivian?”

“Just one. But I seriously hope I’m wrong.”

“…Zarola and her goons?”

That was the only option to this as Zarola; from their limited encounters, was that twisted to seduce both Hermione and her parents. That also spelled bad news as now they had someone on the inside.

Ignoring that for now, Kuroka returned to her owner with minor injuries, they returned to the Japanese tent for lunch as Charles had missed some of their food. Fubuki did tell him of the new members in the family much to his joy, “You'll make an awesome big sister,” he said hugging her, “Think I could see the twins?” Charles asked. There was no way he could go to Japan with his parents the way they were being unable to escape the changing times. James already struck Ivy’s name off the family tree, especially after the parents got word of Ivy’s leaving of the family and renaming herself as Yoshika. Already many of the darker and more neutral families were poking fun at him for not being able to have proper control over his children leaving James as a sort of laughing stock in the pure-blood circles. “Not at the moment, they're having breathing problems and I don't want to risk it,” Fubuki answered. Kanade and Kasumi, when finding out about the new members, were ecstatic about them and understood that they had to be gentle with them due to their age and their breathing problem. Charles nodded, “That's fine just let me know when you can.”

Chapter 34

Chapter Text

As crowds of people started swarming the stadium for the game to start, the Japanese delegates had the top box which had the best view. The group of teenagers had the upper seats as the top box was for the adults. Joining them was Charles as he wanted to sit near his bonded; much to his father's slight frustration. Remembering the day before their departure a real seer came to them saying the world serpent would reveal itself before the world which left them on guard and had Glynda bring extra guards who were scattered around the stadium and the camp itself.

Hermione; on the other hand, wasn't in the stadium itself but was back at the campgrounds as she and her parents were in various positions inside one of the magical tents as a tattoo of a Leviathan rising from the water glowed as deep within her own mind, the real Hermione was trapped. Mercilessly being tortured by a demonic image of Zarola looming over her, mentally twisting and violating the girl further into her ‘perfect image’.

“Someone… anyone… please… help me!” The sealed away mind of the real Hermione cried out in between screams of pain. Outside the prison within her own mind, Hermione’s body screamed in pleasure and pain in as Zarola forced her massive magical dick up Hermione’s ass. Only for the scream of pleasure and pain to be cut short by the psychotic woman taking a violently tight hold around Hermione’s throat, choking the poor girl. They've been at this for hours now with the crazy bitch drilling the girl ass with her vagin* dripping white fluids. Not far from them Bridgette and Musse were double-teaming Hermione’s mother in both holes while the father had bruises all over his body as he was forced to watch.

“Quiet! Little! Doll! Don’t! Make! Noise!” Zarola ordered the poor girl she had her temporary member inside, each word punctuated with a bucking of her hips, forcing said member further up Hermione’s insides. Feeling herself getting close to climaxing, Zarola made a few more rough thrusts before releasing her load inside Hermione’s back door, leaving the poor girl a twitching, wheezing mess as the psychopath slowly pulled her temporary member out of Hermione’s anal canal, said member slowly fading away as the effects of the (infertile) futa-potion wore off. “Musse, Brigitte.” Turning towards her colleagues, who were finishing up releasing their own loads inside Hermione’s mother. “Get dressed and ready for battle. It’s time to cause some f*cking chaos.”

“Roger roger/Yes, mistress.”

Back with the significantly less psycho- and/or sociopathic girls and guy, all eight of them were enjoying some kind of culinary delight as they waited as a group in the stadium for the game to start. Then all of a sudden rain started to fall but to the normal person this was just regular rain but to others, it felt different as if it was summoned and not natural for one bit. People were confused as there wasn't supposed to be any rainfall until the thunder began to boom then out of nowhere wizards and witches flew down from the sky as above an image of a serpent rising from the water appeared. Down on the field a man in his mid twenties landed. “Hello ladies and gentlemen!” He said dramatically as Zarola and her subordinates joined him on the field. He smiled seeing the fears in their eyes, “My name is Zedd Grindlewald!”

Hearing the last name the British magical screamed in horror, being forced to believe that the dark lord from years ago had a descendant.

“I'm here to continue the work my grandfather started years ago but with a twist!” Zedd continued not caring for the screams of horror from those in the stands. As he continued his speech the wizards and witches on brooms flew around scaring the people. “Instead of picking and choosing who lives and who dies, my compatriots and I will drown this old world of any impurities in a tide of water so that only the ones that survive shall populate this new world! And unfortunately, none of you will be surviving the coming flood,” finishing his speech, Zedd turned to his soldiers. “Now let the Leviathan emerge from the deep to bring a flood that will cleanse this world! It’s showtime!” That was the queue for his people to start a massacre.

Already those on brooms flew out of the stadium and into the campgrounds starting fires and leaving a trail of death and destruction.

Already transformed into their combat outfits, everyone got moving to stop them, “Killing is authorized I repeat the enemy must be killed,” Glynda ordered into the earpiece.

In the air not far from the current location the floating Garden of Babylon had turned into a floating carrier/battleship hybrid. Hearing that the attack had been predicted, the ICM wizard and witches mounted their brooms to take off. Alongside that men and women manned Battlestations while drop ships filled with ground troops took off with groups of those on brooms providing air escort. Back at the battleground, people were headless chickens running around leaving them easy targets, Fubuki was already clashing against Zarola; who was still running high from banging Hermione, “Come on! Give me a fight to make me ji*zz my suit. That Granger bitch couldn't get my engines revved up no matter how hard I f*cked her!”

“So it was you… I’m gonna impale you with your own spear.”

“Kinky. Go ahead then, make my day! I’ll toy with you and your girls until you either break or I get bored!”

Hearing that, her eyes narrowed, swiping left with her spear then forming a sword to drop down on Zarola but the bitch was able to dodge. As usual the British Aurors were only focusing on the pure bloods not caring what happens to the half bloods and the mudbloods which left them open for this new threat allowing the ICM soldiers to take them out. As Huôyán fought Musse, the Chinese glanced above to see flashes in the stormy sky as the Garden of Babylon fired its lasers at the medium size Noise that were summoned. Already she could see relic users from America, Switzerland, Poland, and even France dropping from the floating fortress to help fight.

Vivian was getting help from a relic user from Ireland who was also using a spear to fight Bridgette. “Get to the stadium, we have things covered,” she told the homunculus.

For the wizards and witches the ones fighting back couldn't do sh*t with the spells that were only meant to knock out and subdue. The only reason some were dying was due to the ICM soldiers doing the killing.

Zedd just stood in the rain laughing as the world around him fell into chaos, “Well we can't leave them out of the fun,” he said revealing a familiar looking staff firing lasers causing the Noise to appear. “I’ll be damned. For a very expensive imitation of the original, it definitely works almost as well as the original did.” Though even if it did only summon the normal Noise it was still enough for the British Aurors to panic even further as those of the ICM were able to at least push them back for the idols to finish them off. Seeing the chaos happening, Zedd continued to laugh, “Tata for now but I'll allow my people to keep the fun going.”

Some of the Leviathan ground soldiers pulled out a syringe from their pouches and stabbed it into their necks as the liquid form of the noise was injected into their bodies turning them into hybrids causing more destruction. The ones who weren't transformed teleported away when they saw the hybrids as if it was a signal for them to leave. On the quidditch field, Fubuki, Vivian and Huôyán were facing their counterparts when there was a pause in the fighting.

Zarola laughed leaning on her spear like it was a stripper pole, it didn't help that their clothes were shredded exposing parts of their bodies. “Whoa that was a rush definitely left my blood pumping. But it seems our time is up so until next time,” saying this she reverted to normal then left on a flying Noise, who was soon followed by her companions. She was going to use the rest of her high energy on that Granger girl already texting her.

Seeing that their fight was over they looked up to see the Hanging Garden stop firing the lasers and guns, “How are you hiding that from the mundane?” Fubuki asked the Homunculus.

“A very complex net of seals.”

Trying to look for Hermione, it turns out that she and her parents left when the attack started no doubt ordered by Zarola as to the psychotic bitch she is more of a bed warmer then a front line fighter. The only thing they can do is hope they could catch her during school to reverse the seal but already knew they would at least be a master level to get rid of the damn thing.

Doing clean up the British Aurors went about obliviating the mundane while the ICM contained the hybrids for study transporting them to the Garden. For those that died the majority turned out to be ok the side of the British magical as they panicked and left themselves open targets while the Mundane took cover and hid thanks to the news reports.

Once they reached Japan soil, the girls checked in on Maria and Tsubasa while gushing on the babies much to the amusem*nt of the mothers with Yoshika and Yukiko greeting them with blushes on their faces. The teenage girls smirked with knowing looks in their eyes much to the younger girls embarrassment but it was Houyan who asked them a question that turned them into tomatoes, “So who's top and who's bottom?” She did grunt when Vivian smacked the back of her head.

Neither girl answers, not wanting to embarrass themselves any further.

A few days later they received mail from the ICM.



“Well sh*ts hit the fan,” Kirika said as they gathered at the S.O.N.G. HQ. No one expected them to show themselves to the public but it was to be expected. The teenagers took care of the babies so that the adults could focus on the task at hand which is why they were at Maria's and Tsubasa's place. Already the ICM raided multiple locations leading to shoot outs of wands and those with guns were brainwashed.

“Did we get anything about those mutations?” Chris asked as she leaned against a wall. This was a sort of improvement from before so they wanted to make sure they knew everything they could about it.

Elfnein was the one who answered, “Not yet but from what we can gather this is mostly the realm of magic so we needed to leave this to the researchers of the ICM. What we do know is that those transformed were once mundane magical taken, broken, then used as cannon fodder.”

At the house, the girls were watching Yukiko and Yoshika playing with the babies, “What are we going to do? Not only do we have the Tournament to deal with but now that the Leviathan is out in the open this is just more to the plate,” Fubuki groaned. She was extremely stressed out from everything going on that had her over training that it was a miracle that she wasn't magically drained at this point.

Beatrice glanced to her sister and Vivian who nodded knowing a good way for them to destress which had them drag Fubuki to one of the rooms in the Le Fay castle that's been converted into a dungeon that also had a bed fitted in it as well. Unlike with Zarola, Huôyán and Vivian made sure to show their love even through the bdsm telling her how much they loved her.

Speaking of Zarola, the bitch was in the main HQ of the Leviathan base which is an ocean base near the famed Bermuda Triangle as some legends state that it is a portal to a different realm. She was in the room as Zedd started outlining their plans and knowing that the relic users were in Hogwarts they were going to use the tournament capture then for their plans. What Zedd underestimated was the agents of the ICM and its allies the only nation he could get spies into was Great Britain as that region had the worst corruption in its ranks between the light and dark Faction. The descendant of Gellert Grindelwald scoffed at the so-called Death Eaters and their master, Voldemort. Zedd could only shake his head at how small the snake faced fool was thinking but what could you expect from a British fool. Personally the man wanted the wand his grandfather had but was taken from that other fool Dumbledore.

Now they were planning to bring more chaos while looking for ways to bring about the great flood.

Chapter 35

Chapter Text

Before making their trip back to England, Vivian and Huôyán wanted to see if they could do the same upgrade Fubuki did all those years ago. They figured with the new threat on the horizon that it was time for an upgrade. The only problem is that they don't have any more Philosopher Stones as the only good one Morgan had is the one that Fubuki used. Trying to get around this situation they perked up seeing a portal open at the lake near the castle but thankfully the girls were in swimming suits in case it was Charlie who was stopping by for a visit. Thankfully it was just Maria and Tsubasa who came to bring the kids but also Ophis?

“I still can't believe Ophis from the Bible is here playing with our kids,” Tsubasa said watching the Dragon of Infinity playing with their daughter on the beach. At first they were very wary about it but Huôyán and the girls vouched and to their surprise she was very gentle with them. She actually looked cute in her one piece that fitted her petite body.

“So you girls ready for Hogwarts this year?” Maria asked. She was worried when her daughter told her of the attack on the stadium she held firm that her daughter would be able to survive.

Fubuki looked unsure and it was understandable, with Voldemort still looking for a way to revive himself and Leviathan now out in the open it would be hard to tell what the future holds. It was under no illusion that Voldemort would want her as a key for his revival and the upcoming tournament would be a good place to single her out away from everyone or the more terrible scenario is that Leviathan helps in said coming back from the dead but adding their own twist to it like turning him into some Noise hybrid.

“Were you able to get any information on Zarola and her gang?” Vivian asked, changing the subject.

“Zarola being that bastard's child is a half blood out of wedlock that went to the American Hogwarts but left when the bullying turned to abuse which caused her to run. Its unsure as to how she came into Leviathan's care but he must have given them his notes on the relics and any other related subject,” Tsubasa answered. “Bridgette is a muggle born from a pair of catholic parents who abandoned her to the streets when they found out that she could use magic not knowing that she is a descendant of a squib on the mothers side of the family. There's no news about Musse and that could mean any number of reasons.”

At the school, they continued working on their introduction routine going for a shock and awe tactic as they were expected to be looked down upon by the French and Bulgaria delegates. Their mode of transport is going to be the Hanging Gardens with a transport ship taking them to Hogwarts and back. They were going to up the security by having their French and Bulgaria allies teach them the language. To be clear only the mundane and a few of the mundane born magicals joined the new program while the magical side scorned them.

“That reminds me, I need to get Joan's rapier from them as well,” Fubuki remembered. La Pucelle was the sword Joan never used but seeing as it is completely intact she could pair it with the banner she wields.

On the day they were to be sent back to England, this time they were flying with escort as the girls were high profile targets. Instead of their normal apartment they used years before they were moved to a more high security location that was a mini mansion in the richer part of London but was still closer to the train station. Exploring the new place Beatrice had her own room as did Yoshika on the second floor the master bedroom was big enough for the three of them with a hidden room that upon entering had all three blushing.

Seeing a note Huôyán took it and upon reading it sighed with her blush darkening. “It seems that Mama Lulu and Aunty Rouge added their touch to the place.”

Both her and Vivian had this lustful look as they turned to Fubuki. Upon seeing their leering looks she slowly stripped exposing her rope bindings.

Arriving at the train station bound for Hogwarts the presence of the Aurors was immense but there wasn't a lot due to the Ministry cutting their funding until now when Zedd revealed himself and the Leviathan organization. Charles and Luna did meet up with the group of girls when Charles told them about the new Potter baby boy named Robert. “Congrates.” Fubuki told him with a smile.

Huôyán perked up as if she remembered something. “I don't think I told anyone but Aunty Rouge is opening up a pub/inn somewhere in the local Hogsmeade. Said she wanted to get a new way of getting some… local cash.” the Chinese girl explained.

“She’s done this before?” Asked Vivian, who couldn’t resist asking.

“Yup. Aunty Rouge has opened a version of her and her significant others’ inn, The Red Dragon, in multiple universes. Usually somewhere not too far away from not only potential customers and near ‘central locations of events’, as Mama Blake put it once.”

“Let me guess, she sells alcohol to the older students,” Charles said as he sat next to Beatrice.

“Not even a question, but Aunty Hermione makes sure to have the birth control potion in the drinks. The two floors above had a total of ten rooms each with silencing seals for those private times,” Huôyán said, unsubtly wiggling her eyebrows, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

Speaking of Hermione, the one in this universe was a mental mess. With the mark of Leviathan on her womb she was alone with a hand digging into her crotch but after Zarola she had a need to get anything in between her legs. In her mind, multiple forms of her mistress continued to f*ck her leaving her brainless in a sense. Not only that before leaving for Hogwarts she was told that her mother was pregnant but with three futas no one knows who the father is. “Tighten your c*nt!” One of the mental images shouted slapping Hermione's ass crackling as it juggled. Hermione moaned in despair feeling more sem*n flooding her mental world.

Back to the main characters, Charles brought up the tournament, “Yup, we were told ahead of time and even had dresses made,” Vivian answered. “I'll be asking this snowstorm to the dance, you take Beatrice, and Vivian will take Luna so that we can all go,” Huôyán revealed.

Having more knowledge than Charles, Fubuki told her brother what the tournament entailed. The first was a task of retrieval, then would be a dual tournament which is a reason why other students were invited, afterwards is the dance followed by finding someone, and finally the last task. Charles nodded, “So who do you think will be entering the tournament?”

Here Fubuki looked pissed despite the fact that she was inwardly blushing as a result of Huôyán’s earlier comment. “Dumbledore is still up to his bullsh*t thinking that only an age line would be enough security for the Goblet. Anyone with ill intent could tie a name to a rock and just toss it from a distance.”

Getting closer to the train station, the girls put on their uniforms while Charles changed in the restroom. Reaching the platform the group piled into the carriage as it started to move towards the castle. “So what can I expect from your dresses? Just in case I need to pound the guys into a bloody pulp,” Charles asked, wanting to prepare himself.

The girls smirked which didn't leave Charles a good feeling and when he was going to ask for details they were reaching the castle.

Getting seated in their respective tables, everyone was talking about the Quidditch Cup and the reveal of this new threat. At the Head Table, Dumbledore looked like he hadn't slept in weeks as he tried to calm down the nation both on the international stage as well as in England. Standing up the Headmaster welcomed the students and as the first year's entered the boys looked at Beatrice with lustful hunger, “Now from Magical Italy we have Beatrice Ouroboros who will be entering as a fourth year student.”

Approaching the chair, she made a quick detour to the Gryffindor Table kissing Charles right on the lips causing a pulse of magic to explode from their bodies as the ever familiar wings appeared on Beatrice's back, “On the voice of my Pledge, may it cut through the doubt of my Ashikabi!”

Upon realizing that she was firmly part of that group the boys were now shaking in their shoes as Charles is one man no one wanted to cross and now knowing that he had a soul bond with the new girls they backed off because they didn't feel like having their blood outside of their bodies. It got worse when she made her way towards the Ravenclaw table and did the same towards Luna before glaring at the rest of the table, “Unlike my sister and her group, you mess with my soul bond lover and I will destroy you… it doesn't matter if we are in different houses I am territorial about those I declare as mine and nothing will save you from it.” Reinforcing this threat by releasing a major amount of Killing Intent she walked to the chair leaving the older students of the Ravenclaw house fearful of their futures as well as reminding her soulmates that she wasn’t human as they could feel the mixed nature of Beatrice’s magic.

Allowing the hat to be placed on her head, it took one glance at her mental world and quickly yelled, “SLYTHERIN!”

James did a spit take as now he had a Slytherin as a daughter in law something he wanted gone if it wasn't for the sudden feeling of dread as he saw Beatrice looking at him not even blinking. The purebloods around her normally would have tried to turn her into their bitch wanted nothing to do with her as they know how different she is magic wise and the look in her eyes made it clear that she would kill them for even the smallest of insults. That and their butter knives casually floating in front of them had nothing to do with it.

Once the rest of the students were sorted dinner was finally served. Beatrice ate with the finesse of a princess outclassed the purebloods themselves and rarely did she speak to anyone else. Mentally however, she was talking to her lovers and family while having the perfect poker face.

“It would seem that James has forgotten that his mother was in Slytherin… someone might want to remind him of that,” Fubuki said, seeing Jame's furious expression.

“Indeed. Plus, compared to some of my older siblings, Beatrice’s actions are relatively tame.” Huôyán replied casually.

“I’m almost afraid to ask, but what are you talking about?” Vivian couldn’t resist asking.

“This time didn’t involve the soon-to-be parents-in-law getting threatened with a chainsaw.”

Standing up once more, Dumbledore waved his hand causing both dinner and dessert plates to vanish from the tables. “Before we all head off to bed I have a special announcement to make,” taking a pause for dramatic effect the Headmaster continued, “I regret to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will be canceled for this year.”

Doing a mental countdown, all the Quidditch fans in the school was close to forming a riot preventing the Headmaster from explaining when a the lighting from the roof cut through the crowd as the Great Doors open to reveal a man stood in the doorway, leaning upon a long staff,

shrouded in a black traveling cloak. Every head in the Great Hall swiveled toward the stranger, suddenly brightly illuminated by a fork of lightning that flashed across the ceiling. He lowered his hood, shook out a long mane of grizzled, dark gray hair, then began to walk up toward the teachers’ table.

Our main heroines stared at him as each step he took made a dull clunking sound echo through the hall his target being Dumbledore himself. Just as another flash of lighting threw itself across the ceiling the man took off his head to reveal that of a disfigured look. Carved out of weathered wood from someone who only had the obscure image of a human face and unsteady hand with a chisel. One eye focused on that infront of him while the other looked to be implanted as it shifted all around in a crazy fashion. Just based on his stance and how disleveled his face was he was a veteran, most likely from the first wizarding war. “Your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Professor Moody,” Dumbledore introduced.

While there was very little clapping James and Sirius greeting the man like to graduating students meeting their instructor.

“Getting back on topic,” Dumbledore said getting back on track, “The reason there is no Quidditch Cup is because I am proud to announce that Hogwarts will be playing host a Tournament of Magic in the coming months with our fellors schools Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and the Japanese Azure Dragon Academy!”

Upon hearing the news everyone that didn’t know went wild. Not even knowing that there was a death toll scared them, Huôyán muttered something in Chinese about people not having any self preservation. When being told of the age line there was a split reaction of those under 17 complaining like children while the other students felt as if they won the lottery. Again getting Huôyán to complain about brainless idiots. Already there were whispers from some of the students about finding ways to get themselves into the tournament that had even Vivian wanting to slam her head against the wall, “These crazy bastards must have selective hearing if they don’t hear this damn thing having a death toll.”

Inside their room in the Hufflepuff dorm, all three girls were already in bed in various states of dress. Huôyán turned to her lovers with a question on her head, “Hey so do you think you can tell me anything about the tournament?” Staring down at them both, she could tell that they wanted it to be a surprise but she had this look in her eyes as she turned to Fubuki not seeing Vivian turning pale knowing that Fubuki wouldn’t hide anything while either herself or Huôyán was in sexy mode. “My little snow storm,” the Chinese purred, “Can you tell your mistress what we can expect in this so called fools tournament?” It didn’t help that she was slowly playing with the rope bindings.

Fubuki didn’t even last a second, “There are different stages in this tournament mistress. While the main tasks will be for the ones chosen there is a dualing tournament and a quiz for smarter ones. For the chosen three it will be a triathlon in magic. The Dualing Tournament is groups of five from each school facing either each other or against the other school with a scoring of three wins causing one team to advance. The questionnaire will be based on what could be seventh year knowledge from all the subjects.”

Huôyán smirked kissing Fubuki on the lips, “Your such a good girl.” Vivian only eye rolled but never the less smiled at the interation before telling them both to get some sleep but Fubuki whined saying to not be suck a c*nt blocker then having the three fall to their lusts.

Once dinner was finished and the dessert polished up, the students returned to their respective houses but not before Beatrice once more kissed Luna and Charles on the lips then waved to her sister and her lovers. Once inside the Slytherin common room, Beatrice only raised an eyebrow at the decor only paying half an ear to the welcoming speech made by her head of house. “So Ms. Ouroboros, how exactly did you meet Charles Potter anyways?” Snape asked in front of all the other students. He knew from the start that she wasn't normal or human but he was supposed to get answers for Dumbledore.

“Through Huôyán, who else?” the young lady answered, not caring for the leering looks of her house mates. “I met Luna on the train if that was your next question. Now is there a point to this or going to be a ‘you're a Slytherin now so you must break off all contact with the outside’ type of thing?” She fired back. Her group of friends told her the so-called rules of the house and were prepared to fight back if needed. “Need I remind you that I have a soul bond meaning that I'm protected and any threats will be met with equal force.”

One of the older students scoffed, “Yeah right now why don't you tell the truth. After all, Soul Bonds are a myth and you must have done some magic trick back in the Great Hall,” approaching Beatrice he was about to try and cope a feel when her weapon suddenly appeared in her hands and he suddenly found himself on the floor. Now pissed off, Beatrice flooded the room with her magic as a type of snake not known to even Severus snarled at the now crying idiot. He then yelped when she dug the heel of her shoe into his neck, “Let me dumb it down to where you inbred pricks can understand. Don't think you can boss me around now that I'm alone, as long as you leave me alone I'll do the same in kind. I don't care about your in house politics; however, if you think messing with my family is a good thing then you f*ckers have another thing coming.”

Here Beatrice had a thinking expression on her face, “In fact if your going to try and attack me then I suggest you do it yourself and in front of me because while I can understand attacking from behind for you pigs, I suggest being men and attacking in front of me then maybe it could put some hair on your balls. Just remember, I’m not trapped in here with you… you’re trapped in here with me.” Reassessing control over her magic everyone gasped for air with various amounts of fear on their faces as Beatrice walked away claiming an entire room to herself.

Chapter 36

Chapter Text

Being given their new schedule for the school year the following morning, the customary layout of the castle was presented to the first-year students to know where the classes are and to remind them that they can only be late by thirty minutes or so for the first month as it’s all new but after that they’re expected to be on time afterward. Exploring the grounds herself, Beatrice found the odd sight of Hermione in one of the abandoned corridors rubbing one out not knowing that this is out of character for her then noticing the seal on her womb and could quickly tell that whoever did this to the girl is an evil bitch and that's saying something considering her heritage.

Already Beatrice is the queen in the snake pit as even Severus could tell that unlike Dumbledore she isn't hesitant on killing and different from Voldemort in which she isn't a whiny brat with daddy issues. He already had to take a few of his older students to the Hospital wing due to them trying to make her their bitch not caring about the magical repercussions of trying to break a soul bond. When telling Dumbledore later that night with the Potter parents in tow about the dangers the young lady could bring the Headmaster could already feel a headache forming while James and Lily sputtered but the red head remembered who's parents Beatrice had and shuddered. James on the other hand couldn't disown Charles as he's already facing criticism about disowning Ivy, who's name he discovered changed to Yoshika when Fubuki adopted her into the house of d’Arc.

Unknown to her lovers, something was resonating with Vivian… something almost mystical. A ghostly image stands before a sword in stone. A young blonde lady dressed in gold and blue with a face similar to Vivan looked at the weapon with a look of fondness before turning to the only door into the room. In the hidden room of Hogwarts castle Morgan discovered the broken pieces of Caliburn and put them together before shoving it into a random pile of rock she chose on a whim. It was her second choice in case Modred couldn't steal Clarent that pulling the sword from the stone would make her sister surrender the throne to her. It will take some time for the homunculus to find this room but it could wait a bit longer.

Once the lessons started the third years went over a quick recap of what they went over the previous two years before starting on the new stuff. Each one was giving them the harder stuff for their grade year as they wanted to impress the visiting schools as a way to show off. Fubuki and Vivian mentally giggling as the stuff they were learning at Hogwarts was stuff they learned years ago back in Japan. Already during lunch time, Seventh year students from various houses could be seen approaching the blue flames of the goblet.

When asked about the new DADA professor, those who already had him said that it was to be a surprise they didn't want to spoil.

When it was their turn to taking the class, both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor fourth year students sat in their seats waiting for the professor making small talk with one another. The common topic was of course the tournament and that the professors were piling a lot onto them. It was only when the door to the professor's office burst open and a spell was casted that everyone started panicking. The four cast members of this story quickly went into action kicking the desk in front of them into a makeshift shield and returned fire that a grunting sound was heard and a body hitting the floor stopped all motion.

While the rest of the students looked scared the four stood on the defensive ready to use their other spells.

Hearing a sudden burst of laughter the students saw their professor being escorted by both James and Sirius. “That's what I'm talking about! Constant vigilance!” Moody laughter joyfully as the four returned their desk in the upright position. “Now that I've gotten your attention I've spoken to Lupin about the progress you made and while decent in fighting against the dark creatures your all pitifully weak against the dark curses. I've only got one year before I return to the auror department as a favor to Dumbledore but for now let's talk curses.”

Off to the side James and Sirius looked extremely nervous about something but they couldn't do anything as Moody pulled rank on them and they figured it was be a good thing to know about… it's just that Moody tends to take things to the extreme.

“Curses come in many strengths and form each one with its own results. If it was the Ministries accords I would be just teaching you the counter curse and leaving it at that. Bemoaning how your young minds wouldn't be able to handle the stress of it all.”

Looking at each one of the fourth year students Moody then slammed a fist onto the table scaring everyone. “Well I say bloody f*ck them! Dumbledore and I both think you need to be prepared sooner than your sixth year to identify the dark curses,” he shouted.

Bringing out a jar with a spider crawling about inside of it Moody took off the lid and froze the spider in place as it tried to making a break for it. Scaring the room with his ever twirling eye he took a dagger and had it launched in Charles’ direction but the Potter Heir caught it between two of his fingers. “Tell me Potter, what's the three most heavily punished by Wizarding law?” Moody grunted.

“It's the three Unforgivables,” the teen answered flicking the weapon into the air and catching it by the blade. “Even one of these spells would send anyone to Azkaban.”

The man grunted in approval while James smiled, “Now tell me one of those spells?” Moody asked.

“The Imperius Curse.”

Again Moody nodded appreciatively, “Gave a lot of trouble it did during the first war,” pointing his wand at the frozen spider he uttered the words, “Imperio.” Freezing in place once more Moody had it do various acts that had a majority of the students laugh—everyone but the four in particular.

“You think this is funny?!” He snapped staring at those who laughed causing them to freeze, “What if I did this to one of you?” He continued.

“Pure control,” Moody entoned, “With this one spell I can make it do all sorts of things… even make it tunnel down your throats.” Ron shuddered, his phobia for spiders acting up. “Like I said before, it gave the Ministry trouble… after all it was hard to find out who was forced to act, and who was acting of their own free will. It takes strength of character to fight it off, which I will be teaching you but not everyone will be able to.”

Looking at everyone else he ordered the spider to stay in place, “Now can anyone tell me the next spell?”

To everyone's surprise Neville's hand shot up. When the professor glanced at his direction the Gryffindor almost swallowed his tongue. “The Cruciatus Curse,” he answered.

“Longbottom isn't it?” Moody questioned taking a glance to make sure. Looking at the spider, he nodded to himself, “Engorio!” Increasing the spider's size to that it was bigger that a human hand, he turned to the class. “Had to make sure you could all see the effects,” he said turning wand at the spider once more muttering, “Crucio!”

Watching the spider curl up it rolled all over the table twitching horribly. If it could speak there would be no doubt that it would be screaming in agony. Moody kept this spell up for a few minutes longer until James stopped him, “Enough Moody,” he firmly said while Sirius went to check up on Neville–who had this eyes wide, terrified, and had this haunting look to them. His knuckles turned white from how hard his fingers were pressing into the table.

“Pain, pure unadulterated pain,” Moody firmly stated, “No need to torture someone physically when the spell would make it so that every single one of their nerves were electrified. Now how about the last one? Will anyone be brave to say out loud the final forbidden curse?”

“Avada Kedavra… The Killing Curse,” Charles answered after a few minutes of silence. Everyone trying to recollect themselves.

The smile on Moody's face could be a grin upon hearing it, “Aye the last and the worst one of them all.” Taking the same spider, it was still twitching from its place on the desk, Moody shouted this one louder then the other two, “Avada Kedavra!”

James, Charles, and Fubuki were the ones that held the haunted look in their eyes. Sirius held onto Jame's shoulder for comfort while Vivian did the same for Fubuki and Huôyán in the place of her sister in regards to Charles.

“No counter curse, no blocking and it leaves no physical trace behind except for the haunting soulless eyes,” Moody explained staring at the now dead spider. “And only one survivor to ever be recorded.”

If it wasn't for the fact that everyone was still staring at the spider they would have picked up on the fact that it was Fubuki was staring at and not Charles.

“Why is it that if there is no counter curse would I be showing it to you?” The professor asked but no one was answering so he slammed his fist on the spider spreading entrails to the first row students snapping everyone out of their frozen state. “Because you have got to know! The sooner you know the more you'll be prepared when some dark fool sends one square between your eyes. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” Moody roared.

“The Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus curse—together all three are known as the Unforgivables. Any one of them at your fellow human is a one way trip to Azkaban. I will be teaching you, preparing you, to fight off against them. Get your quills out you'll be needing to copy them down.”

When class was over, most people were surprisingly quiet but that's to be expected after watching with their own eyes the effects of the Unforgivables. James and Sirius took Charles aside to check on him while the two dominant lovers checked on Fubuki, this time Huôyán not doing anything naughty in light of the situation.

Getting through their other class after lunch, the three were in bed as Fubuki wasn't up for playing around after what happened during the DADA Class.

Both girls only physical action was a kiss on the lips as a sign of support.

In the DADA Class Moody was working on some stuff when he looked up, “Ms, Granger what makes you visit me so late into the night?” He asked the bushy haired girl, who by word of mouth had done a complete 180 in terms of personality.

“My mistress’s master wishes to speak to you,” Hermione monotoned. Holding two devices revealing Zarola and Grindelwald.

“G-grindelwald?!” Moody sputtered.

“We know who you really are Crouch Junior, the serpents have eyes everywhere,” Zedd said getting down to business. “I have a proposition for your master… this Lord Voldemort,” he told the now named Crouch Junior.

“What is it?” The disguised man asked, “I will report it to my Master soon after our meeting.”

“We will offer him a better body and in return we join forces to wash away the weak mudbloods for a more perfect world. We already have agents in Germany causing trouble by creating a Neo-Nazi group and already the stupid Americans are too busy with their so called war on terror to see that those sand loving fools are mere pawns.”

“I believe my Master will agree to those terms,” Crouch Junior told the man.

Zedd nodded, “Granger I need you to get the blood of D’Arc as well. I have plans for it… I wonder if that Maiden will be able to fight off against her own daughter,” he laughed at the end before signing off.

Zarola narrowed her eyes for a bit before relenting, “The slu*t will be your contact to us. If you have questions just tell her and she'll tell us about it.”

Crouch nodded, “I belive this will be the start of a beautiful relationship.”

Zarola nodded before signing off as well and Hermione leaving the room.

Symphony of Light Spear of the Maiden - Al1a5, Kikimon - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.