Remnant 2 Save File Location & Config File Location – How to Find (2024)

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  • How to Find Remnant 2 Save File Location for Backup

By Vera | Follow |Last Updated

Saving your progress is crucial when you embark on a splendid journey in Remnant 2 and knowing where saves are stored enables you to easily backup the saves. MiniTool will guide you on how to find Remnant 2 save file location on Windows PCs.

Necessary to Locate Remnant 2 Save Files

Remnant II, a third-person shooter action role-playing video game, was released on Windows, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S on July 25, 2023, and has received generally positive reviews from critics. You may be one of the players of this game to run it on Windows 10. You should know where to find Remnant 2 save file location.

Although this game supports the cloud backup feature, you should be wary since the feature sometimes isn’t reliable. According to some users, Remnant 2 cloud save could not work, leading to game saves being corrupted. This means you lose all your progress (maybe tens of hours) and need to make a fresh start over again. How terrible it is!

However, if you have a manual backup of your game progress, you won’t come across such a situation. So, here is the Remnant II save file location for a backup to ensure that your progress is safe and sound.

Remnant 2 Save File Location on PC

Where are Remnant 2 saves stored? For the PC version of this game, its game saves are stored locally on the device. Take these steps to find them:

Step 1: Open File Explorer, go to C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME], click the Saved Games directory, open Remnant2 > Steam, and then you can see many folders named after your unique Steam ID.

Step 2: Open each folder that includes profile.sav and save_0.sav files. They are your save files that contain your game progress.

Remnant 2 Save File Location & Config File Location – How to Find (1)


Alternatively, you can find the Remnant 2 save file location via Faster Navigation – press Win + R to open Run, copy and paste %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Remnant2\Steam\ to the text box and click OK.

Remnant 2 Config File Location

If you wonder about the config file location of the game, do these:

Step 1: Go to C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME] and open AppData. If this folder is hidden, click View and check Hidden items.

Step 2: Click Local > Remnant2 > Saved > Config >Windows.

Step 3: Open the GameUserSettings file with Notepad and you can see all the settings you set.

How to Backup Remnant 2 Saves

How can you back up game saves for Remnant II on a Windows PC to avoid losing game progress? We highly recommend MiniTool ShadowMaker which works well in Windows 11/10/8/7. This excellent PC backup software enables you to back up your files and Windows operating system with ease. For game save backup, you can run it to set a schedule plan for automatic backups. Free download and install it for a try!

Step 1: Run MiniTool ShadowMaker and tap Keep Trial.

Step 2: Navigate to Backup > SOURCE > Folders and Files, locate the Remnant 2 save file location, choose all the Steam ID folders, and click OK.

Step 3: Tap DESTINATION to choose a path.

Step 4: To regularly back up Remnant 2 saves, click Options > Schedule Settings, enable the option, and configure a time point. Then, click Back Up Now.

Remnant 2 Save File Location & Config File Location – How to Find (2)
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Bottom Line

Where are Remnant 2 saves stored? Now, you know how to find Remnant 2 save location and how to backup game saves to keep progress safe. Although saves are lost due to some reason, you can replay your adventure.

About The Author

Position: Columnist

Vera is an editor of the MiniTool Team since 2016 who has more than 7 years’ writing experiences in the field of technical articles. Her articles mainly focus on disk & partition management, PC data recovery, video conversion, as well as PC backup & restore, helping users to solve some errors and issues when using their computers. In her spare times, she likes shopping, playing games and reading some articles.

Remnant 2 Save File Location & Config File Location – How to Find (2024)
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