[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (49-50)-中维高软件下载-程序博客网 (2024)



The Dance of Dragons - Look out! - Fire! Fire! A band of 20 men, maybe less. They were in and out before anyone spotted them. Burnt our food stores to the ground, all our siege weapons destroyed. - Dozens of tents were-- - Horses? We're still getting a count, but hundreds are dead. 20 men rode into our camp without a single guard sounding the alarm? The northerners know more about their land than we ever will. Put last night's guards in chains. Either they fell asleep or they conspired with the enemy. - Find out the truth and then hang them. - Your Grace. Unless there's a thaw, we can't press forward to Winterfell and we don't have enough food to get us back to Castle Black. We're not returning to Castle Black. Forgive me, Your Grace, I never claimed to be an expert in military matters, but if we can't march forward and we won't march back... Have the dead horses butchered for meat. Halt! Halt! There it is! Open the gates. It was a failure. It wasn't. I went to save them. I failed. You didn't fail him. Or him. Or her. Every one of them is alive because of you and no one else. I don't think that fact's lost on them. You have a good heart, Jon Snow. It'll get us all killed. Out of my way. You sent for me, Your Grace? Find some healthy horses and a few knights to guard you. I'm sending you back to Castle Black. Tell the Lord Commander his king commands him to send food, supplies, fresh horses. In return, when I take the throne, I'll make sure the Night's Watch has all the men it requires. He can guard all 19 castles on the Wall if he so wishes. Your Grace, you named me your Hand. Yes. The King's Hand should never abandon the king, especially in time of war. You're not abandoning me. You're obeying a command. A boy with a scroll could deliver this message. And if Jon Snow refuses the boy with the scroll, what does the boy say? I didn't name you Hand for your expertise in military matters. Ride for Castle Black. Don't come back empty-handed. Your Grace, perhaps Queen Selyse and Princess Shireen could accompany me. My family stays with me. At least let me take Shireen. A siege is no place for a little girl. My family stays with me. What's this one now? "The Dance of Dragons: A True Telling" by Grand Maester Munkun. Now that sounds like a proper story. Ser Byron Swann wanted to kill the dragon Vhagar. He polished his shield for a week so that it was like a mirror. And he crouched behind it and crept forward, hoping the dragon would only see its own reflection. But the dragon saw a dumb man holding a mirrored shield. And burnt him to a crisp. Thus ending the dragon-slaying career of Ser Byron Swann. I made you something, Princess. Do you like it? He's beautiful. - Thank you. - You're very welcome. Will you make me a doe, too? So that he can have company? Of course I will. But why am I getting a present? Because you deserve it. My son was always on me, trying to teach me to read. Gods, I was stubborn about it. Made it this far without reading. Seemed to me I could make it to the grave. Wish I'd listened to him. This is my own poor way of saying thank you. For teaching me to be a grown-up. I'll be gone for a few days, Princess. I want to hear all about "The Dance of Dragons" when I'm back. You'll read it yourself. Prince Doran. Forgive us. We started without you. Please, sit. Princess Myrcella. Uncle. What a lovely dress. - You don't like it? - You must be cold. Not at all. The Dornish climate agrees with me. Prince Trystane. How's your jaw? A fleabite. What are you doing in Dorne? Looking after the safety of my niece, the Princess Myrcella. And rather than send a raven or speak to me directly, you decided to enter my country in secret and abduct our guest by force? We received a threatening message. The princess's necklace in the jaws of a viper. That necklace was stolen from my room. Oh, excellent. A last meal before the beheading? Oh, I can't behead you. Many in Dorne want war. But I've seen war. I've seen the bodies piled on the battlefields. I've seen the orphans starving in the cities. I don't want to lead my people into that hell. No, you want to break bread with the Lannisters. And that is precisely what we are doing. Let us drink to Tommen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. King Tommen insists on his sister's return to the capital? I'm afraid he does. I cannot disobey my king's command. She will return with you to King's Landing. And my son Prince Trystane will accompany you both. If the alliance between the Iron Throne and Dorne is to continue, their engagement must stand. I accept. One more thing. My brother was named to the small council before his death. Your father understood the importance of keeping Dorne in the fold. With Oberyn gone, Trystane will take his place on the small council. You have my word. The word of a kingslayer. No wonder you can't stand. You have no spine. You are mother to four of my nieces, girls I love very much. For their sake, I hope you live a long and happy life. Speak to me that way again, and you won't. May I inquire as to the fate of my man Bronn? Tell me, Ser Jaime, in King's Landing, how do they punish a commoner who strikes a prince? He said it was just a fleabite. The fault is mine. Bronn is merely a soldier following my orders. If anyone should be punished, it's me. Prince Trystane must learn judgment if he is to rule one day. I'll let him decide. I have learned the value of mercy from my father. - I'll set your man free. - You're a good man. On one condition. Why do we play? I'm better than you. I'll always be better than you. Have I ever missed once? I don't think I have. I can't recall. You must love humiliation. Or pain. Which do you love most, humiliation or pain? That one hurt, didn't it? You going to cry? Give up, little sister. - You're going to miss. - Oh, I never miss. You will. You're thinking too much. Now you're nervous. What if she's right? - Luck. - Now it's my turn. You're too slow. You've always been too slow. Am I gonna be happy at the end of this walk? You'll find out very soon. Say it one more time, handsome. Who am I? The most beautiful woman in the world. And that's the truth. slu*t. Prince Doran, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. I didn't realize there were knights of the Blackwater. Only the one. I believe you've already met Prince Trystane. Prince. Sorry about the other day. Prince Trystane here is a man of mercy. He's agreed to grant you your freedom. I'm glad to hear it. Pie looks good. There was one condition. Perhaps some soup instead. Oysters, clams, and co*ckles. Oysters, clams, and co*ckles. Oysters, clams, and co*ckles. Oysters, clams, and co*ck-- How much for your little clam? Oysters, clams, and co*ckles. Oysters, clams, and co*ckles. Come on. Some oysters, girl! I'm talking to you. Is, uh... - Girl! - Tie her up! Are you deaf? Girl! Girl! My lord. My lord. Lord Tyrell. On behalf of the Iron Bank, may I be the first to welcome you to the Free City of Braavos. I hope your journey was trouble-free. A bit of chop the last few days. Nothing too awful. Good to see the old chap still guarding the harbor. And how goes the harvest in the Reach? Ah, the vintners say this might be the best year for red grapes in half a century. If we come to a satisfactory arrangement, I'll be sure to send a cask of the Arbor's finest your way. I'm afraid I don't partake. Oh. Some consider usury distasteful, dishonorable. Pure nonsense, of course. I'm glad we see eye to eye on this matter. Did you know that at one point Maegor the third tried to outlaw it in the Seven Kingdoms? Wanted to arrest anyone caught charging interest and cut off both their hands. Most unfortunate for the glovers. If a man charges no interest on a loan, then he has nothing to gain and everything to lose, so why chance it? Whereas the promise of reward makes a man willing to gamble. We are not gamblers here at the Iron Bank, Lord Tyrell. You are the world's best gamblers. And all those bets you won built this. We should celebrate. I'm afraid I still have a good deal of work to do. Oh, nonsense. Work's over. Do you sing? - I don't have that gift. - Oh, it's not a gift. It's a skill. Anyone can learn it. Thought that old sh*t would never stop singing. Wasn't bad, though. The Tyrells can all rot in hell. Treasonous c*nts. They were going to make that boy-f*cker Renly king. This is the place, lads. The sleekest little minks in Braavos. - You buying? - Oh, I'm buying. But I never was good at sharing. Sell your fish somewhere else. Oh, let her in, Brusco. I'm hungry. Come here, sweetness. They say oysters get the juices flowing. We'll take half a dozen. Three coppers. Here's a silver because the lady likes you. Too old. Brea. Too old. I have just the one. Anara. Our most expensive girl. But well worth it, I assure you. Too old. Do you have what I want or not? Of course. Of course. These fresh? Come on, the lads are hungry. Nothing better for your co*ckstand than fresh oysters. - Here. Thank you. - I'll have one. Any vinegar? Who let this girl in? Shoo! Shoo! Good. I'll tell you when we're done. You'll have a fresh one for me tomorrow? Of course. I'll have you whipped, girl. Go, go on. Out, out, go. Valar morghulis. Valar morghulis. And? The thin man wasn't hungry today. Perhaps that is why a man is thin. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. A girl has work to do. Your rebellion is over. You can swear your allegiance to me now... or you can die. I believe in second chances. I don't believe in third chances. You write like a seven-year-old. Your maester kindly agreed to copy it over for me. He didn't try to make you pay? Mm-mmm. Maybe he's changed. The queen will be thrilled to know you're bringing her daughter home. She will. You love her very much, don't you? Of course, she's my niece. I wasn't talking about her. You think I disapprove? Why? Because people disapprove of that sort of thing where you are from? They disapproved of Oberyn and me where you are from. Here no one blinked an eye. 100 years ago, no one would have blinked an eye at you if you'd been named Targaryen. It's always changing, who we're supposed to love and who we're not. The only thing that stays the same is that we want who we want. I know your daughter had no part in the terrible thing that happened to the man I love. Perhaps even you are innocent of that. Father. Aren't you cold? No. What are you reading? - "The Dance of Dragons." - What's it about? It's the story of the fight between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her half-brother Aegon for control over the Seven Kingdoms. Both of them thought they belonged on the Iron Throne. When people started declaring for one of them or the other, their fight divided the kingdoms in two. Brothers fought brothers, dragons fought dragons. By the time it was over, thousands were dead. And it was a disaster for the Targaryens as well. They never truly recovered. "The Dance of Dragons." Why is that a dance? It's just what they call it. Hmm, doesn't make much sense. I think it's poetic. If you had to choose between Rhaenyra and Aegon... who would you have chosen? I wouldn't have chosen either. It's all the choosing sides that made everything so horrible. Sometimes a person has to choose. Sometimes the world forces his hand. If a man knows what he is... and remains true to himself... the choice is no choice at all. He must fulfill his destiny... and become who he is meant to be. However much he may hate it. It's all right, Father. You don't even know what I 'm talking about. It doesn't matter. I want to help you. Is there any way I can help? Yes, there is. Good. I want to. I'm the Princess Shireen of House Baratheon. And I'm your daughter. Forgive me. Where's my father? I want to see my father. It will all be over soon, Princess. No. Where's my father? No, you can't do this. Father, where are you? Please, let me see my father. Father, where are you? Don't let her do this. Please let go! Let me see my father! Where are you? Please! - It's what the Lord wants. - No. - Please! Let go! No! - It's a good thing. - A great thing. - Stop. Stop! - Please! - Hear us now, my Lord. - You can't do this! - For you, we offer up this girl - Please! -...that you may cleanse her with your fire and that its light may lead our way. Please! No, please let me see my father. If we don't act, we'll all starve here. All of us. But if we make this sacrifice... Accept this token of our faith, my Lord, and lead us from the darkness. - Lord of Light, show us the way. - Mother! Mother, please! Mother, please! Mother! - Mother! - We can't. - There's no other way. She has king's blood. - Please don't do this! Lord of Light, protect us. - Please! Father, please! - For the night is dark and full of terrors. Father! Father, don't do this! Please! Mother, no! Please! Please, help! Don't do this! Please, Father! Mother, help! - No. - No, please! Don't do this! Don't do this, please, Mother! Please, Mother! Mother, help! Mother, help! Help! Please don't do this, Mother! Please! Please, Mother! Please! Please! No! Please! No! No! Where have you been? Just making sure everything is in order. They're waiting for you. Clap your hands. That one, the smaller man. No question, that's where you should put your money. The smaller man it is. I'm not putting my money anywhere. Kings and queens never bet on the games. Perhaps you should go find someone who does. People used to bet against me when I fought in the pits. He would have bet against me. Common novice mistake. I've spent much of my life in this arena. And in my experience, large men do triumph over smaller men far more often than not. Has your experience ever involved any actual fighting? You yourself? Have you ever tried to kill another man who was trying to kill you? Whenever I got into the pit against a beast like that one, the crowd saw me, all skin and bone back then, then they saw a pile of angry muscles ready to murder me. They couldn't get their money out fast enough. But the pile of angry muscles never had any muscles here or... here. And the big men were always too slow to stop my dagger from going where their muscles weren't. Yes, whenever I saw a beast like that one standing across from me making his beast faces, I knew I could rest easy. You don't approve? There's always been more than enough death in the world for my taste. I can do without it in my leisure time. Fair enough. Yet it's an unpleasant question, but what great thing has ever been accomplished without killing or cruelty? It's easy to confuse what is with what ought to be, especially when what is has worked out in your favor. I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about the necessary conditions for greatness. That is greatness? That is a vital part of the great city of Meereen, which existed long before you or I and will remain standing long after we have returned to the dirt. My father would have liked you. One day your great city will return to the dirt as well. - At your command? - If need be. And how many people will die to make this happen? If it comes to that, they will have died for a good reason. Those men think they're dying for a good reason. Someone else's reason. So your reasons are true and theirs are false? They don't know their own minds, but you do? Well said. You're an eloquent man. Doesn't mean you're wrong. In my experience, eloquent men are right every bit as often as imbeciles. - Your Grace-- - Shut your mouth. - You can end this. - She cannot. You can. Protect your queen! Go! Your Grace! Your Grace! Come with me. I know a way out. I know a way-- Stay close. This way. The other side. Follow me. Protect your queen! Drogon! Valahd.


#本集共有单词数:56 总词数:8295

a = ['abduct', 'alarm', 'anara', 'arena', 'battlefields', 'bets', 'brea', 'brusco', 'byron', 'career', 'changing', 'chap', 'clam', 'cleanse', 'co*ckstand', 'conditions', 'copy', 'crept', 'crisp', 'crouched', 'declaring', 'disapproved', 'dishonorable', 'disobey', 'divided', 'eloquent', 'existed', 'expertise', 'fulfill', 'gamblers', 'glovers', 'grapes', 'humiliation', 'imbeciles', 'inquire', 'minks', 'mirror', 'mirrored', 'munkun', 'nieces', 'novice', 'obeying', 'poetic', 'recovered', 'reflection', 'satisfactory', 'sharing', 'slaying', 'sleekest', 'sounding', 'spine', 'sweetness', 'thrilled', 'usury', 'valahd', 'vintners']

Brace the wind. The Lord of Light has made good on his promise, my king. His fires have melted the snows away. The way ahead is clear. We ride for Winterfell. And you will take it. The Lord has shown me Bolton banners burning. You will receive what is yours by right. Your Grace. Prepare to form up. Your Grace. Tell me. The men, many deserted before dawn. How many? Nearly half. All the sellswords with all the horses. Your Grace. Speak up. Can't be worse than mutiny. Cut her down. Your Grace. The Lady Melisandre was just seen riding out of camp. Get the men into marching formation. On to Winterfell. He raised his hands and they all stood up at once. Tens of thousands of them. The biggest army in the world. So what are you gonna do? I'm gonna hope they don't learn how to climb the Wall. But the dragonglass... No one's ever getting that back now. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. Not unless we had a mountain of it. But you killed a white walker. With Longclaw. I saw them shatter steel axes like they were glass. - But Longclaw... - Is Valyrian steel. How many Valyrian steel swords are left in the Seven Kingdoms? Not enough. The first Lord Commander in history to sacrifice the lives of sworn brothers to save the lives of wildlings. How's it feel to be friends with the most hated man in Castle Black? You were friends with me when I first came here. And I wasn't winning any elections back then. Here's to us, then. Long may they sneer. What? I wanted to ask you something. To ask something of you. Send me, Gilly, and the baby to Oldtown so I can become a maester. That's what I'm meant to be. Not this. I need you here, Sam. If you leave, who's left to give me advice I trust? Well, there's Edd. I'd be more use to you as a maester. More use to everyone now that Maester Aemon is gone. The Citadel has the world's greatest library. I'll learn about history, strategy, healing. And other things, things that will help when-- when they come. If Gilly stays here, then she'll die. And the baby that she named after me will die. And I'll end up dying, too, trying to protect them. Which means that the last thing that I'll see in this world will be the look in her eyes when I fail them. And I'd rather see a thousand white walkers than see that. Thank you. You know that the Citadel will make you swear off women, too. Oh, they'll bloody try. - Sam. - What? Sam. You had just been beaten half to death. How did you-- Oh, very carefully. I'm glad the end of the world's working out well for someone. I'll come back. To your return. To my return. Aye, this way. My lady! Stannis. Stannis Baratheon is coming. His whole army. How do you know it's Stannis? They're carrying his flaming heart banners. From the Blackwater. I'll never forget it. Trench here. Another one 300 yards from the castle wall. Hurry them along. - Right, Curlew. - Yes, sir. Dig between those two rises. - Spread out. - I'm with you. - Archers! - Spread out! And send out a foraging party immediately. Siege begins at sunrise. There's not going to be a siege, Your Grace. We've got no chance! No, please, please. Bolton has women fighting for him? I don't fight for the Boltons. I'm Brienne of Tarth. I was Kingsguard to Renly Baratheon. I was there when he was murdered by a shadow with your face. You murdered him with blood magic? I did. In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, First of His Name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die. Do you have any last words? Go on, do your duty. Looks like we're done here. I surrender! I surrender! And I accept your surrender. Let's head back. My wife must be lonely. My lady. I've come to escort you back to your chamber. Go with her, please. I know what Ramsay is. I know what he'll do to me. If I'm going to die, let it happen while there's still some of me left. Die? Who said anything about dying? You can't die. Your father was Warden of the North. Ramsay needs you. Though I suppose he doesn't need all of you. Just the parts he'll use to make his heir, until you've given him a boy or two and he's finished using them. Then he's got incredible plans for those parts. So, shall we wait for him to come back or should we begin now? You're leaving it to me? Good. Let's begin. Reek-- stop! Stop! Open the gate! He's coming back. I can see I have my work cut out for me. You two, out. You were the first person on my list, you know. For killing Syrio Forel. Remember him? Probably not. I've gotten a few of the others. The Many-Faced God stole a few more from me. But I'm glad he left me you. Do you know who I am? I can't hear you. You know who I am. I'm Arya Stark. Do you know who you are? You're no one. You're nothing. A girl has taken a life. The wrong life. I was right about her. You were. You're not ready. Not at all. That man's life was not yours to take. A girl stole from the Many-Faced God. Now a debt is owed. Only death can pay for life. No! No! No, you-- don't die! Don't die! Why are you crying? He was my friend. No, he wasn't. Didn't you listen to him? He was no one. But if you're-- who's this? No one at all. Just as a girl should have been before she took a face from the hall. The faces are for no one. You are still someone. And to someone, the faces are as good as poison. I can't see. What's happening? What's happening?! - I wish you a safe journey home. - Thank you. Forgive me, child. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Maybe I'll come visit you sometime. Maybe I'll come visit you. Don't wait too long. Got a noblewoman to marry back home. You want a good girl, but you need the bad puss*. Whenever you're ready, my lord. Try not to lose it this time. I'll never take it off again. I know you didn't want to leave Dorne, but I'm glad you're coming home. Your mother's desperate to see you. I'm glad Trystane is coming with us. He seems like a nice boy. You're lucky. Arranged marriages are rarely so-- so well arranged. Do you think Mother will like him? If she sees you're happy, I'm sure she will. You really believe that? Have you ever known your mother to like anyone aside from her children? She likes you. I'm not so sure about that. Listen... there's something I wanted to tell you. Something I should have told you long ago. So... now that you've seen more of the world, you've learned how complicated things can be, people can be. The Lannisters and the Martells have hated each other for years, but you've fallen in love with Trystane. It was an accident, really. I mean, what were the chances? You happen to fall in love with the man you were assigned to marry? My point is... we don't choose whom we love. It just, well-- it's beyond our control. - I sound like an idiot. - No, you don't. What I'm trying to say-- what I'm trying and failing to say-- I know what you're trying to say. No, I'm afraid you don't. I do. I know. About you and Mother. I think a part of me always knew. And I'm glad. I'm glad that you're my father. Myrcella? Myrcella? Myrcella? Myrcella? You love her, don't you? How could you not? Of course it's hopeless for the both of you. A sellsword from the fighting pits, a disgraced knight. Neither one of you is fit consort for a queen. But we always want the wrong woman. Does he always talk so much? Jorah the Andal. Torgo Nudho. He should not be here. No, but he is. Our queen ordered him exiled from city. Our queen would be dead if not for him. Thank you. I am sorry. Sorry I not there to fight for our queen. You missed a good scrap. None of that matters now. The longer we sit here bantering, the longer Daenerys is out there in the wilderness. He's right. The dragon headed north. If we're going to find her, that's where we'll have to go. We? You're a Lannister. The queen intends to remove your family from power. And I intend to help her do it. You've been here for how many days now? I've fought for her for years. Since she was little more than a child. - You betrayed her. - Careful now. And she exiled you. Twice, I believe. The second time thanks to you. Don't blame me for your crimes, Mormont. He's right. Our queen exiled Jorah. And he's right. Jorah saved her life. Perhaps she feels differently about him now. Perhaps not. The only way we'll know is if we ask her. Fine, fine. I suppose he can join us. Just as long as he promises not to kill me in my sleep. If I ever kill you, your eyes will be wide open. Forgive me, but why would we bring you? Pardon me? Have you ever tracked animals in the wilderness? Not precisely, but I have other skills that would be useful. Can you fight? I have fought. I don't claim to be a great warrior. Are you good on a horse? Middling. So mainly you talk. And drink. I've survived so far. Which I respect, but you would not help us on this expedition. You would help us here in Meereen, though. None of us have experience governing a city except for him. You want to prove your value to the queen? Prove it right here in Meereen. He's a foreign dwarf that barely speaks the language. Why would the Meereenese listen to him? They wouldn't. They will listen to Grey Worm. I'll come with you. I'll find our queen. - You are not strong enough to go anywhere. - I am. He is. He's the toughest man with no balls I ever met. But you still can't go. The people believe in you. They know you speak for the queen. It's true. Only the Unsullied can keep the peace in Meereen. If you leave, half this city will consume the other half. And Missandei. Our queen trusts no one more than Missandei. Certainly not me. The queen's closest confidante, the commander of the Unsullied, and a foreign dwarf with a scarred face. Good fortune, my friends. Meereen is ancient and glorious. Try not to ruin her. Looks like it's you and me, Jorah the Andal. Let's find some good horses. We have so much to talk about. Hello, old friend. I thought we were so happy together until you abandoned me. I suppose there's no point asking how you found me. The birds sing in the west, the birds sing in the east, if one knows how to listen. They tell me you've already found favor with the Mother of Dragons. Well, she didn't execute me, so that's a promising start. Now the heroes are off to find her and I'm stuck here trying to placate a city on the brink of civil war. Any advice for an old comrade? Information is the key. You need to learn your enemy's strengths and strategies. You need to learn which of your friends are not your friends. If only I knew someone with a vast network of spies. If only. A grand old city choking on violence, corruption, and deceit. Who could possibly have any experience managing such a massive, ungainly beast? I did miss you. Oh, I know. We have to go home. Oh, my poor, sweet thing. Does it hurt? We have to go home. Drogon. Can you take me back to Meereen? How far did you carry me? Drogon, we need to return. My people need me. Well, there's no food. At the very least, you could hunt us some supper. Confess. Confess. I have sinned. I see that now. How can I have been so blind for so long? I want to be clean again. I want absolution. The Crone came to me with her lamp raised high. And by its holy light-- You wish to make a confession? Once I've confessed, will I be free? Your Grace will be dealt with according to her sins. The Mother have mercy, then. I lay with a man outside the bonds of marriage. I confess. Name him. Lancel Lannister. Your cousin and the king's squire. - I was lonely and afraid. - You had a husband. A husband off whoring every chance he-- His sins do not pardon your own. May the gods forgive me. Other men? No. No others? No. Speaking falsehoods before the gods is a great crime. You understand this? I do. There are those that say your children were not fathered by King Robert, that they are bastards born of incest and adultery. A lie. A lie from the lips of Stannis Baratheon. He wants the throne, but his brother's children stand in his way. So he claims they are not his brother's. That filth. There is not one shred of truth to it. I deny it. Good. But these are terrible charges. And the realm must know the truth of them. If Your Grace has given honest testimony, your trial will prove your innocence. Trial? I have confessed. To a single sin. Others you have denied. Your trial will separate the truths from the falsehoods. I bow to the wisdom of Your High Holiness. But if I might beg for just one drop of the Mother's mercy. I haven't seen my son-- I don't know how long it's been. I need to see him, please. You have taken the first step on the path back to righteousness. In light of this, I will permit you to return to the Red Keep. Thank you. Thank you. The Mother is merciful. It is her you should thank. I will. I will. I swear it, day and night. Good. Am I free to go? After your atonement. My atonement? A sinner comes before you. Cersei of House Lannister. Mother to His Grace King Tommen. Widow of His Grace King Robert. She has committed the acts of falsehood and fornication. She has confessed her sins and begged for forgiveness. To demonstrate her repentance, she will cast aside all pride, all artifice, and present herself as the gods made her to you, the good people of the city. She comes before you with a solemn heart, shorn of secrets, naked before the eyes of gods and men... to make her walk of atonement. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. - c*nt! - Shame. - Sinner! - whor*! - Shame. - whor*! Shame. - whor*! whor*! - Shame. Shame. Shame. whor*! Sinner! - Shame. - Bitch! Brother f*cker! - whor*! - Shame. - f*ck off! - Shame. Shame. - All hail the royal tit*. - You're a bitch! Shame. - Get her! - whor*! - Bitch! - f*cker! - f*cker! - You bitch! - Shame. - c*nt! Shame. Shame. Shame. - Brother f*cker! - Bitch! I've had half as many co*cks as the queen. - Bitch! - Shame. - Shame. - Sinner! whor*! slu*t! Shame. Shame. Shame. - whor*! - whor*, whor*. I'm a Lannister. Suck me off! - Suck me off, you bitch! - Back! - whor*! - Shame. Shame. whor*! whor*! whor*! whor*! Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. - Bitch! Bitch! - Shame. Brother f*cker! Shame. Shame. Shame. - whor*! - Brother f*cker! - whor*! - Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. - Shame. - f*cker! Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Your Grace. It's good to have you back. Come. We'll take you inside. I need to have a look at those feet. May I have the honor of presenting the newest member of the Kingsguard? If it please Your Grace, he has taken a holy vow of silence. He has sworn that he will not speak until all His Grace's enemies are dead and evil has been driven from the realm. Who came to your aid? Stannis. Now he needs you. We don't have enough men to make any difference. The wildlings will make a difference. The wildlings will never fight for Stannis. - I told him before. - You saved their bloody lives. If they're gonna live in the Seven Kingdoms, safe behind our Wall, they ought to fight for the damn place. - It's not their fight. - Open the gates! Stannis? Shireen? The princess? Lord Commander. It's one of the wildlings you brought back. Says he knows your Uncle Benjen. Says he's still alive. Are you sure he's talking about Benjen? Said he was First Ranger. Said he knows where to find him. Man says he saw your uncle at Hardhome at the last full moon. - Could be lying. - Could be. There are ways to find out. - Where is he? - Over there. For the Watch. For the Watch. For the Watch. For the Watch. For the Watch. Olly... For the Watch.


#本集共有单词数:42 总词数:8337

a = ['absolution', 'adultery', 'artifice', 'atonement', 'bantering', 'bonds', 'brace', 'brink', 'civil', 'comrade', 'confession', 'confidante', 'curlew', 'deceit', 'demonstrate', 'denied', 'driven', 'elections', 'falsehoods', 'foraging', 'formation', 'governing', 'hopeless', 'incredible', 'lamp', 'massive', 'mattered', 'middling', 'network', 'placate', 'puss*', 'repentance', 'righteousness', 'scarred', 'separate', 'shatter', 'shorn', 'sir', 'sneer', 'toughest', 'trench', 'ungainly']


<span style="font-size:18px;">#b = ['aa', 'aaerys', 'aah', 'abandon', 'abandoned', 'abandoning', 'abate', 'abated', 'abduct', 'abducted', 'abetting', 'abiding', 'abilities', 'ablaze', 'able', 'abode', 'abomination', 'about', 'above', 'abreast', 'absence', 'absentee', 'absentminded', 'absolute', 'absolutely', 'absolution', 'abstract', 'absurd', 'absurdly', 'abundance', 'abundantly', 'abuse', 'abused', 'accent', 'accents', 'accept', 'accepted', 'accepting', 'accident', 'accidentally', 'accommodate', 'accommodations', 'accompany', 'accomplish', 'accomplished', 'accomplishment', 'accomplishments', 'accordance', 'according', 'accordingly', 'account', 'accountable', 'accounting', 'accounts', 'accursed', 'accusations', 'accuse', 'accused', 'accusing', 'acharoe', 'ache', 'achievement', 'acorn', 'acquaintance', 'acquire', 'acquired', 'acres', 'across', 'act', 'acted', 'acting', 'action', 'actions', 'actively', 'activities', 'actor', 'actors', 'acts', 'actual', 'actually', 'add', 'addam', 'addition', 'address', 'addressing', 'adhere', 'adjourn', 'administering', 'admirable', 'admiration', 'admire', 'admired', 'admirers', 'admires', 'admit', 'admittedly', 'admitting', 'adoration', 'adore', 'adored', 'adores', 'adoringly', 'adult', 'adultery', 'advantage', 'advantageous', 'adventure', 'adventures', 'advice', 'advise', 'advised', 'advising', 'advisor', 'advisors', 'aegon', 'aemon', 'aerion', 'aerys', 'afar', 'affair', 'affairs', 'affection', 'affections', 'affiliation', 'affin', 'affinity', 'afflicted', 'affliction', 'afford', 'affords', 'afichak', 'afire', 'afloat', 'afraid', 'after', 'afternoon', 'afternoons', 'afterward', 'afterwards', 'again', 'against', 'age', 'ages', 'aggar', 'ago', 'agony', 'agree', 'agreed', 'agreement', 'agrees', 'ah', 'aha', 'ahead', 'ahem', 'ahh', 'ahhazaan', 'ahhh', 'aid', 'aided', 'ails', 'aim', 'aiming', 'ain', 'air', 'airholes', 'ajjalan', 'al', 'alanna', 'alarm', 'alarming', 'alas', 'alayne', 'alchemists', 'ale', 'aleena', 'align', 'aligned', 'alike', 'alive', 'all', 'allegations', 'allegiance', 'alley', 'alleys', 'alleyways', 'alliance', 'alliances', 'allies', 'alliser', 'allo', 'allow', 'allowed', 'allowing', 'allows', 'ally', 'almonds', 'almost', 'alone', 'along', 'alongside', 'already', 'alright', 'also', 'altar', 'alterations', 'alternative', 'although', 'altogether', 'alton', 'always', 'am', 'amaryllis', 'amazing', 'ambassador', 'ambition', 'ambitious', 'ambush', 'ambushed', 'amends', 'amidst', 'ammeni', 'amnesty', 'among', 'amongst', 'amory', 'amount', 'amounts', 'amputate', 'amputations', 'amputee', 'amputees', 'amuse', 'amusem*nt', 'amuses', 'amusing', 'an', 'anara', 'ancestor', 'ancestors', 'ancestral', 'anchored', 'ancient', 'and', 'andahli', 'andal', 'andals', 'anew', 'anger', 'angered', 'angrier', 'angry', 'anguy', 'anha', 'anhaan', 'animal', 'animals', 'annakhas', 'anni', 'announced', 'announcement', 'announcing', 'annoy', 'annoyed', 'annoys', 'anointed', 'another', 'answer', 'answered', 'answering', 'answers', 'anticipated', 'antidote', 'anvil', 'any', 'anybody', 'anymore', 'anyone', 'anything', 'anyway', 'anywhere', 'apart', 'apartments', 'apologies', 'apologize', 'apologizes', 'apologizing', 'apology', 'apothecary', 'appalling', 'apparent', 'apparently', 'appeal', 'appear', 'appearance', 'appeared', 'appears', 'appetites', 'applauded', 'applause', 'apple', 'apples', 'applied', 'appoint', 'appointed', 'appointment', 'appointments', 'appreciate', 'appreciated', 'appreciates', 'appreciation', 'apprentice', 'apprenticed', 'approach', 'approached', 'approaching', 'appropriate', 'appropriately', 'approval', 'approve', 'aqovi', 'arakh', 'arbor', 'archer', 'archers', 'archery', 'archmaester', 'archonei', 'archways', 'are', 'area', 'areas', 'aremca', 'aren', 'arena', 'argue', 'arguing', 'arise', 'arises', 'arithmetic', 'arm', 'armed', 'armies', 'arming', 'armor', 'armored', 'armorer', 'armory', 'armour', 'arms', 'army', 'armyon', 'aron', 'around', 'arrange', 'arranged', 'arrangement', 'arrangements', 'arranging', 'arrest', 'arrested', 'arresting', 'arrival', 'arrive', 'arrived', 'arrives', 'arriving', 'arrogance', 'arrogant', 'arrow', 'arrows', 'arry', 'arryn', 'arse', 'art', 'artery', 'arthur', 'artifice', 'artist', 'artists', 'arts', 'arwyen', 'arya', 'as', 'ascension', 'ascertain', 'ash', 'ashamed', 'ashemark', 'ashes', 'ashford', 'ashore', 'aside', 'ask', 'asked', 'asking', 'asks', 'asleep', 'aspect', 'ass', 'assassin', 'assassinate', 'assassination', 'assassins', 'assault', 'assaulted', 'assemble', 'assembly', 'asses', 'assessment', 'asshai', 'asshole', 'assign', 'assigned', 'assignment', 'assist', 'assistance', 'associate', 'assume', 'assumed', 'assurances', 'assure', 'assured', 'assures', 'astapor', 'astoundingly', 'asunder', 'at', 'ate', 'ath', 'athchomar', 'athjahaka', 'athjahakar', 'atihi', 'atonement', 'atop', 'attack', 'attacked', 'attacking', 'attacks', 'attaint', 'attempt', 'attempts', 'attend', 'attendant', 'attended', 'attention', 'attitude', 'attractive', 'attracts', 'auction', 'audience', 'aunt', 'austerity', 'authority', 'auxiliary', 'avenge', 'avenging', 'average', 'averse', 'avoid', 'avoided', 'avoiding', 'aw', 'await', 'awaiting', 'awaits', 'awake', 'aware', 'away', 'awful', 'awhile', 'awkward', 'ax', 'axe', 'axel', 'axes', 'aye', 'azisa', 'babe', 'babes', 'babies', 'baby', 'bachelor', 'back', 'backed', 'backing', 'backs', 'backside', 'backstabbings', 'bacon', 'bad', 'badge', 'badly', 'baelish', 'baelor', 'bag', 'baked', 'baker', 'bakers', 'balance', 'balcony', 'bald', 'bale', 'balerion', 'balian', 'ball', 'ballad', 'ballroom', 'balls', 'ballsack', 'balon', 'band', 'bandits', 'banging', 'banish', 'banished', 'bank', 'bankers', 'bankrupt', 'bannen', 'banner', 'bannerman', 'bannermen', 'banners', 'banquet', 'bantering', 'bar', 'baratheon', 'baratheons', 'barbarians', 'barbaric', 'bards', 'bare', 'barefooted', 'barely', 'bargain', 'bargained', 'bargaining', 'barges', 'bark', 'barking', 'barks', 'barley', 'barn', 'barra', 'barracks', 'barred', 'barrel', 'barrels', 'barren', 'barristan', 'barrowton', 'bars', 'base', 'based', 'bash', 'basic', 'basilisk', 'basin', 'bastard', 'bastards', 'bat', 'bath', 'bathe', 'bathed', 'bathing', 'bathtub', 'batter', 'battle', 'battled', 'battlefield', 'battlefields', 'battlements', 'battles', 'bauble', 'baubles', 'bawdy', 'bawling', 'bay', 'baying', 'be', 'beach', 'beaches', 'bear', 'beard', 'bearded', 'bearers', 'bearing', 'bears', 'beast', 'beasts', 'beat', 'beaten', 'beater', 'beating', 'beats', 'beauties', 'beautiful', 'beauty', 'became', 'because', 'becca', 'become', 'becomes', 'becoming', 'bed', 'bedchamber', 'bedded', 'bedding', 'bedroom', 'beds', 'bedside', 'beef', 'been', 'beer', 'beetle', 'beetles', 'befallen', 'befalling', 'before', 'befriending', 'beg', 'began', 'beggar', 'beggars', 'begged', 'begging', 'begin', 'beginning', 'begins', 'begs', 'begun', 'behalf', 'behave', 'behaved', 'behaving', 'behavior', 'behaviour', 'behead', 'beheaded', 'beheading', 'behest', 'behind', 'behold', 'being', 'belief', 'believe', 'believed', 'believer', 'believers', 'believes', 'believing', 'belittle', 'bell', 'bellies', 'belligerence', 'bellows', 'bells', 'belly', 'bellyful', 'belong', 'belonged', 'belongs', 'beloved', 'below', 'bend', 'beneath', 'benefit', 'benjen', 'bent', 'beric', 'berries', 'bert', 'beside', 'besides', 'bessie', 'best', 'bested', 'bet', 'betray', 'betrayal', 'betrayals', 'betrayed', 'betraying', 'betrays', 'betrothal', 'betrothed', 'bets', 'better', 'betters', 'betting', 'between', 'beware', 'beyond', 'bickering', 'bid', 'bidding', 'bide', 'bids', 'big', 'bigger', 'biggest', 'billy', 'bind', 'binding', 'bird', 'birds', 'birth', 'birthday', 'birthing', 'birthmark', 'birthright', 'bit', 'bitch', 'bitches', 'bite', 'biter', 'biters', 'biting', 'bits', 'bitten', 'bitter', 'bitterly', 'black', 'blackberries', 'blackberry', 'blacken', 'blackened', 'blackfish', 'blackmont', 'blacksmith', 'blackstrap', 'blackwater', 'blade', 'blades', 'blame', 'blamed', 'blames', 'blankets', 'blasphemy', 'blast', 'blasted', 'blasts', 'blathered', 'blazing', 'bled', 'bleed', 'bleeder', 'bleeding', 'bleeds', 'blend', 'bless', 'blessed', 'blessing', 'blessings', 'blind', 'blink', 'blinked', 'blissful', 'blistered', 'blisters', 'bloated', 'block', 'blond', 'blonde', 'blondes', 'blood', 'bloodline', 'bloodlines', 'bloodmagic', 'bloodrider', 'bloodshed', 'bloodstained', 'bloody', 'blooming', 'blow', 'blower', 'blowing', 'blown', 'blue', 'bluer', 'bluffs', 'blunder', 'blunders', 'blurt', 'blushing', 'boake', 'boar', 'board', 'boarding', 'boars', 'boat', 'boats', 'boded', 'bodies', 'bodkin', 'body', 'bodyguard', 'boil', 'boiled', 'boiling', 'boils', 'bold', 'bolster', 'bolt', 'bolton', 'boltons', 'bolts', 'bond', 'bonds', 'bone', 'bones', 'bonfire', 'bony', 'book', 'bookkeeper', 'books', 'boot', 'boots', 'borba', 'borcas', 'bore', 'bored', 'boredom', 'bores', 'boring', 'born', 'boros', 'borrow', 'borrowed', 'borrowing', 'borther', 'botched', 'both', 'bother', 'bothering', 'bothers', 'bottle', 'bottom', 'bought', 'boulders', 'bouncing', 'bound', 'bounty', 'bouts', 'bow', 'bowed', 'bowels', 'bowen', 'bowing', 'bowl', 'bowls', 'box', 'boxes', 'boy', 'boys', 'braavos', 'braavosi', 'brace', 'bracken', 'braid', 'braids', 'brain', 'brains', 'bran', 'branches', 'branded', 'brandon', 'brandy', 'brant', 'brave', 'bravely', 'braver', 'bravery', 'bravest', 'bravo', 'brawl', 'brazen', 'brazier', 'brea', 'breach', 'breached', 'breaches', 'bread', 'break', 'breaker', 'breakfast', 'breakfasting', 'breaking', 'breaks', 'breast', 'breastplate', 'breath', 'breathe', 'breathing', 'breaths', 'bred', 'breeches', 'breed', 'breeding', 'breeds', 'breeze', 'brian', 'bride', 'brides', 'bridge', 'brief', 'briefly', 'brienne', 'brigand', 'brigands', 'bright', 'brighter', 'brightflame', 'brilliant', 'brin', 'bring', 'bringing', 'brings', 'brink', 'britches', 'broadsword', 'brocade', 'broke', 'broken', 'broker', 'brokering', 'bronn', 'bronze', 'brooch', 'brood', 'broodmare', 'brothel', 'brothels', 'brother', 'brotherhood', 'brotherly', 'brothers', 'brought', 'browbeaten', 'brown', 'bruise', 'bruised', 'bruises', 'brune', 'bruni', 'brusco', 'brush', 'brutal', 'brutality', 'brutalizing', 'brutish', 'bryan', 'bucket', 'bugger', 'buggery', 'build', 'builder', 'builders', 'building', 'built', 'bulk', 'bull', 'bulls', 'bumps', 'bunch', 'bundle', 'bunghole', 'burden', 'burdens', 'burial', 'burials', 'buried', 'burn', 'burned', 'burning', 'burns', 'burnt', 'bury', 'burying', 'bushels', 'business', 'busy', 'but', 'butcher', 'butchered', 'butchering', 'butchers', 'butchery', 'buy', 'buyers', 'buying', 'buys', 'buzzards', 'buzzing', 'by', 'bye', 'byes', 'bygones', 'byron', 'bystander', 'ca', 'cabin', 'caches', 'cadavers', 'cage', 'caging', 'cailin', 'cake', 'cakes', 'calculate', 'call', 'calla', 'called', 'calling', 'calls', 'calm', 'calves', 'came', 'camp', 'campaign', 'campfires', 'camps', 'can', 'canals', 'candidates', 'candied', 'candle', 'candles', 'cannibals', 'cannot', 'canopy', 'capable', 'capacity', 'capital', 'capsized', 'captain', 'captains', 'captive', 'captives', 'captor', 'captors', 'capture', 'captured', 'captures', 'capturing', 'care', 'cared', 'career', 'careful', 'carefully', 'cares', 'cargo', 'carpenter', 'carriage', 'carried', 'carries', 'carrion', 'carrots', 'carry', 'carrying', 'cart', 'carted', 'carts', 'carve', 'carved', 'carving', 'case', 'cask', 'cassel', 'cast', 'castamere', 'casterly', 'castle', 'castles', 'castrate', 'castrated', 'castration', 'casualty', 'cat', 'catapults', 'catastrophe', 'catch', 'catches', 'categorically', 'catelyn', 'cater', 'catered', 'cats', 'cattle', 'caught', 'caulfield', 'cause', 'causing', 'caution', 'cavalry', 'cave', 'caved', 'caves', 'cawing', 'cede', 'celebrate', 'celebration', 'celebrations', 'celibate', 'cell', 'cellar', 'cells', 'center', 'centerpiece', 'centuries', 'century', 'ceremony', 'cersei', 'certain', 'certainly', 'cerwyn', 'ch', 'chain', 'chained', 'chains', 'chair', 'chairs', 'challenge', 'challenged', 'challengers', 'chamber', 'chambers', 'champion', 'chance', 'chances', 'change', 'changed', 'changes', 'changing', 'chanting', 'chaos', 'chap', 'chapel', 'character', 'chare', 'charge', 'charged', 'charges', 'charging', 'charitable', 'charlatan', 'charm', 'charmed', 'charmer', 'charming', 'charmless', 'charms', 'charwomen', 'chase', 'chasing', 'chastise', 'chat', 'chatter', 'chattering', 'chatting', 'cheap', 'cheat', 'cheated', 'cheating', 'check', 'cheek', 'cheekbones', 'cheeks', 'cheer', 'cheered', 'cheering', 'cheese', 'cheesemongers', 'chella', 'cherries', 'chest', 'chevalteesh', 'chew', 'chewing', 'chewy', 'cheyk', 'chicken', 'chickens', 'chieftain', 'child', 'childhood', 'children', 'chin', 'chins', 'chip', 'chipped', 'chirp', 'chirping', 'chivalry', 'choice', 'choices', 'choked', 'choking', 'chomakaan', 'choose', 'chooses', 'choosing', 'chop', 'chopped', 'chopping', 'chops', 'chortles', 'chose', 'chosen', 'chuckle', 'chuckles', 'churned', 'cinda', 'circled', 'circles', 'circ*mstances', 'cisterns', 'citadel', 'cities', 'citizens', 'city', 'civil', 'civilization', 'civilized', 'clacking', 'claim', 'claimants', 'claimed', 'claiming', 'claims', 'clam', 'clamoring', 'clams', 'clan', 'clang', 'clanging', 'clangs', 'clanks', 'clans', 'clap', 'clash', 'class', 'clattering', 'clatters', 'claw', 'clawing', 'claws', 'clean', 'cleaned', 'cleaner', 'cleaning', 'cleanse', 'cleansed', 'clear', 'cleared', 'clearly', 'clears', 'cleaver', 'clegane', 'cleon', 'clever', 'clicks', 'clientele', 'cliff', 'cliffs', 'climate', 'climb', 'climbed', 'climber', 'climbers', 'climbing', 'climbs', 'cling', 'clinks', 'clip', 'cloak', 'cloaks', 'clogged', 'close', 'closed', 'closely', 'closer', 'closes', 'closest', 'closing', 'cloth', 'clothe', 'clothes', 'clothing', 'clouds', 'club', 'clubs', 'clue', 'clumsy', 'clutches', 'clutching', 'coals', 'coast', 'coat', 'coated', 'cobblestones', 'co*ck', 'co*ckfighting', 'co*ckles', 'co*cks', 'co*ckstand', 'co*cksucker', 'co*cksuckers', 'code', 'coin', 'coincidence', 'coins', 'cold', 'collapse', 'collapses', 'collar', 'collarbone', 'collaring', 'collars', 'colleague', 'collect', 'collected', 'collection', 'collectively', 'color', 'colored', 'colors', 'column', 'combat', 'combats', 'combined', 'come', 'comedown', 'comes', 'comet', 'comfort', 'comfortable', 'comfortably', 'comforting', 'comforts', 'coming', 'comings', 'command', 'commanded', 'commander', 'commanders', 'commanding', 'commands', 'commemorate', 'commences', 'comment', 'commissioned', 'commit', 'commitment', 'committed', 'common', 'commoner', 'commoners', 'commonly', 'communicate', 'companion', 'companions', 'company', 'compare', 'compared', 'compass', 'compassion', 'compel', 'competition', 'competitors', 'complain', 'complained', 'complaining', 'complected', 'complement', 'complete', 'completely', 'complicated', 'complication', 'compliment', 'compliments', 'comprised', 'compromise', 'comrade', 'comrades', 'concealed', 'concept', 'conception', 'concern', 'concerned', 'concerning', 'concerns', 'concessions', 'conclave', 'concluded', 'conclusion', 'concur', 'condemn', 'condemned', 'condemning', 'condition', 'conditions', 'condolences', 'conduct', 'conducted', 'confess', 'confessed', 'confessing', 'confession', 'confidant', 'confidante', 'confidence', 'confident', 'confine', 'confined', 'confirm', 'conflict', 'confront', 'confronted', 'confuse', 'confused', 'confusing', 'congratulate', 'congratulations', 'conjuror', 'conquer', 'conquered', 'conquering', 'conqueror', 'conquerors', 'conquers', 'conquest', 'conquests', 'conscience', 'consecrate', 'consent', 'consequence', 'consequences', 'consider', 'consideration', 'considered', 'considering', 'consolation', 'consolidated', 'consort', 'conspicuous', 'conspiracy', 'conspire', 'conspired', 'conspiring', 'constant', 'constitute', 'constraint', 'constraints', 'consultation', 'consulted', 'consumated', 'consume', 'consumed', 'consumes', 'consuming', 'consummate', 'consummated', 'consummating', 'contact', 'contemplate', 'contemplates', 'content', 'contents', 'contest', 'continent', 'continue', 'continues', 'contract', 'contrary', 'contribute', 'contributed', 'contribution', 'contributions', 'contrition', 'control', 'controls', 'convenient', 'conveniently', 'conversation', 'conversations', 'converse', 'convince', 'convinced', 'convinces', 'convincing', 'cook', 'cooked', 'cooking', 'cooks', 'cooped', 'cooper', 'cooperates', 'copies', 'copious', 'copper', 'coppers', 'copy', 'corbray', 'corner', 'corners', 'corns', 'coronation', 'corpse', 'corpses', 'corpsey', 'correct', 'correctly', 'corridors', 'corrosive', 'corruption', 'cost', 'costly', 'costume', 'costumes', 'cottage', 'cotter', 'coughing', 'coughs', 'could', 'couldn', 'council', 'councilors', 'councils', 'counsel', 'counseled', 'counseling', 'counselors', 'count', 'counted', 'counter', 'counterparts', 'counting', 'countless', 'country', 'countrymen', 'countryside', 'counts', 'couple', 'courage', 'courageous', 'course', 'courses', 'court', 'courtesies', 'courtesy', 'courtship', 'courtyard', 'cousin', 'cousins', 'cover', 'covered', 'covering', 'cow', 'coward', 'cowardly', 'cowards', 'cower', 'cowered', 'cowering', 'coy', 'crabber', 'crabbers', 'crack', 'cracked', 'cracking', 'cradle', 'cradled', 'craft', 'craftsmanship', 'crafty', 'crag', 'crakehall', 'cramped', 'crank', 'crash', 'crashing', 'craster', 'crate', 'crates', 'crave', 'cravens', 'craves', 'cravings', 'crawl', 'crawled', 'crawling', 'crazed', 'crazy', 'creak', 'creaking', 'creaks', 'cream', 'create', 'created', 'creates', 'creature', 'creatures', 'credit', 'creeping', 'creepy', 'crept', 'crescent', 'cressen', 'crevasse', 'crew', 'crib', 'cried', 'cries', 'crime', 'crimes', 'criminal', 'criminals', 'cripple', 'crippled', 'cripples', 'crisis', 'crisp', 'crisped', 'critical', 'criticize', 'crone', 'crooked', 'crops', 'cross', 'crossbow', 'crossbows', 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'porkchop', 'porridge', 'port', 'portan', 'pose', 'position', 'positively', 'possess', 'possessed', 'possession', 'possibilities', 'possible', 'possibly', 'post', 'posted', 'posts', 'pot', 'potato', 'potatoes', 'potential', 'potion', 'potions', 'pots', 'pounce', 'pound', 'pounds', 'pour', 'poured', 'pouring', 'poverty', 'powder', 'powders', 'power', 'powerful', 'powerless', 'powers', 'pox', 'ppp', 'practical', 'practically', 'practice', 'practicing', 'praise', 'prancing', 'pray', 'prayed', 'prayer', 'prayers', 'praying', 'preach', 'preaching', 'precarious', 'precedent', 'precious', 'precise', 'precisely', 'predecessor', 'predictable', 'predilections', 'predisposed', 'pree', 'preen', 'prefer', 'preferable', 'preference', 'preferred', 'prefers', 'pregnant', 'premises', 'prendahl', 'preoccupied', 'preparations', 'prepare', 'prepared', 'preparing', 'prerogative', 'presence', 'present', 'presentable', 'presenting', 'presents', 'preservation', 'preserve', 'preside', 'presides', 'press', 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'propose', 'proposed', 'proposition', 'prospect', 'prosper', 'prosperity', 'prospers', 'prostitutes', 'protect', 'protected', 'protecting', 'protection', 'protective', 'protector', 'protectors', 'protects', 'protracted', 'proud', 'proudest', 'prove', 'proved', 'proven', 'proverb', 'provide', 'provided', 'providing', 'province', 'provincial', 'provisionally', 'provisions', 'provoke', 'prowling', 'prudent', 'pry', 'pssst', 'psst', 'public', 'publically', 'pudding', 'puddle', 'puff', 'pull', 'pulled', 'pulling', 'pulls', 'pumping', 'punch', 'punched', 'punctuality', 'punish', 'punishable', 'punished', 'punishing', 'punishment', 'pup', 'puppet', 'puppies', 'pups', 'pure', 'purest', 'purple', 'purpose', 'purposes', 'purse', 'pursue', 'pursuit', 'purveyor', 'push', 'pushed', 'pushing', 'puss*', 'put', 'puts', 'putting', 'pyat', 'pycelle', 'pyke', 'pyp', 'pyramid', 'pyre', 'pyromancer', 'qana', 'qarth', 'qartheen', 'qhorin', 'qohor', 'qora', 'qorasokh', 'qotho', 'qothoon', 'qoy', 'qoyi', 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'replaced', 'replied', 'replies', 'reply', 'report', 'reporting', 'reports', 'represent', 'representative', 'represents', 'reprieve', 'repugnant', 'repulsive', 'reputation', 'request', 'requested', 'require', 'required', 'requires', 'rescue', 'rescued', 'rescues', 'rescuing', 'resentment', 'reset', 'reside', 'residence', 'resides', 'residue', 'resilient', 'resist', 'resistance', 'resolved', 'resounding', 'resources', 'respect', 'respected', 'respectful', 'respectfully', 'respects', 'respite', 'respond', 'response', 'responsibilities', 'responsibility', 'responsible', 'rest', 'rested', 'restitution', 'restoration', 'restore', 'restores', 'restraint', 'rests', 'result', 'results', 'retain', 'retainer', 'retainers', 'retake', 'retaken', 'retaliate', 'retreat', 'retreated', 'retreating', 'return', 'returned', 'returning', 'returns', 'reunited', 'reveal', 'revealed', 'revenge', 'reverse', 'reversed', 'review', 'reviewed', 'revoke', 'revolted', 'reward', 'rewarded', 'rewarding', 'rewards', 'rework', 'reyne', 'rhae', 'rhaegal', 'rhaegar', 'rhaego', 'rhaenyra', 'rhaenys', 'rhaesheseres', 'rhoyne', 'rhythm', 'rib', 'rich', 'richer', 'riches', 'richest', 'rickard', 'rickon', 'rid', 'ridden', 'riddle', 'riddles', 'ride', 'rider', 'riders', 'rides', 'ridge', 'ridiculous', 'riding', 'right', 'righteous', 'righteousness', 'rightful', 'rightly', 'rights', 'rigid', 'rigorous', 'ring', 'ringing', 'rings', 'riot', 'rip', 'ripe', 'riposte', 'ripped', 'ripping', 'rips', 'rise', 'risen', 'rises', 'rising', 'risk', 'risked', 'risking', 'risky', 'rit', 'rite', 'ritsas', 'rival', 'rivals', 'river', 'riverbank', 'riverland', 'riverlands', 'riverrun', 'rivers', 'road', 'roads', 'roam', 'roamed', 'roaming', 'roared', 'roaring', 'roasted', 'robb', 'robbed', 'robe', 'robert', 'robes', 'robin', 'rock', 'rocked', 'rocks', 'rod', 'rode', 'rodrik', 'role', 'roles', 'roll', 'rolled', 'rolling', 'romantic', 'roof', 'rook', 'rookery', 'room', 'rooms', 'roose', 'rooster', 'roosters', 'root', 'roots', 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'smaller', 'smallest', 'smallwood', 'smart', 'smarter', 'smartest', 'smash', 'smashed', 'smashing', 'smell', 'smelled', 'smells', 'smile', 'smiled', 'smiles', 'smiling', 'smirking', 'smith', 'smithed', 'smiths', 'smoke', 'smokes', 'smoking', 'smothered', 'smug', 'smuggle', 'smuggled', 'smuggler', 'smugglers', 'sn', 'snail', 'snake', 'snakes', 'snap', 'snapping', 'snarks', 'snarling', 'snarls', 'snatched', 'sneak', 'sneaking', 'sneer', 'sneered', 'snickers', 'sniff', 'sniffed', 'sniffing', 'sniffs', 'snigg*r', 'snigg*ring', 'snipped', 'sniveling', 'sno', 'snores', 'snoring', 'snorting', 'snorts', 'snow', 'snows', 'snuck', 'snuffed', 'so', 'soak', 'sobbing', 'sober', 'sobered', 'sobriety', 'sobs', 'socket', 'soft', 'softer', 'softly', 'soiling', 'sold', 'soldier', 'soldiers', 'sole', 'solely', 'solemn', 'solemnly', 'solid', 'solidify', 'solitude', 'solution', 'some', 'somebodies', 'somebody', 'someday', 'somehow', 'someone', 'someplace', 'something', 'sometime', 'sometimes', 'somewhat', 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'washed', 'washing', 'wasn', 'waste', 'wasted', 'wastes', 'wasting', 'watch', 'watched', 'watcher', 'watchers', 'watches', 'watching', 'watchman', 'watchmen', 'water', 'watered', 'waterfall', 'watering', 'wave', 'waves', 'waving', 'way', 'waymar', 'waynwood', 'ways', 'we', 'weak', 'weaken', 'weakened', 'weaker', 'weakest', 'weakness', 'weaknesses', 'wealth', 'wealthiest', 'wealthy', 'weapon', 'weapons', 'wear', 'wearing', 'wears', 'weary', 'weather', 'wed', 'wedding', 'weddings', 'weed', 'weeds', 'week', 'weeks', 'weep', 'weeping', 'weeps', 'weigh', 'weighing', 'weighs', 'weight', 'weirwood', 'weirwoods', 'welcome', 'welcomes', 'welcoming', 'welfare', 'well', 'wench', 'wenches', 'went', 'wept', 'were', 'weren', 'wertha', 'west', 'westerlands', 'westeros', 'westerosi', 'wet', 'wex', 'what', 'whatever', 'whatnot', 'wheat', 'wheel', 'wheelhouse', 'wheelwright', 'wheezing', 'whelped', 'when', 'whenever', 'whent', 'where', 'whereabouts', 'whereas', 'wherever', 'wherewithal', 'whether', 'whetstone', 'whew', 'which', 'whichever', 'whiff', 'while', 'whilst', 'whimpering', 'whimpers', 'whims', 'whine', 'whines', 'whining', 'whinnies', 'whinny', 'whip', 'whipped', 'whisper', 'whispered', 'whisperers', 'whispering', 'whispers', 'whistle', 'whistler', 'whistles', 'whistling', 'white', 'who', 'whoa', 'whocares', 'whoever', 'whole', 'whom', 'whomever', 'whoosh', 'whor*', 'whor*d', 'whor*house', 'whor*monger', 'whor*s', 'whoring', 'whose', 'whosit', 'why', 'wibberley', 'wick', 'wicked', 'wide', 'widow', 'widowed', 'widowhood', 'wield', 'wife', 'wight', 'wild', 'wilderness', 'wildfire', 'wildflowers', 'wilding', 'wildling', 'wildlings', 'wildly', 'will', 'willed', 'willem', 'willing', 'willingly', 'willow', 'wills', 'willys', 'win', 'wind', 'windmill', 'window', 'windows', 'winds', 'wine', 'wines', 'wing', 'winged', 'wings', 'wink', 'winked', 'winning', 'wins', 'winter', 'winterfell', 'winterhell', 'winters', 'winterstown', 'wintry', 'wipe', 'wipes', 'wisdom', 'wise', 'wisely', 'wiser', 'wisest', 'wish', 'wished', 'wishes', 'wishing', 'wisps', 'wit', 'witch', 'with', 'withdraw', 'withered', 'withhold', 'within', 'without', 'withstand', 'witness', 'witnessed', 'witnesses', 'wits', 'witted', 'witty', 'wives', 'wizard', 'woes', 'woke', 'woken', 'wolf', 'wolfsbane', 'wolfswood', 'wolkan', 'wolves', 'woman', 'womanly', 'womb', 'wombs', 'women', 'won', 'wonder', 'wondered', 'wonderful', 'wondering', 'wonders', 'wood', 'wooden', 'woods', 'woofs', 'woozy', 'word', 'wording', 'words', 'wore', 'work', 'worked', 'working', 'works', 'world', 'worm', 'worn', 'worried', 'worries', 'worry', 'worrying', 'worse', 'worship', 'worshipped', 'worshippers', 'worships', 'worst', 'worth', 'worthless', 'worthy', 'would', 'wouldn', 'wound', 'wounded', 'wounds', 'wrap', 'wrapped', 'wrath', 'wrestle', 'wrestling', 'wretch', 'wretched', 'wrist', 'write', 'writer', 'writing', 'written', 'wrong', 'wronged', 'wrongfully', 'wrote', 'wun', 'wyl', 'wylla', 'xaro', 'xhoan', 'ya', 'yah', 'yank', 'yanked', 'yapping', 'yara', 'yard', 'yards', 'yarwyck', 'yeah', 'year', 'yearling', 'yearn', 'years', 'yellow', 'yelps', 'yer', 'yes', 'yesterday', 'yet', 'ygritte', 'yield', 'yielded', 'yo', 'yoke', 'yolks', 'yoren', 'you', 'young', 'younger', 'youngest', 'your', 'yours', 'yourself', 'yourselves', 'youth', 'yunkai', 'yunkish', 'zala', 'zalat', 'zali', 'zalo', 'zhey', 'zhoan', 'zo', 'zuriff']#</span>


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.