Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (2024)

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By Angie Kauffman · PRINTABLES TIP: Always go toward the end of a post to find the printable. · Disclosure: This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. {I may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.}


Post Preview: You’ll find a great hot chocolate in a jar recipe that’s perfect for Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day, or any winter gift-giving reasons. This is an excellent gift kids(or adults) can make. In this post, you’ll also find free printable homemade hot cocoa tags.

Hot chocolate and warm buttered toast.

That combination was a wonderful treat that my mom used to make for us during cold Wisconsin winters. So simple, but to me – it was loving care.

There is just something special about hot chocolate during the winter. That makes it a perfect gift for the holidays! Because of that, I have a hot chocolate in a jar mix recipe plus a set of free printable tags for it.

Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (1)


Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe

This homemade hot chocolate mix would be perfect for making and keeping for yourself or for a gift to give of hot chocolate in a jar (or a decorative baggie). I also love that this is a great homemade gift that kids can make. Young children may need some assistance. (Here are more ideas for easy homemade gifts kids can make.)

Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (2)

Farther down in the post, I have a set of free printable tags that you can include with these hot chocolate jars or packets.

Ingredients for Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix

Note: This amount makes approximately four cups of hot chocolate mix. Make sure to increase amounts based on how much you need, if you will be making a large number of gifts.

Directions for Hot Chocolate Mix

Add all ingredients into a large bowl and mix with a whisk until well combined. The ingredients should be evenly distributed throughout the hot chocolate mix.

Divide mix between clean jars or small plastic bags. Add a tag (free printable farther down) and maybe a candy cane for decoration.

Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (3)

Free Printable Hot Chocolate Mix Gift Tags

Add a little something special to your hot cocoa gift by adding one of these free printable tags!

Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (4)

You can choose to download the tags in black and white or in color. Each page has six tags. If the tag size is too large for your project, you should be able to scale them down while you are printing them.

This download is free for personal use.

This set cannot be sold, published, or hosted on other websites. (Example: an individual or another bloggermay notupload the file onto their website for others to download there.) If you want to pass along the printable though, please feel free to share a link to this post with others.

Using the printable means you agree to the terms. Thanks!

Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (5)

Download the Hot Chocolate Mix Free Printable Tags (Black and White)

Download the Hot Chocolate Mix Free Printable Tags (Color)

Other Hot Chocolate Recipes and Fun Ideas

Nutella Hot Chocolate

Cinnamon Caramel Hot Chocolate

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. They don’t change theprice you pay. However, when you shop through them, we may receive a small compensation.

Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (9)

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Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (10)

About Angie Kauffman

Angie, mom to three very fun kids, is the founder of Real Life at Home. With degrees in elementary education (B.A.) and special education (M.S.Ed.), as well as being a former homeschooler, she is passionate about supporting both parents and teachers by providing printables, crafts, and activities to help children learn and grow.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (12)Judy D says

    Have you tried substituting powdered sugar for regular sugar in this recipe? I’ve seen other recipes that use powdered sugar and think that it will combine quicker with the hot water. Superfine sugar might work as well. Thoughts?


    • Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (13)Angie Kauffman says

      I haven’t tried it, but I don’t see why you couldn’t give it a try. Maybe just mix up a small batch and do a taste test to see if you’re happy with how it came out. Then, you could make more if you like it.


  2. Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (14)maria says

    Hi Angie,
    For this recipe, what size of mason jar you used?
    thank you


    • Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (15)Angie Kauffman says

      Hi Maria –

      Since you make the mix in a large bowl before putting it into jars, you can use any size mason jar you want. (You can even just use baggies, if you prefer.) If you use larger jars, you’ll be able to fill fewer jars with one batch whereas, obviously, if you use smaller jars, you’ll end up with more from a single batch. I think I ended up with five jelly jar sized Mason jars from a batch and then had some leftover as well.


      • Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (16)Vicki Manzullo says

        Love this idea, and the recipe! I am going to have my students make this to bring home as holiday gifts for their parents, so they will not be mixing it in one big bowl but instead measuring individually. I bought 16oz mason jars for them. Would you happen to have the measurements (of powders, etc.) they would need for that size jar?
        Thank you for sharing this, as it is a wonderful way to also use our measuring skills!


  3. Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (17)Emily says

    I loved this recipe! I stirred in Andes baking chips instead of chocolate chips to make a mint hot cocoa! Turned out great!


    • Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (18)Angie Kauffman says

      That’s a fabulous idea! I love it!!!


  4. Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (19)Barbara Warner says

    I have been makinghot chocolate mix for 50 yeears and giving it to friends and relatives for Christmas. I used powdered sugar to begin with, but now I’m diabetic and I substitute Splenda. Either works well and dissolves well in the hot water. I include a baggie of mini marshmallows with my mix and a few candy canes for stir sticks!
    Thank you for sharing the labels!


  5. Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (20)Larena Meltzer says

    Thank you for all the wonderful things you share with us.
    I haven’t made the cocoa yet, but I was going to have my 1 grade monsters make this as a gift to take home to their families. I hope that’s ok. It just dawned on me as I was enjoying the post. It will cover some great content without them knowing they’re learning 🙂 I had already planned a cocoa day using a crock pot, so your recipe is it!


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Hot Chocolate in a Jar Mix Recipe and Free Printable Tags (2024)
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